Want to resign from the SEIU? Â It’s not easy to find out how!
Overall, private sector union members are decreasing substantially. But it’s not easy to leave.
To wit, there’s no  SEIU  info  available  in their Constitution and Bylaws  how to resign union membership  on their main web site.  Wonder if this is so? Take a look at:
The National Right to Work website says that  union employees in the private sector who want to resign from membership should:
1)  read the union’s  Constitution and Bylaws to find out who to notice.  And then
2) send a letter giving notice to both the union and employer
3) effective immediately with this process the former union member’s pay check should be bigger.
Let’s take SEIU 521 for example.  They are located at 2302 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131.  Their phone is 408 678-3300.  That number refers people to Monterey and to contact  a Christopher Cox.
Why is there no central SEIU website with information so that members can know exactly how to resign? Â All members have the right to resign. Question is how.
 It should be easy to know how to pay Fair Share fee  (for collective bargaining related costs) and no more.
Resign SEIU with a letter. It’s easy to do  and you give yourself a raise.
A sample letter how to resign from the  SEIU for private sector employees is attached below.
Non-profit organizations, e.g., San Andreas Regional Center   http://www.sanandreasregional.org/  are an example of a non-profit which requires all employees to join the SEIU.
[insert your Name]
[insert your Mailing address]
[insert Name of appropriate union officer]
[insert Name of union]
[insert Address of union]
Dear [insert Name of appropriate union officer (See your union constitution. For the Teamsters, for example, the letter must be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer)]:
I hereby resign as a member of [name of union]. My resignation is effective immediately. I will continue to meet my lawful obligation of paying a representation fee to the union under its “union shop” or “agency shop” agreement with [name of employer].
Furthermore, I object to the collection and expenditure by the union of a fee for any purpose other than my pro rata share of the union’s costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment, as is my right under Communications Workers v. Beck, 487 U.S. 735 (1988). Pursuant to Teachers Local 1 v. Hudson, 475 U.S. 292 (1986), and Abrams v. Communications Workers, 59 F.3d 1373 (D.C. Cir. 1995), I request that you provide me with my procedural rights, including: reduction of my fees to an amount that includes only lawfully chargeable costs; notice of the calculation of that amount, verified by an independent certified public accountant; and notice of the procedure that you have adopted to hold my fees in an interest-bearing escrow account and give me an opportunity to challenge your calculation and have it reviewed by an impartial decisionmaker.
[If you pay dues by payroll deduction, include this paragraph: Accordingly, I also hereby notify you that I wish to authorize only the deduction of representation fees from my wages. If I am required to sign a new deduction authorization form to make that change, please provide me with the necessary form.]
Please reply promptly to my request. Any further collection or expenditure of dues or fees from me made without the procedural safeguards required by law will violate my rights under the National Labor Relations Act and/or U.S. Constitution.
Finally, please consider this objection to be permanent and continuing in nature.
Sincerely yours,
[If you include the paragraph on the change in your payroll deduction
authorization, you should also send a copy of this letter to the payroll department of your employer.]
*Religious Objectors should not use this letter to resign their union membership.*
Tired of your SEIU union dues spent for stuff you don’t support?
Don’t want money spent of politics you don’t like?
Want solely collective bargaining protection — and nothing else?
Then resign  your  SEIU membership.
You  keep all rights connected with collective bargaining when you cancel your union membership. You just don’t vote on most issues.
You  can still can vote to de-certify SEIU.  For more info go to the website listed below.
Do you remember the pictures of SEIU thugs beating up blacks at a town hall meeting concerning health care reform? Â Do you know how many SEIU Â millions were spent to elect Obama president?
Do you know how much money is spent b SEIU for their officers?
50% Illinois Medicaid  enrollees should not get benefits per outside audit
Half of Illinois Medicaid (for low income) enrollees found ineligible for benefits per  an outside audit.
 What! Anybody care?Â
Case study of Illinois:
In January, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or HFS, began a new project verifying eligibility for Illinois’ 2.7 million Medicaid enrollees.
For years, state workers had failed to take adequate steps to ensure the people receiving Medicaid benefits were actually eligible for the program.
As an Auditor General report noted, state workers failed to verify basic eligibility criteria, such as income, residency and citizenship status. Worse yet, some of the annual eligibility checks had been delayed for more than five years.
So state lawmakers pushed HFS to hire an independent vendor who specializes in this kind of work to review Medicaid eligibility.
Since January, the independent vendor has reviewed nearly 419,000 case files of individuals currently enrolled in Medicaid.
“Never mind what the Indians want” says Harry Reid Â
About the Redskin’s name, what to do?
 Harry Reid says “Never mind what the Indians want.”
Last week the controversy over the NFL Washington Redskins’ name, deemed offensive by the professionally aggrieved, reached a new peak when the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board canceled six federal trademark registrations owned by the team.
American Indians like the Redskin name:
Ten years ago a poll of American Indians found that 90% of Indians polled in 48 states found the name inoffensive. In a January 2014 poll, a broad majority of adults (83%) responded that the Washington Redskins should not change their nickname. Among football fans, that majority was even higher: 87%.
“The issue is never the issue,†as Saul Alinsky used to state. “The issue is always the revolution.â€
Names that the Patent Office ignores:
The Daily Caller, for example, listed twelve trademarks that the United States Patent and Trademark Office apparently finds less worthy of addressing than “Redskins.†Those trademarks include, among others, such brands as Uppity Negro, Dago Swag, Kraut Krap, and Figgas Over Niggas. The hypocrisy is blatant and almost hilarious. But the Washington Redskins make a more useful and visible political target.
Firenze Sage: Â Why ask for consistency when political correctness will do?
Turn off money pipeline from USA to Central America
What to do about the thousands of child immigrants flooding the country from Central America? About 50,000 have arrived and 90,000 are expected by end of 2014.
Turn off the  pipeline of  money transfers from USA to  Central America.
Make it illegal for persons working in the USA to transfer any funds back to their county of origin in Central America.
Rather than acting as  a conduit for more children to arrive and settle with sponsors/ relatives from Central America and receive  immediate free social services for refugees,   by stopping the money flow that will stop parents from sending their children on dangerous journeys.
Remind  President Obama that the USA is an exceptional nation. Precisely because America  is exceptional is why parents in Central America risk their childrens’ lives to enter illegally in a dangerous manner.
Speed up deportations.
Treat all illegal immigrants just as we treat illegal entries from Canada and Mexico — turn them back at the border. Let’s be fair to all and have one line for entry from where ever.
No legal representation for children fleeing from Central America.
Tell your representatives that these children must have immediate, safepassage home to their country of origin — without legal representation. In the last 10 years roughly half represented by lawyers won the right to stay typically after 4-5 years of proceedings.
 President Obama injures  our individual liberties with his “I have a pen and telephone” attitude towards law.
Obama only enforces laws to his liking. . Support the law suit by the House of Representatives who represent We the People. Â President Obama does not “faithfully execute the laws” so do not expect him to keep his word on anything.
 The border must be closed as a first step to immigration reform.
What kind of reform? One line. All come in legally with a tamper proof ID. Â All come in because this country needs particular skills.
traitors 101:  “We are truly honored to have Jane Fonda speak at this year’s commencement ceremony,â€said Dean Teri Schwartz.
“Jane is a visionary and a remarkable artist who has spent her life telling deeply powerful stories that have moved and inspired audiences worldwide to action for the greater good and to a greater understanding of our common humanity through her films, philanthropic efforts and personal journeys.
She has effortlessly placed herself at the heart of what TFT stands for — the education and development of outstanding new artists and scholars whose stories, performances and research enlighten, engage and inspire change for a better world”
Petzel was replaced by Murawsky: Â Last week, VA secretary Eric Shinseki tried to bring closure to the scandal by firing the VA undersecretary of health, Dr. Robert Petzel, and filling the position with Dr. Jeffrey Murawsky — the director of VA’s Great Lakes Health Care System in Winchester, Ill. Since 2009, Murawsky had oversight responsibility of the Edward Hines VA Hospital in Cook County, Ill.
But Freedom of Information Act requests by Illinois-based watchdog group Open the Books reveal that the VA spent millions on bonuses during the last three years at Hines.
Only 25% of femployees  at VA Hines provide direct care:
Worse, in 2013, only about one-in-four of Hines’ 4,230 employees were those providing the actual primary care: doctors (309) or nurses (about 800), Open the Books found.
Five veterans died waiting for care at Hines.
As far back as 1999, the VA had found systemic quality-of-care problems at Hines with little done to correct them. A VA study concluded that “Hines has the most inefficient physical plant for inpatient care and the most significant compliance issues with patient privacy.”
In 2005, a VA study rated Chicago the worst regional office in the country. Now the man in charge at Hines, Murawsky, has been elevated to oversight of the entire VA system.
Firenze Sage, ESq. Â This is almost surreal. How do you take the very worst administrator and put him in charge? he’s from Chicago to start. Â Now let’s see who his rabbi is.
Multiple surveys have found the VHA providing better care than most Americans receive, even as the agency has held cost increases well below those facing Medicare and private insurers…the VHA is an integrated system, which provides health care as well as paying for it. So it’s free from the perverse incentives created when doctors and hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or not those procedures actually make medical sense.
Krugman added, “Yes, this is ‘socialized medicine’…But it works, and suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of US health care more broadly.â€
Firenze Sage, Esq. Â Don’t you just love Expert Opinion?
The nonsense about a country refusing to take back an alien criminal can be stopped with enforcement of a law on the books already.
“On being notified by the [DHS Secretary] that the government of a foreign country denies or unreasonably delays accepting an alien who is a citizen, subject, national, or resident of that country after the [DHS Secretary] asks whether the government will accept the alien under this section, the Secretary of State shall order consular officers in that foreign country to discontinue granting immigrant visas or nonimmigrant visas, or both, to citizens, subjects, nationals, and residents of that country until the [DHS Secretary] notifies the Secretary that the country has accepted the alien.”
8 U.S.C. Section 1253(d)
Firenze Sage, Esq. Â So do it, Â and see how fast they go.