students act like tyrants? deny other students their voting rights…

alice in wonderlandStudents act like tyrants? My, my.

How some students deny other student’s their voting rights:

At Tufts, a group called Students for Justice in Palestine decided to place an anti-Israel divestment resolution on the school senate’s agenda on the evening before the Jewish holiday of Passover, at a time when many Jewish students would be unable to attend the student government meeting. More than 50 students emailed their “senators” urging them to postpone the vote until after the Jewish holiday. The senate ignored their request.

Similarly at Pitzer College, the student senate unexpectedly held a vote on Easter Sunday on whether to prohibit Student Activities Funds to be used for payment on goods or services from any corporation or organization associated with Israel. Many student senators were not present, and therefore unable to vote, due to their observance of Easter and Passover.

The resolution passed 22-0, with four abstentions.The author of the resolution claimed, absurdly, that the vote occurred on Easter Sunday and during Passover by coincidence. As for why she didn’t announce that the BDS measure would be taken up, the author admitted it was “because my intention was to have it pass.” “I have had enough intellectual conversation about why people disagree with me,” she explained


Firenze Sage:  These folks have modeled themselves after the Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland).


Come to Aptos Community Garden, Sun. May 7 noon – 2

  clean up crewCOME! ALL  WELCOME!  Sunday,  May 7, NOON – 2 pm

Aptos Community Garden is now CLEAN and READY to welcome YOU!

All gardeners and public welcome! Raffle!  Food!

Come say hello! Some members and Pastor Dale below: christ lutheran peopleDale christ lutheran

Come  Sunday,  May 7,  NOON – 2 pm, Aptos Community Garden located off Highway 1 and Freedom Blvd.   10707 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003

There’s still a few choice garden plots not taken.  Come see! Info is available near the main gate of the Garden.  Call 831 688 5727 extension 2 and leave a message.


Pill bottle re-cycle? Matthew 25 Ministries! Get your church to collect ?


pil bottle oneDo you take pills?

Matthew 25 Ministries wants your empty, clean, no label  pill bottles.

From there, your pill bottles will go throughout the world! Wow!

And, thank you!   Let us know if you’d like a Prayer for Your  Healing ….    let us know!

Prayers for healing, evening prayers at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church most week days at 5 to 5:30.  See you there!  Ask for a prayer!

Does your church want to participate?

What one California church did recently: 

St. John’s episcopal church in Chula Vista CA just sent 11 pounds of pill bottles to Matthew 25 Ministries.  The church  started their collection of pill bottles about 2 months ago.  Ted Owens is the contact person there:


Matthew 25 Ministries

11060 Kenwood Rd, Blue Ash, OH 45242

Phone information for  M25M:   513 793 6256

E-mail info for M25M:



guns permits: we don’t need no stinking permits….

We don't need no stinking permit ...
We don’t need no stinking permit …

We don’t need no stinking permits….

San Francisco has gun storage laws, a hollow point ammunition ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and a surge in shooting victims that has now hit a six-year high.

In fact, while many types of crime have fallen in San Francisco, gun crimes have have surged.

 According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “Property crimes fell 11 percent in San Francisco, from 53,291 reported cases in 2015 to 47,658 in 2016.”  Reported thefts, burglaries, arson, and stolen vehicles also decreased. But firearm-related murders for 2016 surged 15 percent over 2015 figures and the number of shooting victims in 2016 increased 27 percent over 2015.

This surge was predicted when the “high capacity” magazine ban was being pushed–and ultimately adopted–in 2013. On November 21, 2013, ABC News 7 quoted San Francisco Veterans Police Officers Association’s Larry Barsetti saying, “All you’re doing is impacting honest law-abiding citizens of San Francisco; the bad guys aren’t going to obey this law; they’re not supposed to be carrying in the first place.”

Baltimore, Maryland, has gun controls similar to those in San Francisco, including a ban on “high capacity” magazines. And on May 1, 2017, Breitbart News reported that Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh (D) was asking the FBI to intervene and stem the surging murder rate.


Firenze Sage:   It is impossible for progressives to believe that criminals will act like criminals and use guns.


how to choose a church in Aptos, CA or elsewhere? Compare the cost of “out” versus “in”.

Christian church
Christian churches  & who can serve as leaders

How to choose a church in Aptos, CA  — or elsewhere?

One way is to compare two costs.

Compare the cost to maintain the   enterprise with the cost to do the goals of the  enterprise.  Compare the costs “out” versus “costs in”.

For all churches including Christian churches, there are “costs” associated with reaching out to the world with the good news which  they preach.    Most  Christian churches  — not all —  offer the good news of Jesus Christ.

What ever the “good news” offered, to do the enterprise of reaching out to others with the good news,  there are “costs” of maintaining a building, providing clergy and providing services on Sundays.  Right?

Find out the “costs” to maintain the enterprise.     And compare those costs with the costs to achieve the goals of the church enterprise.

st johns episcopalLet’s discuss one particular church in Aptos, CA and briefly compare it with two others.

Principle example:  St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Aptos, CA., commonly called St. John’s.

Per  St. John’s 2015 budget information, it costs  $317 K  to maintain the enterprise.  Roughly 110 persons  attend  St. John services on Sundays.  Divide the figures and it “costs” $2,881. or roughly 3K per attendee.  If every St. John’s   attendee paid roughly 3K,  that would fully fund maintenance of the church  enterprise ( e.g., pay clergy, staff, cost of building, Fair Share to episcopal diocese, payroll taxes).

Now, what are the “goals” that St. John’s  church enterprise hopes to achieve?  That’s a bit ‘ify’ but let’s try.

One  ‘goal’ (typical of most churches) would be to ‘equip the Saints’.  We know that cost.  That ‘cost’ at St. John’s  is roughly 3 K per attendee for services and small group meetings.

Another ‘goal’  for St. John’s  would be to do   ‘good works’ associated with that church.   One ‘good work’ associated with St. John’s (for many years)  is financial support to educate youth in Africa.

Many churches have goals, projects, ‘good works’  that they hope to achieve. Some local examples from other Aptos, CA churches:

For example, the catholic church in Aptos pays  once a year for several buses to take children to visit their parent(s) in prison. Support for families connections is an important goal for this church.

The Lutheran church in Aptos (together with two other denominations) supports clean water and latrines in San Salvador.

Twin Lakes  church in Aptos supports missionary activities in various parts of the world.

Clearly, support for goals besides maintenance of the enterprise are vital for Christian churches.  Right?

What about  pass through money?  St. John’s in Aptos  calls goals such as supporting education in Africa as “pass through” money — money that goes towards a worthwhile goal  which does  not go to maintain the enterprise.

For St. John’s, let’s look at what occurs when attendees support maintenance of the enterprise compared to support for goals / projects supported by the church.

Here’s a hypothetical:  Let’s say that two women both give $1,000 a year  to St. John’s.   Both have been members for 10+  years.

Woman A  at St. John’s gives her $1,000 to  a church sponsored ministry which  educates  youth in Africa.  Woman A has given money to this ministry for a couple of years.

Woman B at St. John’s gives her $1,000 to  the fund which pays  the clergy and maintains  building. Likewise, this woman has given money for several years.

In the fall of 2016, both women   apply  to serve on the church board.  Elections occur in December, 2016.   Can both serve?   Nope.  Why?

The woman who gave “pass through” money  — that went to achieve a goal of the church (educate African youth) — cannot stand for election to the St. John’s  church board.

The woman who gave documented money to the  St. John’s designated fund (which pays for the clergy/ building, Fair Share to diocese, taxes)  can stand for election.

What does this mean?  It does say something about values….






Obama, the great gas bag, collects 400 K for speech

  gas bagObama, the great gas bag strikes again.  Barack Obama has agreed to a $400,000 fee for speaking to a prominent Wall Street firm, according to Charlie Gasparino of the Fox Business Network.

Former president Obama will speak to a health care conference sponsored by Cantor Fitzgerald in September, Gasparino reports.

— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) April 24, 2017

The huge fee puts Obama at the top of the list of speaking fees for former government officials. Former Fed chair Ben Bernanke charges between $200,000 and $400,000, former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner charges $200,000, and former President George Bush charges around $150,000, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Hillary Clinton received over $200,000 apiece for each of her speaking engagements at Goldman Sachs. Those payments later were used against her by political rivals, who argued they were evidence that the former Secretary of State was too close to Wall Street.

Gasparino points out that Obama has been out of office for less than 100 days.


Firenze Sage:  At least Hillary only went on for 20 minutes. The attendees here should bring lunch and dinner.


Let’s require paid protesters to say on their signs who paid for their time and signs?

RSVP on liberty aaTime to have protest signs say who paid for the sign and person to wave it?

Time for truth in paid for political organizing?

Remember all those thousands of  people that suddenly appeared at airports right after the first ban on various people entering the USA? Those people did not spontaneously show up at airports.  They were paid.

So what if protesters are paid?  The Washington Post defends it.march for science

Its one thing to pay people. It’s another thing to hide that they are paid to do job.

One of  the organizers of paid protests supportive of  Obama and Clinton  is Robert Creamer.  Robert Creamer is a buddy of Obama, visited the White House many times and spoke with him 40-50 times.    “Creamer is a longtime Alinskyite activist and a leader in Obama’s old community organizing network. Creamer was a key figure in the work of Chicago’s community organizer training center, the Midwest Academy, to which Obama had close ties. I write extensively about the hard-left ideology and hardball tactics of the Midwest Academy, and Creamer’s role at the center of it all, in my political biography of President Obama, Radical-in-Chief (see Chapter 5, esp. 144-45; 186-88).”  Read more at:


How to “clean the swamp” – fire Univ. of CA President Napolitano?

clean out the swampOne way to “clean the swamp” ?  Fire former Obama’s  Homeland Security  Janet Napolitano  — the person who now  runs the University of California.

Why fire Napoliitano?  Corruption. Remember, Janet Napolitano was in charge of the security of America under former President Obama. Now she’s in charge of the University of California system of higher education.

A scathing state audit accuses Janet Napolitano of graft and corruption:   that she  hid  tens of millions of dollars in reserves — even from the board of directors —  that  she  padded  the salaries and benefits of Napoitano’s staff and that   she  created  a secret spending plan.

Napolitano’s office also intercepted a confidential survey that the auditor sent to individual campus officials causing them to soften their responses.

Repeatedly, the UC system has increased tuition to backfill state budget cuts and turned away record numbers of CA high school seniors while admitting higher paying out-of-state and international students.

For more information, check out other sources —


new mental disorder created by San Francisco federal judge to protect Sanctuary cities

Pre-enactment anxiety caused by Trump.   sanctuary citiesIrreparable harm to sanctuary cities caused by Trump threatening to enforce existing laws on the  books concerning immigration.  That’s what a San Francisco judge ruled.

Pre-enactment anxiety disorder. What in the world is that? It’s not in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM 5).    That ‘s the newly minted  mental disorder which  San Francisco and Santa Clara are said to  suffer from says federal judge Orrick  in defense of his stay of Trump’s executive order to enforce existing laws regarding immigration.

Just the thought of withholding money to Sanctuary cities who refuse to cooperate with federal immigration causes such anxiety that San Francisco and Santa Clara county are harmed so says judge Orrick.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday blocked any attempt by the Trump administration to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” that do not cooperate with U.S. immigration authorities, saying the president has no authority to attach new conditions to federal spending.

U.S. District Judge William Orrick issued the preliminary injunction in two lawsuits — one brought by the city of San Francisco, the other by Santa Clara County — against an executive order targeting communities that protect immigrants from deportation.

That uncertainty was a central focus of the arguments in the case, as well. At a hearing earlier this month, attorneys for the Justice Department offered a far narrower interpretation of the order than Trump, saying it would only apply to jurisdictions that refuse to share citizenship information as required by law, and that it would apply to only three federal grants from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security that require compliance as a pre-condition.
Orrick was skeptical of that interpretation.
Liberals are mimicking conservatives by asking a single federal judge to issue a nationwide order against the administration.

That’s exactly what conservative states did two years ago when they asked a federal judge in Brownsville, Texas, to block Obama’s plan to defer deportation for 4 million undocumented immigrants. The judge, Andrew Hanen, did just that, issuing a nationwide order that ultimately was upheld by an evenly split Supreme Court.

The Obama administration decried the reach of Hanen’s order, calling it “drastically overbroad” in a 2015 court filing.

Now it’s conservatives who are protesting use of the tactic. When a federal judge in Hawaii said last month that Trump couldn’t block travel from a group of predominantly Muslim countries, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he was “amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific” could block the president’s policy.


Aptos Psychologist: Try that argument with the Internal Revenue Service.   Dear IRS, you are causing me to feel  “pre-enactment anxiety”  just at the thought of taking away my money.  You’ve caused me irreparable harm. Think that  argument — “pre-enactment anxiety” — will work talking to the IRS?  


What 61K gets: Middlebury College prof apologizes to rioters

charles murrayWhat  a 61 K per year education  gets you.   Middlebury College seems dead-set on adhering to social justice norms by apologizing for the violence that occurred when social scientist Charles Murray came to speak—not apologizing to Murray, the professor rioters injured, or the students who wanted to hear Murray’s speech, but to the rioters who shut it all down.

bert johnson chiarIn a post for The Middlebury Campus, Bert Johnson, chair of the school’s political science department and an associate professor, apologized to the students who were upset over Murray’s invitation, writing that he should have consulted with dissenting students before co-sponsoring the event.

 “The short amount of time between when the event became public and when it occurred gave all of us scant opportunity to listen to and understand alternative points of view,” Johnson wrote. “Most importantly, and to my deep regret, it contributed to a feeling of voicelessness that many already experience on this campus, and it contributed to the very real pain that many people – particularly people of color – have felt as a result of this event.”
Charles Murray is the W.H. Brady scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He first came to national attention in 1984 with the publication of Losing Ground, which has been credited as the intellectual foundation for the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. His 1994 book, The Bell Curve, co-authored with the late Richard Herrnstein, sparked controversy for its analysis of the role of IQ in shaping America’s class structure. Murray’s other books include What It Means to Be a Libertarian (1997), Human Accomplishment (2003), In Our Hands (2006), Real Education (2008) and Coming Apart (2012). His most recent book, By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission. urges Americans to stem governmental overreach and use America’s unique civil society to put government back in its place.


Firenze Sage:  The college is going forward with its Ivan the Terrible memorial to celebrate the vandals not the victims.
