Firenze Sage: save the planet [from climate change]- fall in ditch




Al Gore’s daughter protests climate change

Let’s do it in the dirt   ….  as climate change advocacy works … when done by Al Gore’s daughter who lay down in a pipeline protesting climate change and safety issues.

Karenna Gore  was among demonstrators who tried to block construction activity on the site by lying in a trench dug for the pipeline and refusing to move until firefighters removed them, said protest group Resist the Pipeline & Stop the West Roxbury Lateral.

Judge Mary Ann Driscoll has dismissed criminal charges against protestors including Al Gore’s daughter on the grounds that their actions were necessary to prevent climate change.

Judge sets aside charges in pipeline protest

Jordan Graham Thursday, March 29, 2018


The protesters, including Karenna Gore, the daughter of former Vice President Al Gore, were facing charges of trespassing and disturbing the peace after climbing into a construction trench. On Tuesday, prosecutors asked a judge to convert the criminal charges into civil infractions, saying in the event of a conviction they were unlikely to ask for any further punishment. After allowing the motion, Judge Mary Ann Driscoll found the defendants not responsible, saying she agreed with their argument that their actions were necessary to combat climate change.

“Based on the very heartfelt expressions of the defendants who believe, and I don’t question their beliefs in any respect, who believe in their cause because they believe they were entitled to invoke the necessity defense, I’ll accept what they said,” Driscoll said.


Firenze Sage:  What if they were covered with dirt and the defense was we don’t  believe in climate change —  or the justice system for that matter.

Do what you want as your beliefs will save thee.


$12 – 25 BILLION for a Wall built by Corp of Engineers, National Guard or private sector “shovel ready jobs”? Looks possible …


$12 to 25 BILLION for a WALL? It’s possible …

$12 – 25 BILLION for a Wall built  by Corp of Engineers, National Guard or private sector “shovel ready jobs”?  Looks possible ….

The military budget is $700 BILLION for 2018 and $716 BILLION for 2019.

Trump is   willing  to fund shovel ready jobs that  start in 90 days.

The Corp of Engineers recently moved a river.  

So, yes,   the National Guard and or Corp of Engineers can   use  a shovel, clean out a drug infested tunnel, build a road.

Trump plans to build a military base along the wall.

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is requesting that the U.S. military build walls for at least one military base along the U.S.-Mexico border, part of President Donald Trump’s plan to fortify the border, U.S. officials say.

“We are looking into options for the military to build a wall on military installations on the border,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told reporters Wednesday afternoon.

Details of the plan, expected to be released later Wednesday afternoon by the White House, come days after Mr. Trump suggested the military could pay for the wall he wants to build along the southern border.

Where might the  $25 BILLION to build a WALL  come from?   The military got $700 BILLION in 2018 and 716 BILLION for 2019.

President Donald Trump and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis have discussed the possibility that the U.S. military front the costs for a border wall, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

“The secretary has talked to the president about it,” said Pentagon press secretary Dana White. “Securing Americans and securing the nation is of paramount importance to the secretary. They have talked about it but I don’t have any more details as to specifics.”

President Trump signed the $1.3 trillion budget into law last Friday. The bill provides $700 BILLION in 2018 and $716 BILLION  in 2019 to the Defense Department, money Mattis and the service chiefs have repeatedly emphasized is critical to rebuilding military readiness and lethality.


Aptos Psychologist:  The “caravan” of 1,200 +  coming from El Salvador provided incentive for Trump to  send the National Guard. That caravan dissolved after intervention from Mexico providing assistance.  What to do abut DACA remains.  And what about   the 12-20 MILLION illegals who live and work in the USA?

What say you?   Immigration was and remains the issue that propelled Trump into the Presidency.


NAFTA “the worst trade deal ever made” says Trump



NAFTA  is “the worst trade deal ever made” Trump tweets.

NAFTA permits China and other  Asian and European countries to import car parts to Mexico and Canada and — once assembled there — those cars enter the USA market without tariffs.

Because of this “loophole”, NAFTA is  great deal for Mexico and Canada and  for parts manufacturers  world wide.  NAFTA has been and continues to be   bad deal for USA manufacturing.

So — keeping another campaign promise –  expect Trump to exit NAFTA and establish separate trade deals with Canada and Mexico.    Here’s why:


Believe in yourself … you are very smart says Trump’s wife made fun of by Kimmel

Believe in yourself, you are very smart … words read by Trump’s wife at recent Easter Egg event at the White House.  Late night talk show host Kimmel made fun of her accent reading the book, You.


Jimmy Kimmel let his hatred of the Trump family pour forth Mondaynight by mocking First Lady Melania Trump’s accent.

Although she is now an American citizen, the first lady was born in Slovenia and did not move to the United States until she was in her mid-20s. It only makes sense that she would retain her accent, but Kimmel still finds it worth mocking.

After playing video of the president praising his wife’s work in planning the day, Kimmel said, “Not a chance she did one thing the help set that up. The only thing she’s been working on is an escape tunnel.”

“No White House Easter celebration would be complete without story time with our first lady,” Kimmel said before playing a clip of our first lady reading a children’s book to the assembled youngsters.

“Be clever and curious, just like a cat,” Melania reads, “Ask lots of questions. about this and that.”

Kimmel returns laughing along with his audience at the first lady’s accent and then he does his own impression, “Yeah, about dees and dat.”

Kimmel then turned to his Mexican sidekick and said, “Guillermo, you know what this means, you could be first lady of the United States.”

Kimmel went back to video of Melania reading so the audience could laugh some more at her accent.


Firenze Sage:  Has this hypocritical hater eve laughed at a black’s use of English,an Hispanic or anyone else.


Will Trump meet with Mueller now that he’s not a “target”?


President Trump NOT a “target’ says Mueller

President Trump is  NOT a” target”  says Special Councel  Robert  Mueler.  So will  Trump meet with Mueller?  Should he?

Even though not a “target” right now Trump can readily become a target if Mueller finds inconsistencies sufficient to press charges of a ‘process crime‘ i.e.,  making false statements  to the FBI.   That’s how Mueller indicted several of Trump’s  associates including General Michael Flynn

The FBI continues to stonewall Congress. What is the FBI hiding?    The FBI has not responded to request  from Congress for the  voluminous material related to  Hilary Clinton’s email server and the the Steele dossier which was paid for by Hilary Clinton.  

What do you think?  Should Trump meet with Mueller?  Tell Trump what you think.   I’ts easy! Click link below: 


sensible immigration reform? no human illegal? require E-Verify, require biometric entry-exit system…Goodlatte-McCaul proposal

No human is illegal?

Concerning legal immigration, two thirds of Americans want less than half the actual number of immigrants coming in.

About 100 K come in and most Americans want fewer than 500,000.  Roughly 9-10% of Americans want zero immigration.

Immigration was the issue that put Trump on the radar screen.  And immigration –   both legal and illegal  –  will be a crucial issue in the 2018 mid-elections.

So what’s a “sensible” immigration policy look like? How will both legal and illegal immigration be dealt with?

Take a look at the link below:

Aptos Psychologist:

Congress must substantially  increase  funds to HHS to manage and  control both legal and illegal immigration.  Perhaps its time to do your part and speak up?

We need  more Border Patrol (10 K recommended)  to stop illegals from entering.  For example,  from just one central american country alone roughly 1 in 3 persons from El Salvador now reside in the USA.

We need more  immigration  judges to quickly provide equal, fair justice and to handle  the 600,000 cases still pending     At the given rate of cases it could take 15-20 years to handle the  600,000 case backlog unless the system  changes.

Education:  It’s time for the public to educate itself as to the pros and cons of  what a sensible immigration policy looks like.

What say you? ; Comments welcome!  written by



Immigration Policy: New immigration data portal launched puts govt statistics in one location


USA immigration data portal launched 2018

Launching of New Immigration Data Portal

Washington, D.C. (March 12, 2018) – The Center for Immigration Studies announces the creation of a new immigration data portal. The portal consolidates government agencies’ most recent immigration statistics in one location, allowing easy access to detailed information on a multitude of key topics in immigration such as crime, illegal immigration, and labor.

logo CIS

Visit the data portal at:

The Center’s goal is to lessen the challenge of finding important immigration statistics so that fact-based research can play a larger role in informing the national debate on immigration policy. Whether the user is searching for specific numbers on refugee arrivals by country of origin, E-verify statistics reports, or the jobsite location and wage data of requested foreign workers, this portal will make finding the data dramatically easier.

Mark Krikorian, the Center’s executive director, said “It is my hope that the immigration debate will benefit from the launching of this data portal. It is imperative that immigration policy be formed by accurate data; this initiative will make it easier for all parties to access crucial immigration statistics.”


Trump funny? Pelosi out of it? America more free in 2018? You decide

Freedoms Americans experience as of March, 2018

Trump funny? Pelosi out of it? America more free in 2018? You decide.

Where are American freedoms in 2018?
Thump  was supposed  be history by summer 2017.
The  Clinton/ Steele dossier, which   was used to get a FICA  warrant to spy on Trymp, continues to  unravel  as 2018 progresses.

Some of the freedoms  Americans experience as of March, 2018 include:

A ‘funny’ President who pokes fun at himself and ridicules his opponents.  Trump provides  better entertainment than Late Night TV. Catch Trunp’s rendition of how to be Presidential.
The tax cuts were heralded as ‘crumbs’ by Pelosi and the Democrats.   The 2018 Tax cut from 35% ti 21%  for large corporations means much more freedom for them  compete throughout the world.
  • Companies and corporations are  free to give employees  raises and bonuses.
  • And freeom  to hire — 300,000 in Feb 2018.
  • Freedoms which encourage more to participate in the work force.
  • Freedom to spend more personal income as less is taken away by federal government— for 80% othe f Americans.
How about freedom to think other thoughts?
Freedom to believe America is exceptional and  to  take back  to control our borders.
Freedom to leave CA which now has the lowest s quality of life in USA.
Freedom for US Steel to hire back 500 workers.  More coal workers are needed in the coal mines to produce electricity to make steel.
None of this would have happened  with Hilary and the Clinton Foundation in the White House and shaping economic polities.
Who lurks in the background?   Obama and  Michelle?
written by Cameron Jackson 3/12/18

Married white women are deplorable [do what men tell them says Hilary Clinton]

white women voted for Trump because men told them to do so —

Why white married women voted for Trump?

Hillary Clinton said that white women voted for President Trump during the 2016 presidential election because their husbands told them to, during a discussion at the India Today Conclave on Saturday.

The moderator asked Clinton why she thinks almost 52 percent of white women voted for Trump, despite them knowing about the controversial “Access Hollywood” tape.

“[Democrats] do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women,” Clinton explained. “And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”


Firenze Sage:  Will this hag ever broom her way under the carpet?  


A TAX on TEA started the American Revolution. Freedom from Government.Now CALIF proposes TAX on WATER. Reasons NOT to tax water?


WATER TAX SB 623 – Speak Up!

A TAX on TEA started the American Revolution. Freedom from government.

Now the State of California proposes a TAX on WATER.

Why should  all California households pay roughly a  $12 WATER Tax per year?

Tell  Santa Cruz County Supervisors NO on SB 623.

Speak up! Write your representatives.

Speak back to  State Senator Bill Monning who started this nonsense!

Here’s  reasons why it’s  important to speak up:

  1. The proposed rate can be INCREASED when the government  chooses. All taxes typically go up …
  2. Twenty-five percent (25%)  of money collected  can be — will be?–spent on administration.
  3.  Lower income families  will be overly  impacted. Why charge more for water than it costs?  Lower income persons  can  sign up for an exemption — but will they?   This tax is one more burden on those with lower incomes.  California already has the biggest disparity between RICH and POOR already.
  4.  Who will really pay? Consumers.   All costs of government are  passed on and the State of CA is not required  to pay back agencies for costs to collect.
  5. Polluters of ground water can continue to pollute and not affected by this law.  Makes no sense.  Polluters are off the hook until 2035.
  6. This law turns water providing agencies into tax collecting agencies. This is wrong.

Becky Steinbruner  says NO on proposed  Water Tax. 

Here’s Becky’s Letter to the  Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors:  

Dear Board of Supervisors and Clerk of the Board,
I was not able to register public comment using the Agenda Portal system on the Board of Supervisor website, so am writing you with my concerns regarding Consent Agenda Item #18.  I request that my letter be included for the Public Record as written correspondence regarding this issue and included with Board agenda communication available to the public at the mARCH 13, 2018 Board of Supervisor meeting.
I oppose Consent Agenda Item 18, a resolution to support SB 623 and ask that the Board NOT adopt a resolution, as recommended by Supervisor Zach Friend, for Santa Cruz County to endorse SB 623.  I request that Supervisor Friend publicly explain why the Board should  consider supporting it.
I have read the text of the proposed SB 623 legislation, re-introduced this year, and have the following objections:
1) While the water tax is currently proposed to be $.95 per month per household, the rate can be increased in the future if the State Board determines that the funding need is greater to assist communities with problematic water supplies.
Water is a basic requirement for life…should it be taxed even more than what it costs to produce it (Prop. 218 stipulates water sellers cannot charge more than the cost of supplying the water).  Any one who declares themselves impoverished (below 200% of the federal poverty limit which would be roughly $98,000/year for an individual) is exempt, but must file with their local water agency for exemption.  Will the poor all apply for exemption?
2)  Public water agencies would be mandated to collect and administer the tax monies to the State but on page 19 of the SB623 text, Section 6 says the State is not required to re-imburse local agencies unless the Commission on State Mandates determines it necessary.
SB 623 would ignore the California Constitutional mandate that local government be re-imbursed for collecting and administering state mandates.
3)  Polluters would “not be subject to enforcement undertaken or administered by State Board or regional boards under Chapter 5 (section 13330) for causing or contributing to an exceedance of a water quality objective of nitrate in groundwater” if the proposed Fertilizer Safe Drinking Water Fee or Dairy Safe Drinking Water Fee gets paid within 90 days of the contamination determination.  Why allow the polluters to continue contaminating the groundwater??? (see page 17 of the SB 623 text)
4)  Again, in Section 5, SB 623 would erase the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act that mandates the State and regional boards oversee and enforce pollution control regulations to protect groundwater drinking supply safety for the public.  This bill would PROHIBIT the State Board or a regional board, until January 1, 2035, from “subjecting an agricultural operation, as defined, to specified enforcment for causing or contributing to a condition of pollution or nuisance for nitrates in groundwater if that agricultural operation demonstrates that it has satisfied other requirements of the timely payment of the fertilzer safe drinking water fee or the dairy safe drinking water fee, as applicable, into the fund.”
5)  SB 623 states the money collected with all these new taxes must only be used for projects addressing problematic groundwater supplies, but COULD  be transferred to other uses with a 2/3 vote of the legislature (section 116771 (f) on page 13 of the text).  I do not trust legislators not to dip into this fund for other “public benefit projects”
6)  SB 623 would allow community water systems to apply for exemption from collection of the per-household water tax, based on the finding that the amount that would be required to be remitted to the Board to be minimus, but the water company cannot appeal if the State denies their application. (116771 (d) on page 13.  Under 116772 (a) a public water system can apply to use an alternate assessment method for charges imposed by SB 623, but that alternate method, if approved, could only be used for five years maximum.
7)  SB 623 would require County Environmental Health Agencies to submit a list of all small water systems to the State Board by
January 1, 2019.  Again, this is requiring local government to spend time on meeting the State requirements but not getting re-imnbursed.  Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Agency staff does not have a comprehensive list of all small water companies but is working to collect that information for another State mandated program, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Plan, required to be submitted  and approved by the State by January 1, 2020.
8) SB 623 would mandate all fertilizer manufacturers, handlers, transporters and sellers to allow State Board access to any and all accounting practices, facilities and related information.  It would also mandate all dairies allow State Board access to any and all buildings and facilities as well as accounting practices and information.   NONE of this information however, including the audits of Safe Drinking Water Fees by the polluters, would be public information. (section 116772 (d) and (e)).   I do not trust that big corporations that may be contaminating groundwater would be held accountable for money paid in order to continue polluting.  Under SB 623, members of the public would not be able to file a Public Records Act request to find out.
9)  How much of this new tax money would actually get spent on improving problematic groundwater drinking supplies?  SB 623 allows the State Board to spend 25% of the fee money on administration.
10)  How will the State determine who gets the money?  SB 623 requires reports of problems by all water agencies to be submitted for consideration.  The money can be spent for “settlements from parties responsible for contamination of drinking water supplies” (Section 116768(1c), and in Section 116768 (2) states :” funds shall be prioritized for CONSOLIDATIONS”.  SB 623 removes mutually-owned water companies from the list of eligible applicants for project money.  These systems should also benefit from the possibility of grant assistance to improve water quality for safe potable use.
 Why would the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors want to support SB 623???.
Thank you Becky Steinbruner for your above Letter.

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