Firenze Sage: Boo louder! [Trump’s speech at Davos]

boo sound was ‘boosted” by German media

German public broadcaster ARD has been blasted after admitting it “boosted” the sound of booing at the speech given by U.S. President Donald Trump late last week.

President Trump gave his speech at Davos on Thursday, again delivering sharp criticism to the mainstream media. He stated: “it wasn’t until I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how mean, how vicious, and how fake the press can be.

ARD released a clip of the speech on the Twitter account for its popular news programme “Tagesschau” in which distinct boos could be heard directly after the President’s comments. A short time later the programme admitted it had booted the volume of the audio in order to showcase the booing. The show has since been accused of “manipulation”, Stern reports.

Those behind the programme wrote on Twitter, “We did actually make the sound a little louder at the end so that you can hear the booing. Only in this way can we reflect what our correspondents have reported.”

Editor-in-chief of the German tabloid newspaper Bild Julian Reichelt called out those involved saying it was, “hard to imagine that you would have done the same for applause.”

Kai Gniffke, the editor in chief of ARD defended the move saying that it proved the reporting of his journalists.


Firenze Sage:  If you hate someone this badly, anything goes.




Dreamers – are they productive, law abiding and speak English? What Arizona statistics show ….


Are the Dreamers productive, law abiding and speak English?  Look at the statistics ….

What do we know whether  the Dreamers  are productive, law abiding and speak English.

A majority (74 percent) of U.S. Protestants and Catholics support “Dreamers” receiving permanent legal status, according to a Pew Research Center report released on Jan. 19. Catholic Hispanics overwhelmingly support the Dreamers (92%).

“Dreamers” are persons brought to the U.S. as minors and who have only known the U.S. as their home.

In Arizona, the Dreamers are 4 times more likely to commit crimes than their numbers would suggest.

Younger illegal immigrants in Arizona make up a far larger percentage of the state’s prison inmates than their share of the population would suggest, according to a new analysis.

While illegal immigrants ages 18 to 35 — a group immigration activists call “Dreamers” — are about 2 percent of of the Arizona population, they are almost 8 percent of the prison population. The over-representation by a factor of four shows that younger illegal immigrants in Arizona are far more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens or legal immigrants of a similar age, says John Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center.

Roughly half of the Dreamers are literate in English.  Persons who don’t speak English are not able to get jobs that will support themselves and their families.


Aptos  Psychologist:   America stopped all immigration for 40 years  (1924-1965) which allowed for assimilation of all the millions who had come.  Perhaps it’s time again to stop immigration and again assimilate those who are here?   To be successful here immigrants need to learn English and learn skills so  they can be  productive members.  What say you?  Comments welcome.


Firenze Sage:The fate of nations depends on an idiot’s memory? [Hawaii missile alert]


Hawaii’s Governor forgot his password

How come Hawaii took so long to defuse phony alert?    — More than a week after a false alarm claimed that a missile was headed towards Hawaii and sparked widespread panic, the governor of America’s 50th state made an embarrassing admission as to why it took officials so long to defuse the phony alert.

Although Governor David Ige reportedly knew the alert was a mistake two minutes after it was sent, Ige confessed he forgot what his Twitter password was and couldn’t tell the public as a result.

“I have to confess that I don’t know my Twitter account log-ons and the passwords, so certainly that’s one of the changes that I’ve made. I’ve been putting that on my phone so that we can access the social media directly,” Gov. Ige said, via the Honolulu Star Advertiser.


Firenze Sage:  Isn’t there a “forgot password” icon for the esteemed governor to push?


Firenze Sage: Trump put his money …. [ funded medical mission to Haiti]

Trump funded medical mission to Haiti

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday that charges of bigotry against President Donald Trump remain unfounded because the president previously financed a 2014 medical mission to Haiti.

Paul said on Meet the Press, “I think it’s unfair to sort of paint him, ‘oh well, he’s a racist,’ when I know for a fact that he cares very deeply about the people of Haiti because he helped finance a trip where they would get vision back for 200 people in Haiti.”

Breitbart News wrote from Antigua, Guatemala in August 2014, “Paul raised tens of thousands of dollars through various donors, including real estate magnate Donald Trump, to help cover the Moran Eye Center’s trip costs,” which included a $10,000 donation from Donald Trump.

Sen. Paul’s communications team confirmed to Breitbart News that Sen. Paul solicited a donation from Trump for the Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah to fund the trip to Haiti and Guatemala.


Firenze Sage:   And where were Durbin and the rest of the loudmouths. What did CNN contribute?



Firenze Sage: You have no secrets … [Twitter, Facebook, social media]

Everything you post on social media –Facebook & Twitter etc — can be used against you

Everything you post  on social media can and may  be used against you.

In their undercover investigation, James O’Keefe and other Project Veritas reporters secretly recorded Twitter employees as they allegedly revealed the extent the platform surveils users.

“Everything you send is stored on my server. You can’t [delete it], it’s already on my server now,” declared Direct Messaging Engineer Panay Singh. “So all your sex messages and your, like, dick pics are on my server now. All your illegitimate wives, and, like, all the girls you’ve been fucking around with, they are on my server now.”

“I’m going to send it to your wife, she’s gonna use it in your divorce,” he joked. “So what happens is, like, when you write stuff or when you post pictures online, they never go away. Like, they’re always on there… Even after you send them, people are, like, analyzing them, to see what you’re interested in, to see what you’re talking about, and they sell that data… Everything. Anything you post online.”

Mihai Florea, a software engineer at the company, corroborated Singh’s claims.

“That’s how we make most of our money,” he explained. “You’re basically paying for the right to use our website with your data basically, and it’s the same on every free website.


Firenze Sage:  Assume everything you write is useful blackmail material.




Freedom from Google’s censorship of ideas? PragerU hopes so … See PragerU’s video on War on Boys…

Google censors ideas it dislikes – which include videos put out by PragerU.

Infringing on free speech seems to be a growth business. The latest twist comes in complaints that Google and its YouTube subsidiary—which thoroughly dominate public circulation of videos on the Internet—are arbitrarily and unfairly making it harder for viewers to find and experience some viewpoints than others.

Educational charities like PragerU have recently gotten good at producing short videos that educate the public on policy and current-affairs issues. Many of PragerU’s five-minute productions—on topics like “Why Did America Fight the Korean War?,” “Is the Death Penalty Ever Moral?,” “What’s Wrong With E-Cigarettes?,” and “Are the Police Racist?”—have been viewed a million or more times online. Since its inception as a 501c3 producer, PragerU videos have been watched a total of 998 million times, and 70 percent of viewers say they have changed their mind on an important issue after taking in PragerU content.


Now PragerU has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Ninth Circuit federal court, alleging that the nonprofit’s content has been discriminated against since Summer 2016 because of its (center-right) political identity. The plaintiff says this happens in two ways.

“Demonetizing” a video means that Google won’t place ads on your video’s viewing page, resulting in loss of the revenue stream that other videos enjoy. Google says it does this because content is too extreme, hateful, graphic, or controversial.

“Restricting” a video prevents it from appearing on the computers of families, libraries, schools, universities, and employers that have turned on Google’s “Restricted Mode” setting to block nudity, profanity, gratuitous violence, and other unsafe content.


Aptos Psychologist: Sign up for PragerU’s videos?  Tell Google to ‘stuff it’?  Yes – let’s protect freedom of speech …



Firenze Sage: French say no macho attack… [French actress Catherine Denenve deplores wave of MeToo “denunciations”]

Catherine Deneuve, French actress deplores the #MeToo denunciations of men

An open letter from French artists, performers and academics  deplores the recent  wave of  American  #MeToo denunciations.

France’s most revered actress Catherine Deneuve hit out Tuesday at a new “puritanism” sparked by sexual harassment scandals, declaring that men should be “free to hit on” women.

She was one of around 100 French women writers, performers and academics who wrote an open letter deploring the wave of “denunciations” that has followed claims that Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein raped and sexually assaulted women over decades.

They claimed that the “witch-hunt” that has followed threatens sexual freedom.

“Rape is a crime, but trying to seduce someone, even persistently or cack-handedly, is not — nor is men being gentlemanly a macho attack,” said the letter published in the daily Le Monde.

“Men have been punished summarily, forced out of their jobs when all they did was touch someone’s knee or try to steal a kiss,” said the letter, which was also signed by Catherine Millet, author of the hugely explicit 2002 bestseller “The Sexual Life of Catherine M.”.

Men had been dragged through the mud, they argued, for “talking about intimate subjects during professional dinners or for sending sexually-charged messages to women who did not return their attentions.”

The letter attacked feminist social media campaigns like #MeToo and its French equivalent #Balancetonporc (Call out your pig) for unleashing this “puritanical… wave of purification.


Firenze Sage:   At last,  some can tell the difference between courtship and rape.


Salvadorans living in the U.S. are as American as apple pie? Learning English?

Are Salvadorans as American a apple pie? Have they assimilated? Learned English?

What’s the first thing to do when moving to a new country?  Learn the language? Yes.    So, how well have Salvadorans done — those who have moved to the U.S. –  in terms of learning English?

What do we know about Salvadorans living  here in the U.S.?  Roughly a third live in California, the majority in southern California with pockets in San Francisco, Oakland and other cities in northern CA.

Somewhat less than half  of Salvadorans (42%) have lived in the U.S. for more than 20  years.

Salvadorans are slow to learn English.  Two-thirds of Salvadorans living in the U.S. are “Spanish dominant”.  About a half are considered  ‘proficient’ in English. Only 3% are “English dominant”.

Salvadorans do not self-identify as “American”.  Only 12% of Salvadorans living in the U.S. identify as “American”.  In comparison, about  a quarter of all Hispanics  – which includes Salvadorans – (23%) self-identify as “American”.

Salvadorans get jobs at about the same rate as native born Americans.  And they marry at about the same rate.  They do have more out of wedlock children  — 44% of women age 15 to 44 who had a child in the last 12 months was born out of wedlock.

Roughly 60% of  immigrants from Central America are in the U.S. illegally and roughly 50%  are on some form of welfare. 

Salvadorans living in the U.S.  are considerably less educated.  Only 8% of those age 25+ have a college education compared to 30 percent of native born Americans.  The ‘good news’ is that Salvadorans born in the U.S. achieve a 22% rate of college education.

comment by Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson:

Will all the thousands of Salvadorans actually be deported?  Commit a crime, get deported seems to be the current rule.  

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Santa Cruz, CA 95060
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Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717


Firenze Sage: diversity bubble bursts [diversity course does not change attitudes towards race & gender]

What to do when a course teaching diversity does not change students’ attitudes?  Just keep requiring more classes?  Yep.

diversity course not effective ….

Mandatory diversity course not effective, prof discovers

A professor at East Carolina University recently discovered that the diversity course she teaches isn’t actually “effective” in changing students’ racial or gender biases.

Dr. Michele Stacey, who teaches criminal justice at ECU, assessed the efficacy of the school’s diversity course by surveying 288 criminal justice students’ attitudes towards women and minorities both before and after taking the course, publishing her findings in the latest issue of the Journal of Criminal Justice Education.

Race, Gender, and Special Populations in the Criminal Justice System is a three-credit course that is required for the ECU major and minor in criminal justice. Aimed at educating students about the challenges of minorities in the criminal justice system, the course covers a variety of topics, including Native Americans and African Americans.

But while the course is also offered in the spirit of helping to reduce student’s bias towards these groups, Stacey discovered something interesting.

After assessing the bias of students before and after the course—using prompts such as “a woman should worry less about their rights and more about becoming good wives and mothers” and “if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites”—Stacey found that the course hadn’t altered students’ attitudes towards race or gender.

Why You Can’t Just Outlaw Bias

Executives favor a classic command-and-control approach to diversity because it boils expected behaviors down to dos and don’ts that are easy to understand and defend. Yet this approach also flies in the face of nearly everything we know about how to motivate people to make changes. Decades of social science research point to a simple truth: You won’t get managers on board by blaming and shaming them with rules and reeducation. Let’s look at how the most common top-down efforts typically go wrong.

Diversity training

Do people who undergo training usually shed their biases? Researchers have been examining that question since before World War II, in nearly a thousand studies. It turns out that while people are easily taught to respond correctly to a questionnaire about bias, they soon forget the right answers. The positive effects of diversity training rarely last beyond a day or two, and a number of studies suggest that it can activate bias or spark a backlash. Nonetheless, nearly half of midsize companies use it, as do nearly all the Fortune 500.


Firenze Sage:  This cannot stand so the class will be pass/fail and nobody will fail.

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