Tomorrow —  when we wake up  — Americans  will know what direction the country will take:  ObamaCare, illegal immigration,  “Deplorables”,  likely  control of the  Supreme Court.
Can “outsider” such as Trump  win?  Or  will  The Clinton Foundation and  “elete”  of Washington and New York — who spectacularly don’t know middle america — continue to rule?
Pray that Americans make the right choices — for freedom, justice and the same rule of law for all persons.
About 70% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. Â Well, it’s been Obama and Hilary as Secretary of State guiding how this country has been going. Â Will Americans vote for a new direction?
Early polling  suggests that Americans want  to elect a “strong leader” .  That sounds like Trump as Hilary’s leadership reminds people of Bengazi and four dead Americans and that America is involved in 5 undeclared wars right now.
If Hilary wins, then more costly  ObamaCare comes  our way.  If  Trump, then ObamaCare  can  be — likely will be —  thrown out.
If Trump wins, illegal immigration  can be controlled.  A recent poll shows that Hispanics overwhelmingly want illegals sent home.
What about the “Deplorables” which Hilary says make up half of Trump’s support.   Hilary may express regret about her remarks, but  how  will Hilary’s “Deplorables” vote?
Hispanics and immigration:  Per a poll released today,  Hispanics want laws enforced and illegals sent home.  So  — as one might surmise, Hispanics ‘get it’ that opening the flood gate to illegals hurts  plenty of USA born people looking for minimum wage jobs.
Blacks vote as a bloc for Obama/ Hilary?  Will the young Blacks do the bidding of Michelle Obama who tells them “Just vote Democrat.”  One young Black woman interviewed said that she was not staying on the Plantation as Michelle Obama tells her.  This young black woman refuses to vote Democrat just because Michelle Obama tells her to.
Tomorrow — when we wake up and read the papers and turn on the news — then we will know what direction America will go. Â Let’s pray that freedom and liberty and one rule of law applies to all persons.