Obama’s Hope & Change via Obama-Care

Obama-Care kicks in unless ...
Obama’s Hope & Change via Obama-Care kicks in unless Independents and Republicans successfully defund or put it off  for a year.

Remember Obama’s promise of Hope & Change back in 2008? And instead of focusing on jobs and the economy, Obama and the Democrats pushed through Obama-Care.  Now it’s 2013 and Obama-Care about to kick in. 

We the People don’t want Obama-Care. It’s just as unpopular  now as when it became a law passed by Congress with 0 bipartisan support from Independents or  Republicans. Two-thirds of Americans are worried and concerned how Obama-Care will affect them.


If  you are someone who dislikes Obama-Care,  do what you can do. Doing nothing is a form of support which  pleases those who created Obama-Care.

If you have not  yet done so,  exercise your free speech and right to assemble and petition your government.  Here’s how:


Pick up the phone and call your representatives.  Send  a  Twitter, Speak out on Face Book. Talk to your neighbors. Open your Contacts and send a group e-mail.  Just don’t be part of those millions wh just o let things happen.

Do what you can do even if seems hopeless, i.e.,  if  you live in a Democrat controlled district and happen to be Independent or a Republican.

For example,  I live in a  Democrat controlled  California  district where our “representative”  Sam Farr votes  the Democrat party line 9 out of 10 times.  Check out Sam Farr’s  stats.  93% of the time  Sam Farr  votes in lock step with the Democrat Party. To see Sam Farr’s voting record:


What are Independents and Republicans to do?  We are stuck between a rock and a hard spot. The Democrat Party, President Obama and Socialist/Democrat  Sam Farr  support Obama-Care as they   rightfully understand that Obama-Care will cave in and then, after some piecemeal attempts to fix it, the U.S.  will become a single payer medical system. Single payer was and is what President Obama and the Democrat Party seek.

Obama-Care puts millions more people into the current Medicare system.  Let’s look at how this plays out where I live, in Santa Cruz County,  California: Getting a Santa Cruz area physician  who takes Medicare is currently quite difficult.  Not impossible but very difficult. The shortage of  MD’s  willing to take Medicare  will only get astronomically worse.


There are already some medical  specialties wherein  Santa Cruz area MD’s  take no Medicare patients.  Child psychiatry is one area.  If you want a child psychiatrist and only have Medicare you must go out of  Santa Cruz county.  Developmentally delayed adults is another group of people  which  cannot find Santa Cruz area psychiatrists  willing to take Medicare.

How has socialist/ Democrat  congressman Sam Farr helped our Santa Cruz County  area physicians? Not at all.

Many years ago,  Santa Cruz County was classified as  a “rural” district.  Doctors  in ‘rural” districts get paid substantially less  for Medicare patients than doctors providing services  in “urban” areas such as Campbell, Saratoga and San Jose,

California. Sam Farr has represented Santa Cruz County for over 20 years. Yet, Sam Farr has never gotten the “rural” classification  for Santa Cruz  changed to “urban”.   Thus,  our  Santa Cruz, CA  doctors continue being paid substantially less than doctors 20 miles away over the hill. The local Santa Cruz Sentinel had a recent headline concering  the price of housing in Santa Cruz County. The area is one of the most expensive to live in:


For those out there concerned that medical doctors (and psychologists)  be paid decently for Medicare patients, remember Sam Farr’s failure  to change the classification of Santa Cruz County from rural to urban. Simply put, Sam Farr is  ineffective.  Voters should remember that in 2014. So when you call your representative, send a Twitter or get on FaceBook ….

Tell your representatives, neighbors and friends  that what’s good enough for Congress  is good enough for We the People.   Our congressional leaders opted out of Obama-Care.  Why?  Too expensive they said.  And we likewise we should say, Obama-Care is  too expensive! If  congress will  not  get in the boat, we should not either.

Another reason to de-fund and repeal Obama-Care:    Under Obama-Care,  younger  workers pay heavily to subsidize the old and sick.  And unfortunately, what the young are subsidizing with Obama-Care s is a sick system with doctors paid less and less and medical decisions increasingly made by administrators — by  the death squads as some have aptly described them. Pour millions more into the same system with the same number of physicians and what happens? Someone, some entity,  has to ration the medical services that are provided.  So, now everyone gets worse medical care that before.

A third reason to de-fund and repeal Obama-Care:   Thanks to President Obama’s  recent ad hoc decision,  there is no income verification. So anyone can say anything and sign up for Obama-Care.   Down the road, it will be on the government’s shoulders to get the money back. Perhaps this is why Obama-Care has 18,000  IRS jobs built in  –to oversee tax compliance in the long run. What people say as to their projected 2014 income is has enormous consequences determining  the government subsidy that  they receive.  For example, the difference of only $3,000 in projected 2014 income changes the government subsidy from a mere $50 to $600 or so.   So which figure is a person likely to tell the government?

Think of the Big Picture:  Currently, medical decisions are made between you and the physician you selected.  Under Obama-Care, administrators will made the most  important medical decisions. Doctors and hospitals will be out of the loop.

President Obama has opened the flood gates so that  younger workers will  sign up. Obama has let businesses off the hook for implementation before the next election. Congress is off the hook.

 Is this the Hope and Change that you wanted in 2008?  In 2012?  Now in 2013? The American public likes having their adult children able to be on their parent’s policy until age 26. The public wants prior medical conditions covered.  Fine.  There are other ways to do so without implementing Obama-Care.

It’s time to put the skids on Obama’s Hope & Change via Obama-Care.  What say you? 


Cameron Jackson  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Eat hearty mates? [Obama’s healthy school lunches]


Obama's school lunches
Obama’s school lunches

Eat hearty with Obama healthy lunches? Many children reject Obama lunch food:

Scorn grows  for Michelle Obama’s healthy lunches:  Students in a rural Kentucky county — and their parents — are the latest to join a growing national chorus of scorn for the healthy school lunches touted by first lady Michelle Obama.

“They say it tastes like vomit,”

said Harlan County Public Schools board member Myra Mosley at a contentious board meeting last week, reports The Harlan Daily Enterprise.Under the National School Lunch Program, participating schools must provide lunches — including free or reduced price lunches — with minimum amounts of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and whole grains. Also, in what presumably falls outside the hunger-free aspect of the act, there’s a calorie cap: 850 for high school lunches, 700 for middle schools and a mere 650 calories for kids in elementary school.



Firenze Sage, Esq.  If you don’t count your calories,  big sister will.

But the big question is why parent(s) don’t make the lunches. Are we all that impoverished or just lazy and entitled? 


Old Biden misspeaks [on impeachment]


Old Biden misspeaks about impeachment

Old Biden misspeaks. Here’s one   from 2007:  Presidential hopeful Delaware Sen. Joe Biden stated unequivocally that he would  move to impeach President Bush if Bush  bombs Iran without first gaining congressional approval.

Old Biden misspeak:  “The president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran …

and if he does, as Foreign Relations Committee chairman, I will move to impeach,” said Biden. His whose words were followed by a raucous applause from the local audience.

In 2007, Biden said he is in the process of meeting with constitutional law experts to prepare a legal memorandum saying as much and intends to send it to the president.





Firenze Sage, Esq.  Never mind the evil Bush,  Virtuous Obama bit. Biden doesn’t seem to know that impeachment starts in the House of Representatives.



Look up in the sky it’s Bo [Obama’s dog]

[whohit]-Obama’s dog-[/whohit]

Look up in the sky
Look up in the sky it’s Bo, Obama’s dog

Look up in the sky it’s  Bo, Obama’s dog, arriving on vacation.   

 Rooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents,.  And, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs.

And look up in the sky!  Of course,  the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft.

Bo, the president’s Portuguese Water Dog, arrived separately on one of two MV-22 Ospreys. These aircraft are , a hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane.

Firenze Sage, Esq.  Bo’s  dog food is arriving by lear jet, courtesy of NBC.


Pesky internet hard to control says Kerry


Pesky internet hard to control says  Kerry

Pesky  internet hard to control says Kerry.

This little thing called the Internet … makes it much harder to govern.” said Secretary of State John Kerry.  He spoke  to State Department personnel at the U.S. Embasy in Brasilia, Brazil.  

Ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that were tamped down for centuries by dictators. And,  that was complicated further by this little thing called the internet. And complicated by  the ability of people everywhere to communicate instantaneously and to have more information coming at them in one day than most people can process in months or a year….  It makes it much harder to govern … and that is complicated by a rise of sectarianism and religious extremism that is prepared to employ violent means to impose on other people a way of thinking and a way of living that is completely contrary to everything the United States of America has ever stood for.

More regarding  the pesky little internet  comments by Kerry:



Firenze Sage:  Those pesky (internet) people learn things we don’t want them to know and just screw the whole thing up.


Boxer has sunstroke concerning source of CA fires

Boxer has sunstroke


Senator Barbara Boxer has sunstroke saying Thursday that wildfires like the fast-moving Silver Fire should be a wake-up call to the reality of climate change.

The Silver Fire near Banning grew to 14,000 acres Thursday. This  prompted additional mandatory evacuations. It was 20 percent contained as of Thursday evening.

A second wildfire near Wrightwood erupted Thursday around 10 pm.  This  prompted the  mandatory evacuation of roughly 75 homes.

“Warmer temperatures combined with long dry seasons have resulted in more severe wildfires, and it’s only going to get worse,” said Boxer, who toured the fire site with officials Thursday. “They will tell you, the wildfire season is starting earlier, it’s ending later.”

Boxer charges that climate change contributes  to what could become one of the worst California fire seasons in a century, with hotter, dryer and longer summers fueling the fires throughout the west.

Speaking to Republicans in Congress who doubt the existence or extent of climate change, Boxer said “open your eyes, breathe the air, see what’s going on. And get out of the fringe lane.”

In the past 50 years the most serious California wildfire seasons were 2003, 2007 and 2008, in terms of acreage burned. The report also notes that since the year 2000, almost 600,000 acres have burned each year, nearly double the number of the last 50 years.

Boxer claims that global warming is contributing to one of the worst fire seasons in a hundred years in the Golden State, but GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who represents Orange County, is calling her out.

 “I challenge Barbara Boxer to a debate on climate change, on global warming,” said Rohrabacher. “I challenge her to defend her positions, and not just call a bunch of names, not just try to scare the public into accepting her expansion of government power over our lives.”


Firenze Sage, Esq.   So riddle me this Ms Boxer. How come there is no warming when the fires are “most serious”?



A True Story: Magic Rabbit

 Magic rabbit needs a license.  Marty Hahne, known as Marty the Magician in the southern Missouri area of the US.  He   performs magic:  he pulls a rabbit out of his“elusive bunny box,” or a hat, or a picnic basket, or even a tiny library, as the finale to his act. But the Agriculture Department of the Obama Administration decided that in order to do so, he needs  an official U.S. government license.  To get a license, Marty the Magician must   write a disaster plan for his bunny.
Firenze Sage:  And out of the rabbit hole came the Queen of hearts, the Cheshire cat, and the dept of agriculture.

Go home Peggy West & rest! [Arizona borders Mexico]


Peggy West needs to rest as clueless that Arizona shares a border with Mexico. Democrat, Peggy West of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, in calling for a boycott of Arizona because of its tough law on illegal immigration, noted:

“If this was Texas, which is a state that is directly on the border with Mexico, and they were calling for a measure like this, saying that they have a major issue with — you know, with undocumented people flooding their borders, I would say… I would — I would have to look twice at this, but this is a state that is a ways removed from the border.”  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWaBkJSPXtk


Firenze Sage: Oh well, half  of  Americans between 18-34 cannot find Texas on a map.



More info:


First lemonade stands, now car washing


Laws and regulations control fund raising via  lemonade stands. And now government  goes  after fund raising via car washing.

No more car wash fund raising says Capitola, CA mayor.

Capitola, CA  Mayor Stephanie Harlan wants to alert anyone planning a car wash fundraiser to find an alternative.

“The soapy water goes right down the street,” Haran said at a Thursday night budget study session.

The City Council heard about a new position, environmental projects manager, whose job  will be to improve water quality in the city. So soapy water suds from  fund raising via car washing is the latest target of  local government.


Firenze Sage:  Another harmless tradition falls victim to Gaia. 

Niemoller: First they came for…

Freedom Works

More information



Martin Niemöller, a prominent Protestant pastor who opposed the Nazi regime. He spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Germany, 1937.
Martin Niemöller, a prominent Protestant pastor who opposed the Nazi regime. He spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Germany, 1937.

— Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

The quotation stems from Niemöller’s lectures during the early postwar period. Different versions of the quotation exist. These can be attributed to the fact that Niemöller spoke extemporaneously and in a number of settings. Much controversy surrounds the content of the poem as it has been printed in varying forms, referring to diverse groups such as Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jews, Trade Unionists, or Communists depending upon the version. Nonetheless his point was that Germans–in particular, he believed, the leaders of the Protestant churches–had been complicit through their silence in the Nazi imprisonment, persecution, and murder of millions of people.

Only in 1963, in a West German television interview, did Niemöller acknowledge and make a statement of regret about his own antisemitism (see Gerlach, 2000, p. 47). Nonetheless, Martin Niemöller was one of the earliest Germans to talk publicly about broader complicity in the Holocaust and guilt for what had happened to the Jews. In his book Über die deutsche Schuld, Not und Hoffnung (published in English as Of Guilt and Hope)–which appeared in January 1946–Niemöller wrote: “Thus, whenever I chance to meet a Jew known to me before, then, as a Christian, I cannot but tell him: ‘Dear Friend, I stand in front of you, but we can not get together, for there is guilt between us. I have sinned and my people has sinned against thy people and against thyself.'”


Firenze Sage: Another hidden tax [ObamaCare]


Another hidden tax thanks to ObamaCare
Another hidden tax thanks to ObamaCare

 Another hidden ObamaCare tax

 The poor consumer almost choked on the  breakfast croissant  he purchased at the Oakland Airport. 

The reason for his consternation: a 2 percent hidden  tax he did not expect.  

It said, “EmpBen_Srchg” and it came to 12 cents, or about 2 percent of his bill.

“I interpret this to be employee benefit surcharge, so I asked Oakland Airport.”

“The Port of Oakland agreed to permit its concessionaires to add a surcharge of up to two percent on guest checks to cover the cost of providing medical benefits to its employees,” Joanne Holloway, an airport spokeswoman, explained. “The businesses are required to post notification of this charge on its menu boards and on the guest receipt.”


Firenze Sage:  Dear Mr Obama,  here’s another one  you missed.   [Obama-Care tax]

 Four More Obama Years

Obama’s Hidden Taxes             A Hidden Tax in Obama-Care

