Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s laughable immigration policy

undocumented persons cross open borders in USA

Obama’s immigration policy shows about as much skill level as Obama  recently demonstrated in basket ball (2 out of 22 shots made the basket). Laughable.

Everybody knows that you don’t put the cart before the horse. But  Obama does so with immigration.

A sensible Immigration Policy:

1) Close the border with Mexico.

2) Require E-verify to ensure  that employees are legally in the U.S.A.

3)  Create a flexible  Guest Worker program based on supply and demand for agriculture, restaurants and tourist industries. See Wall Street Journal, Green-Card Path Seen for Farm Help, April 6-7, 2013.

4) Fine adults & require community service hours for adults who break the existing immigration laws.

5) Do these steps and then put in place a legal pathway to citizenship such as Rubio  suggests. CNN Politics, Jan 12, 2013

The first step is Close the Border.

  Can Obama get behind sensible Immigration Reform?   Nope.  No way can we close the  border with Mexico  says Obama.  Janet Napolitano, in charge of Homeland Security, agrees with her boss.

In my view, Obama’s goal is to turn the 11 million illegals into Democrats who can vote in 2014.  Obama is forever the campaigner and never the national leader of sensible reform.

Other  countries successfully do close their borders.  For example, Israel successfully closed its border with Egypt and just about nobody gets through.

Israel closed its borders with Egypt successfully


Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s policies shrink wrap the economy & jobs

Obama’s tax & welfare polices shrink wrap USA jobs

Why get a job when Obama offers 2 years jobless insurance, food stamps, Medicaid, disability and various  tax credits even for having  more children.

In Feb. 2013 nearly 1/2 million left the civilian work force.  The retired, quit working, went back to school or gave up looking for work.

“Obama[s tax and welfare policies shrink the workforce precisely when we need more workers to pay for the entitlements Obama does not want to reform” says the Wall Street Journal April 6-7, 2013.

What can we do? Work for education reform.    Support charter schools  which offer better education at three-quarters the cost.  Support vouchers so that state education  money follows the child and parents choose what is best for their children.  Our failing public education system does not give young people the skills they need to compete in the information economy.



Aptos Psychologist: It’s Easter! Change depression to new life …

It’s Easter Day!  Time for new life! No matter how old you are. Or how young.

Are you a depressed young person  and feel  trapped?  Do you feel caught by Big Brother?  Do you want to do things but have no car, have no money and don’t know where to begin?  Does that describe you or someone you know?

Then ‘s time for you  to kick ass on causes that you  care about.  Join a cause or make your own. For example, 3 out of 4 young persons say they have no clue how to manage their cash. Learn how with your friends. Take charge of your money world.

Make your passions into your causes.  You will change. And you can change the world around you. 

Here’s one way how for young persons 13 to 25.

Go to dosomething.org and learn how to change passions into reality.   Tell us what happens as you change your worlds — internal and external.  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

Who We Are  [Do Something.org]

DoSomething.org is the country’s largest nonprofit for young people and social change. We have 1,425,974 million members (and counting) who kick ass on causes they care about. Bullying. Homelessness. Cancer. The list goes on. DoSomething.org spearheads national campaigns so 13- to 25-year-olds can make an impact – without ever needing money, an adult, or a car. Over 2.4 million people took action through DoSomething.org in 2012. You know, because apathy sucks.


  1. Believe in young people. Young people have the power to lead. We don’t require old people!
  2. Trust young people. We provide reliable, easy-to-access information and activation strategies, but young people decide for themselves what to do.
  3. Celebrate young people. We think all measurable contributions from young people are valuable.
  4. Respect young people. We understand that young people have diverse abilities and constraints.
  5. Value young people. Our programs and products are free. We’re not after young people’s money; we want their passion, time, and creativity


Firenze Sage: gun control mayor [New York]


Bloomberg says one thing and acts differently re his safety

Guns are OK for who?  New York City Mayor  Bloomberg, who owns a waterfront estate in Bermuda and  has walled off his life there from voters in New York, arguing it is none of their business. He steadfastly refuses to say when he is on the island, and to blindfold prying eyes, he has blocked aviation Web sites from making public the movements of his private planes.

The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels to Bermuda.  Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment.
Firneze Sage:  In a gun free zone even for cops, the gun control mayor Bloomberg does the unthinkable. He has guns.        more posts:


Firenze Sage: Hale the 1st Amendment [free speech]

No ‘gay cure’ ads OK on London buses

A judge in London banned ‘gay cure’ ads sponsored by the Christian group, Core Issues Trust.  The ads on the sides of buses  said:  “Not gay! Ex-gay, post-gay and proud. Get over it!”

In a 35-page ruling, High Court Judge Beverley Lang argued that the ad could be used to promote homophobic attacks, which trumps the group’s freedom of expression.”[The advert] was not a contribution to a reasoned debate,” Judge Lang wrote, per  Reuters.


Firenze Sage:  No 1st amendment  [rights in London],  so we have a judge vested in infallibility who decides what is reasoned debate.

for more Firenze Sage, Four More Obama Years


Firenze Sage: Waste [mud snail grant]

mud snails invade California have no predators
The National Science Foundation has given a grant that could wind up totaling almost a million dollars to a University of Iowa study researching which is better for New Zealand mud snails: reproducing sexually or asexually. The grant, awarded in 2011 to last until 2015, has already cost $502,357, and could wind up costing taxpayers $876,752 before all is said and done.
Firenze Sage:  Why do we endure this? Because we are as a country too dumb to know or care.
mud snails take over


Firenze Sage: our new mouth piece [Secretary of State Kerry]

Our new mouth piece Secretary of State Kerry
Afghan President Hamid Karzai, during a joint press briefing with Secretary of State John Kerry, reiterated his accusation that U.S. special forces have been committing atrocities in Wardak province. Kerry did not contradict Karzai, though U.S. officials have denied the charges.
Oh, well, what’s a lie and an insult or two for the old swift boater. 





Firenze Sage: more Obama lies [ felons released]

Obama lies about number of illegals released. Not 200 but 2,200+ already released early Feb. 2013 due to sequestration.

Not 200 but 2,200+ illegal immigrant  felons were  released by Obama in  Feb. 2013 because of  automatic budget  cuts.

The Obama administration reversed itself Thursday, acknowledging to Congress that it had, in fact, released more than 2,000 illegal immigrants from immigration jails due to budget constraints during three weeks in February.

The director of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, John Morton, said his agency had released 2,228 illegal immigrants during that period for what he called “solely budgetary reasons.” The figure was significantly higher than the “few hundred” immigrants the Obama administration had publicly acknowledged were released under the budget-savings process. He testified during a hearing by a House appropriations subcommittee.     Full Story      Story that Violent Felons were  Released



Obama couldn’t have cut anywhere else,  huh?  How much longer do we endure a president who lies to us and now endangers us?

JAJ48@aol.com    Four More Obama Years


Firenze Sage: Teach canibalism [Egyptian Islamic high school]

OK in Egypt  to cannibalize non-believers & Muslims who abandon praying.
On Al-Tahrir, Egyptian TV advisor Ahmad Abdo Maher discusses the high-school curriculum issued by the highest religious authority in Egypt, Al-Azhar University, which encouraged students to cannibalize apostates and Muslims who abandon praying. The schoolbook stipulated that the act can be carried out so long as the human flesh is eaten uncooked in respect to the dead body and that the act “does not necessitate a governor’s consent or is punishable by law.” [1]
Mind you now that to stop praying makes you a meal for someone who does.




Firenze Sage: getting even [white farmers in South Africa]

3000 white farmers(Boers) killed in last  decade in South Africa.

The number of farm murders, or “plaasmoorde” as it is called in Afrikaans, is staggering. Over the last decade, it is estimated that at least 3000 Boers have been killed.
Estimating the number of murders is necessary because the ANC has banned crime statistics from being compiled, claiming they scare off foreign investment. Moreover, the world knows little about the savagery that accompanies those killings. Many victims, including women and infant children, are raped or tortured before they are killed. Some have boiling water poured down their throats, some are burned with hot pokers, and some are hacked to death with machetes, or disemboweled. Several others have been tied to their own cars and dragged to death.
No crime statistics means super major crime.   JAJ48@aol.com
