Dynamic Duos: Christian Saints Charles & John Wesley

hymns of faithChristian saints John and Charles Wesley are remembered and discussed today,  Friday, March 3,  5:30 pm at St. John’s in Aptos during evening prayers.

During March 2017  different dynamic duos  — Christian saints linked in ministry — will be remembered and discussed at St. John’s in Aptos, CA during the Friday 5:30- 6:00  evening prayer service.

Methodist preachers John and Charles Wesley are linked together in ministry.

Charles Wesley  wrote over 6,000 hymns including Hark the Harold Angel Sing.

Charles Wesley  is remembered March 2 in the Calendar of Saints for Evangelical Lutherans,  March 3 in the Episcopal Calendar of Saints and March 29 in the Order of Saint Luke calendar.



Trump’s speaking style drives news media nuts?

trump speaking styleTrump tells it as he see it  — and it drives some of  the mainstream news media people nuts?

“The president noted the mess in Europe with mass immigration and terrorists lurking among the migrants. He said that he loved Sweden, but “they know what I’m talking about.” Here, he was implying that the elites there and in their media might be hiding the truth, but the people know what’s going on there.

“As President Trump moved more into the policy positions, it felt like listening to an executive going down his To Do list. He recounted what had been accomplished so far but then listed what he wanted to do. The list was everything mentioned above, plus talking about cleaning up inner cities. He specifically mentioned Chicago and seven shootings in recent days.

“Trump’s  speaking style might drive a listener nuts, but it works. While the media tilts at windmills, the people who continue to listen after his opening salvo hear what he’s actually saying.

“They hear the meta-message, which is this: No more bowing and scraping, no more apologizing for being American, no more global village hoo-ha, no more gutting of the military, no more getting side-tracked on meaningless issues like bathrooms, no more moral equivalence, no more denial of obvious reality.


Monterey Bay Forum:  The above material  is from the American Spectator.



Image manipulation? Russian flag & Trump

russian flagWhat’s the Russian flag look like –  well, it’s red white and blue.  Guess what — let’s pull a fast one say  a couple young men.

One of the persons  the  behind the supposed “prank”   was paid in the past  by  Hilary Clinton to go disrupt Trump rallies.

trump name on flagThis appears to be  more stuff  from the left/ liberals who  wants to connect Trump somehow  to Russia and that somehow Clinton’s victory — supposed to be a given — was stolen wrongfully by Trump.  That’s the narrative.

One thing for sure:  now we know what the Russian flag looks like.  That Russian flag by the way has  only been around a couple decades.


Obama and Trump – who is more authoritarian?

bathroom girl boy School bathroom decisions given back to states by Trump.  That’s not authoritarian.

Lost in most of the coverage of President Trump’s decision to rescind the Obama administration’s transgender mandates is a fundamental legal reality: The Trump administration just relinquished authority over gender-identity policy in the nation’s federally funded schools and colleges.

In other words, Trump was less authoritarian than Obama. And that’s not the only case.

  • Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, a man known not just for his intellect and integrity but also for his powerful legal argument against ­executive-branch overreach. Based on his previous legal writings, if Gorsuch had his way, the federal bureaucracy could well face the most dramatic check on its authority since the early days of the New Deal.
  •  Trump nominated H. R. McMaster to replace Michael Flynn as his national-security adviser. McMaster made his name on battlefields in the Gulf War and the Iraq War, but he made his name as a scholar by writing a book, “Dereliction of Duty,” that strongly condemned Vietnam-era generals for simply rolling over in the face of Johnson-administration blunders and excesses.
    In his view, military leaders owe their civilian commander in chief honest and courageous counsel — even when a president may not want to hear their words.
  •  When the Ninth Circuit blocked Trump’s immigration executive order (which was certainly an aggressive assertion of presidential power), he responded differently from the Obama administration when it faced similar judicial setbacks.

Rather than race to the Supreme Court in the attempt to expand presidential authority, it told the Ninth Circuit that it intends to rewrite the order to address the most serious judicial concerns and roll back its scope.

Authoritarianism is defined by how a president exercises power, not by the rightness of his goals.

The above is from the National Review.


Monterey Bay Forum: So far,  Trump’s bark is much louder than his bite.   He certainly controls the news narrative of the day. What will come tomorrow?


Media: their job is to control exactly what people think some say

fake-news-pppListen up ….

Controlling “exactly what people think” is the job of the media, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski boldly declared Wednesday morning.

While discussing President Trump’s entreaties to the American people to remain skeptical of the press, Bzezinski worried that if the economy turns south, Americans may end up trusting him over the media.

“And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he  [Trump] could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think,” Brzezinski said. “And that, that is our job.”

SCARBOROUGH: “Exactly. That is exactly what I hear. What Yamiche said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters that I talk to who were Trump voters and are still Trump supporters.

They [Trump supporters] go, ‘Yeah you guys are going crazy. He’s doing — what are you so surprised about? He is doing exactly what he said he is going to do.'”

BRZEZINSKI: “Well, I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he [Trump]  can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job.”


Firenze Sage;  These totalitarians think this is what freedom of the press is all about. Journalism school or indoctrination camps?



freedoms – Trump and Hilary compared Feb. 2017


Freedom to speak, travel, work …and TWEET!

Free speech:  Freedom to tweet or not to tweet.  Trump tweets. That’s fast communication to America.

Hilary  Clinton still  looks for her lost emails.  Does Russia have Hilary’s emails?

Freedom to self deport:  A new freedom!  Trump enforces immigration laws.  Hilary sought Amnesty and  policy of ‘come out of the shadows’.

Freedom to travel: Safe travel increases for Americans?    Trump hires 5,000 more Border Patrol and 10,000 more federal enforcement (ICE) and can deputize local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws.  Americans warned about travel around Mexico.    Mexico becomes less safe by the day with gun battles in the streets and warnings where and updates where not to travel.        written by C. Jackson



hey mom can we go skating today? No, Trump built the rink

woolman-ice-rink-central-park-new-york Hey mom can we go skating  today in Central Park?  At the Woolman ice-rink?

No?  Why?  Because Trump built the rink.

A group of liberal moms at an elite New York City school torpedoed an annual ice-skating party.

Why?  Because Donald Trump rebuilt the  rink in the 1980s.

The picture below shows Trump in 1986 when the Woolman ice-rink in New York Central Park  opened under budget and ahead of schedule.

trump-woolman-rink-1986The Dalton School said that the  ice-skating event was shelved due to low participation.

reported anti-Trump sentiment is said to be the real reason the ice-skating caper was cancelled.  When The New York Post asked the school’s parent association president about the allegation, she refused to comment:

Dalton’s PA president, LaMae DeJongh, declined to comment — but sources said the low attendance was due to rampant anti-Trump sentiment at the elite prep school, which boasts alumni such as CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Trump repaired the ice-rink:  Before Trump took over the project in the 1980s, the Wollman Rink in Central Park was a symbol of government incompetence. The rink’s repairs and renovations went $12 million over budget, contractors botched the amount of concrete needed, and for six years the incomplete rink served as a lightning rod for the press to remind the Ed Koch administration how untamed things were in the city, according to Bloomberg.
When Trump finally took over fixing the Woolman rink in Central Park,  he finished two months ahead of scheduled and $775,000 under budget:

Firenze Sage:    This is almost as stupid as boycotting a hospital wing the Koch brothers donated. Liberals are mindless  — but, oh so principled.



remember Kate Steinley killed by 5 time deported felon

sanctuary-city-san-franciscoRemember Kate Steinley shot in the back and  killed   in the sanctuary city of San Francisco by  five time deported illegal felon Lopez, a Mexican natonal   with multiple  convictions?

The man who murdered  Kate Steinley  was released from  jail  by the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department and not turned over to federal authorities.

A February 2017  poll shows that Trump has broad public support in his effort to crack down on sanctuary cities.

A recent Harvard-Harris Poll shows  that 80 percent  of voters say  that local authorities should comply with the law by reporting to federal agents the illegal immigrants they come in contact with.

Cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to federal authorities

Sanctuary cities receive $2.27 BILLION in federal programs.

A safety issue:   Trump re-framed the issue from a partisan battle to a duty owed to the American people: “When it comes to public safety, there is no place for politics; no Republicans, no Democrats, just citizens, and good citizens,” he said. “We want safe communities. We demand safe communities for everyone.” Voters will want to know why their mayor sides with the illegal alien killer over a victimized American family.

About 300 sanctuary city jurisdictions operate in the U.S. where state or local officials refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement officers and make it difficult for them to apprehend illegal aliens caught committing a crime.

Santa Cruz CA is a sanctuary city. Law enforcement officials in Santa Cruz claim that the community is safer by not reporting illegal immigrants to federal authorities. Recently 13 members of  M-13 gang were arrested in Santa Cruz by federal  authorities in cooperation with local authorities.

The Trump plan includes an expansion of the “287(g) program” — named for the section of federal immigration law that enables DHS to deputize state and local law-enforcement officers to enforce the laws as if they were federal immigration agents.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/445107/trump-immigration-enforcement-guidance-deportation-warranted-any-unlawful-behavior


Monterey Bay Forum:  Jobs!  

 New jobs:   Trump’s plan calls for adding resources:  10,000  to federal enforcement (ICE)  and 5,000 Border Patrol persons.

The many freedoms Americans enjoy  are dependent upon laws which are enforced.  Let’s take good care of legal, honest immigrants and let’s crack down on felons such as the man who murdered Kate Steinley.  What say you?



so where go for a job?

right-to-work-statesSo where go for a job? Head to a state with ‘right to work’ laws in place.  Or make your own job by  starting  your own business.

Right to work states  include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho,Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Boeing  in South Carolina recently voted overwhelmingly not to unionize.

In California, unfortunately, many middle class job seekers are leaving the state.

Kenneth Troske, an economics professor at the University of Kentucky, said he thinks right-to-work laws  help states attract businesses.

“[It] sends a signal to businesses that, as a state, we are trying to make ourselves more open and friendly and flexible as possible for businesses that want to locate here,” Troske said.

He said businesses like the promise of flexible workplace schedules which can increase productivity.

“That’s essentially what the research shows, is that when plants become unionized, you see a decline in their productivity,” Troske said.


Monterey Bay Forum:  Trump’s domestic agenda — reduce regulations on business creation, reduce taxes in general — the domestic policies Trump  put  to the voters can create more jobs.  Now it’s time for the Democrats to work with the Republicans to create jobs.

