taxing space rockets: Ok Mr Spock stop at the California toll station


CA plans to  tax  space rocket travel

OK Mr. Spock, stop at the California toll station.

  In California, they are taking the idea one step farther, planning to tax space rockets by the mile as well.

According to the proposal, California will collect tax from space transportation companies based on a formula factoring in how often a company launches spacecrafts out of the state, and, most importantly, how far a commercial spacecraft travels from California soil. Between May and mid-October, there were eight launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base, in Santa Barbara County about 50 miles south of San Luis Obispo.

The Franchise Tax Board proposal said certainty about tax treatment “will lead to increased activity in the industry and will foster an atmosphere of growth and prosperity once present during the golden age of California’s aviation industry, thereby creating jobs as the industry thrives in this state.”


Firneze Sage:  Even faster than the star ship Enterprise will be the aeronautic industry flight from California.  


Attorney General Sessions & FBI Comey: Mumm’s the word


Stephanie Murphy, Florida Representative says not OK to talk to ambassadors

 So it’s not OK  for the top Justice person, Jeff  Sessions,  to talk to ambassadors?

CNN anchor JAKE TAPPER: Congresswoman, Attorney General Sessions said he was recusing himself from the matter but obviously played a leading role in the firing of Comey, he’s playing a leading role in the hiring of his replacement. Do you have concerns about that?

REP. STEPHANIE MURPHY (D), FLORIDA: Absolutely I do have concerns about that. We know that  Attorney General Sessions recused himself because he had had contact with Russian government officials and I’m somebody who has had one of the highest clearances in this country and I know that —

TAPPER: You used to serve at the Pentagon.

MURPHY: That’s correct.And I know that there’s no such thing as appropriate contact with a hostile foreign government, and so he’s recused himself from the Russian investigation. I don’t believe that he should be involved in selecting the FBI director. We need to have somebody who is beyond reproach in that position.


Firenze Sage:    This woman [Stephanie Murphy] hates Trump to the point of derangement. What are ambassadors for if not to talk to even if from Iran,N Korea or Russia.

2014 ambassador from north Korea to Russia

save the planet: pass the beetles and broccoli please

eating beetles some say will save the planet — Oh?

Pass the beetles and broccoli   please —

Switching Just 50% of Our Meat to Insects Can Seriously Reduce Land Use

17 MAY 2017
 If we want to cut the environmental impact of livestock, switching to insects and imitation meat products is our best bet, according to a new report.

The inevitability of turning to insects to feed the world’s growing population has been looming for a while. And now we finally have some data on how much this shift would actually help the planet.

As more people move to live in cities and have higher incomes, meat consumption is steadily growing, which sucks up an enormous amount of resources. Livestock takes up 60 percent of all agricultural land, and on top of that a third of all crops we groware livestock feed.


Firenze Sage:  Who lobbys for the insects?

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What do Americans want? jobs & lower taxes. What do they get? another investigation about Russia …


Americans want jobs. Americans get another investigation.
Americans want jobs. Lower taxes.  Americans get another investigation about Russia.

What do Americans want?    more  jobs, lower taxes,  repeal  ObamaCare, and control of  illegal  immigration.  Those were issues which caused people to vote for Trump.

What does America get?  Another investigation about Russia ....  whether Russia colluded with Trump or Trump with Russia.

What do we know?  Three weeks after a diner with President Trump ( on Feb. 14), James Comey testified under oath  on May 3, 2017   that there were no attempts by the Trump administration to obstruct any ongoing investigation.  Comey said that loud and clear on May 3, 2017.

Now there’s a ‘memo’ leaked to the New York Times wherein Comey memorializes the conversation he and Trump had on Feb. 14, 2017.  Per the Comey  ‘memo’, (which no one has yet seen)    did Trump say something to FBI Comey on Feb. 14, 2017  that Comey construed  at the time as interfering in an on-going investigation and thus obstruction of justice?

The FBI Director — if he alleges obstruction of justice by Trump due to interference with an ongoing investigation  — is required by law to report that to his boss. Comey did not report. Comey committed a crime if he did not report obstruction of justice.

Another question:  If FBI Director Comey memorialized in writing his conversations with Donald Trump, did Comey also memorialize his conversations with former President Obama?  If Comey did so, what did Obama say to Comey about the ongoing investigation into Hilary Clinton, her personal email servier and her release of  classified confidential information?

So now it’s time for the Trump administration to deliver what Americans want:  move ahead on the domestic issues that Americans want — more jobs, lower taxes, repeal and replace ObamaCare and control of illegal immigration.



What to do if CA becomes a sanctuary state?

borders because it is our countryIf California becomes a sanctuary state —  what can  state citizens do?   sanctuary city of santa ana

How about changing the immunity laws?

Listen to ‘Boring Jeff’ on KSCO 1080 Saturday Special (May 13, 2017) concerning sanctuary cities.

State of California  now actively fights the U.S. federal government concerning on-the-books  federal  immigration laws. States do not set immigration policy and states do not defend a country’s borders.  Is this revolution by one state against the union of states?

Illegals welcome to stay:  CA Gov. Brown’s budget has $15 – 30 million to assist illegal persons (who enter illegally, overstay their visa)  to remain in California.

Legal assistance to fight federal government paid for by CA taxpayers:   Gov. Brown extended the contract with former Attorney General Eric Holder.  This contract  costs CA taxpayers $25 K a month.

What Eric Holder does may well help keep San Salvador’s M13 bad dudes here in California. President Trump campaigned to make USA borders secure and to deport bad criminals.

sanctuary state bad criminals

What to do?   Let’s change the immunity  laws so that individuals harmed by CA state  and cities   — remember Kate Steinle  murdered in San Francisco by an illegal—  can get damages.

Yes,  it is possible to change laws related to the immunity of government against suits.  Louisiana passed laws changing immunity related to road hazards.  Then let’s start there:   Illegals who drive on CA roads are a safety hazard.


Monterey Bay Forum:  Sue the state government?  Sue sanctuary city  of Santa Cruz  and Watsonville?    Yes – if the government does not protect the citizens from substantial harm due to illegals who either enter illegally or overstay their visa.    What say you?


Obama, the great gas bag, collects 400 K for speech

  gas bagObama, the great gas bag strikes again.  Barack Obama has agreed to a $400,000 fee for speaking to a prominent Wall Street firm, according to Charlie Gasparino of the Fox Business Network.

Former president Obama will speak to a health care conference sponsored by Cantor Fitzgerald in September, Gasparino reports.

— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) April 24, 2017

The huge fee puts Obama at the top of the list of speaking fees for former government officials. Former Fed chair Ben Bernanke charges between $200,000 and $400,000, former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner charges $200,000, and former President George Bush charges around $150,000, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Hillary Clinton received over $200,000 apiece for each of her speaking engagements at Goldman Sachs. Those payments later were used against her by political rivals, who argued they were evidence that the former Secretary of State was too close to Wall Street.

Gasparino points out that Obama has been out of office for less than 100 days.


Firenze Sage:  At least Hillary only went on for 20 minutes. The attendees here should bring lunch and dinner.


Let’s require paid protesters to say on their signs who paid for their time and signs?

RSVP on liberty aaTime to have protest signs say who paid for the sign and person to wave it?

Time for truth in paid for political organizing?

Remember all those thousands of  people that suddenly appeared at airports right after the first ban on various people entering the USA? Those people did not spontaneously show up at airports.  They were paid.

So what if protesters are paid?  The Washington Post defends it.march for science

Its one thing to pay people. It’s another thing to hide that they are paid to do job.

One of  the organizers of paid protests supportive of  Obama and Clinton  is Robert Creamer.  Robert Creamer is a buddy of Obama, visited the White House many times and spoke with him 40-50 times.    “Creamer is a longtime Alinskyite activist and a leader in Obama’s old community organizing network. Creamer was a key figure in the work of Chicago’s community organizer training center, the Midwest Academy, to which Obama had close ties. I write extensively about the hard-left ideology and hardball tactics of the Midwest Academy, and Creamer’s role at the center of it all, in my political biography of President Obama, Radical-in-Chief (see Chapter 5, esp. 144-45; 186-88).”  Read more at:


How to “clean the swamp” – fire Univ. of CA President Napolitano?

clean out the swampOne way to “clean the swamp” ?  Fire former Obama’s  Homeland Security  Janet Napolitano  — the person who now  runs the University of California.

Why fire Napoliitano?  Corruption. Remember, Janet Napolitano was in charge of the security of America under former President Obama. Now she’s in charge of the University of California system of higher education.

A scathing state audit accuses Janet Napolitano of graft and corruption:   that she  hid  tens of millions of dollars in reserves — even from the board of directors —  that  she  padded  the salaries and benefits of Napoitano’s staff and that   she  created  a secret spending plan.

Napolitano’s office also intercepted a confidential survey that the auditor sent to individual campus officials causing them to soften their responses.

Repeatedly, the UC system has increased tuition to backfill state budget cuts and turned away record numbers of CA high school seniors while admitting higher paying out-of-state and international students.

For more information, check out other sources —


new mental disorder created by San Francisco federal judge to protect Sanctuary cities

Pre-enactment anxiety caused by Trump.   sanctuary citiesIrreparable harm to sanctuary cities caused by Trump threatening to enforce existing laws on the  books concerning immigration.  That’s what a San Francisco judge ruled.

Pre-enactment anxiety disorder. What in the world is that? It’s not in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM 5).    That ‘s the newly minted  mental disorder which  San Francisco and Santa Clara are said to  suffer from says federal judge Orrick  in defense of his stay of Trump’s executive order to enforce existing laws regarding immigration.

Just the thought of withholding money to Sanctuary cities who refuse to cooperate with federal immigration causes such anxiety that San Francisco and Santa Clara county are harmed so says judge Orrick.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday blocked any attempt by the Trump administration to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” that do not cooperate with U.S. immigration authorities, saying the president has no authority to attach new conditions to federal spending.

U.S. District Judge William Orrick issued the preliminary injunction in two lawsuits — one brought by the city of San Francisco, the other by Santa Clara County — against an executive order targeting communities that protect immigrants from deportation.

That uncertainty was a central focus of the arguments in the case, as well. At a hearing earlier this month, attorneys for the Justice Department offered a far narrower interpretation of the order than Trump, saying it would only apply to jurisdictions that refuse to share citizenship information as required by law, and that it would apply to only three federal grants from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security that require compliance as a pre-condition.
Orrick was skeptical of that interpretation.
Liberals are mimicking conservatives by asking a single federal judge to issue a nationwide order against the administration.

That’s exactly what conservative states did two years ago when they asked a federal judge in Brownsville, Texas, to block Obama’s plan to defer deportation for 4 million undocumented immigrants. The judge, Andrew Hanen, did just that, issuing a nationwide order that ultimately was upheld by an evenly split Supreme Court.

The Obama administration decried the reach of Hanen’s order, calling it “drastically overbroad” in a 2015 court filing.

Now it’s conservatives who are protesting use of the tactic. When a federal judge in Hawaii said last month that Trump couldn’t block travel from a group of predominantly Muslim countries, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he was “amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific” could block the president’s policy.


Aptos Psychologist: Try that argument with the Internal Revenue Service.   Dear IRS, you are causing me to feel  “pre-enactment anxiety”  just at the thought of taking away my money.  You’ve caused me irreparable harm. Think that  argument — “pre-enactment anxiety” — will work talking to the IRS?  


trashing Christian crosses: time for Muhammad to take a hike?

 take a hikeHide your cross, Christians?

Or time to tell Muhammad to take a hike?

  Christians in Sydney, Australia, are being advised to hide their crosses after an Arabic-speaking gang shouting “F*** Jesus!” attacked a couple on a train while transport officers looked on from a “safe space” and did nothing.

The Sydney-based Daily Telegraph – a News Corp outlet unrelated to the Telegraph Media Group newspaper of the same name – reports the couple were attacked while riding the train through “Muslim enclaves” in south-west Sydney.

 Mike, who asked for his surname to be withheld for fear he might be targeted, said that four men of Middle Eastern appearance ripped his cross from his neck, stomped on it, and rained kicks and punches on his face, back, and shoulders. Two women attacked his girlfriend when she tried to protect him.

Five uniformed transport officers watched the attack take place but failed to intervene, Mike claimed, leaving the police to meet the train at a later station.

“I was born in Australia of Greek heritage,” Mike told the Telegraph. “I’ve always worn my cross. For [them] to rip it off and step on it has to be a religious crime.


Firenze Sage:   Muslim enclave? Five uniformed transit officers stood by awaiting orders from HQ.

Below is a picture of the cross that was ripped from an Australian Greek Orthodox  man by a group of Muslims while transit personnel watched.  Authorities say transit personnel provide passenger service not protection.  

cross of man
