Miami and Chicago compared by Jeff Sessions. Miami has zero murders & complies with ICE. Chicago has 433 murders & does not comply with ICE

Be like Miami which complies with ICE  —  and not like  sanctuary city Chicago  & a handful of other jurisdictions is message Jeff Sessions  says today, Wed. August 16.

Jeff Sessions compares Miami — which is complying with federal immigration authorities with Chicago which is not.

Chicago has 433 murders this year  since Jan. 1 — compared with Miani which has zero.

In Chicago, no suspect is identified in 75% of the murders.

Only a handful of jurisdictions in America believe they are above the law and are not complying with federal authorities.  Choose to follow the law, says Jeff Sessions.


Want to know how — not why — to become a Member of St. John’s Episcopal, Aptos, CA?

       Want to know how — not why — to become a Member  of St. John’s Episcopal church in Aptos, CA?
There’s 4  “must do” requirements to become a Member of the body of Christ located at  St. John’s.
Perhaps you need help meeting those requirements?   If so,  we ‘ll help you meet  those  requirements.
[Please note:   This was written tongue-in-cheek to point to some important,   underlying issues.  One  issue: Is  100% of  St. John’s  church vestry  — the people that make the legal decisions for the church  — are they  listed as Communicants on  the church books?  Yes or No?   If the answer is No, then  are the decisions made by St. John’s  vestry legal and binding?  Ask a lawyer!  
Another issue:   People serve in many leadership capacities  at St. John’s.  How many of  these ‘ministers’ — that’s ‘all of  us’ per the back cover of the weekly service bulletin  — listed as Communicants?  If not,  then who is entitled to   vote in the upcoming election in Dec. 2017?  
The NEW  Bylaws state  that you have to be a Member for six months in order to vote.  Per the new rules, only persons listed as Communicants can vote in the next election in Dec. 2017.  Oh dear!  What to do?    
 It is easy to find out who  is a Communicant at St. John’s.    Look in the Index of the (green)  book for Communicants.  It’s kept in the church office. 
 You can readily  check the  Index of the book for Communicants  and  see whether you are listed.    The church is very supportive behind the scene to assist  all people to update their  church records.]   

So — What are those “must do”  requirements for basic Membership at St. John’s?

    #1:   Baptism.  You must be baptized.  Were you baptized — but  you don’t have a copy of  the record?     We’ll help you track down your baptismal record.   Where ever it happened   and when ever.
2). There must be a record of  your baptism listed  in  St. John’s church records. Perhaps you know that  you were baptized but never submitted the record to St. John’s Episcopal church in Aptos, CA?  .  We will help you.    We will submit the record of your baptism  to the church authorities   — and we will  take a  photo/ video   of the page so that  you know that it’s been accurately recorded in the church records.
    3). You must take communion (wafer and wine)  3 times during  the current year. Unless physically indisposed.    Discretely,  we  will  photograph/ video you receiving communion  3 times.  By recording it,   no one, i.e.,  such as the Executive Committee of St. John’s,  can  kill your membership application by inuendo —   questioning  whether you  actually  received communion   3 times this last year.   Yes, it sounds odd but you never know who believes what about whom  these days.    To be on the safe side, we suggest that you wear  different clothes when you are photographed during communion.
4). Participate in life of parish.  There are a multitude of ways  that you can participate.  What’s important is that there is an actual record of how you participated.  A record that you can submit to the church when you apply for Membership.
   Perhaps you open the church doors for services ?       Perhaps you have  carpentry skills?  Or perhaps  you do child care and can help out in the nursery?  Maybe you work in a school cafeteria and can make cookies for a bake sale?
However you contribute, we will photograph/ video your contributions  to the life of the parish.  And we will submit those records to St. John’s as part of your application to be a Member at St. John’s Episcopal in Aptos, CA.
Cost of this service?   Absolutely free.  Send requests for assistance to
To become a Member of St. John’s episcopal church  you must meet the above listed  4 requirements.

 There are other levels of Membership which you can achieve.

To become a Voting Member you must meed 6 additional requirements including the laying on of hands by Bishop Mary.
And, should you want to run for the church board (Vestry) you must meet one more requirement  — a donation of money to either the Building Fund or the Undesignated fund. And that donation of money must be recorded in the financial books of the church.

Summary:   Are you thinking of serving on the church board?   This is what you must do:  Meet   the  4  requirements (to be a Member) + 6 additional requirements including the laying on of hands by Bishop Mary  (to be a Voting Member) + 1 Financial Requirement of money to one of two funds (to serve on the Church board).

If you want help with the first 4 steps  — so you are a Member  of the Body of Christ at St. John’s Episcopal in Aptos — help is available.   

 P.S.   for those who have read this far — this was initially written tongue-in-cheek. Not intended as a joke nor to be funny  but to underscore important issues.


Christ heals yesterday, today & tomorrow -Oct. 13 & 14, Aptos, CA

   Faith Building Event 

Christ Heals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 

 October 13 & 14, 2017  in Aptos, CA 

 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA

location:    Resurrection Catholic Community

  Experience healing through music, song, laughter, sharing and listening.

Can you come?     Please let us know!   We have to plan!      email:

              Pancake & Sausage Breakfast   hosted by Boy Scout Troop 609

              Soaking Prayer Music   

              Books from Alliee DeArmond’s  The Word Shop

              Local community groups & singers participate:   

                      The Bells of Joy (to be confirmed in September)


 Revs Hugh Bromiley,

North American Director for the  Order of St. Luke, and Monte Bromiley  speak  on Inner Healing

contact info for Rev. Bromiley:  P.O. Box 38, Staples, Texas 78670  (512) 757 6322

 Information  about  the Faith Building event: 

YouTube:   7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos


        Faith Building Event hosted by Order of St. Luke Chapters:

                    St. John the Baptist Chapter,   125 Canterbury Drive, Aptos

                    St. Mary’s by the Sea Chapter,   146 Central Avenue, Pacific Grove

                    Salinas Chapter,   98 Kip Drive, Salinas

                   Soquel Drive Chapter, 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos


Come early & beat the traffic!  Enjoy Aptos!   Alternative traffic routes and ‘what to see & do’ will be posted.

More information forthcoming as we get closer to October 13 & 14, 2017   —



Miracle Messages connects homeless with their families — do you want to help?


Miracle Messages connects homeless persons with their families.  Want to help? Perhaps you know the man in the picture.  Your brother? Uncle?


Inner Healing through Beth Shalom Ministries — so no chaos, nothing broken and peace abounds…



Inner Healing from past memories is a ministry available  from Beth Shalom Ministries in Texas.    Hugh Bromiley and Monte Bromiley will be in Aptos, CA in October 2017.

Welcome to Cross Kingdom Ministries inner-healing and deliverance page. 

Are you having trouble overcoming your past? Are you experiencing cycles of defeat in your life? Beth Shalom Ministries has helped thousands of people overcome some of life’s deepest wounds! The founder of Beth Shalom Ministries is Monte Bromiley. 

From the age of nineteen, Monte has been dedicated to seeking the heart of God and doing things God’s way. Over many years of seeking God’s solutions for hard personal problems in her own life and in the people that the Lord put in front of her, God led Monte to deep insights into His Word and gave her powerful tools for setting those people free. Monte has been ordained for this apostolic healing ministry. The stories of transformation through Jesus are amazing.

Cross Kingdom has ordained ministers in Beth Shalom ready to start walking along side of you in your healing journey today! Justin Carpenter who is the founder of Cross Kingdom Ministries was ordained in Beth Shalom in December of 2014.

So what is Beth Shalom? 

Beth shalom ministry is both intentional and focused prayer with the desired outcome of an authentic encounter with the Lord Jesus, resulting in biblical mind renewal, which takes place in the most inward part of the being (the core) and the end result is a transformed life in Christ. 

Inner healing ministry in it’s most basic form is Christ- centered versus cognitive counseling which tends to be man centered and psyche driven, using cognitive knowledge rather than experiential knowledge inviting Jesus into the source of the pain.

When beth shalom ministry is done within the founding guidelines and principles the facilitator is simply walking along side of the recipient leaving as much room as possible for the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct the individual into an encounter with the Lord Jesus.

Who needs Beth Shalom? The truth is everyone does! Did you know that the Greek word for salvation is Sozo? Sozo means saved, healed, and delivered (especially from your enemies). The gates of hell that Jesus spoke of are often established through four main gates: Iniquity, Trauma, Lies and Sin. Once these gates have been established in a person’s life then demonic footholds are inevitable. We are currently helping people from all walks of life like: ministers, missionaries, recovery drug-addicts, all the way to those who have been sexually abused. 

So how do you know if you are ready? If you are ready, willing, intentional, and willing to totally forgive all those who have ever hurt you then you are ready for Beth Shalom! 

Can you relate to any of these symptoms in the picture below? If so then you can see amazing release from the trauma you have experienced in life with Beth Shalom!

Jesus said in Isaiah 61:1, That He came to heal the broken heart, set the captive free, and open the door of the prisoner! This is the greatest definition that I can give for people that have gone through Beth Shalom!


Call to make an appointment today 830-370-2788 or email for more info!

How are our burdens lighter when we are yoked together with Jesus Christ? Two sermons, some striking differences.

Weary? Burdens? What to do?  Help where?
“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”

” Come unto me all ye who are weary and I will give  you rest… “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me ….

“For my yoke is easy, and by burden is light…Matthew 11; 28 – 30

Aptos, CA:    The priest (initials L.P.) at Resurrection Catholic Community  and Pastor Dale Sollom-Brotherton of  Christ Lutheran Church  both preached  similar sermons on July 9, 2017.

There are  some striking differences as to what ‘yolked’ with Jesus means for people in the pews.

“For my yolk is easy and my burden light….”  So — what makes our burdens light  — or lighter?

Listen  to these two  pastors and consider  what makes your  burdens light — when you are yoked together with Jesus Christ, who heals you. Lots of things similar and some striking differences.  What works for you?   For more information about Aptos Churches visit


what next? police investigate plastic wrap for possible “hate-bias”

police investigate  a piece of plastic wrap on street  as “possible hate-bias”

We have indeed lost our minds. Investigate plastic wrap because students report possible “hate-bias”? What next?

University of Maryland campus police launched an investigation into a discarded piece of plastic wrap Tuesday after receiving a report about a “possible hate-bias” incident.

“Out of an abundance of concern, we are looking into this matter and conducting a review of our cameras in the area,” the department informed students via email, though The Diamondback reports that some students were upset when officers initially dismissed the object as garbage.

“Earlier today, we were notified of a knotted piece of plastic wrap laying on the ground in the 7500 block of Baltimore Ave. Police were notified out of concern for possible hate-bias,” the campus police department stated in its report on the incident.

“Preliminary investigation reveals that this type of material is used to contain loose items during transport,” the report added, but said the matter would be reviewed further “out of an abundance of caution.”


Firenze Sage:   Beware your saran wrap is out to get you.


Aptos Community Garden News: WEEDS, KNOX BOX & BLUE FAUCETS!


Check YouTube for  videos of Aptos Community Garden

THANKS everyone for weeding garden paths near your plot!

PLEASE  take 5-10 minutes each visit & weed crab grass anywhere!    


THANK Cary & Gina for helping out in Garden 

Cary  & Gina  moved the Knox Box to a  new location.  


Cary fixed several leaky plastic  lines

Cary checked all BLUE faucets so that they work correctly. 

Please  THANK  Cary when you see him.  


Gardeners & Plot Numbers for Aptos Community Garden, Aptos CA

Aptos Community Garden on Twitter has some  pictures for the Garden.

Like to say ‘hello’?   Maybe share produce  with   fellow gardeners at Aptos Community Garden in Aptos, CA?

That’s easy!

To facilitate ‘saying hello’,  see below list.  You know your plot number, so just look for numbers around you in the garden  &  that way you can easily get acquainted with fellow gardeners.  Saying ‘hello’ is a nice part of gardening together.

 Each plot number and name of person renting the plot are listed below.

Names of persons &  plot numbers at Aptos Community Garden, July 3, 2017:   

Chuc Nowark                     3

Laurie Nowark                  3

Cameron Jackson             6

Samantha Olden               7

Samantha Olden              8

Alejandro Callejas            9


Grace Baillie                       11          

Jane Amaral                       12

Wandis Wilcox                   13

JoAnn Christiansen         14

Mardee McGraw               16

Elizabeth Renfro               18

Lisa Logsdon                       19


John Lovett                        20

Sandy Lovett                      20

Adriana Bartch                  21

John Bartch                        21

Norma Spiegel                  22

Jackie Nelson                     23

John Nelson                       23

Jackie Nelson                     25

John Nelson                       25

Neil Kennedy                     26

MaryJo Voorhees            27

Doreen Albertson            28

Neil Kennedy                     29


Dana Abbott                      31

Debby Samuels                 32

Janine Kittleson                33

John Lovett                        34

Sandy Lovett                      34

Roberta Ruiz                      35

Daryl Wise                           36

Sumer   Yarema                37

Tom Yarema                       37

Donna Kaelin                     39


Lindsay Rosalba                40

Joseph Stearns                 41

Joseph Stearns                  42

Lucas Willey                        43

Sally Willey                          43

Gina Mersman                  44

Gina Mersman                  45

John Wescoat                    46

John Wescoat                    48

Verginia Voinea                 49


Lisa Dupont                        50

Erin McNeally                    51

Michael Schalow              52

Julie Lolmaugh                  53

Karen Juarez                      54

Michelle Lloyd                   55

Sian St. Laurent 55

Nathaniel Ritchie              56

Juanita Contin                   58

Max Contin                         58


George Winslow              62

Terrie Winslow                62

Andela  Milligan               63

Kasey Milligan                   63

Gina Mersman                  71

Gina Mersman                  73

Aptos Community Garden  — as of June,  2017  — has some  plots available.  Plot No.  10,  12,  24,  46 and 57 are still available.  Come see if one of the available  plots interests you.


Aptos Community Garden has a FEW plots available!

Aptos Community Garden

Like to garden? The organic way?    Live in Aptos  or  near by areas?

Come rent a garden plot and join us!   Find us on Facebook and Twitter.  

  Aptos Community Garden  — as of June 2017  — has some  plots available

Plot No.  10,  12,  24,  46 and 57 are still available.

Come see if one of the available  plots interests you.

Directions:    Take Highway #1 and go to the Freedom exit.  Or travel down Soquel Ave. all the way to the end. The very end.    The Garden is located just past the California Highway Patrol office near the Freedom exit off Highway # 1.

Take a look around.  Pick up an application. And call 831 688-5757 extension 2 and leave a message.

organic gardening

Organic gardening means no chemicals ….   And that means some critters like to come and eat our stuff ….

  Know someone who can  control gophers & rabbits — those little critters  which love eating in our Garden.  Perhaps you know a retired person with outdoor skills? Or someone willing to learn how to trap them?   Perhaps this person  might like a garden plot in exchange for some gopher control?    Call 831 688-5727 extension 2 and leave a message.                                         

 Aptos Community Garden is sponsored by Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos, CA    
