[Stay out! black leaders tell Trader Joe’s.] We love our ghetto

Stay out! black leaders tell Trader Joe's
Stay out! black leaders tell Trader Joe’s in Portland, Oregon

Stay out! Black leaders tell Trader Joe’s  in Portland, Oregon. And Trader Joe complied.

Portland, Oregon  kicked off their celebration of Black History Month by kicking a major grocery store chain out of a black neighborhood this week.

City officials had been working with Trader Joe’s for more than a year to convince the grocery store to invest $8 million in a “historically African-American neighborhood.” A high crime neighborhood. The kind of place that First Lady Michelle Obama calls a “food desert” because large grocery stories will not open there.

But Trader Joe’s pulled out, said the Associated Press, after the Portland African American Leadership Forum said it would “Remain opposed to any development in N/NE Portland that does not primarily benefit the Black community.”

It said the grocery-store development would “increase the desirability of the neighborhood,” for “non-oppressed populations.”

http://aalfnw.org/contact-us/      no Board of Directors is listed for the organization that opposed Trader Joe’s



Firenze Sage, Esq.   It is impossible to reason with this kind of  idiocy.




Questions for Obama on SuperBowl Sunday

Questions for  Obama tomorrow  on SuperBowl Sunday when O’Reilly interviews the President:

Obama promises American they can keep their health care plans
Obama promises American they can keep their health care plans

Health care: Mr. President,will you keep your promise  that if  you like your health plan you can keep it,, by working   with Congress  to pass laws which  repeal : 1)  the individual and employer mandates; 2) repeal  the exchanges and 3)  repeal the central planning  of 1/6th of our economy (health care)  which  results in the  overpricing of health plan products?

War powers: Mr. President, as Commander-in-Chief you have power  and the responsibility to send planes and troops to protect America.  Where were you the night of Bengazi when Ambassador Stevens, 2 CIA operatives and a 4th American were murdered? Had you sent an armed  drone to keep the mob away and had you provided adequate protection for the Embassy  those four would be alive today some say.   Exactly where were you and who did you speak with during those hours and that evening?

Where was Obama the night Stevens was murdered at Bengazi?
Where was Obama the night Ambassador  Stevens was murdered at Bengazi?


Jobs: Mr. President, you’ve admitted that the Stimulus resulted in no shovel ready jobs. The Pipeline will result in 45,000 shovel ready and other jobs. Yes/No, are you going to support the Pipeline?  

Education:  Mr. President,  in the past  you  opposed vouchers which give low income and minority children choice as to which  school they will attend. Twice you denied  vouchers to 4000 Afro-American  children in Washingto D.C  where your children attend a private school.  Why not give low income, minority parents the same choice that you have to send their child to a school of their choice?

Obama opposes vouchers for D.C. black children
Obama opposes vouchers for D.C. black children

Poverty:  Mr. President, the way out of poverty is to stay in school, get married and have children in that order. You followed that path. Will you work to change laws to encourage staying in school, marriage and having children after marriage?

America is waiting for your reply, Mr. President.

Cameron S. Jackson, Ph.D.



[Michelle Obama’s role models] Like husband like wife

Obama's wife's hero is Jane Fonda
Obama’s wife’s hero is Jane Fonda

Michelle Obama’s role models?

In her latest interview with People Magazine, First Lady Michelle Obama was asked to name female role models she would like to emulate when she gets older.

Her choices? Actresses Cicely Tyson and Jane Fonda, infamously known as Hanoi Jane for supporting the enemy during the Vietnam War.

“I just went to see Cicely Tyson on Broadway. She is in her 80s [just turned 80 in December] and did a two-hour play with stamina and passion. I told her ‘I want to be you when I grow up!'” And then she added:

Obama's wife's hero is Jane Fonda
Obama’s wife’s hero is Jane Fonda

There’s Jane Fonda, a beautiful, engaged, politically savvy, sharp woman.


As a reminder, in 1972 Fonda was photographed laughing with North Vietnam enemy soldiers while sitting on an anti-aircraft gun that was being used to shoot at U.S.aircraft.


Firenze Sage, Esq.  I am glad you made it to 50 unlike the unlucky ones who Jane despised.



Ignorance costs [knowledge of ObamaCare]

What are real costs of ObamaCare? People do not know what a deductible is.
What are real costs of ObamaCare? People do not know what a deductible is.

Ignorance costs. Most people do not understand  the costs associated with ObamaCare:

For example:  Do you know what a “deductible” is?

A recent academic study published in the Journal of Health Economicsfound that just 14% of individuals who have health coverage could correctly answer all four of four basic questions about health insurance. For example, they did not know  what a “deductible” and “copay” are.

If comprehension figures are that low for the insured, analysts worry what that portends for the uninsured, especially for a program as complex as Obamacare.

Unawareness of terms like “deductible” could prove mind boggling for people. 

A recent analysis by Avalere Health of 19 state marketplace plans found that the average deductible for an Obamacare bronze plan—the lowest option available—is $4,300. That means big out-of-pocket costs for the newly insured.

Other studies have show similar results. A Carnegie Mellon University study finds that 86% of Americans ages 25 to 64 do not understand Obamacare.


Firenze Sage, Esq:  And how many of the geniuses that put this monster together understood it?


First lemonade stands, now car washing


Laws and regulations control fund raising via  lemonade stands. And now government  goes  after fund raising via car washing.

No more car wash fund raising says Capitola, CA mayor.

Capitola, CA  Mayor Stephanie Harlan wants to alert anyone planning a car wash fundraiser to find an alternative.

“The soapy water goes right down the street,” Haran said at a Thursday night budget study session.

The City Council heard about a new position, environmental projects manager, whose job  will be to improve water quality in the city. So soapy water suds from  fund raising via car washing is the latest target of  local government.


Firenze Sage:  Another harmless tradition falls victim to Gaia. 

Niemoller: First they came for…

Freedom Works

More information



Martin Niemöller, a prominent Protestant pastor who opposed the Nazi regime. He spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Germany, 1937.
Martin Niemöller, a prominent Protestant pastor who opposed the Nazi regime. He spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Germany, 1937.

— Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

The quotation stems from Niemöller’s lectures during the early postwar period. Different versions of the quotation exist. These can be attributed to the fact that Niemöller spoke extemporaneously and in a number of settings. Much controversy surrounds the content of the poem as it has been printed in varying forms, referring to diverse groups such as Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jews, Trade Unionists, or Communists depending upon the version. Nonetheless his point was that Germans–in particular, he believed, the leaders of the Protestant churches–had been complicit through their silence in the Nazi imprisonment, persecution, and murder of millions of people.

Only in 1963, in a West German television interview, did Niemöller acknowledge and make a statement of regret about his own antisemitism (see Gerlach, 2000, p. 47). Nonetheless, Martin Niemöller was one of the earliest Germans to talk publicly about broader complicity in the Holocaust and guilt for what had happened to the Jews. In his book Über die deutsche Schuld, Not und Hoffnung (published in English as Of Guilt and Hope)–which appeared in January 1946–Niemöller wrote: “Thus, whenever I chance to meet a Jew known to me before, then, as a Christian, I cannot but tell him: ‘Dear Friend, I stand in front of you, but we can not get together, for there is guilt between us. I have sinned and my people has sinned against thy people and against thyself.'”


Firenze Sage: Workers’ paradise [China’s dead pigs]

Dead pigs in China
Welcome to China:

The heady optimism of four years ago has now given way to more sober views, thanks to the accretion of facts. Facts like 16,000 dead pigs floating down Shanghai’s Whampoa river in March. Or the worst air pollution on record in Beijing in January, with levels of tiny particulate matter reaching levels 25 times higher than the standard in the U. S. Or 80% of the East China Sea lost to fishing because of the pollution, according to Elizabeth Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations. Or 1.2 million premature deaths due to air pollution, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.

Another nugget: “A recent social media campaign led by locals and international activists shed light on the growing phenomena of ‘cancer villages’—areas where water pollution is so bad that it has led to a sharp rise in diseases like stomach cancer,” wrote Thomas Thompson last month in Foreign Affairs. “The China Geological Survey now estimates that 90% of China’s cities depend on polluted groundwater supplies. Water that has been purified at treatment plants is often recontaminated en route to homes.”


Firenze Sage:  The worker’s paradise.     Four More Years by Firenze Sage


Firenze Sage: Where is my teleprompter?

Moore rebuilds

President Obama said the government would be there for the “folks in Monroe, Oklahoma after the devastation of last week” during his address on the Jersey Shore Tuesday afternoon, making him the second Democrat Tuesday to call Moore, the city crushed by a tornado May 20, by the same incorrect name.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) also called it “Monroe” in an MSNBC interview with Chris Jansing.


Firenze Sage:  I feel so sorry for ole what’s his name.  jaj48@aol.com

Four More Years by Firenze Sage


Firenze Sage: Disgrace [no help from 911]

911 no help

An Oregon woman was told by a 911 dispatcher that authorities wouldn’t be able be able to help her as her ex-boyfriend broke into her place because of budget cuts.

Oregon Public Radio reports that an unidentified woman called 911 during a weekend in August 2012 while Michael Bellah was breaking into her place. Her call was forwarded to Oregon State Police because of lay-offs at the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office only allows the department to be open Monday through Friday.

“Uh, I don’t have anybody to send out there,” the 911 dispatcher told the woman. “You know, obviously, if he comes inside the residence and assaults you, can you ask him to go away? Do you know if he’s intoxicated or anything?”  More information


Firenze Sage:  Will the citizenry sit still yet again or will they finally toss out the louts who cannot get priorities straight.  jaj48@aol.com   Four More Years


Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s laughable immigration policy

undocumented persons cross open borders in USA

Obama’s immigration policy shows about as much skill level as Obama  recently demonstrated in basket ball (2 out of 22 shots made the basket). Laughable.

Everybody knows that you don’t put the cart before the horse. But  Obama does so with immigration.

A sensible Immigration Policy:

1) Close the border with Mexico.

2) Require E-verify to ensure  that employees are legally in the U.S.A.

3)  Create a flexible  Guest Worker program based on supply and demand for agriculture, restaurants and tourist industries. See Wall Street Journal, Green-Card Path Seen for Farm Help, April 6-7, 2013.

4) Fine adults & require community service hours for adults who break the existing immigration laws.

5) Do these steps and then put in place a legal pathway to citizenship such as Rubio  suggests. CNN Politics, Jan 12, 2013

The first step is Close the Border.

  Can Obama get behind sensible Immigration Reform?   Nope.  No way can we close the  border with Mexico  says Obama.  Janet Napolitano, in charge of Homeland Security, agrees with her boss.

In my view, Obama’s goal is to turn the 11 million illegals into Democrats who can vote in 2014.  Obama is forever the campaigner and never the national leader of sensible reform.

Other  countries successfully do close their borders.  For example, Israel successfully closed its border with Egypt and just about nobody gets through.

Israel closed its borders with Egypt successfully


Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s policies shrink wrap the economy & jobs

Obama’s tax & welfare polices shrink wrap USA jobs

Why get a job when Obama offers 2 years jobless insurance, food stamps, Medicaid, disability and various  tax credits even for having  more children.

In Feb. 2013 nearly 1/2 million left the civilian work force.  The retired, quit working, went back to school or gave up looking for work.

“Obama[s tax and welfare policies shrink the workforce precisely when we need more workers to pay for the entitlements Obama does not want to reform” says the Wall Street Journal April 6-7, 2013.

What can we do? Work for education reform.    Support charter schools  which offer better education at three-quarters the cost.  Support vouchers so that state education  money follows the child and parents choose what is best for their children.  Our failing public education system does not give young people the skills they need to compete in the information economy.

