New Orleans latest flood headline”I am drowning in–memos”

I'm drowning ...
I’m drowning …

drowning ...
drowning … drowning in Obama’s 16 page memo


New Orleans latest flood headline”I am drowning – in memos”

drowning in memos
drowning in memos by Obama



Obama  had to be shamed into visiting flooded areas of the state.  That shaming  hasn’t stopped the president from lecturing Louisiana officials about not discriminating when handing out disaster relief.

Washington Times:

In a 16-page guidance issued Tuesday, the Obama administration, led by the Justice Department, warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance.  Justice warned Louisiana against  “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).”

The guidance’s frameworks “highlight the importance of complying with nondiscrimination requirements of civil rights statutes, addressing the needs of the whole community, and ensuring equal opportunity to access recovery efforts.”

People can’t get potable water or food or medicine in Louisianna.   But by the gods, officials in Louisiana  will have to comply with a 16-page “Guidance”.  If they do not comply, officials  face the wrath of Obama.

The  Obama administration guidance cited instances of discrimination in Gulf Coast states after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005,  An instance of supposed discrimination states “numerous media reports [that] showed images of African Americans stranded on roofs in New Orleans.”

The rescuers who are being cited by the memo who failed to get black people off their roofs during Katrina were a tad busy at that time – rescuing people from drowning.


Firenze Sage:  Pilot to copilot,”Let the limited English proficiency one — drown.” Roger that.    

To read Obama’s  sixteen page memo — see https://  below



Big Brother blither: Tax USA college kids who have kids, not the poor in other countries


Big Brother blither:

 Tax USA college kids who have kids, not the poor in other counties.   

Large families good?
Large families good? Ask them! 

Climate philosopher Travis Rieder curently  tours the USA.

 Rieder  tries to persuade university students not to have kids.

Reider and others promote their  ideas for restricting childbirth.  Via taxes.   They want tax penalties against people who decide to have a child.

tax penalty for having a child
tax penalty for having a child in rich USA,  Reider wants

This is whatTravis Rieder tells college kids:  Should We Be Having Kids In The Age Of Climate Change?

Standing before several dozen students in a college classroom, Travis Rieder tries to convince them not to have children.

Or at least that college students will not have  too many.

He’s at James Madison University in southwest Virginia to talk about a “small-family ethic”.

Rieder questions  the assumptions of a society that sees having children as good, throws parties for expecting parents, and in which parents then pressure their kids to “give them grandchildren.”

Why question such assumptions? The prospect of climate catastrophe …

Rieder and his Georgetown collaborators have a proposal, and the first thing they stress is that it’s not like China’s abusive one-child policy.

These  Georgetown Big Brother  blither types  aim to persuade people to choose fewer children.

What they offer is  a strategy that boils down to carrots for the poor  and sticks for the rich.

only sticks for rich
sticks for the rich… 
carrots for the poor
carrots for the poor  …..  


Ethically, Rieder says poor nations get some slack because they’re still developing.   

Large families some parts of the world
Large families common in some parts of the world

And, poor nations get slack  …

adolescent families
adolescent families cut slack in poor countries

because he says that  their per capita emissions are a sliver of the developed world’s.

The USA ranks 11 or 12 in emissions per capita.

Firenze Sage:   This is reverse Margaret Sanger. Take the smart ones out of the baby business and put the uneducated poor in.

30million words



Air Force One is now a golf cart?


Air Force One now a golf cart
Air Force One now a golf cart?


Air Force One is now a golf cart

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson visited Louisiana yesterday. Johnson went  to reassure local officials and citizens in the state that President Obama cares about the victims of the devastating floods.

When asked by reporters during a press conference if President Barack Obama would take time from his vacation to visit the state, Johnson was unable to commit.

“As I said, the president can’t be everywhere, I know he has a very busy schedule this fall and in the coming days,” Johnson said.

He assured the people of Louisiana that Obama was monitoring the disaster from his vacation home in Martha’s Vineyard.

Obama on golf course
Obama on golf course when reporters asked whether he planned to visit Louisiana

“When you are the chief executive of the entire U.S. government, you can’t be everywhere including places you would like to be,” he said, assuring again that Obama was “on top” of the situation.

Over 40,000 homes are under water with 30,000 people rescued in Louisiana  over the weekend. Nine people have been killed. In a town of 130,000 people over 15,000 are now in rescue shelters.

Obama was out playing golf when reporters asked whether he planned to visit.  Trump when asked  states that  he will visit the area soon.


Firenze Sage:  This Johnson guy with the odd name (Jeh) is in charge of those idiots who search 90 year old invalids at airports. Maybe he doesn’t know that Obama’s busy schedule puts him on the golf course every day.

golf cart
Obama on golf course during floods

Jerry Brown’s favorite color: greenback

Jerry Brown’s favorite color:  greenback

Jerry's favorite color

Jerry Brown and the Democrat Party  received roughly $10 MILLION dollars donated by 26 energy companies.  The specifics:

Public interest group Consumer Watchdog  reported 8/10/2016  that twenty-six energy companies including the state’s three major investor-owned utilities, Occidental, Chevron, and NRG—all with business before the state—donated $9.8 million to Jerry Brown’s campaigns, causes, and initiatives, and to the California Democratic Party since he ran for Governor.

Donations were often made within days or weeks of winning favors. The three major investor-owned utilities alone contributed nearly $6 million.

Pay for play at work:  An exhaustive review of campaign records, publicly-released emails and other documents at, court filings, and media reports, shows that Brown personally intervened in regulatory decisions favoring the energy industry.

The review  shows how  Brown and his operatives used  the Democratic Party as a political slush fund

political slush fund
political slush fund

to receive contributions from unpopular energy companies in amounts greater than permitted to his candidate committee.


Between 2011 and 2014, the energy companies tracked by Brown’s Dirty Hands donated $4.4 million to the Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party gave$4.7 million to Brown’s re-election. Earmarking to the Democratic Party is illegal.

dirty hands
dirty hands

Consumer Watchdog is forwarding its report to the Fair Political Practices Commission.

Firenze Sage:  Oh Jerry —  say it isn’t so — you global warming dust devil.

green energy
green energy

Another staunch guardian of the public purse?


Another staunch guardian of the public purse?

public purse
Another staunch guardian ….

California lawmaker collecting per diem allowance is out on medical leave.  Guess why.

 SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A California lawmaker — Rodger Hernandez —  under pressure to take a leave of absence or resign amid domestic violence allegations is on a two-week medical leave from the Legislature.  Hernandez’s  wife came forward with allegations that Hernandez severely beat her during their marriage. A judge issues a restraining order keeping Hernandez away.
restraining order
restraining order issued against Hernandez


While out on a two-week medical leave, Rodger Hernandez  continues to receive a daily taxpayer-funded allowance intended to cover travel expenses.

medical leave request
medical leave request

Assemblyman and congressional candidate Roger Hernandez is receiving per diem pay

Hernandez paid money
Hernandez receives per diem pay





After submitting a doctor’s note about his absence that excuses him from legislative business through Aug. 11, Kevin Liao, a spokesman for Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, said Friday.Hernandez, a West Covina Democrat, did not return to the Capitol after the Legislature’s July recess.

Lawmakers are paid annual salaries of $100,113 and can also receive a daily $176 per diem allowance as reimbursement for the cost of traveling to and staying in Sacramento.

Debra Gravert, chief administrative officer of the legislative committee that oversees lawmakers’ pay, said it’s been a longstanding practice to continue the per diem allowance when a medical reason is claimed.

“If they give the speaker a letter saying they’re out for illness or legislative business, then they can get per diem,” Gravert said of legislators. “But if they would like to be excused for non-attendance for personal reasons, then they waive per diem.”


Firenze Sage:  A travel allowance is it? Not another dirty sneaky theft of public funds by honorable public servants. Not!

empty purse



No Syrians allowed here

No Syrians allowed here. In Washington D.C. that is.

Washington D.C.
Washington D.C.

Syrian refugees  get resettled  far away from the nation’s  capital.

Washington D.C.


According to data from the U.S. State Department’s Refugee Processing Center, almost all of the Syrian refugees resettled in Virginia since October have been placed in towns with lower incomes and higher poverty rates.
And,  Syrian  refugees are resettled  hours away from the wealthy suburbs of the capital, Washington D.C.

 Ninety-two percent  of Syrian refugees placed in Virginia are 100 miles away from Washington D.C.

 Specific statistics:  of  the 121 Syrian refugees placed in Virginia so far, 112 have been placed in communities at least 100 miles away from the nation’s capital.

Two refugee boys enter USA

105 were placed in cities where median incomes fall below the state average.

The D.C. suburban counties of Fairfax, Loudoun and Arlington are all among the nation’s wealthiest and, according to U.S. census data, collectively have roughly 1.7 million residents. The three counties closest to Washington D.C  have resettled a grand total of nine Syrian refugees.   All  nine refugees resettled near Washington D. C. were placed in the city of Falls Church.

City of Falls Church
City of Falls Church

D.C. Suburbs Make List of America’s Richest Neighborhoods


Firenze Sage:   In case you were unaware, there is hypocrisy afoot in Washington DC. You see, we need to see your D.C . visa to let you in our precious town.

visa to enter
visa to enter

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Mow, mow, mow your lawn if you still have one

Mow, mow, mow your lawn if you still have one

real lawn
Mow, mow, mow your lawn?  Yes!

Why? Because  fake lawns increase temperatures.

fake lawn
fake lawn increases temperature of area

In California, policymakers do stuff to encourage homeowners to rplace their  lawns with  something else.

To address the recent drought in California, policymakers have created incentives for homeowners to replace existing lawns with drought tolerant vegetation. However, new research from George Ban-Weiss, an assistant professor in the Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, says differently Theysay that  these efforts might have some hidden consequences on local climate.

Ban-Weiss and post-doctoral scholar Pouya Vahmani used a model of the Los Angeles basin to investigate the climate impacts of widespread adoption of drought tolerant vegetation.

Their findings, put forth in the article “Climatic Consequences of Adopting Drought Tolerant Vegetation over Los Angeles as a Response to the California Drought” in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, indicate important findings.

Such as,  that in fact, if all lawns were replaced with drought tolerant vegetation, that Angelenos could expect an average daytime warming of 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit due largely to decreased evaporative cooling, as irrigation is stopped. For the hottest regions of the Los Angeles basin, such as the inland empire and San Fernando valley, the researchers predict a daytime increase in temperature of 3.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Such temperature increases could exacerbate heatwaves, increase photochemical smog production, and increase air conditioning energy use.


Firenze Sage:   More evidence that the global warming crowd has no idea what they are talking about.

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Can terrorists strike for higher wages & more ammo?

Can terrorists strike for higher wages & more ammo?  Yes.  And get it.

Hamas training camp for boys

 Qatar said it will  give $30 million to help pay the salaries of thousands of Gaza Strip public sector Hamas workers left without a full wage package since 2013 on Thursday.  

A Palestinian medical worker holds a sign outside the emergency room during a demonstration calling for payment of wages in the West Bank city of Hebron August 30, 2006. Hundreds of civil servants, in a protest organised by a Fatah-led union, held a rally for back wages outside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' office in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Civil servants plan to go on an open-ended strike on Saturday and have threatened to shut down government institutions, except for hospitals and border crossing points. REUTERS/Nayef Hashlamoun (WEST BANK) - RTR1GTMC
A Palestinian medical worker holds a sign outside the emergency room during a demonstration calling for payment of wages in the West Bank city of Hebron.

According to humanitarian news service IRIN, Qatar alone has pledged $1 billion, the European Union pledged $568 million, the US $212 million, and Turkey and the United Arab Emirates both committed $200 million. But  as of February 2015, only about 5 percent of what had been promised reached Gaza.

The donation  of 30 million by Qatar  was welcomed by Hamas. Hamas is  the Islamist group that dominates the enclave.  Hamas  said it would help ease the wage shortages that have tested already strained relations with the US-backed Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

The emir of the wealthy Gulf state, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani , said the payment of 113 million riyals was meant to “alleviate suffering and financial distress”, according to Qatar’s state news agency, QNA.

Many  Palestinians believe that Hamas is responsible for the economic and developmental deterioration in Gaza, while others blame Israel and the Palestinian Authority as well as the international community.  One of them (Alyan)  said, “As the party primarily responsible for the Gaza Strip, Hamas is liable for the current situation.” When asked if Israel was responsible because it imposed the blockade, he said, “Before Hamas rule and during Israeli rule, things were not as they are today.”


Hamas training camp
Hamas training camp for boys

A reconciliation pact signed in 2014 by the two sides raised hopes among Hamas that its 50,000 public sector employees’ wages would be taken care of via the Palestinian Authority (PA) payroll.


Firenze Sage:  Here is a clue why they need money to  pay Gaza Strip Hamas  workers. They spend most of their money building rockets and tunnels to attack Israel which is of course responsible for the lousy standard of living in a terrorist camp.

Hamas tunnels
Hamas tunnels
tunnel built by Hamas



Homeland security?

Homeland security?

8,000 Syrians can stay indefinitely – no matter what their legal status says Homeland Security


Homeland Security granted a new temporary amnesty Monday to more than 8,000 Syrians living in the U.S. right now.

Homeland Security  says that these 8,000 can remain for up to 18 months longer —  no matter what their legal status.

Secretary Jeh Johnson issued the  “temporary protected status” to these  Syrians. Johnson said  that if the Syrians re in the U.S. as of Monday — and continue to reside here permanently — these 8,000  can apply for work permits and other documents.  Further,  they can   remain and live in the U.S. without fear of being ousted.

Homeland Security’s  order applies to some 5,800 Syrians who were granted status under a 2012 TPS program, and also to  2,500 new arrivals who don’t have a more permanent status here.

Those eligible for TPS include any Syrian illegal immigrants who have managed to sneak into or remain in the U.S. beyond their visa expirations over the past four years.


Firenze Sage:  This  is the new version of hide and seek.



There is no seek. Boom.



another compassionate blabbermouth

Mom of Bengazi victim blames Hilary
“I blame Hilary Clinton for the death of my son.”


Another compassionate blabermouth 

 Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews  didn’t care how Pat Smith mother of Sean Smith felt

Chris Matthews slammed the Republican National Convention speech Monday.  Matthews commented on what was said  by the mother of  Smith,  of the four killed in Benghazi.

 Matthews said that  he didn’t ‘care what that woman up there,  how the mother, has felt.’ ”   —Washington Free Beacon, July 18, 2016.

Patricia Smith — the mother of Sean Smith who bengazi Smith killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya —  delivered a raw, emotional and unapologetic speech at the Republican National Convention on Monday that centered on one person: Hillary Clinton.

“For all of this loss, for all of this grief, for all of the cynicism, the tragedy in Benghazi has wrought upon America, I blame Hillary Clinton,” Smith declared from the convention stage in Cleveland. “I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son.”

Smith went on to call Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, a liar for her explanation of Smith’s death.

“In an email to her daughter shortly after the attack, Hillary Clinton blamed it on terrorism,” said Smith. “But when I saw Hillary Clinton at Sean’s coffin ceremony, just days later, she looked me squarely in the eye and told me a video was responsible. Since then, I have repeatedly asked Hillary Clinton to explain to me the real reason why my son is dead. I’m still waiting.”

Hillary Clinton: what does it matter?
Hillary Clinton: what does it matter?

Firenze Sage:   Another democrat, oops journalist, who excoriates the unfeeling Republicans.

