Earth warming? Sea levels rising? Skeptics say no & new evidence supports the Skeptics


Is the earth getting hotter? Skeptics say no and new evidence supports NO.

Is the earth getting warmer?  And the waters rising?    The True Believers (Al Gore and others)  are convinced that  that the earth is getting hotter.

And then  there are the Skeptics.    The Skeptics continue to say that there’s been no increase in warming for the last 18 years.   Skeptics have said that  the  18 year gap (no actual warming)  shows that  the models indeed  are wrong.

Now there’s new  evidence which shows  that the models are indeed wrong. See below:

A scientific consensus has emerged among top mainstream climate scientists that “skeptics” or “lukewarmers” were not long ago derided for suggesting — there was a nearly two-decade long “hiatus” in global warming that climate models failed to accurately predict or replicate.A new paper, led by climate scientist Benjamin Santer, adds to the ever-expanding volume of “hiatus” literature embracing popular arguments advanced by skeptics, and even uses satellite temperature datasets to show reduced atmospheric warming.

More importantly, the paper discusses the failure of climate models to predict or replicate the “slowdown” in early 21st century global temperatures, which was another oft-derided skeptic observation.

“In the early twenty-first century, satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were generally smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble,” reads the abstract of Santer’s paper, which was published Monday.

“Over most of the early twenty-first century, however, model tropospheric warming is substantially larger than observed,” reads the abstract, adding that “model overestimation of tropospheric warming in the early twenty-first century is partly due to systematic deficiencies in some of the post-2000 external forcings used in the model simulations.”

The paper caught some prominent critics of global climate models by surprise. Dr. Roger Pielke, Sr. tweeted “WOW!” after he read the abstract, which concedes “model tropospheric warming is substantially larger than observed” for most of the early 21st Century.


Firenze Sage writes:    The models on which the gloom is based are also wrong.

  So stow the water wings,  seasiders.


Is your child autistic? What is autism? Why so differently expressed from child to child?

Think of ‘autism’ as the combination of two primary  colors — yellow and red.  Imagine the following:   you take a glass of water.  You squirt a bit of YELLOW acrylic paint into the jar and mix it.   The water looks yellow.   Then you take a tube of acrylic RED paint and squirt a bit into the jar and mix it.  What happens?  The water turns ORANGE.

‘Autism’ is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5).

The DSM can be validly likened to what happens when different colors are combined.   With  a  differential  diagnosis of  autism — there are TWO different  “colors’ that are combined.

DSM-5 CLASSIFICATION [this is then continuum of symptoms] 

Autistic  Spectrum  Disorder  

 How is the color RED combined with the color  YELLOW?     

Color  RED:      [A = deficits in social communication & social interaction across multiple contexts

  1. Deficits in social – emotional reciprocity  ….
  2. Deficits in nonverbal communicative behavior used for social interaction
  3. Deficits in developing, maintaining & understanding relationships

Color YELLOW   = restricted & repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities as manifested by at least TWO of the following

  1. Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements (lines up objects..)
  2. Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior
  3. Highly restricted fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity of focus
  4. Hyper or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment (adverse response to specific sounds or textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects…)

Your child will have more of one symptom and less of another and still may be diagnosed with ‘autism’.

Each child’s combination of  RED symptoms with the YELLOW symptoms produces a different color.

Now consider what happens when I.Q. gets added to this mix of two colors  — symptoms RED added to  symptoms YELLOW.      Back in 1999 roughly 70 percent of children diagnosed  with ‘autism’  were also diagnosed  with Mental Retardation (aka Intellectual Disability). That picture has changed dramatically.  Now,  roughly 70% of children diagnosed with autism do not have a diagnosis of Intellectual Disability. That is a huge, dramatic  change.

Today, children with autism grow up and do get jobs, marry and  leave home.  All the’symptoms’ are a bit of this and a bit of that.  Some autistic children understand humor better than others.  Some autistic children have incredible  memories for certain subjects. Some children with autism can play sports and some have no clue.

Each child’s symptoms will be expressed uniquely  — just as two colors are combined will produce very different colors.  Many children with autism will need substantial supports.   And today, increasingly, those supports are available.

written by   licensed Psychologist   PSY 14762  Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.



Free Speech at universities & churches


Freedom of speech

Censorship of conservative voices.   Your voice has no merit and we will censor your voice  – that happens more and more  in university settings and other public settings  –including   churches.

Don’t like someone’s opinion?  Make more speech.  That’s the essence of freedom to speak.

Administration at U.C. Berkeley  recently spent  $60o K to protect free speech when Ben Shapiro, a conservative writer,  spoke at U.C. Berkeley. As of 9/23/2017,   is not clear whether the Free Speech Week sponsored by Berkeley Patriot student group  will go forward.

What about  churches?

Are ‘conservative’ voices treated  equally — and  respectfully —  as ‘liberal’ voices in your church?

If some church member raises concerns about an issue  are they  greeted respectfully  with  ‘let’s talk about that…” or are they treated indirectly  with derision, ignoring the person and quick  hostile comments followed by walking away.

An example that happened recently: The church volunteer person  who sends out email regarding events of interest to the  parishioners was asked  more than once  to put a link to a specific  post concerning  an  event.  Response in person was ‘our parishioners are older and don’t do links…’   Oh?  The following week the email sent out by that volunteer contained a link to a newly created church related   blog.  Is that censorship? I think so.

How do churches handle conflict? With listening and prayer we hope.  And respect for the other person’s opinion.   And supportive of freedom to speak.  That takes active steps since the elections in November, 2016.

Increasingly, churches start their church board  meetings with a Covenant  how people will talk to each other.

How might respectful discourse be encouraged in all church related meetings?   At coffee hour?  When two or three church Members gather to make decisions  planning future  events?

Weigh in.  Express your views on this topic and other topics.

Monterey Bay Forum is exactly that  — a Forum  for the expression of different views.   Some people write under a pen name.   One high school youth publishes on Birds.  One ex-policeman now an  R.N. writes about his career changes.  There are many voices expressed on the Forum.  Licensed Psychologist  Cameron Jackson writes under her own name — on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and through other avenues.

Your voice is welcome.

Many of the  most popular posts (most read over time)  on Monterey Bay Forum relate to Freedom.  Wonder why?    Probably because the domain name  is    That’s probably why we see readers  popping up from all over the world and all over the U.S.A.

written by Cameron Jackson






Christ Heals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow! — EVENT CANCELLED

  October 13 & 14, 2017   — EVENT  CANCELLED  —

 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA

Resurrection Catholic Community 

Experience healing through  prayer,  song, laughter, sharing and listening.  All are Welcome!  Can you come?

Please —  SIGN UP ahead of time — via email  or phone —

831 688 6002

FRIDAY Oct. 13 —  3:00 pm  — Hospitality for Travelers from Afar

    If  you are coming from afar,  please contact Cameron Jackson you  if need information  regarding housing or other issues.

Come early!    Get here when there is plenty of light & enjoy a bit of Aptos enviorns.

   4 to 5 pm:     Doors Open  —  Live Music 

         Pick up Information  Know What’s Happening & Rest and Relax

  5 to 6 pm:   Food & Converstion to Share  —   please bring food to share in the  Community Hall.  One large ham and beans donated to date!

    6 to 7 pm:  Soaking Prayer  (listen)  & Praise Music (singing)  

    7  to 8:30   Program with Rev. Hugh & Monte  Bromiley —  with Praise Music or background  music during any  breaks (to be determined)     8: 30  Exit Music.             

SATURDAY, Oct. 14, 2017 —  $30 for day  suggested donation includes breakfast & lunch — donate as you are able —

 8 to 9 am:   Pancake & Sausage breakfast  in the Hall  — hosted by Boy Scouts #609

8:45 —  in  the church —  Soaking Prayer music (listen) & Praise Music (sing)    

9 to 12 noon:  Morning Program with Rev. Hugh & Monte Bromiley

12 to 1:  Lunch with  Live Music in Hall —

            Opportunities to witness concerning  Healings & Miracles

            Come get acquainted with others!   If you want to walk around Aptos there’s info  concerning places on the Info Table

 1 – 4 pm:  Afternoon Program with  Rev. Hugh  & Monte  Bromiley   – 

 Prayer Stations and Reading of Names people wish to pray for —  to be determined.

4 pm  Music  


Episcopalian “white privilege” — alive and well at St. John’s in Aptos?

  Episcopalian “white privledge” —  alive and well at St. John’s in Aptos? Are there ways to address it?  Yes to both!

An important  issue to  think about:   how does  the structure of the  church — intentionally or unintentionally — leave out voices that are  not part of the governing structure?   Voices of color for example. And what can the church  do about it?

 One issue is wealth.

Similar   to the city of  Santa Cruz CA,  St. John’s Episcopal in Aptos is  all white   and —  rich.

That  ALL ARE WELCOME  — certainly said often at many churches including St. John’s  —    is  visibly more  apparent  at  some nearby Catholic churches.  Just look at the makeup of who is in the pews and that’s obvious.

Per the new rules passed by St. John’s   episcopal board of directors, there’s numerous  steps (i.e.. 11)  to meet in order to be eligible to  serve on the board of directors (vestry).

All of the persons currently serving on  St. John’s  vestry  are white.

And — per a casual inspection of the church registrar —  all potential vestry persons who could be eligible to serve  — are also white.

Persons who attend services  have a “voice” and may  “speak”.   But, all decisions at St. John’s  concerning the  management of the corporate body of the church are made by white folk.

There are many ways that St. John’s can make ‘All are Welcome’ more of a reality.  Here’s just a few  easy to implement ways:

   1)  Connect on a daily basis with the  numerous youth who come  every afternoon to play basketball and skateboard  on the St. John campus. How?  Cabrillo College is very close.   Hire a Black basketball player  connected with Cabrillo  — a young man age 18 – 22  who wants to spread the Good News of God’s love.    Have him out there 2 hours a day Monday through Friday in the afternoons.  A nice part time job for a up and coming black athlete at Cabrillo.   Hire someone who can  be a  role model for youth.  And, encourage movement from playing  basketball to participating in youth group activities available through  the church. And connect that program with the youth program at nearby Resurrection Catholic Community.

   2) Advertise the ‘basket ball’ program with a large sign next to the Services on Sunday  sign.  Put up something  in bright colors  that says  PIZZA & Basketball from 4 to 5 PM!.   That will draw more youth.


   3)  Put a new  picnic table over near the basket ball hoop.  A  table  where a family member could sit and share a bite to eat as they watch the youth play.  That makes it easy for  parents to watch their children.  This will be an easy way for St. John people to connect  and say ‘hello’. Welcome!  Come back on Sunday and other days …

    4)  Take down the scary   blue handicapped parking signs that say $250 fine if you park in a handicapped spot.  Replace with more friendly Reserved for Persons with Limited Mobility signs.   The  mere possibility of a $250 fine is not a friendly act.



    5)  Directly in front of the ENTRANCE area, put up a 8 foot metal bench.  Put the bench by the back entrance to the Cafe.    Sitting on it one can look out towards the park and the ocean.  A lovely spot for a bench.   People with mobility issues can sit and wait for a ride. There are lots of older people who might need to sit there.    People needing to drop off supplies can put supplies  on the bench.   There are no benches around St. John’s.   Take a look around nearby  churches (Coastlands, Resurrection, Christ Lutheran). They all  have benches.  Benches are  one more way to be more welcoming to the Stranger and to the Newcomer.

    6)  Schedule  various outside music groups to sing during the Coffee hour time.  The Threshold Singers for example. They sing in small groups of three for persons needing healing or at their  bedsides. Deliberately bring in outside singing groups right at the end of Sunday services.  Welcome the Singing Community of Santa Cruz county.

7)  Make the music sung at the beginning  more welcoming.  For example,

A  song to paste  in the back of the hymnal at St. John’s — and sing  — is  ALL ARE WELCOME   by MartyHaugen:

“Let us build a house where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone, to heal and strengthen, serve and teach, and live the Word they’ve known.

“Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard and loved and treasured, taught and claimed as word within the Word.

“Built of tears and cries and laughter, prayers of faith and songs of grace, let this house proclaim from floor to rafter.  All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.”

 And —  perhaps in the front of the hymnal at St. John’s — paste another good song to sing:


“Come now, O God of second chances; open our lives to heal.  Remove our hate, and melt our rage. Save us from ourselves.

“Come now, O God of second chances; may we forgive ourselves, may we become your living sign: Children of God’s love.”        [wrjitten by David Haas]


Yes — there are lots of ways for churches such as St. John’s to be deliberately more welcoming to all people.  Above are just a few ways.

Akin to  throwing pebbles into still waters and seeing the those ripples go  out  —  small changes in how a church welcomes the Stranger and Newcomer  may over time  change the composition of the Membership and  the Board of Directors.

written by Cameron Jackson






Christ Heals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow! Aptos CA Faith Building Event Oct. 13 & 14, 2017 at Resurrection church

Faith Building Event —

                           CANCELED !

Christ Heals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow!

October 13 & 14, 2017

 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA

Resurrection Catholic Community 

All are Welcome!  Come & Participate!    On Saturday — only —  a  $30 donation (breakfast & lunch included) is suggested.  Donate as you are able.

Friday, Oct. 13:  4 p.m.   Hospitality & Registration in the Community Hall:   Rest & Relax time;   bring & enjoy  Food to Share;   Soaking Prayer background music.  Dinner with other attendees  —  if you want —  at Severino’s restaurant next door. Warm foods  available to share  in Community Hall.     Rev. Hugh Bromiley speaks on Inner Healing  in  the church   —  roughly   around  7  p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 14: —  8:00  – 9:30 a.m.  Pancake & Sausage breakfast hosted by Boy Scouts #609 in Hall.    Soaking Prayer background music in the church.    Some community singing groups may participate either Friday or Saturday  — which groups may participate is  still in process.

Saturday 12:00  Lunch Break: pre-made  lunches (3 choices)   available  in Community Hall, or bring your own  or  enjoy food from  near by eateries.  Background music.  Enjoy getting acquainted with others!

Rev. Hugh Bromily speaks  on Inner Healing   —  Sat.  around 9:30 a.m & around 1:30 p.m Program closes at 4:00 pm.

The Rev. Hugh Bromiley, North American Director of Order of St. Luke

speaks on Inner Healing


Heal & Heal others through Christ & make friends via Order of St. Luke (OSL) website — Here’s How!

        Go to  the Order of St. Luke website.

Click on Create News Account or  Login.

On top right, go to Chapters and click on Chapters by State/ Province. Find on the map the blue Geolocate Me and click on it.

Using the website’s GPS, a list of the Chapters closest to you will appear.

For example, people living in Aptos, CA  will see the following chapters listed:    Aptos – St. John the Baptist;  Aptos – Soquel Drive;   Salinas – Salinas Chapter;  Pacific Grove  – St Mary’s by the Sea

Next, click on the GREEN button Chapter Page. Click to JOIN the Chapter.   Then, READ the Announcements and Discussions that are posted.

Four Chapters of the Order of St. Luke are hosting a Healing Event ‘Christ Heals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow! in Aptos, CA on October 13 & 14, 2017.   Go to for complete information.

It is easy to JOIN several Chapters.  For example, near Sacramento there’s a Chapter that regularly posts what happens at their monthly  meetings.  Elba White is the Convener for that Chapter.   Have fun meeting other OSL members online.  Reach out to others as you participate in Jesus’ Ministry of Healing!      written 9/3/2017  by





Remove the sandals from your feet as this is holy ground — then and now —


Remove the  sandals from your feet as this is holy ground

God told Moses to remove the sandals from his feet as this is holy ground.

At the Feast @ 5 September 3, 2017 service  at St. John’s in Aptos,  Mother Tracy  discussed various physical ways  that people world wide — and through different religions — connect with God.

One way is through removing shoes before entering ‘holy ground’ .  Another way is by raising hands  high to praise  God.

The Feast @5 service is geared for families and  includes everyone.  After the service, there is a pot-luck.   The Feast@5  is held the FIRST Sunday of each month  at The Episcopal Church of St. John,  125 Cantebury Drive, Aptos, CA  95003.  Call 831 708-2278 for information.

Raise hands high to glorify God





The Celtic people speak of “thin places”, places where the distance between heaven and earth seems to disappear and the two worlds are able to touch one another

   Mother Tracy spoke:    “The Celtic people speak of “thin places,” places where the distance between heaven and earth seems to disappear and the two worlds are able to touch one another.

“The church teaches that the Eucharist and the other Sacraments are some of those thin places where, however briefly, we can touch heaven, but the church’s sacraments are by no means the only means by which we can touch heaven.  

“I’m sure that each of you could name other “thin places” in your lives where you feel the presence of God is particularly near to you.  

“And so as we commend Geoff to God, I pray that each of you would know the comfort of touching those thin places – places where you may be still and rest in God’s presence, where you may even feel Geoff’s presence with you. 

“And in touching those places, may you know in the depth of your souls the truth of the Gospel:    that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  

The above is a portion of  the  sermon given recently  by Mother Tracy at St John the Baptist Episcopal Church  in Aptos celebrating the life of Geoff  Nickel, son of Suzanne Krakover-Nickel.  About  200 people from the Aptos and Santa Cruz CA community attended the  memorial service for Geoff.


Healing through song! Here in Aptos, CA

Healing through song for persons with Parkinson’s Disorder

   Singing uplifting songs with other people helps voice and reduces social isolation.

And,   singing with others  also combats depression.   

Get up and get moving!  Sing!

 For Tremolos is Aptos, CA,  contact Julie or Barry at 831 688-0888  for the next meeting time.

St. Johns’s in Aptos, CA  hosts on a weekly basis  the Tremolos singing group for persons with Parkinson’s  and their caretakers.   Come to St. John’s  most  Thursdays 1 – 2:30.  In September, the Tremolos in Aptos, CA  are taking a break.

Donations are needed to support TREMOLOS in Aptos, CA  —  this wonderful singing group which helps persons with Parkingson’s Disorder.  Contact for more information.  You can donate via plastic.  I did!  EASE PB INC  has a local address:  3240 Churnside   in Santa Cruz, CA  95062
