Are CA politicians worth their pepper and SALT (very high State And Local Taxes)

So — are CA politicians worth their pepper and SALT  ( State And Local Taxes = SALT)

States such as California and New York have the highest state and local taxes in the U.S.A.

No longer can people living in high tax states — such as  California and New York — deduct their entire SALT taxes in their entirety from their federal tax bill.  They can only deduct a maximum of  10 K.

As the Bay Area has a handful of counties where homeowners pay high state and local taxes — this matters mightily whether high income homeowners keep paying those rates and  stay in CA.

Thus the underlying question — are CA politicians and their policies worth their SALT? Maybe it’s time to re-consider what CA taxpayers get for their money …..   written by Cameron Jackson 

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717


Freedom: free to make your own “dumb” decisions. Wow! [medical insurance, internet usage & FBI Peter Strzok]

Freedom to make your own “dumb” decisions

Freedom … to make your own  “dumb” decisions …  such as ‘do I want health insurance?‘  Under the proposed tax plan, there’s no more requirement that you  must purchase medical insurance. .Young people  will no longer be  saddled with paying for the health requirements of older, more sick individuals.

And freedom …. again  to decide exactly  what you want and don’t want from the Internet.

This week, the FCC voted to eliminate the  two year old ‘net neutrality’ rules imposed by Obama.

So,  for example ATT offers no cost for streaming to customers who use their cellular services and purchase TV Direct.  That was not considered  ‘neutral’ and therefore  illegal  under Obama’s  rules as other service providers did not offer the same ‘deal’.   Now you get to decide what ‘deal’ you can afford and want concerning Internet usage.

Another freedom: FBI agent Peter Strzok’s freedom to send thousands of  texts  his lover attorney Page concerning his intense dislike of Trump.  Attorney Strzok sat in on the interviews with Hilary Clinton — interviews which were not taped. It was Strzok who changed the language describing Clinton’s behavior downgrading it   from “grossly negligent” to “extremely  careless”

written by Cameron Jackson

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717


sleep with your cell phone?


cell phone best not in your bed or your children’s beds.

Where to bed your cell phone?  Not next to you — or near your bed — so we hear.

The California Department of Public Health has warned the public long-term exposure to cell phones could cause health concerns, advising citizens to take steps such as keeping devices away from their beds at night.


In a statement, state public health officer Dr. Karen Smith declared, “We know that simple steps, such as not keeping your phone in your pocket and moving it away from your bed at night, can help reduce exposure for both children and adults.”

“Children’s brains develop through the teenage years and may be more affected by cellphone use,” Dr. Smith continued, adding, “Parents should consider reducing the time their children use cellphones and encourage them to turn the devices off at night.”

According to a report earlier this year, 45 percent of US children between the ages of ten and twelve own a smartphone with a service plan, while another report revealed that “42% of US children 8 and younger now have their own tablet devices.”

Movies:  For those who want to watch movies on their I-Phone, try the Criterion Channel which is part of FilmStruck so says the New York Times.


Aptos Psychologist:

Sleep hygiene issues?   A regular bed time and no noise and little  light the hour before are standard assists for sleep.  Yes – turn off that cell phone.

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717

does he/ she rub your back OK? What say FBI agents Page & Strzok & Mueller investigation of Trump


Does he/ she rub your back OK? Is that what Mueller’s FBI agents say?

Does he rub your back OK?     What over diner do  Mueller’s FBI agents Page and Strzok –involved in the Trump investigation –  say to spouses?  ‘Pass the peas?’

What do  FBI agents  Strzok and Page — both married to different people  –   say to their spouses  over dinner tonight (Dec. 13, 2017)   now that it  comes out what they have  been doing [having a sexual affair] and sending text  communications back and forth about their dislike of Trump. And how to save the country from a possible President Trump.

Do Page and Strzok  say, ‘Pass the peas?’  On Wed. FBI agent Page and her husband Barrow left  their home to do what they do, i.e, get children where they have to go.

Clearly,  Special Investigator Mueller did not check out the political  bias of those he put on his crack team.  Clearly Mueller did not do his homework.  Now it’s unraveling …  Why did Mueller put the lead FBI agent Stzok involved with the Clinton emails  [he sat in on the interviews and recommended changing the language so more supportive of Clinton] also on the team investigating Trump?  That was Mueller’s bad decision.

How does  the Page/ Strzok  sexual  affair and their communications back and forth impact the image of the FBI and  USA federal government. Both Strzok and Page were and are pro-Clinton and anti-Trump and have been  so for a long time.

And – very importantly also — how does the publicity about all this  impact their children and their families?

Yes – this info  may impact the Mueller investigation of Trump.

Right now it is such good drool humor about the inner workings of the prior Obama administration …. please keep more of it coming. Please don’t kill this investigation. Somewhere it will surface that Obama had a hand in all this.

written by Cameron Jackson

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717



Look don’t touch! — woman’s cleavage an invitation says Rep Marccy Kaptur [D-Ohio]

cleavage  can be an invitation to harassment says Rep Marcy Kaptur privately

 Clothing which shows cleavage an invitation to harassment  says Rep. Marcy Kaptur  [D-Ohio] privately.

“I saw a member yesterday with her cleavage so deep it was down to the floor,” Kaptur said, according to the sources present. “And what I’ve seen … it’s really an invitation.” The comments left many others in the room stunned, the sources said. From Politico.

Kaptur said women on Capitol Hill should have to abide by a stricter dress code, like those adopted by the military or corporations.

“Maybe I’ll get booed for saying this, but many companies and the military [have] a dress code,” she said. “I have been appalled at some of the dress of … members and staff. Men have to wear ties and suits.”

Aptos Psychologist:  More decorum coming soon?  Not likely.    Women students wear P.J.s to night  law classes.   In Aptos, women wear bathing suits with minor cover up to get groceries. The image you present does affect how people interact with you.

written by Psychologist Cameron Jackson PSY14762

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717

Media bias? Tom Hanks: ‘It Concerns Me How Much Trump Attacks the Press…’ Oh?


media bias

Media bias?  In an interview with David Axelrod for CNN’s “The Axe Files,” actor Tom Hanks said it “concerns” him how much President Donald Trump takes on the press.

According to Hanks, the Trump administration’s “insidious” behavior to “denigrate” outlets like CNN and The Washington Post helps out “agenda-filled” institutions.

“As an American, it concerns me, because it’s monkeying around with our Constitution,” Hanks told Axelrod in the interview that aired Saturday. “It’s relatively obvious, I think, as what is trying to go forward. When you tear down these institutions to a level to [where] you can’t believe anything that is in any of them, that raises the stock of those agenda-filled other institutions, whatnot, so that if you can’t believe them, well that means you get to believe some of the other stuff that is in these and so, what is happening is that dilution of the great — they’re throwing dirt and oil into a bucket of water.”


Firenze Sage:  This is complete gibberish and like most actors Tom Hanks  knows little of what he speaks and can hardly speak extemporaneously.


Firenze Sage—improve lives by burning houses [Neera Tanden, Center for American Progress]

Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, an immigrant from India, on the burning of Murdock’s mansion tweets There is a God.”

Glad that a wealthy man’s home burns — that improves the lives of Americans?     The Center for American Progress (CAP) is a progressive public policy research and advocacy organization. According to CAP, the center is “dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans, through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action.”[2] The Center presents a liberal[3] viewpoint on economic and social issues. It has its headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Leftist Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress (CAP) and a former campaign staffer for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, tweeted her glee that Fox News acting CEO Rupert Murdoch’s mansion in the Bel Air neighborhood of Los Angeles was burned down in a wildfire.

Tanden retweeted an NBC News report of Murdoch’s mansion going up in flames, with the caption: “There’s a God. And she’s unhappy.

You seriously hope that your political appointees have their homes burned down? Classless!

I do not hope for such things at all. I just note the Karma.

written by Neera Tanden a/12/2014 — her story coming from India 

“I grew up in a suburb of Boston, the child of two immigrants who had come from India decades earlier. We lived in a house in Bedford, Massachusetts, a quintessential middle-class town. But when I was 5, my parents got divorced and my dad left. My mother was on her own. Having never held a job before, she faced the choice of going back to India or going on welfare to support her two young children. In India, we would have been stigmatized; no one got divorced there in the 1970s. She knew that the children of a divorced woman would have limited life opportunities in India.

“So we stayed. We were on welfare. We were on food stamps. And we received Section 8 housing vouchers to help pay the rent. Thanks to a new law in Massachusetts, we were able to use those vouchers to move into an apartment in Bedford and remain in our town’s good public schools…..


Firenze Sage:  Who joins let alone contributes to this despicable organization and hateful woman?

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717

Firenze Sage: Wait, Noah, we’ve been misinformed … about sea levels

Noah we’ve been misinformed …

 Noah, we’ve been misinformed … about sea levels rising.

Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise.

The raw (unadjusted) data from three Indian Ocean gauges – Aden, Karachi and Mumbai – showed that local sea level trends in the last 140 years had been very gently rising, neutral or negative (ie sea levels had fallen).

But after the evidence had been adjusted by tidal records gatekeepers at the global databank Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) it suddenly showed a sharp and dramatic rise.

The whistle was blown by two Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier in a paper for Earth Systems and Environment.

The paper – Is the Sea Level Stable at Aden, Yemen? – examines the discrepancies between raw and adjusted sea level data in Aden, Karachi and Mumbai.

Kenneth Richard at No Tricks Zone reports:

The authors expose how PSMSL  data-adjusters make it appear that stable sea levels can be rendered to look like they are nonetheless rising at an accelerated pace.

The data-adjusters take misaligned and incomplete sea level data from tide gauges that show no sea level rise (or even a falling trend).  Then, they subjectively and arbitrarily cobble them together, or realign them.   In each case assessed, PSMSL data-adjusters lower the earlier misaligned rates and raise the more recent measurements.  By doing so, they concoct a new linearly-rising trend.

The paper – Is the Sea Level Stable at Aden, Yemen? – examines the discrepancies between raw and adjusted sea level data in Aden, Karachi and Mumbai.

Kenneth Richard at No Tricks Zone reports:

The authors expose how PSMSL  data-adjusters make it appear that stable sea levels can be rendered to look like they are nonetheless rising at an accelerated pace.

The data-adjusters take misaligned and incomplete sea level data from tide gauges that show no sea level rise (or even a falling trend).  Then, they subjectively and arbitrarily cobble them together, or realign them.   In each case assessed, PSMSL data-adjusters lower the earlier misaligned rates and raise the more recent measurements.  By doing so, they concoct a new linearly-rising trend.

For the complete story …. 

More on climate change 

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717

who receives the Body & Blood? Who can vote? Aptos CA Catholics & Episcopalians tighten their rules — very differently

rules tighten differently  at Episcopalian & Catholic churches in Aptos, CA

Aptos CA Catholics and Episcopalians tighten  their rules — in quite different ways.

  Episcopalians pay to pray before voting:

The laying on of hands by an Episcopalian bishop  and the payment of identifiable  money to the church are two of a number of   requirements for members  at St. John’s in Aptos, CA who want to vote Dec. 10, 2017.

  The Rector, Mother Tracy, writes in an email 12/07/2017  that  in order to be “technically” an Episcopalian,   sometime in the past an Episcopalian bishop laid hands in a church service  on the person.   All  who meet various  requirements can vote Dec. 10 for elections to the church board.

Aptos Catholic  christians also tighten their rules:  The last to receive will be first now. Different housekeeping rules will  be  enforced at  Resurrection Catholic Community. The order of who gets served  first is one change.

  Remember  the bible verse,    “The  last will be first —  and the first will be last”? [Matthew 20:16] It’s an apt summary.

   The Eucharistic Ministers at  Resurrection Catholic Community   who assist with the service  — these people  who used to be the  last persons  to receive — will now be first persons   to receive.   Each Eucharistic Minister will  receive from the  Catholic priest prior to   serving others.

It was stated that this is an “old”  Catholic rule  — one of many “shoulds” that need to  be done — that  now  goes into effect at Resurrection Catholic Community in Aptos, CA.    Further,   the tender  care with which any remaining Body and Blood is handled after everyone has received, those rules are tightened.

 So — are there any  Aptos Catholic christians who want to receive directly from their priest?   Ask to serve and be trained  as an Eucharistic Minister. The last to receive will now be first to receive at Resurrection Catholic Community in Aptos.

 At St. John’s episcopal church all attendees standing in a circle  receive the Body from the priest and then they receive the  Blood from an assisting Eucharistic Minister.

Of most importance is participation as the Body of Christ.  All are welcome at St. John’s episcopal and Resurrection catholic community.

Below are photos taken 12/10 on Voting Day at St. John’s episcopal. Great coffee! 

written by Cameron Jackson

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
