Vote FARR out & KABAT in. Â He is a fiscal conservative seeking to represent the 20th District 2014
Vote FARR out & KABAT in for Santa Cruz & Monterey CA.
Let’s make KABAT a good habit for our neck of the woods.
Why Kabat? He is a fiscal conservative. He will reform the tax code for starters.
His wife is a librarian. Someone reads in that family! Â He served in the military so he probably understands veteran issues. His website shows Tea Party interests. He has a beard and glasses and looks to be about )Â years young. Â He estimates his campaign will cost 140 K.
I believe that too much political campaign contribution money has caused an un-level playing field for citizens running for office. Yet, our government will not let me run for office without paying! – – –FILING FEE: If you would like to hire me to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives, then I ask you to help me pay the Secretary of State a $1,740.00 filing fee plus a minimum of 40 nominating signatures. (See next page for a sample of the form that can be used for the 40 nominating signatures.)CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT: The Primary Candidate’s names are listed in an English and Spanish sample ballot that is mailed to your home before the Primary Election. Each candidate’s statement can list their qualifications and/or positions next to their name. In past elections, I couldn’t understand why so many candidates left this block next to their name blank. Well, in order to list a 250 word candidate statement, the government will charge me$4,013.63 in Monterey County, $1,938.00 in Santa Cruz County and $450 in San Benito County.OTHER CAMPAIGN COSTS:Did you know that Art Dunn, Mike Lebarre, Jeff Taylor, Ron Kabat, Dan Caudle, Sam Farr and Eric Peterson ran for the House in our 2012 Congressional Primary?1.) Did you notice any Congressional 20th District Candidate debates in Monterey County and Santa Cruz County during the last Congressional election cycle? There weren’t any debates in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties!2.) Did you notice any major newspaper coverage or interviews of the positions of the Congressional 20th District Candidates during the last election cycle? There was very, very little. Possibly only one article. None in the Monterey County Weekly.3.) Did you notice the Congressional 20th District Candidate debate coverage on KSBWtelevision during the last election cycle? There was none. (However, KION television allowed each candidate for any Federal, State or local office to record a one minute commercial and aired it before the Primary Election.)4.) Did you notice any Congressional 20th District Candidate debate coverage on your Monterey County or Santa Cruz County radio during the last Primary Election? There was none.Debate costs/Hall rentals/Insurance:     $8,000
Newspaper advertising costs:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $12,000
Television advertising costs:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $18,000
Radio advertising costs:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $18,000
Banners, business cards, postcards, etc.:Â $Â 9,000
Campaign Personnel: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $45,000
Miscellaneous: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $30,000My budget for this Primary campaign is $140,000.I will ask for the financial campaign assistance of the 250,000 voters of the 20th District and any others citizens who agree with my positions. I will limit the contribution to no more than $75/person.Last Updated: March 22nd Paid for by the Committee to Elect Ron Kabat
Instead of flushing urine into sanitary waste treatment, use waste-separating toilets and return the urine to agricultural production as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus.
In case you are interested they are looking for 170 volunteers to donate 6,000 gallons. Supposedly this will decrease nitrogen (nitrate and ammonia?) and phosphorus pollution from waste water plants.
Firenze Sage: Â I wonder who will get the waste separated toilet contract.
Illegal NLRB appointee Andrew Griffin makes resignation from membership  & decertification of unions tough to do
 Obama’s NLRB makes union resignation  & decertification  of a union (kick it out) tough to do.
It’s hard to find out how to resign from a union such as the SEIU.
And  it’s hard to decertify  a union — throwing the union out by majority vote.  Thanks to Obama.
Why? Â Obama, who gets millions of dollars from the unions. And Obama appointed Richard Griffin as top lawyer for the NLRB once he could no longer be a NLRB member thanks to the Supreme Court ruling.
And now, Obama’s National  Labor Relations Board (NLRB)  now  empowers  union bosses  to maintain control  — when members kick out a union.
History:  Obama  illegally filled 3 positions on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). One of the appointees was Richard Griffin  who Obama has  appointed  top lawyer for the NLRB.
General Counsel seeks to eliminate employees’ ability to use a majority petition to end employer recognition of an unsupported union
San Francisco, CA (July 21 2014) – In a precedent-setting federal case, a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional director has denied a local restaurant worker’s motion to intervene to stop the federal agency from foisting unwanted union representation back on her workplace after she and her coworkers attempted to remove the union.
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, Scoma’s of Sausalito restaurant worker Georgina Canche will appeal the NLRB regional director’s order to an NLRB Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).
Canche and a majority of her coworkers petitioned their employer to remove the UNITE HERE Local 2850 union from their workplace. After the workers presented the petition, restaurant management withdrew recognition of the union as the workers’ monopoly bargaining representative as long-standing law allows.
Local 2850 union officials then filed federal charges with the NLRB in an attempt to nullify the workers’ petition and insert the union hierarchy back into the workplace. The NLRB’s General Counsel filed a complaint designed to force the restaurant to once again recognize the union as the workers’ representative.
This aggressive policy of challenging employees’ withdrawal petitions is being pushed by union lawyer Richard Griffin, who was installed as NLRB General Counsel in October 2013 by President Obama and Senator Harry Reid. Prior to being the Board’s top lawyer in charge of enforcing federal labor laws, Griffin was an illegal recess appointee to the NLRB, as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month in Noel Canning v. NLRB.
“Without allowing workers a say in the process, the Obama NLRB is seeking to overturn long-standing precedent to make it more difficult for workers to remove an unwanted union hierarchy from their workplace,” explained Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “Highlighting the Obama Board’s pro-forced unionism bias, the NLRB maintains that a company can recognize a union if a majority of workers sign union ‘cards’ through the notoriously unreliable card check method, while its top lawyer works to eliminate workers’ ability to use a majority petition to oust an unwanted union.”
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in over 200 cases nationwide.
Resign SEIU with a letter. It’s easy to do  and you give yourself a raise.
A sample letter how to resign from the  SEIU for private sector employees is attached below.
Non-profit organizations, e.g., San Andreas Regional Center  are an example of a non-profit which requires all employees to join the SEIU.
[insert your Name]
[insert your Mailing address]
[insert Name of appropriate union officer]
[insert Name of union]
[insert Address of union]
Dear [insert Name of appropriate union officer (See your union constitution. For the Teamsters, for example, the letter must be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer)]:
I hereby resign as a member of [name of union]. My resignation is effective immediately. I will continue to meet my lawful obligation of paying a representation fee to the union under its “union shop” or “agency shop” agreement with [name of employer].
Furthermore, I object to the collection and expenditure by the union of a fee for any purpose other than my pro rata share of the union’s costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment, as is my right under Communications Workers v. Beck, 487 U.S. 735 (1988). Pursuant to Teachers Local 1 v. Hudson, 475 U.S. 292 (1986), and Abrams v. Communications Workers, 59 F.3d 1373 (D.C. Cir. 1995), I request that you provide me with my procedural rights, including: reduction of my fees to an amount that includes only lawfully chargeable costs; notice of the calculation of that amount, verified by an independent certified public accountant; and notice of the procedure that you have adopted to hold my fees in an interest-bearing escrow account and give me an opportunity to challenge your calculation and have it reviewed by an impartial decisionmaker.
[If you pay dues by payroll deduction, include this paragraph: Accordingly, I also hereby notify you that I wish to authorize only the deduction of representation fees from my wages. If I am required to sign a new deduction authorization form to make that change, please provide me with the necessary form.]
Please reply promptly to my request. Any further collection or expenditure of dues or fees from me made without the procedural safeguards required by law will violate my rights under the National Labor Relations Act and/or U.S. Constitution.
Finally, please consider this objection to be permanent and continuing in nature.
Sincerely yours,
[If you include the paragraph on the change in your payroll deduction
authorization, you should also send a copy of this letter to the payroll department of your employer.]
*Religious Objectors should not use this letter to resign their union membership.*
Tired of your SEIU union dues spent for stuff you don’t support?
Don’t want money spent of politics you don’t like?
Want solely collective bargaining protection — and nothing else?
Then resign  your  SEIU membership.
You  keep all rights connected with collective bargaining when you cancel your union membership. You just don’t vote on most issues.
You  can still can vote to de-certify SEIU.  For more info go to the website listed below.
Do you remember the pictures of SEIU thugs beating up blacks at a town hall meeting concerning health care reform? Â Do you know how many SEIU Â millions were spent to elect Obama president?
Do you know how much money is spent b SEIU for their officers?
50% Illinois Medicaid  enrollees should not get benefits per outside audit
Half of Illinois Medicaid (for low income) enrollees found ineligible for benefits per  an outside audit.
 What! Anybody care?Â
Case study of Illinois:
In January, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or HFS, began a new project verifying eligibility for Illinois’ 2.7 million Medicaid enrollees.
For years, state workers had failed to take adequate steps to ensure the people receiving Medicaid benefits were actually eligible for the program.
As an Auditor General report noted, state workers failed to verify basic eligibility criteria, such as income, residency and citizenship status. Worse yet, some of the annual eligibility checks had been delayed for more than five years.
So state lawmakers pushed HFS to hire an independent vendor who specializes in this kind of work to review Medicaid eligibility.
Since January, the independent vendor has reviewed nearly 419,000 case files of individuals currently enrolled in Medicaid.
Turn off money pipeline from USA to Central America
What to do about the thousands of child immigrants flooding the country from Central America? About 50,000 have arrived and 90,000 are expected by end of 2014.
Turn off the  pipeline of  money transfers from USA to  Central America.
Make it illegal for persons working in the USA to transfer any funds back to their county of origin in Central America.
Rather than acting as  a conduit for more children to arrive and settle with sponsors/ relatives from Central America and receive  immediate free social services for refugees,   by stopping the money flow that will stop parents from sending their children on dangerous journeys.
Remind  President Obama that the USA is an exceptional nation. Precisely because America  is exceptional is why parents in Central America risk their childrens’ lives to enter illegally in a dangerous manner.
Speed up deportations.
Treat all illegal immigrants just as we treat illegal entries from Canada and Mexico — turn them back at the border. Let’s be fair to all and have one line for entry from where ever.
No legal representation for children fleeing from Central America.
Tell your representatives that these children must have immediate, safepassage home to their country of origin — without legal representation. In the last 10 years roughly half represented by lawyers won the right to stay typically after 4-5 years of proceedings.
 President Obama injures  our individual liberties with his “I have a pen and telephone” attitude towards law.
Obama only enforces laws to his liking. . Support the law suit by the House of Representatives who represent We the People. Â President Obama does not “faithfully execute the laws” so do not expect him to keep his word on anything.
 The border must be closed as a first step to immigration reform.
What kind of reform? One line. All come in legally with a tamper proof ID. Â All come in because this country needs particular skills.
Food Stamp Fraud?  New Mexico replaced 93,000 (70%) for Food Stamp  cards.
A bill that toughens penalties for those who try to trade food stamps and EBT cards for cash passed 65-0 in the New Mexico House of Representatives on Saturday and the bill’s sponsor thinks the chances are good that the measure can get through the Legislature before the 30-day legislative session ends Thursday.
“You have instances where people were continually committing fraud and we couldn’t really aggregate those into a felony,†said Rep. Monica Youngblood, R-Albuquerque of House Bill 229. “That’s what this bill will do.â€
Across the country, there have been reports of people going on Craigslist and offering to sell food stamps, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) checks or electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards for cash.
food stamps for alcohol
Here in New Mexico, a gas station attendant in Albuquerque was caught on tape by KOB-TV trading $200 in food stamps for $100 in cash.
Last May, a couple from Farmington was arrested and charged with entering false transactions for food purchases using food stamps and then giving half the money they were reimbursed to the holder of the food stamps.
“It’s really easy to sell (food stamps and EBT cards),†Youngblood said. “People stand outside grocery stores and actually offer them for half their value. I hear from teachers that kids are coming to school hungry and that shouldn’t be the case in our state, especially with the amount of public assistance we have.â€
written by Dr. Cameron Jackson
 So —  where  did Obama’s  $800 BILLION  Stimulus shovel ready jobs go?
Hilary 2016 promises more of the same — repair the roads, jobs for the 93 MILLION unemployed Americans (half the work force have no job).
Why expect anything different from Hilary than the same old stuff Obama and the Democrats have done for 8 years?
Why did we never know about Obama’s waste of the $800 BILLION for shovel ready jobs?  Because the Democrats  make  it so! Â
Here it’s 2016 and Hilary makes repair of roads and highways a top priority.  What happened to all that $800 BILLION Stimulus money that was to go for “shovel ready jobs” in 2009?   Obama promised — and did not deliver.  Hilary & Democrats will  do the same.  Â
where did all the 800 BILLION stimulus money for shovel ready jobs go?
Roads and highways: Â Five years after signing the Stimulus bill which produced no shovel ready jobs our infra-structure of roads and highways continue to fall apart.
Now 2016 and Hilary promises as top priority  to repair and expand roads. Why believe that Hilary will do anything different?  Not likely.
Union teacher jobs wee protected by Obama.   The Democrat  Party coffers are full of money that came from the union dues of teachers who kept their jobs.
See below for some of the most silly spending of money.
Hilary touts same message: Â Now it’s 2016 and as election time rolls near. Obama did not create jobs nor did he fix bridges. Â There’s no reason to believe that Hilary Clinton if elected will actually do anything different.
Real way to fix bridges? Â Just as FedEx created competition for the federally run U.S. Post Office it’s time to use the private sector to bid and get contracts from the U.S. Congress to rebuild our old roads and fix our “infra-structure”.
Similar to Obama, Clinton in 2016  wants to  ignore Congress and  “fix stuff”  herself. More fraud, more government waste, more Washington running the country.  It’s time to say NO MORE.
Today marks the five-year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Commonly known as the stimulus, the nearly $1 trillion law was hailed as an opportunity to bring America into the “21st century.â€
Just two years after the bill was signed into law, President Barack Obama admitted, “shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.†While the law failed to create jobs as promised, it has provided plenty of examples of waste, fraud, and abuse.
Five years and at least $816.3 billion later, here are 10 ways the government wasted taxpayer money.
10) $1.3 Million for Stimulus Highway Signs
$1.3 million was spent for signs on highways to advertise that infrastructure spending was paid for by the stimulus.
A spokesperson from the Ohio Department of Transportation said taxpayers want to know “where their stimulus dollars went,†after spending $1 million on the signs. Pennsylvania ($140,000), New York ($100,000), and Colorado ($55,000) also spent money on the road signs brought to you by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
9) $152K to Get Lesbians Ready for ‘Adoptive Parenthood’
The law spent $152,000 on a study by Clark University, in Worcester, Mass., designed to stimulate adoption by lesbians. Trustees at the university interviewed 50 lesbian couples to “investigate the unique strengths and potential challenges of lesbian couples†as parents.
8) $600,000 to Plant Trees in Wealthy Neighborhoods
Washington Park, Denver, Colo. / AP
Government workers went door-to-door in the wealthiest neighborhoods in Denver giving away trees as part of a $600,000 stimulus project.
Costing $150 each, government workers justified the trees as potentially saving energy costs by providing shade. The program suggested the government funds would jump-start the economy by creating jobs for those who planted the trees.
7) $384,949 Study of Duck Penises
A $384,949 grant was given to Yale University for a study entitled, “Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior, and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia.â€
A National Science Foundation spokesperson defended the study, saying, “Government funded grants for research have assisted in creating the barcode and Google.â€
6) $1.2 Million Study of Erectile Dysfunction in Overweight Men
$1.2 million in stimulus funds went to study impotence in overweight men. The University of California-San Francisco used the funding to conduct 200 video interviews, at a cost of $6,000 each.
5) $100,000 Anti-Capitalist Puppet Shows
Performers with the Heart of the Beast Puppet Theater / AP
“In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre,†a Che Guevara-inspired puppet theater in Minnesota, received $100,000 in stimulus money, according to a report by Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.). The funds included $25,000 to help preserve one job, and $25,000 to produce “socially-conscious puppet shows.â€
4) $389,357 for College Students to Keep a Diary of Their Marijuana and Malt Liquor Use
Coburn’s report also found that researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo were given $389,357 to pay young people to record their daily malt liquor drinking and marijuana use.
Buffalo-area residents were paid $45 each to record their daily smoking usage through an automated phone hotline.
3) $3.4 Million Turtle Tunnel
A $3.4 million underground turtle tunnel providing “eco-passage†in Florida also had its origins in the stimulus package. The funding was given to Dr. Matt Aresco, who had been on a “10-year mission to help the turtles cross the road.â€
2) $8,408 Study to See if Mice Get Drunk
Florida Atlantic University received $8,408 in stimulus funding to see if mice get drunk after consuming alcohol. The researchers surmised that since “humans who consume alcohol have trouble with ‘navigation, memory, and attention,’†maybe mice would too.
1) $535 Million on Solyndra
Solyndra headquarters in Fremont, Calif. / AP
Just two years after receiving $535 million from the stimulus, Solyndra filed for bankruptcy. The company was the first to receive a federal loan guarantee from the stimulus. Solyndra’s biggest investor, George Kaiser, was a bundler for the Obama campaign.
At least four other companies received stimulus money only to later file for bankruptcy, including Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Co., which received $10 million to increase employment, and Evergreen Solar Inc., which received $5.3 million to install 11,000 photovoltaic panels.
Birds cooked  by solar plant in CA.  A 2 billion $  bird killer!  What are we doing?
Birds like heat. Guess what! Bird die after largest solar plant opens in Ca. How? Cooked to death. Good heavens!
New solar plant  covers 5  square miles. More info:
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, the world’s largest “tower-based” solar plant, is scheduled to open this week in the Mojave Desert. According to Brightsource, one of the project’s investors, the plant covers 3,500 acres (five square miles) with “over 300,000 software-controlled mirrors [that] track the sun in three dimensions and reflect the sunlight to boilers that sit atop three 459 foot tall towers.” The Wall Street Journal puts the exact figure at 347,000 “garage door-size mirrors.”
Ivanpah cost $2.2 billion, but investors have few worries. The plant  was financed with a federal loan guarantee of $1.6 billion, and Californians are required under Renewable Portfolio Standards to purchase Ivanpah’s electricity for the next 30 years, at four times the cost of electricity generated with natural gas.
Birds seem to be attracted to the array, thinking that the shimmering mirrors are a body of water.
It turns out that when those 347,000 mirrors focus sunlight up to the 459-foot high towers, the surrounding air gets warmed up a bit — to a toasty 1,000 degrees F, hot enough to fry our feathered friends to a crisp.
Firenze Sage:  Oh and in sunny California you get to pay 4x the going rate for electricity.  This  is fine on the coast but most of  California  requires air conditioning for 4x the going rate.