CA Regional Center fails sniff test

CA Regional Center fails the sniff test.

SARC fails sniff test
CA Regional Center fails sniff test

Consent  is a big deal. Written consent starts many important things such as:  Will you marry me?

 Will you have my child?  Will you co-sign on a loan?

 I  consent that my child  receive special education services.  Yes consent  is a big deal.   For many reasons.


However, when it comes to consent, San Andreas Regional Center fails the sniff test. And this is probably true for other  Regional Centers of which there are 21 in California.

 Exactly how San Andreas Regional Center  fails the sniff test is described below. First, some comments  why consent is so important. Think about consent in general and why  written consent  is important:

Most people understand that consent matters and is a big deal. For example,  everybody goes to the doctor.  Everybody who goes to the doctor has to sign a consent for release of confidential information.  Everybody knows that without  written consent  records cannot be sent electronically.  Thus most people have  some understanding that signed consents matter and are a big deal.

Another example:   Many children get Early Start services.  Early Start services are provided by California regional centers such as San Andreas Regional Center.  Parents  must sign written consent before assessment will start.  No consent signed?  Then no assessment and no services.

Many children who receive  Early Start services improve considerably. Some children, however, make little or very slow progress in their social skills and how well they manage change.

 Some of these slow developing children show  substantial symptoms suggestive of autism.  Early Start is required by law to contact the local public school and set up what is called a “transition” meeting.

Some children with autistic symptoms  may be eligible for ongoing regional center services under the California   Lanterman Act

Given the above,  might think  that before any assessment occurs for Lanterman eligibility for  ongoing services  that someone legally responsible must  give written  consent.  That would logically follow.  But, no.

 Guess what!   No written consent is  obtained by SARC  when children transition  out of Early Start and may be eligible  for  ongoing services.

This is when  CA Regional Center  fails  the sniff test.

 San Andreas Regional Center SARC  does not get written consent  prior to assessing  Early Start children who might be eligible for ongoing services.

 This CA Regional Center  only gets written consent one time  — prior to assessment   Early Start services.

So what?   Does it matter that San Andreas Regional Center  does not get  written consent from  Early Start  children  who might transition to ongoing services at age three?

Yes! No written consent translates into no current medical or school information will be obtained and thus  not  available forreview by  the psychologist  who assesses that child.

And,  as a result a less than minimum report may  be produced  by CA Regional Centers  based on limited  or out of date records.  Does this pass your sniff test?  Nope.

This kind of behavior — where CA Regional Centers  may meet the minimum requirements of the law but fails to implement best practice guide lines for the assessment of autism  –should stop.

 It is time that  all CA regional centers  meet the guidelines recommended by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for the assessment of autism in young children.  San Andreas Regional Cener  knows what those guidelines are.   It’s time that  this CA Regional Center  met those guidelines willingly.

It all starts with consent.  Yes, consent is a big deal.  And consent leads to obtaining and sharing current information about young children   some of whom have substantial autistic symptoms.  And some of  these children  can and should be eligible under autism  for ongoing  regional center services  at the age of three.

Should the public   and parents require regional centers to get consent prior to assessing for autism?  Yes.   Consent if a big deal for many reasons.  And then act on that consent.   Get up to date, current medical and school records after getting consent.  Yes, consent is big deal and matters.

What you can do:  email your California representatives and say it’s high time that Regional Centers meet best practice guidelines for assessment of autism.  Contact your local public schools and ask them to pressure the Regional Centers to get parent consent and use up to date standardized tests when testing children for autism and other developmental disabilities. And contact the California Department of Developmental Services to put pressure on specific regional centers such as San Andreas so that they will more fully meet best practice guidelines.

Did you know that the former boss of San Andreas Regional Center is now the top boss of the agency (DDS) that writes the best practice guidelines?   He is Santi Rodgers and his email address is available on the DDS site.  Let Mr. Rodgers know that you want best practices used when children are assessed for autism.


Senior Ministry Workshops, Resurrection Catholic Community, Aptos, CA

senior service workshops
Senior Ministry  Workshops,  Resurrection Catholic Community, Aptos, CA

Senior Ministry Workshops, Resurrection Catholic Community, Aptos, CA

Resurrection Catholic Community in Aptos, CA  offers “pop-up” workshops and events throughout the year.

Three upcoming events for October and November, 2015:

Aging with Grace, Gratitude and Grit,  Friday, October 9 form 9:30 to 11:30 AM.  A special morning for men and women to explore journaling, discussion and balance in our spiritual lives. More details to follow.

A Day of Spiritual Renewal for Caregivers, Saturday, October 24 from 9:30 to 3:30 PM, Resurrection Parish Youth Center.  $28 per person includes hospitality and lunch.  For men and women caregivers.

Healthy Eating Workshop and Harvest Luncheon, Friday, November 13 from 10:00 AM to 12 noon,  Markey Hall.  Chef Adriennne Meier. Donation.

The Pastor of Resurrection Catholic Community is Rev. Ron Shirley.  Pastoral Associate is Deacon Patrick Conway


Rev. Ron Shirley
Rev. Ron Shirley



Deacon Patrick
Deacon Patrick

For more information  concerning Senior Ministry workshops, if you have a need or are called to serve in this ministry,  contact Helena at 688-4300 # 17 or email  Helena is available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:30  AM to 2:30 PM.

Helena thanks all who have attended a focus group, offered support or suggestions via email, US mail, phone call or have dropped by to share a visit.  Some themes that have emerged are the importance of socialization and connection, and the value of being knowledgeable about accessing resources or having a well-informed “go-go” person to call.


Michelle Obama’s story: marry upcoming pol is her story

Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama’s story:  marry an upcoming politician

 Michelle Obama’s story:

 Michelle Obama, her two daughters, Malia and Sasha, and her mother touched down Thursday in China for what’s being touted as a weeklong feel-good tourist event. 

The nature of her visit is really quite different,” deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters ahead of the trip.

“What the first lady really brings is the power of her own story, the power of American values.”

White House officials have refused to detail how much the trip will cost taxpayers but the First Lady has been criticized many times for her lavish vacations at taxpayers’ expense.

Michelle will not be discussing the long history of human rights abuses perpetrated by the communist government, nor will she try to meet with Chinese dissidents striving for freedom in that oppressive land.

White House officials say that because politics won’t be a focus on First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to China, no reporters will be allowed to accompany her on the trip. Officials claim that Michelle’s trip will be a “people-to-people exchange” meant to advocate for the importance of education, not politics.


Firenze Sage, Esq.     This is the woman [Michelle Obama]  who was never proud of America until Barrack became president. Before that she was raised in a middle class family and through affirmative action went to the Ivy league.


Interviews are held in the coliseum — [where non-Christians get extra consideration]


Interviews are held in the coliseum — where non-Christians get extra consideration.

For more than 30 years, a clause within a Michigan public school district contract openly stated that “special consideration” would be be given to non-Christian applicants.

According to the teachers union contract:

“The Board shall consider the professional backgrounds and attainments of all applications along with other relevant facts.Should there be two (2) or more of these applicants with equal qualifications for the position and one (1) or more of these applicants with equal qualifications is a current employee, the current employee with the greatest seniority shall be assigned.

The  teachers union contract states that special consideration shall be given to women and/or minority defined as: Native American, Asian American, Latino, African American and those of the non-Christian faith.

The clause in the teacher union contract  concerning extra consideration for non-Christians  is totally unconstitutional. The teachers belong to the Ferndale Educational Association and the contract continues until 2017.


Firenze Sage, Esq.  And the graduation and literacy rate be damned!

minorities graduates
minorities graduates highest at Independent Colleges & Universities
high school graduation rates
high school graduation rates

parents manipulate process for autism services hoisted on their petard?



educator/parents manipulate process seeking services
parents manipulate process for autism services

Parents manipulate  process for  autism services hoisted  on their own petard?

Here’s a list of  what NOT to do when seeking services for a child with substantial delays such as autism or intellectual disability.

And if you do the following  – don’t expect the process to go smoothly!

That the parents are both teacher/ educators which is a profession prone to “know it all” types may have  played  a role in what happened and that these parents today  are still clueless.

The family  first went to  an  M.D.  who made recommendations that a handful of evaluations be done & then  to come back to discuss the results.  The parents  did not follow through on any of the MD’s  recommendations concerning assessment.

Instead, the parents went to a CA  agency that provides services to children with developmental disabilities.  There, the parents:

  • Told  the agency  exactly  what diagnosis to give their child.   And what diagnosis was not acceptable.
  • Spent most of the  first interview  saying NO when asked for additional info/ records.
  • Refused permission for the agency  to  observe the  child  with same age peers at school.
  • Created  a  pseudo history of  events via email trail.
  •  Provided false information  because their advocate told them to do so.

Overall, these parents/ educators  tried to manipulate the  process from start to finish.  What happened?

Hoist by they own petard!  One thing lead to another and the end result was that the parents did not get the diagnosis they expected.  So they they tried to change the diagnosis through a complaint process. And that did not work.

The parents feel “stuck” with a diagnosis they do not agree with. Shown the support for the diagnosis they still want to reject it. And the parents state that they feel that the process was a painful one.  Well, the actions they took (see above bullets) resulted in effects they did not expect.

It is hard for parents to accept that their child not only meets criteria for autism but also for intellectual disability.

What about the child?  The 13 year old substantially delayed child still does not have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). The parents, both educators, say that they don’t want their child  harmed through special education  categorization or certain medical  diagnosis which they don’t accept.

In my view, just as water seeks its own level, many children with disabilities are more comfortable educated with children who share similar  abilities.  I hope that this child does get an IEP and can have connections with children who share similar abilities and interests.



Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.

Dr Jackson is a psychologist with a private practice in Santa Cruz, CA   831 688 6002


What are probable causes of autism? Vaccines?

What are probable causes of autism in babies? Vaccines?

Defer vaccinations for some children ages 18 to 24 mo?
Defer vaccinations for some babies  ages 18 to 24 mo?

What are probable causes of autism in babies? Vaccines?   Research says mercury in vaccines does not cause autism because there’s no more mercury in the vaccines. That’s the beginning of the story …

But maybe the vaccines themselves overwhelm some babies who genetically are more likely to develop it than others.

What to do? Talk to your MD about a delayed schedule for vaccinations.  A particularly vulnerable window seems to be the 18 – 24 month period. Why not defer vaccinations if certain conditions exist.


Research Reaffirms: No Vaccine-Autism Link

Jan. 7, 2008


A new study may be the latest nail in the coffin of a theory that draws a link between the mercury-containing vaccine additive thimerosal and autism.

The research is the latest to contradict concerns over childhood vaccinations as a possible cause of autism — concerns that have gained publicity in the past decade as the number of children diagnosed with the disorder climbs steadily in the United States.

Because vaccinations are mandatory for all children at a certain age, some parents and doctors believe that the mercury once found in many childhood vaccines may contribute to the development of autism. However, so far a number of large scientific studies have shown no association between thimerosal and autism.

And the most recent research to nullify this association, published Monday in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, reveals that the prevalence of autism for children ages 3 to 12 continued to increase in California even after 2001 — when all but trace levels of mercury had been removed from most childhood vaccines.

“If thimerosal exposure is a primary cause of autism, then the prevalence of autism would be predicted to decrease, as young children’s exposure to thimerosal has sharply decreased to its lowest levels in decades,” noted lead study investigator Robert Schechter in the commentary section of the research.

Much Ado About an Additive

Before 2001, thimerosal was used in many childhood vaccines to prevent microbial contamination. However, in July 1999, the U.S. Public Health Service implemented a precautionary measure removing thimerosal — which contains 49.6 percent ethylmercury — from all childhood vaccines.

To determine whether reduced exposure to thimerosal led to a decrease in autism cases, researchers at the California Department of Public Health analyzed data from the California Department of Developmental Services on the prevalence by age and birth cohort of children with autism between 1995 and 2007.

But instead of finding a decrease in autism following the elimination of thimerosal from most vaccines, researchers found that for each quarter from 1995 to the end of 2003, the prevalence of autism in children between the ages of 3 and 5 years increased from 0.6 to 2.9 per 1,000 births.

From 2004 to 2007, when exposure to thimerosal from childhood vaccinations vastly declined, the prevalence of autism in children between the ages of 3 and 5 years increased from 3.0 to 4.1 per 1,000 births.

The findings bolster the position that has been steadfastly held by the Institute of Medicine, and many doctors worldwide, that no link can be established between thimerosal and autism.

Some researchers say that the absence of a link has already been demonstrated in Denmark, where thimerosal was removed from all vaccines in 1992. Despite this move, autism rates in that country continued to rise until 2004.

“Conspiracy theorists will continue to engage this theory on the link between autism and vaccinations, but hopefully, they will take into account that this idea has been refuted on an international scale, not just by the CDC,” said Mark Slifka, associate professor in the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute at Oregon Health Sciences University.

“Studies out of Sweden and Denmark, independent studies on an international basis, have all come to this same conclusion.”


Questions for Obama on SuperBowl Sunday

Questions for  Obama tomorrow  on SuperBowl Sunday when O’Reilly interviews the President:

Obama promises American they can keep their health care plans
Obama promises American they can keep their health care plans

Health care: Mr. President,will you keep your promise  that if  you like your health plan you can keep it,, by working   with Congress  to pass laws which  repeal : 1)  the individual and employer mandates; 2) repeal  the exchanges and 3)  repeal the central planning  of 1/6th of our economy (health care)  which  results in the  overpricing of health plan products?

War powers: Mr. President, as Commander-in-Chief you have power  and the responsibility to send planes and troops to protect America.  Where were you the night of Bengazi when Ambassador Stevens, 2 CIA operatives and a 4th American were murdered? Had you sent an armed  drone to keep the mob away and had you provided adequate protection for the Embassy  those four would be alive today some say.   Exactly where were you and who did you speak with during those hours and that evening?

Where was Obama the night Stevens was murdered at Bengazi?
Where was Obama the night Ambassador  Stevens was murdered at Bengazi?


Jobs: Mr. President, you’ve admitted that the Stimulus resulted in no shovel ready jobs. The Pipeline will result in 45,000 shovel ready and other jobs. Yes/No, are you going to support the Pipeline?  

Education:  Mr. President,  in the past  you  opposed vouchers which give low income and minority children choice as to which  school they will attend. Twice you denied  vouchers to 4000 Afro-American  children in Washingto D.C  where your children attend a private school.  Why not give low income, minority parents the same choice that you have to send their child to a school of their choice?

Obama opposes vouchers for D.C. black children
Obama opposes vouchers for D.C. black children

Poverty:  Mr. President, the way out of poverty is to stay in school, get married and have children in that order. You followed that path. Will you work to change laws to encourage staying in school, marriage and having children after marriage?

America is waiting for your reply, Mr. President.

Cameron S. Jackson, Ph.D.


[why listen to]Mozart who wasn’t female or black?

Mozart not a woman or person of color, why listen?
Mozart, not a woman or person of color, why listen?

Why listen to  to Mozart  as he was not female or a person of color?

“Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?” she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in his book on Columbia’s core.

“My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It’s a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color.”

Firenze Sage, Esq.  When you realize that these students have amassed hundreds of thousands of dollars for this alleged learning,then you know condign punishment.

Go home Peggy West & rest! [Arizona borders Mexico]


Peggy West needs to rest as clueless that Arizona shares a border with Mexico. Democrat, Peggy West of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, in calling for a boycott of Arizona because of its tough law on illegal immigration, noted:

“If this was Texas, which is a state that is directly on the border with Mexico, and they were calling for a measure like this, saying that they have a major issue with — you know, with undocumented people flooding their borders, I would say… I would — I would have to look twice at this, but this is a state that is a ways removed from the border.”


Firenze Sage: Oh well, half  of  Americans between 18-34 cannot find Texas on a map.



More info:


Firenze Sage: burn book burn! [San Jose State Univ.]

San Jose State burns book
San Jose State burns book disagrees with

The caption from the SJSU website reads:

This week we received a deluge of free books from the Heartland Institute  The book is entitled “The Mad, Mad, Made World of Climatism”. SHown above, Drs. Bridger and Clements test the flammability of the book.


Firenze Sage:   Stop global warming. Burn a book.  From Whats Up With That.    Four More Obama Years
