Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s policies shrink wrap the economy & jobs

Obama’s tax & welfare polices shrink wrap USA jobs

Why get a job when Obama offers 2 years jobless insurance, food stamps, Medicaid, disability and various  tax credits even for having  more children.

In Feb. 2013 nearly 1/2 million left the civilian work force.  The retired, quit working, went back to school or gave up looking for work.

“Obama[s tax and welfare policies shrink the workforce precisely when we need more workers to pay for the entitlements Obama does not want to reform” says the Wall Street Journal April 6-7, 2013.

What can we do? Work for education reform.    Support charter schools  which offer better education at three-quarters the cost.  Support vouchers so that state education  money follows the child and parents choose what is best for their children.  Our failing public education system does not give young people the skills they need to compete in the information economy.



Aptos Psychologist: It’s Easter! Change depression to new life …

It’s Easter Day!  Time for new life! No matter how old you are. Or how young.

Are you a depressed young person  and feel  trapped?  Do you feel caught by Big Brother?  Do you want to do things but have no car, have no money and don’t know where to begin?  Does that describe you or someone you know?

Then ‘s time for you  to kick ass on causes that you  care about.  Join a cause or make your own. For example, 3 out of 4 young persons say they have no clue how to manage their cash. Learn how with your friends. Take charge of your money world.

Make your passions into your causes.  You will change. And you can change the world around you. 

Here’s one way how for young persons 13 to 25.

Go to dosomething.org and learn how to change passions into reality.   Tell us what happens as you change your worlds — internal and external.  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

Who We Are  [Do Something.org]

DoSomething.org is the country’s largest nonprofit for young people and social change. We have 1,425,974 million members (and counting) who kick ass on causes they care about. Bullying. Homelessness. Cancer. The list goes on. DoSomething.org spearheads national campaigns so 13- to 25-year-olds can make an impact – without ever needing money, an adult, or a car. Over 2.4 million people took action through DoSomething.org in 2012. You know, because apathy sucks.


  1. Believe in young people. Young people have the power to lead. We don’t require old people!
  2. Trust young people. We provide reliable, easy-to-access information and activation strategies, but young people decide for themselves what to do.
  3. Celebrate young people. We think all measurable contributions from young people are valuable.
  4. Respect young people. We understand that young people have diverse abilities and constraints.
  5. Value young people. Our programs and products are free. We’re not after young people’s money; we want their passion, time, and creativity


Aptos Psychologist: Action video games may improve reading

Brains of children with and without dyslexia

To read, a child must distinguish  different shapes and do so quickly.  Now there’s some evidence that action videos may assist children with dyslexia.  It worked for a small group of Italian children and now they will try it with children speaking English.

“Playing fast-paced action  video games for 12 hours over two weeks markedly increased the reading speed of 7- to 13-year-old kids with dyslexia, with no loss of reading accuracy, says a team led by psychologist Andrea Facoetti of the University of Padua, Italy.” Science News


Firenze Sage: Schoot nuts!


Three Florida high school students disarmed another student who was armed with a loaded pistol while riding home on a school bus. The school district then promptly suspended all three students for being involved in an “incident” with a weapon.

One of the suspended students asked, “How are they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?”

Authorities confirmed to WFTX the weapon was indeed loaded, and the arrest report stated the suspect, identified by WVZN-TV as Quadryle Davis, was “pointing the gun directly” at the other student and “threatening to shoot him.”


This is an extension of the bully beating the weak kid and the principal yelling,”All right you two-stop it”

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Firenze Sage: Take the day off! [teachers in Detroit]


 Kids cannot read at grade level but teachers strike

In the public schools in Detroit, Mich., according to the U.S. Department of Education, only 7 percent of the eighth graders are grade-level proficient or better in reading.

Some public school teachers in the City of Detroit and around the state of Michigan are reportedly taking a vacation or a sick day today to protest right-to-work legislation likely to be approved by the state legislature. Under current law, Michigan public school teachers must pay dues to the teachers’ union.


With results like these the teachers should take the rest of their teaching career off.





Firenze Sage: Dumb Brits!


A study last year found that HALF of 18 to 24-year-olds did not know that Nelson led the British to victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. A similar proportion were unaware the Romans built Hadrian’s Wall.


What’s a Roman daddy?


Hadrian’s Wall, built by Romans, not known by British youth


Firenze Sage: Post racial president in action


Obama applies disparate impact to schools. Forget intent. Just show numerical differences between groups. Obama criminalizes institutions.  

Barack Obama backs a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.

His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

“African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline,” said the order, titled “White House Initiative On Educational Excellence.”

Because of those causes, the report suggests, “over a third of African American students do not graduate from high school on time with a regular high school diploma, and only four percent of African American high school graduates interested in college are college-ready across a range of subjects.




Now let’s see this in action. Unjustly punish Joe Asian and a black thug will more likely graduate?



Aptos Psychologist: Potty training app for children with autism and developmental delays

How to potty train children with autism and other developmental disabilities go to http://www.avakid.com

“This unique potty training app provides a simple menu to create a cartoon avatar that physically resembles your child/children, and then enables your child to repeatedly play the Go Potty narrative showing him/herself successfully complete the whole process of using the potty step by step. There is also an accident scene. The layout is intentionally simple and free of distractions so your child’s attention will be focused on him/herself using the potty. The app includes 15 actionable potty training tips including concrete advice about preparation, behavioral reinforcement, behavioral shaping, when to continue vs. take a break, and more.”

Information on this potty app was found on Autism Speaks:


Autism Speaks is a great resource for families with children with autism.



Firenze Sage: rosary beads as gang symbol

no rosary wearing by students as gang related

Red and blue are gang related colors. So no wearing of certain colors in schools. Now rosary beads are forbidden because used by some gangs.

Jake Balthazor, 15, of Coon Rapids, Minn., has been told by local school officials that he can no longer wear the black and silver rosary honoring his grandmother, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

A Minnesota high school student who wears rosary beads to school in support of his cancer-stricken grandmother was ordered to pocket them by school district officials, who said the beads could be a symbol of gang membership.

“He was told not to wear it again,” Chad Balthazor said Thursday. “He was upset when he came home from school. A teacher sent him down to the office, but the reason he was wearing it was for his grandmother.”

The school district’s policy forbids any “apparel, jewelry, accessories or matter of grooming which by virtue of its color arrangement, trademark or any other attribute denotes membership in an organized gang,” Mary Olson, director of communication for the Anoka-Hennepin School District, told FoxNews.com.

Olson said Coon Rapids police informed the district in early May that some local gangs, namely the Latin Kings and the Surenos, do use rosary beads as affiliation symbols.


Imagine all the things we can ban if we just put them in the gang’s hands first.

SmJAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312


Firenze Sage: You cannot fail in Florida [teacher unions oppose standardized testing]

Florida teacher unions oppose standardized tests

The Board of Education decided in an emergency meeting Tuesday to lower the passing grade on the writing portion of Florida’s standardized test after preliminary results showed a drastic drop in student passing scores.

The results indicated only about a third of students would pass this year’s tougher Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test exam, compared with a passing rate of 80 percent or more last year.

“They’ve asked students to do more, but that’s pretty dramatic,” said Florida Education Association spokesman Mark Pudlow. “We need to examine what led to this, not just paper over the problem.”

The results provide another opening to critics of high-stakes testing. The statewide teachers union has opposed Florida’s use of standardized tests to evaluate teachers and grade schools.


The teacher’s union is for the teachers, not the students who really don’t matter to the union.

JAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312
