PVUSD lost $410 K as students refuse to attend one day — Watsonville, CA sanctuary city
Sanctuary city Watsonville CA school district  PVUSD  lost $410 K  school revenue in one day  —  because 7,600 students failed to attend school on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017.
Trump, jobs, immigration, wall discussed at press conference 2/16/17
Jobs, immigration, trade deals, the wall, keeping America safe  and much fake news discussed at 2/16/17 news conference by Trump.
Trump says, Â CNN tone shows much anger and hatred. Better that CNN reported honest and true news says Trump. Illegal news leaks a huge problem says Trump.
Hilary Clinton gave away 20 percent of America’s uranium in a deal with Russia. Â If we can get along with Russia …
Readers of yesterday’s Wall Street Journal would therefore have been surprised to discover this Notable and Quotable passage from The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents Are (Still) Going Broke (2003), by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. The Journal helpfully notes that Ms. Warren is now a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, as you may have heard a time or two before.
In 2003, while a member of Harvard Law School’s faculty claiming Native American ancestry for some reason or other, Warren wrote:
Any policy that loosens the ironclad relationship between location-location-location and school-school-school would eliminate the need for parents to pay an inflated price for a home just because it happens to lie within the boundaries of a desirable school district.
A well-designed voucher program would fit the bill neatly. A taxpayer-funded voucher that paid the entire cost of educating a child (not just a partial subsidy) would open a range of opportunities to all children. . . . Fully funded vouchers would relieve parents from the terrible choice of leaving their kids in lousy schools or bankrupting themselves to escape those schools.”
Thus said Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Has Elizabeth Warren  now been  chased to her warren?
We are looking for someone who wants to create a positive impact in the lives of others, has a long term mindset when it comes to their own health and fitness…
Jobs:  Middle class flees CA because …. housing costs  are excessively high.  That’s a big reason.
“Not only are Californians leaving the state in large numbers, but the people heading for the exits are disproportionately middle class working families — the demographic backbone of American society,†the American Interest recently noted.
The Golden State has been haunted in recent times by sharply mixed economic indicators. “While California has added 2.1 million jobs since 2010, employment in six industries is still below 2007 levels, before the Great Recession, according to the center’s analysis. Those sectors — including construction, finance and manufacturing — generally pay more than the service-type jobs that we’re adding in droves,â€Â the Sacramento Bee noted late last year.
Economic growth concentrated in Silicon Valley has also not done much to relieve the income or jobs picture for middle-classers.
“In a recent survey of states where ‘the middle class is dying,’ based on earning trajectories for middle-income cohorts, Business Insider ranked California first, with shrinking middle-class earnings and the third-highest proportion of wealth concentrated in the top 20 percent of residents,†Kotkin observed.
The $800 BILLION Stimulus  money for ‘shovel ready’ jobs resulted in zero jobs.
Obama admitted that several years later. Â There were no ‘shovel ready’ jobs that came from the $800 BILLION Obama spent. What a waste.
With all the economic woes of Obama’s first years in office Obama forgot jobs and instead he focused on ObamaCare.
And what came out  of ObamaCare?
Employers now hire more part time employees. People did not keep their doctors. Â Premiums went up drastically — not down as promised. Â Americans oppose ObamaCare — what Obama focused on during his first years in office.
So — by  forgetting about ‘shovel ready’ jobs and wasting 800 BILLION dollars and, instead,  focusing on ObamaCare which harms Americans  —  did Obama shoot himself in his foot?  Americans went to the ballot box and overwhelmingly rejected Obama’s policies.
Smart phones and washing machines both explode  —  Samsung’s  Galaxy Notebook 7 smart phones and lately  their $450 -1500 washing machines   No good news from the South Korean tech giant.  What’s causing the explosions?
The explosions have resulted in the injury of nine people, with one detailing a washer lid that “flew off and hit a woman in the back, causing her to ‘collide into a cabinet.’â€
Here’s a picture of one machine that exploded: Â
“We’re talking about… a very serious hazard of the top of these washing machines completely blowing off,â€Â said CPSC Chairman Elliot Kaye about the problem, which has affected 34 models between March 2011 and November 2016. “It is a lot of reports.â€
 Will Donald Trump create more freedom for Americans and throughout the world? Or will Hilary Clinton / continuation of Obama do a better job? As of September, 2018 here’s some freedom links with Trump as President of USA. There’s more freedom? Yes! Lots more freedom!
What does Luke 14:26 have to do with jehadists?  We know  from the daily news that jehadists suicide bombers hate ….. They  their life and the lives of their families enough to kill.
jehadistsjehadist kill
For sure jehadists either have no possessions or are quite willing to sell or give away  all possessions as they take their own life and the lives of others.  And jehadists have ‘taken up their ‘cross’ to ‘follow’ their religious leader.
What about young USA adults?
What about the young Americans who  still live in their parent’s garage, don’t own a car and don’t want to buy stuff.
How about he young USA adults who graduated from college with $60 K debt and don’t have a job to pay off the dept?
college debt
Lots and lots of young USA adults supported the Democrat candidate that did not get the nomination — millions of young USA adults supported Bernie Sanders.
young USA adults for Bern
 And why?  For one thing, college debt will be forgiven.  And for a second reason, the government will give all of them a “good job” doing some “green type” service to others which will “save the planet”
A lot of young American adults probably do hate living in their parent’s house at age 25.
crowded conditionscrowded bedroomscrowded bedroom
And many young USA adults  do sympathize with Bernie Sanders who was not able to get a job until he was age 40.