USA moving in right direction? jobs? optimism?

   jobs-and-a-listMore jobs? More optimism?  The prospect of more jobs — is  that causing more people to think that the USA is moving in the right direction?

Under Obama – for quite an extended period of time – roughly   70+ percent of  prospective voters  thought that the USA was going in the wrong direction.  Those figures have changed recently, i.e.,  how people in general  feel about the direction of the country.

More people are more optimistic.

 One month into Trump’s administration and 42 percent think that USA is going in the right direction and 58 percent think  it’s still going in  the wrong direction.  That’s an important shift.

Nearly a majority of voters, 49 percent, approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as president, according to a Morning Consult poll.

“Thirty percent of registered voters strongly support President Trump, while 19 percent somewhat approve. Another thirty percent strongly disapprove, while 11 percent somewhat disapprove. Ten percent weren’t sure or had no opinion.”

While 42 percent said the country was on the right track, another 58 percent said it was on the wrong track.

Trump’s approval rating has increased quickly: Four days after assuming office, Gallup found Trump had an approval rating of 45 percent, the lowest since the outfit began polling.

The Morning Consult questioned 1,991 registered voters from Jan. 26 to Jan. 28 with a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.


Monterey Bay Forum:   Every job created matters:   About 70 to 100 jobs are created with each local symphony event, so remarked the President of the Santa Cruz Symphony at an event in Watsonville, CA


fake news: if you don’t like Trump just go ahead & lie

 fake-news-bbbb Fake news again: Actually detained under Obama, an Olympic medal winner Muslim-American  lies as to when  detention occurred.  
The latest example features Ibtihaj Muhammad, the New Jersey native who recently became the first female Muslim-American to win an Olympic medal for the United States.

Here’s a transcript of what Muhammad told Popsugar’s Lindsay Miller on Feb. 7 about the alleged incident with customs agents [emphases added]:

Popsugar: Do you know anyone who was directly impacted by Trump’s travel ban?

Ibtihaj Muhammad: Well, I personally was held at Customs for two hours just a few weeks ago. I don’t know why. I can’t tell you why it happened to me, but I know that I’m Muslim. I have an Arabic name. And even though I represent Team USA and I have that Olympic hardware, it doesn’t change how you look and how people perceive you.

Unfortunately, I know that people talk about this having a lot to do with these seven countries in particular, but I think the net is cast a little bit wider than we know. And I’m included in that as a Muslim woman who wears a hijab.

Journalists were so eager to virtue signal their outrage and despair over this supposed injustice that Time, the UK’s Independent, the Daily Mail, the New York Daily News, The Hill, and of course Sports Illustrated and ESPN all spread the story far and wide before verifying it. Specifically, they should have double-checked whether she was detained after Trump’s travel ban went into place, after Trump was inaugurated, or perhaps while Obama was still president.

As it happens, according to Muhammad herself, her purported “detention” took place in December while Obama was still president.


Firenze Sage:  If a Muslim woman speaks ill of Trump it must be true. There are no journalists left anymore.


St. John’s in Aptos CA kills Board of Helpful Shop

helpful-shop-buildingNo more Helpful Shop Board.

For  many years,  the women of the church via the ECW  and then the   Helpful Shop’s Board  have operated the Helpful Shop as their outreach to the Santa Cruz County  community.

For the last ten years,  the Helpful Shop has operated under its bylaws and  has elected officers each year.  Six of the seven current members of the Helpful Shop Board are listed in St. John’s  church directory.

Andy Pudan  is the current president of the Helpful Shop Board. Other Board members are:  Floyd Bishop; Margy Cottle; Eileen Fernald;   Esther Meister;  Joanne Peterson and Nancy Shepard.

One effect:   there’s no more specific   participation by community  members in  decisions as  to the distribution of monies. The Helpful Shop’s  bylaws require two (2)  community members.  A  current  community member is the former secretary of the church who resigned   without warning during 2016.

Each year, the Helpful Shop Board distributes substantial money to many  local charities:  $19,400  was  distributed in 2016.  In 2015,  $28,000. was distributed.   In 2014 $32,000. was distributed.   Decisions are made by a Grant Committee.

 History:  Many years ago, the  Episcopal Church Women (ECW)  decided at a  High Tea held  that   December  that all money that could be distributed   would be decided by the members present for  High Tea that day. Women present that day  suggested  various charities and a vote taken.    It was an amicable and  memorable High Tea.   Delicious food and everyone got along.

 Subsequently,  a more formal Helpful Shop Board evolved  and   a more formal process put  in place how to choose charities. A couple years later the first manager of the Helpful Shop was hired.

There are numerous  scenarios as to what’s currently  going on.  Wanting control of the money — which organizations receive how much —  may  be  an  issue underlying the decision to disband the Helpful Shop Board.

The Helpful Shop  Board and its cadre of  faithful volunteers are largely  women.

This probably is  one of the last major acts Rev. Merritt Greenwood will do.

At the Feb. 2017 vestry  meeting,   the Rev. Merritt  Greenwood  in conjunction with Bill Kell (Sr Warden), Andrea Seitz (Jr. Warden) Jon Showalter and others voted to take all legal authority to operate from the Helpful Shop Board.

Information:  In an episcopal church such as this, the Junior Warden is the  ‘voice for the People’;  the Senior Warden typically assists and promotes  the Rector’s agenda.  Each vestry member has one vote.

Disagreeing with the majority, one-third of the Vestry   voted “no”  to killing the Board.

Why take such action at this time?  There was no immediate crises and a new Rector will be coming soon.

One wonders whether  this action involves gender issues?     Several men were instrumental  implementing this decision  to dismantle this  outreach activity,   long the principal outreach of women in the church.

Over the last year, there have been allegations of  disturbed/  distressed volunteer work relationships related to the  rector’s  and/ or partner’s volunteer activities.  One would think these issues would resolve naturally  with the coming of a new Rector.

The  Helpful Shop board puts on various events during the year and reaches out seeking volunteers.

  Through outreach by the Board,  numerous persons have chosen to help out at the Helpful Shop.

Who will do the substantial  work which Board members  have done? Who will find the volunteers?  Who will put  on the events?

The church vestry dismantled  i.e. killed  the Helpful Shop Board.  So, let the  St. John’s vestry do the work necessary to find volunteers and put on events?    

Rev. Merritt Greenwood — who has been at St. John’s somewhat over a year  as temporary Rector —  will leave St. John’s  with the coming of a new Rector.

From the newsletter of St. John’s:

“The shop has not been without controversy over the years. The level of autonomy of the advisory board has become an issue from time to time in its history. Most recently this has caused division and conflict within the parish, which the Vestry recognized as impeding the church’s mission and presenting a major difficulty for our new Rector …” written by A. Seitz

Checking out what St. John’s mission  is:

“Our mission statement goal is to equip all of our members for life and service to others.”


 Monterey Bay Forum:   My, my.  What to do when there’s conflict in a church?  

Does the vestry think it can dismantle the Board that has run the Helpful Shop and expect those who have done it  for years to just keep on chugging along?

 Is this the way a pastor ‘tends his sheep’?

There was no crises which required immediate action.  

The issue of  management of the Helpful Shop should have been left to the incoming Rector — coming soon —  to address and seek healing for all. 

Why hurt fellow church members?

Church boards, one hopes,  will reach out to heal — not hurt.

 There are resources which can help heal. Use them!   


EPA: Pruitt confirmed as Secretary ends war on coal?


EPA Secretary Pruitt ends war on coal
EPA Secretary Pruitt ends war on coal

Under the new EPA secretary Pruitt — the war on coal is over?

Obama  started the war on coal.

More and more jobs across America as well as  in the coal industry  were disappearing every year of the Obama administration. That trend will change under Pruitt.

from  2/17/17: ” The rust belt was integral to Trump’s election in part because of their reliance on coal; for states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Indiana, three of which Trump won, Trump was the easy decision to get the people back to work and make the economy stable once again. Yet all four of these states have Democrats in office, all up in 2018 as well, who voted against Pruitt: Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Mark Warner and Joe Donnelly.

In a statement, Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning blasted these senators as “those politicians who voted against the Pruitt nomination told the workers in their states they prefer San Francisco radical environmentalist campaign cash over the votes and livelihoods of their constituents.”

Clearly, Heitkamp and Manchin are focused on creating jobs for their constituents and retaining their position in 2018, and proof was their vote for Pruitt. Brown, Casey, Warner and Donnelly, not so much.

President Obama led the war on coal, and now Scott Pruitt is about to end it as EPA Administrator.

The work Pruitt  has done in Oklahoma sets the stage for ending EPA overreach and in doing so, he can force other Democrats in the Senate to actually start listening to their constituents — or else face the music in 2018.”   above quote from



Sanctuary city lost $410 K school revenue in one day


PVUSD lost $410 K as students refuse to attend one day
PVUSD lost $410 K as students refuse to attend one day — Watsonville, CA sanctuary city

Sanctuary city Watsonville CA school district  PVUSD  lost $410 K  school revenue in one day  —  because 7,600 students failed to attend school on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017.

Students choose freedom of speech over a free, public education provided by CA taxpayers.

On the average it costs about $10,600 to educate a student through public education

Thursday PM there was a Day without Immigrants protest calling on all immigrants to abstain from work, school or shopping.


“very, very fake news” by CNN & others says Trump at news conference

Trump, jobs, immigration, wall discussed at press conference 2/16/17
Trump, jobs, immigration, wall discussed at press conference 2/16/17

Jobs, immigration, trade deals, the wall, keeping America safe   and much fake news discussed at 2/16/17 news conference by Trump.

Trump says,  CNN tone shows much anger and hatred. Better that CNN reported honest and true news says Trump. Illegal news leaks a huge problem says Trump.

Hilary Clinton gave away 20 percent of America’s uranium in a deal with Russia.  If we can get along with Russia …



Climate change: the roach coach is no longer a metaphor

cockroach-on-breadPrevent climate change by eating cockroaches? cockroach bread?

From the “ew! just ewwwww!” department of climate salvation, comes this idea that’s sure to catch on with people who are really concerned about reducing their carbon footprint.

Forget steak, forget Soylent Green, it’s roach-bread!

Looking for an easy, affordable way to get a high protein diet? Researchers of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) in Rio Grande do Sul may have come across a crunchy answer, although it might turn your stomach; cockroach-laced bread.

Just like peanuts: ‘Tasty’ cockroach bread may feed world’s population in climate change era

The threat of climate change looms large, providing a unique set of challenges for the future, including how we will feed an estimated 9 billion people by 2030. One group of researchers in Brazil has proposed a different, stomach-churning solution. Cockroaches made into bread.

“They remind us of ches[t]nut or peanut. They’re really good and tasty, and (their presence) does not affect the flavor of the bread,” said Myrian Melado, a researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande, as reported by AsiaOne.

The practice of eating insects, known as entomophagy, has existed for millennia but has been largely overlooked in the western world since the agricultural revolution.

However, as climate change continues to threaten the long-term viability of traditional livestock agriculture, scientists are once again turning to insects as a potential solution to world hunger both now and in the future.


Firenze Sage:  Just imagine Algore and Leonardo aloft in their gas guzzling jets serving roach ala Rio Grande.



Fix that Oroville CA dam? Nope, too expensive …


Oroville dam
Oroville dam

Fix that Oroville CA  dam?  Too much money  so 12 years ago the  feds and state of CA ignored warnings.


Plot a murder? Oh dear, it’s complicated ….

Plot of murder foiled
Plot of murder  was recently foiled

Plot a murder?  Crime?  Oh, dear —  it’s complicated.  All this murder stuff is far too complicated for dear old dad.

Who did it in … with the …in the …

A  recent murder plot devised by a father was exposed.   The person  accidentally texted his former employer instead of his hit man, court documents suggest.

Jeff Lytle, of Monroe, Washington, reportedly intended to text a man named Shayne.

Prosecutors say he’d hired the man to kill his wife and four-year-old daughter for their $1.5 million life insurance payout.

His wife has been identified on social media as Rhoda Mee Funtanilla Lydle.

Instead, the text message about the sinister plan was sent to his ex-boss, who brought the message to the police, leading to Lytle’s arrest on Wednesday.

The text allegedly said: ‘Hey Shayne hows it going. You remember you said that you would help me kill my wife. I’m going to take you up on that offer,’ KIRO 


Firenze Sage:  If you plot a murder,  please be as stupid as this moron.


LA: bad dudes from 12 countries arrested for deportation


LA: bad dudes from 12 countries arrested by ICE
Illegal immigration: Over 700 arrested  by ICE

Illegal immigration:  The travel plans of over 700 were disrupted  this last week by ICE.

In LA, bad dudes — largely felons —  from 12 countries  were arrested by federal government on immigration violations.

These are bad men, largely felons:   Of the 160 arrested in Los Angeles, CA about 150 had criminal histories, while five more had either been previously deported or had “final orders of removal”. Many of those arrested had prior felony convictions for “serious or violent offenses” including child sex crimes and assault.

The arrestees in the LA area  – which were 95 percent male – included nationals from a dozen countries, according to ICE.

Across the USA over 700 arrests were made:

Interesting development:  Mexico urges illegals to fight deportation via the court system.

In Mexico, influential Mexicans want illegals to go overwhelm the USA legal system via the court system.
