Leader of New Black  Panther Party says it’s time to “reexamine the relationship” that black voters have with the Democrat Party.
Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston, Texas, said this week on a local news program that black Americans should “truly examine†Donald Trump’s outreach to the black community and “reexamine the relationship†that black voters have with the Democratic Party.
“Let me say this to the brothers and sisters who listened and watched that speech. We may not like the vessel that said what he said, but I ask us to truly examine what he said, because it is a fact that for 54 years, we have been voting for the Democratic party like no other race in America.
And they have not given us the same loyalty and love that we have given them. We as black people have to reexamine the relationship — where we are being pimped like prostitutes, and they’re the big pimps pimping us politically, promising us everything and we get nothing in return.
“We gotta step back now as black people and say, we’ve gotta look at all the parties and vote our best interests.”
Kick that dependency habit! Â blacks, whites and whatever color you are!
 Are you part of the 90 million not working?  You are watching TV.  Tune out the ads and tune is time to figure out how to get a job.
 How to get a job?  Start your version of a lemon aide stand.
lemonaide  stand
Figure out how you can grow America by starting your own job and employing one other person.  And  Listen to what Trump has to say.  A bigger economy will make for better paying jobs.  Be part of Make America Great.  What are the last letters of American?  I-CAN.  Yes, you can!
Letter in  Wall Street Journal Aug. 9:  “Jason Riley’s “Why Trump Shouldn’t Write Off the Black Vote†(op-ed, Aug. 3) should make Donald Trump’s staffers think how they can effectively communicate the virtues of a growing economy and a better jobs message to black voters. The leaked Democratic National Committee emails give them the perfect talking point.
“Mr. Trump should point out how the Democrats don’t really care about black people, only about their votes.Hillary Clinton wants to keep black Americans reliant on the government so they have no choice but to vote Democratic. Mr. Trump should focus on the battleground states with significant black voters, conveying the message:
“if you want to be free of the government slavery you are now yoked with and enjoy personal dignity experienced through better jobs at fair wages, vote Republican.â€
dependency on govt
“As a white Southerner, I celebrate so many accomplishments made by the black community over the past few decades, yet at the same time mourn for its future. Considering crime, drugs, fatherless families, lack of discipline, horrible schools and neighborhoods, the next several decades for the majority of black Americans look bleak. As Einstein said, insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. Blacks voting Democratic falls within that definition. By leading with the DNC emails, Mr. Trump might hit enough nerves to make a difference.”
Charles Cannada   Ridgeland, Miss. above from letter to editor, Wall Street Journal, August 9, 2016Â
Aptos Psychologist:  Kick that dependency habit all unemployed blacks, whites and whatever color you are.  Start by getting up in the morning  and making your bed.  Then do at least three things that kick dependency on government.  Change your daily habits.  Reach out to others who do have jobs and can point you towards a job.  One way  —  volunteer using what skills you have. Find a local church and spend time there connecting with others.  They can mentor you.
And listen to what Ben Carson has to say. Â He has been there.
Start your own job. Â So what are you passionate about?
What niche will you choose? Â Think about what you are good at, your employment history and — most importantly — what are you passionate about?
Remember that quality takes only moments to lose and years to regain. Â Don’t stray from quality.
Remember that “nothing happens until a sale is made.” Â Sales are what will drive your business. Â You need a marketing plan that details how you will promote, distribute, price and sell your product or service.
Solve your customer’s problems. Â The best way to satisfy your customers is not by selling them products and services but by providing solutions to their problems. Â Understand the difference.
Don’t do it alone.  Tap into resources such as peers, mentors and trade associations that can take some of the rial and error out of starting  and running your own business.
And yes — you need a business plan.
Foremost, Â to be successful you need an insatiable appetite to learn.
Aptos Psychologist: Â Think you can be a successful entrepreneur? Â Take the “test” in Small Business for Dummies and find out. Â The book is available through Amazon and can be downloaded via Kindle. Â Cost is under $12.
In California, policymakers do stuff to encourage homeowners to rplace their  lawns with  something else.
To address the recent drought in California, policymakers have created incentives for homeowners to replace existing lawns with drought tolerant vegetation. However, new research from George Ban-Weiss, an assistant professor in the Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, says differently Theysay that  these efforts might have some hidden consequences on local climate.
Ban-Weiss and post-doctoral scholar Pouya Vahmani used a model of the Los Angeles basin to investigate the climate impacts of widespread adoption of drought tolerant vegetation.
Their findings, put forth in the article “Climatic Consequences of Adopting Drought Tolerant Vegetation over Los Angeles as a Response to the California Drought†in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, indicate important findings.
Such as, Â that in fact, if all lawns were replaced with drought tolerant vegetation, that Angelenos could expect an average daytime warming of 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit due largely to decreased evaporative cooling, as irrigation is stopped. For the hottest regions of the Los Angeles basin, such as the inland empire and San Fernando valley, the researchers predict a daytime increase in temperature of 3.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Such temperature increases could exacerbate heatwaves, increase photochemical smog production, and increase air conditioning energy use.
Firenze Sage: Â More evidence that the global warming crowd has no idea what they are talking about.
Love thy neighbor farmer. Â By not spraying the old version of dicamba on your fields. Â The old stuff drifts. Â Your neighbors crops die. Â Not neighborly.
love thy neighbor farmer
Farmers in southern U.S. states have long battled weeds and destructive bugs.  This year farmers  face a new threat: their neighbors.
Farmers  say some neighbor  growers are illegally spraying a powerful herbicide that is damaging hundreds of thousands of crop acres in Arkansas, Missouri and Tennessee.  And, this is a  trend that regulators, farmers and academics link to Monsanto Co.’s introduction this year of a new variety of genetically modified soybean.
Where things went wrong occurred when Monsanto sold farmers new seeds without providing an updated version of the herbicide dicamba that is designed to not drift. Â Monsanto — innovative and speedy — were too fast on the draw.
Neighboring farmers spray the old form of Monsanto’s herbicide dicamba and — unfortunately — the herbicide drifts over to land using the new biotech soybeans which die when they get a whiff of the herbicide.
The EPA says its investigating dicamba misuse and crop damage and its findings would “inform”its final decision on approving Monsanto’s new version of the herbicide.
Aptos Psychologist:  Time for every farmer harmed to send Monsanto a ‘love thy neighbor farmer’ card and seek damages from  Monsanto for stupidity. And then go organic so no bad herbicides floating around.   #AptosCommunityGarden
Hilary on white  privilege:  Monday in Cincinnati at the 107th NAACP convention, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “recognize our privilege and and practice humility.â€
bad education common in USA
Clinton said, “We white Americans need to do a better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face everyday. We need to recognize our privilege and and practice humility, rather than assume our experiences are everyone’s experiences.â€
Hillary Clinton responded to the Dallas shooting of five police officers by essentially blaming white people – that we just simply don’t understand the suffering in black communities and the “systemic racism,†that still resides in America. So she plans to lecture us on it.
Firenze Sage: Â We all but the very privileged, white or black, experience low paying jobs, lousy educations, and racial dividing pols who condescend w/o even knowing it.
Both regional centers  (Golden Gate and San Andreas)  pay $126 K for their Human Resource Directors. The Human Resource top  job requires a Master’s degree.  The  job does not require a license.
The San Andreas Human Resource  Director has had the job for five years.  That HR Director is well paid.
$126 K for Human Resource Director  & only $72 K for Psychologist at San Andreas Regional Center
In contrast, it  looks like  San Andreas  Regional Center does not want to retain Psychologists. And —  Golden Gate wants to retain their Psychologists.
Top pay for a Psychologist is only  $72 K at  San Andreas Regional Center.  In contrast,  top pay at Golden Gate is  $93K – a difference of  $21 K. That’s nothing to sneeze at.
What is the going pay  rate for Psychologists?   It varies. The County of Santa Cruz pays $93 K for their Psychologists. Kaiser Permanente in San Jose pays $133 K.
Currently, San Andreas Regional Center has 2 jobs available for Psychologists.  One Psychologist  position  for San Andreas Regional Center has been advertised more than a year. Perhaps there are no takers  because San Andreas pays low and does not want to retain Psychologists?
At San Andreas Regional Center, where can a Psychologist go up from Psychologist? San Andreas Regional Center hires an  Autistic Spectrum Disorder Clinical Coordinator for  $110 K. That position is filled  and the  person filling the job has been around many years.  $110K for the  highest paid Psychologist at San Andreas  is  within the range between  $93 K for a County  government job  and $133 K paid by the private sector (Kaiser).
Recently in 2015  the overall chain of command structure at San Andreas Regional Center  structure changed substantially.  The #3 top management job went to someone closely associated with the current top executive Javier Zaldivar.   This person used to be  a district manager for a branch office.  This  person may  a Master’s degree.  After the top executive and the second in command (both men), currently  two women hold top management positions #3 and #4.  All those top management positions (#1, #2, #3 and #4) are highly paid  positions which do not require a license or a Ph.D.
San Andreas Regional Center  describes itself as a community oriented,  private non-profit corporation.  NOTE:  Non-profit does not mean that management is paid lowly wages. Far from it.  San  Andreas Regional Center top management are quite well paid.   And it looks like $126 K for a  Human Resource Director is the going rate.
Why does San Andreas Regional Center  choose to pay so low for Psychologists?  Does the agency deliberately encourage turn over? Comparing the numbers of Golden Gate Regional Center with those for San Andreas Regional Center  — the answer is YES.
The current head of  the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS)  is Santi Rodgers.  For more than 15 years Santi Rodgers was the top executive for San Andreas Regional  Center.  Mr. Rodgers moved to Sacramento and was replaced by  Mr. Javier Zaldivar.
Mr. Javier Zaldivar  continues the policy of  very low pay for licensed Ph.D.  Psychologists.  The very low pay policy  was the policy of  predecessor  Santi Rodgers,  now  the top executive for  California Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Follow the money.  There are reasons for very low pay for Psychologists hired by San Andreas  Regional Center. YES  — always follow the money.  written by Cameron Jackson  drcameronjackson@gmail.com
Welfare is the reason why immigrants (legal and illegal) come and stay.
 51% of migrant  households – both legal and illegal – receive some kind of public assistance compared to just 30% of native born households states  a recent report by the Center for Immigration Studies.
 The report documents that:
In 2012, 51 percent of households headed by an immigrant  (legal or illegal) reported that they used at least one welfare program during the year, compared to 30 percent of native households
Welfare in this study includes Medicaid and cash, food, and housing programs.T he Center for Immigration Studies’ Â shocking report documents that:Â
Welfare use is high for both new arrivals and well-established migrants.
 Of households headed by those  who have been in the country for more than two decades, 48 percent access welfare.
No single program explains immigrants’ higher overall welfare use. For example, not counting subsidized school lunch, welfare use is still 46 percent for immigrants and 28 percent for natives.
Not counting Medicaid, welfare use is 44 percent for immigrants and 26 percent for natives.
 Firenze Sage:   And so there goes the argument about coming here for freedom.
Look before you leap: jobs with San Andreas Regional Center
Look before you  leap is good advice for all job seekers – including  licensed Ph.D.  clinical  psychologists considering a job  with   San Andreas Regional Center located in northern California.
There are openings with San Andreas Regional Center: Two psychologist jobs  are open as of  Labor Day, 2015.  One in Salinas and one in Watsonville, CA.
Back to basics:  Are you a licensed California  Ph.D. psychologist?  Are you looking for a job?
Before you “leap” and take  job as psychologist with San Andres Regional Center,  consider the following:
 Get in writing from your employer  Executive Director  Javier Zaldivar  that  staff (not you) will obtain current, up to date medical and educational records concerning prospective clients.
To do your work, which  largely consists of  writing psychological assessments of prospective clients applying  under autism or intellectual disability,  you need current up to date medical and school records.  Having current records  available for review assists you when testing clients and  doing your psychological assessments.
 Why does this matter?
DAY TO DAY RESPONSIBILITIES:   If you don’t  ahead of time get it in writing that San Andreas Regional Center  staff and not you will get up to date medical and educational records   —  you may be asked to write assessment  reports based  strictly on  the records available  in the file. And those records can be quite old.  And that can be a drag.
What does that mean?
If you went to any MD you’d expect them to make a diagnosis based on the most current, up to date information, correct? You want the most accurate diagnosis, right?  Well, you as a licensed Ph.D.  psychologist  need current,  up to date  medical and school records on which to base your diagnosis and your  recommendation whether the applicant is eligible for regional center services.
As licensed Ph.D.  psychologists are mandated to meet American Psychological Association ethical standards (code 9.0),  it’s important that regional center staff  obtain current,  up to date school and medical  records  which will allow you to meet your legal and ethical duties.
WILL  THIS JOB CHALLENGE YOU TO GROW?  See separate  posts  on whether a job as psychologist with San Andreas Regional Center will allow you to build your skills.  During the interview, be sure to ask about career paths and how psychologists assist the agency  in general  ways.
For example, how to psychologists contribute to the goals and objectives of the agency as set by  the  Executive Team for San Andreas Regional Center?  The Director in charge of  the Executive Team is Javier Zaldivar.  He  has offices at Campbell 408 341 3476 and  Gilroy 408 8462028.
San Andreas Regional Center describes itself as a community based, private non-profit corporation funded by the state of Calfornia.  It is  one of 24 organizations in California which provide services to persons with disabilities  including those with  autism, intellectual disability and those  who  require treatment/ services similar to persons with intellectual disability.
Poor Nancy Pelosi,  one of the most liberal members of the U.S. House, runs the Democratic caucus. Pelosi rails  against income inequality and the avarice of the 1 percent. She rails against herself.
Nancy Pelosi  also happens to be one of the body’s wealthiest members: In Washington, she lives in a multimillion-dollar Georgetown condo.
 Nancy Pelosi  owns a 16-acre vineyard in Napa Valley.
Poor Nancy Pelosi owns a 16 acre vineyard in Napa
Poor Nancy lives in a  a 3,700 square-foot house in San Francisco’s tony Pacific Heights.  That’s according to her May 2015 financial disclosure statements. Pelosi is in the top one-tenth percent for wealth in the U.S.
We’re talking about addressing the disparity in our country of income, where the wealthy people continue to get wealthier,†Pelosi said in 2010 at a United Steelworkers’ event
. “That disparity is not just about wages alone,†Nancy Pelosi added. “That disparity is about ownership and equity. It’s all about fairness in our country.â€
Poor Nancy to join Little Sisters of the Poor?
Firenze Sage:  Rumors that poor Nancy will divest herself of all worldly possessions and join the Little Sisters of the Poor are  circulating among grape pickers in California.