Tomorrow we know: ObamaCare? Illegal immigrants? “Deplorables”?


Freedom or
What direction for America?

Tomorrow —  when we wake up  — Americans  will know what direction the country will take:  ObamaCare, illegal immigration,  “Deplorables”,  likely  control of the  Supreme Court.

Can “outsider” such as Trump  win?  Or  will  The Clinton Foundation and  “elete”  of Washington and New York — who spectacularly don’t know middle america — continue to rule?

Pray that Americans make the right choices — for freedom, justice and the same rule of law for all persons.

About 70% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction.  Well, it’s been Obama and Hilary as Secretary of State guiding how this country has been going.  Will Americans vote for a new direction?

Early polling  suggests that Americans want  to elect a “strong leader” .  That sounds like Trump as Hilary’s leadership reminds people of Bengazi and four dead Americans and that America is involved in 5 undeclared wars right now.

If Hilary wins, then more  costly  ObamaCare comes  our way.  If  Trump, then ObamaCare   can  be — likely will be —  thrown out.

If Trump wins, illegal immigration  can be controlled.  A recent poll shows that Hispanics overwhelmingly want illegals sent home.

What about the “Deplorables” which Hilary says make up half of Trump’s support.    Hilary may express regret about her remarks, but  how  will Hilary’s “Deplorables” vote?

Hispanics and immigration:  Per a poll released today,  Hispanics want laws enforced and illegals sent home.  So  — as one might surmise, Hispanics ‘get it’ that opening the flood gate to illegals hurts  plenty of USA born people looking for minimum wage jobs.

Blacks vote as a bloc for Obama/ Hilary?   Will the young Blacks do the bidding of Michelle Obama who tells them “Just vote Democrat.”  One young Black woman interviewed said that she was not staying on the Plantation as Michelle Obama tells her.  This young black woman refuses to vote Democrat  just because Michelle Obama tells her to.

Tomorrow — when we wake up and read the papers and turn on the news — then we will know what direction America will go.  Let’s pray that freedom and liberty and one rule of law applies to all persons.





I’d NEVER vote for ..Trump …Hilary …say friends. You say?

Freedom!  An d all treated the same under the law.

And you say?   A good friend I have is a NEVER Trump person.  And another one is a NEVER Hilary.

 For me, listen and learn and when you go into that  voting booth — then vote for the best person who will truly keep and continue to make America the miracle it has been for 200+ YEARS.

There is no other country like America.

America attracts people because of our liberty and freedom.  This is a watershed election.

Trump has managed to connect with so many different kinds of people.

If Hilary wins  — and if  The Clinton Foundation is found “dirty”   i.e.. sells access to our government for money — this practice will continue.  As of  the Friday before election, the conservative press reports that an indictment is likely.  Given that the New York Times and “progressive” media do not report this story — what will the American public know of this story before the elections?

 If Hilary wins she will be the first President who enters office with at least two criminal prosecutions to face.

10 Reasons Why I Will Never Vote for Hillary Clinton


Who are these people? profanity-filled pleas by celebrities

"celebrities" and
“celebrities” shout profanity to vote

  Holy sh*t (You’ve Got to Vote) says a bunch of  “celebrities”.   “Celebrities”  are making a final, profanity-filled plea to Americans to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with just a few days remaining until Election Day.

These “celebrities”  include:  Actresses Rachel Bloom, Elizabeth Banks, Mayim Bialik, Jane Lynch, Adam Scott and Jesse Tyler Ferguson and musicians Moby and Patti LuPone star in a pro-Clinton music video released by liberal comedy website Funny or Die Friday called “Holy Sh*t (You’ve Got to Vote),” in which the group urges Americans to vote against “orange talking STD” Donald Trump.

Firenze Sage:  What is the definition of a celebrity? Notice the carefully crafted message with class!


Pray for America: for freedom! That the same laws apply to all.



Pray for America every day at 6 pm for one minute -- CA time
Pray for America every day at 6 pm for one minute — CA time

Yes, it is time to pray. Pray for America.   Every day.  Especially right now.  This election matters more than any other election  in the last 30+  years.

There’s a movement that we all pray at the same time.  Here in CA that’s at 6 pm for one minute.  Let us all pray at the same time.

prayer-with-handsPray for America. It really is a miracle that a country like America actually exists.

A place where tyrants do not rule with impunity.  A place where people can dream and realize those dreams.   A place where people are treated with dignity.   Look around the world and ask yourself  —   where else is there such freedom? Liberty?


People come here to America — legally and illegally  —  for freedom.  And other reasons , i.e., such as  getting a job so they can send home money to family living all over the world.

We must preserve what America stands for:  freedom, liberty and that one law applies to all persons whether   Hilary Clinton or a person working in the agriculture fields of California or Florida.

For too long the Washington DC  elite have run America.  Now there is a chance for renewal.  There is a real chance that middle America will be heard.

More than any other US election in 30 years — this election matters.  An outsider  — Donald Trump — appears to have a good chance.

Through The Clinton Foundation Hilary Clinton — using her private email server — has sold access to herself should she become President.  If elected, Hilary Clinton will be the first President  ever elected who faces criminal charges.  Is this someone you really can vote for and support?

Look at your life.  How has America helped realize your dreams?   Pray that the America that offers freedom and liberty will continue.

Pray for America each day
Pray for America each day

written by Cameron Jackson.

Pray for God’s grace to continue to guide this nation.  Yes, pray.

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Donald Trump versus Hilary regarding freedom September 2018


 Will Donald Trump create more freedom for Americans and throughout the world? Or will Hilary Clinton / continuation of Obama do a better job?  As of September, 2018 here’s some freedom links with Trump as President of USA.  There’s more freedom?  Yes!  Lots more freedom!

Freedom  to work :  real wages for workers are rising

Freedom of political speech: confirmation hearings for Supreme Court September 7, 2018

Freedom  to practice ones religion:

Free trade/ no tariffs  with Trump as President

Freedom of ocean travel near China  by Britain, France, USA

What say you?  updated by Cameron Jackson, licensed CA psychologist







Ginsburg: It’s time to try shutting up? [Kaepernick]

Ginsburg — It’s time to try shutting up?

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday called her criticism of National Football League player Colin Kaepernick “inappropriately dismissive and harsh” and said she should not have commented on his protest against racism and police brutality in the United States.

Ginsburg, a liberal justice, told Yahoo News on Monday that Kaepernick was “dumb and disrespectful” for refusing to stand during the national anthem before games.

SEE EARLIER: Ruth Bader Ginsburg just threw shade at Colin Kaepernick

“Barely aware of the incident or its purpose, my comments were inappropriately dismissive and harsh. I should have declined to respond,” Ginsburg said in her statement on Friday.

In the Yahoo News interview, Ginsburg equated Kaepernick’s actions to burning the American flag. “I think it’s a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn’t lock a person up for doing it,” she said.
Ginsburg on the constitution:

Conservatives are often ridiculed for criticizing activist judges who fail to respect the Constitution. We are told that it is not conservative originalists (labeled ignorant and extremist) but rather enlightened liberal judges—with their nuanced understanding of constitutional penumbras—who truly respect the spirit of the Constitution.

Conservatives, however, have good reason to be skeptical of the left’s “respect’’ for the Constitution. Just last week, for example, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told an Egyptian TV station that she would not recommend the U.S. Constitution as model for Egypt’s new government.

The problem, you see, is that the U.S. Constitution is “a rather old constitution.” Ginsburg suggested that Egyptians should look instead to the Constitution of South Africa or perhaps the European Convention on Human Rights. All these are “much more recent than the U.S. Constitution.”

Ginsburg’s comments echo those by Washington University professor David Law, who published a study with Mila Versteeg on the U.S. Constitution’s declining influence worldwide. In an interview, Law unfavorably compared the Constitution to “Windows 3.1”—outdated and unattractive in a world of sleek and sexy modern constitutions. Such obsession with the age of the Constitution is both absurd and irrelevant.

For one, the Constitution is still among the shortest and most elegantly written constitutions in the world. By contrast, South Africa’s constitution is well over 100 pages long, filled with tables, schedules, and such stirring passages as detailed provisions for a Financial and Fiscal Commission: “A. National legislation referred to in subsection (1) must provide for the participation of – a. the Premiers in the compilation of a list envisaged in subsection (1) (b); and b. organized local government in the compilation of a list envisaged in subsection (1) (c).” And you thought the U.S. Constitution was hard to read.

Equally ridiculous is the claim that the Constitution is too antiquated to apply to the modern world. The principles of the Constitution, although first articulated centuries ago, are not tied to the material conditions of a bygone age. They rest on that most solid and enduring of all foundations: human nature. The Constitution itself contains no policy prescriptions. Rather, it is a short, elegantly written document that create a framework for a free people to confront the political questions of their times.

Of course, the real reason progressives swoon over South Africa’s constitution is that it goes far beyond merely establishing a framework for government and guarantees progressive policies—for example, by requiring legislation that prevents pollution and ecological degradation. In other words, the left’s real discontent with the U.S. Constitution is that it does not require Americans to adopt a progressive government and expansive welfare state that provides for every “right” social scientists can justify.


Firenze Sage:    Not as bad as one  of Ginsburg’s  previous comments favoring the South African constitution to our own —  which she ignores frequently.


No woof here


dog sniffing
dog sniffing baggage  at airport 

So how accurate are explosive sniffing dogs doing  their work?  Do  they need more training by people who do it right  — the military  — rather than TSA?

Bomb-sniffing K-9 teams at 10 major U.S. airports have failed tests that check how accurately they can detect explosives.  This is according to an NBC News investigation.

dog sniffs box
dog sniffs box

New records obtained by KXAS through a Freedom of Information Act request call into question the dog’s overall training.

The issue is  whether those dog teams are training enough to stay sharp.   Training is key to   accuracy in screening baggage, cargo and passengers for potential threats.

K-9 teams funded by the Transportation Security Administration have failed annual certification tests at 10 large airports 52 times between Jan. 1, 2013, and June 15, 2015, the most recent detailed numbers TSA provided. Some teams failed to find explosives, while others had too many false alarms that could cause unnecessary airport evacuations.

Dog teams failed 21 times at Los Angeles International, and 10 times at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, D.C., during the same time period. Teams at Chicago’s O’Hare, Reagan National in D.C., JFK in New York, San Diego and Bradley International in Hartford, Connecticut, all failed from one and three times.

dog sniffing

At Love Field in Dallas, K-9 teams assigned to protect the airport failed four out of 14 tests with a failure rate of nearly 30 percent over two-and-a-half years. In 48 tests over the same time period, teams at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport failed five times, or 10 percent of the time.



Firenze Sage:    The TSA seems to flop more than a circus clown which is how they look.  They are in the bother the traveler business,  not security.           


Yes, children, evil does exist in North Korea

North Korea

Yes children evil does exist. Yes, the North  Korean government is evil.  In North Korea citizens are warned:  criticism, irony, humor and   sarcasm  are “hostile actions”

People in North Korea  are told that ironic statements “will not be forgiven.”

One  outlawed phrase is ‘this is all America’s fault’ a jibe at the regime’s paranoid obsession blaming the USA for its own failings.

North Korea’s  dictator Kim Jong-un banned his people from using sarcasm  in their everyday conversations in a fresh crackdown on criticism of his leadership.

Mass meetings organized by government officials have been used to issue a chilling warnings   Ironic statements “will not be forgiven”.

Oppressed and starving workers have been told  that satire directed towards the regime  — or indirect criticism hidden behind humor –will be seen as “hostile actions”.

A source in the northern Jagang province near the Chinese border told Radio Free Asia: “One state security official personally organized a meeting to alert local residents to potential ‘hostile actions’ by internal rebellious elements.  The main point of the lecture was ‘keep your mouths shut’.”

The same message was delivered in a meeting held in neighboring Yanggang province on August 28, a source there said.

The official leading the meeting warned those present against being “dragged into internal hostile behavior”.

 The source added: “This habit of the central authorities of blaming the wrong country when a problem’s cause obviously lies elsewhere has led citizens to mock the party.”

Another blacklisted expression is,  “A fool who cannot see the outside world”.

The phrase has been used widely by government workers in the capital Pyongyang who were surprised Kim Jong-un failed to appear at commemorations held in Russia and China to mark the end of the Second World War.

Expressions of public discontent with the brutal regime have become more common in the tightly controlled state this year.


Firenze Sage:  In North  Korea you live your  short life in a concentration camp. It is a hell “where youth and laughter go.”


Bush made them do it

Obama warns British
Obama warns British about trade agreements


Obama's hollow threats
Obama’s hollow threats to British

Bush made them do it.  Whatever it is.

At the G20, Obama seemed determined to offend everyone, including his least favorite nation, Great Britain.

Obama  repeated his threat that Britain, having voted to leave the EU, would go to the back of the line when it comes to trade agreements with the U.S. But Brexit leaders weren’t buying it.

[A]t the G20 conference in China [Obama] appeared with the new Prime Minister Theresa May. There in China, Obama openly said that the 17 million who backed Brexit were wrong.

But Iain Duncan Smith, the former Conservative leader, said of Mr Obama’s comments: “Who cares what he says? He’s going. Bye bye.”

He told The Sun: “All the congressmen and senators I’ve spoken to have all said ‘When you’re ready to do a trade deal, we’ll step up to the plate’. We’re both free traders, it will take one or two years.

“The only trade deal the US has in train at the moment is TTIP, and everyone is saying that is dead. Congress won’t ratify it as they would have to make too many compromises to please the EU.

“It’s [Obama’s] vanity project. The truth is, no one really cares what he says.”


 Firenze Sage:  Here Obama  is again winning friends for us all over the world. Looks like Britain has drawn a real red line.

red line for real
red line for a real threat to world safety
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Candidate does not know where he lives?

Evan Bayh lives where?
Candidate Evan Bayh lives where?  

Candidate Evan Bayh  does not know where he lives?

indianapolis hotels

Indiana Democrat Senate candidate Evan Bayh wants to win back the seat he gave up in 2011.

Question:  does he even live in the state? He told WISH-TV:

“Well,” he said, “1142 C Canterbury Court, Indianapolis, Indiana.

It’s on my drivers license.”

But Independent Journal Review found that his address is actually on Canterbury Square. This has only added fuel to claims that he doesn’t actually live in Indiana and rarely visits.

This development comes days after CNN reported that Indiana election officials found Bayh as an inactive voter “after they failed to confirm he lives in Indianapolis:”

According to records obtained by CNN, Bayh has been listed as an inactive voter twice since leaving office — once in July 2014 and the second time last week.

In both instances, election officials had sent multiple postcards to Bayh’s Indianapolis address to determine that he lives there. Both times the post office could not reach Bayh at the condo he owns in Indianapolis despite multiple attempts, prompting the Indiana Election Division to list him as inactive, according to copies of the mailers and state voting records.

Bayh is still a registered voter, and being listed as inactive does not prevent the former two-term senator and governor from voting in the state.

Being considered inactive is the first step from being removed altogether from the voter rolls.

first step to removal from voter roles
first step to removal from voter roles, listed as “inactive” 

CNN also discovered that Bayh  consistently lists L his two multi-million-dollar homes in Washington D.C.  as his main places of residence, not his $53,000 condo in Indianapolis. This  contradicts  his public claims that he “never left” the state after giving up his seat in 2011.”

bill less than $20 a month
bill less than $20 a month

Bayl’s electric bill for his condo in Indianapolis have averaged around $20 a month for the last two years.


Firenze Sage:  Vote for the candidate who really cares about his state.

