Firenze Sage: all the king’s horses …. [TSA like Humpty Dumpty]



An undercover TSA inspector with an improvised explosive device stuffed in his pants got past two security screenings at Newark Airport — including a pat-down — and was cleared to get on board a commercial flight, sources told The Post yesterday.

With the inert “bomb” stashed somewhere in his pants, he got through the magnetometer undetected at around 11 a.m. He was then pulled aside for a physical screening, and a TSA agent failed to discover the IED and allowed the “bomber” to go to his gate.

Newark Airport, which has 1,400 screeners and supervisors, has long struggled with security.

Last year, 52 baggage and traveler screeners were fired and another 19 disciplined for major security lapses and thefts.


TSA is broken & can’t be fixed


At the same time 500 gallons of toothpaste were seized.

more posts from Firenze Sage  Shoveling Smoke


Firenze Sage: Time to write these folks off [Obama’s priorities]

No money for self guided White House tours arranged 30+ days ago & no one answering the phone. In contrast, no cut in pay for White House staff who make hand written invitations. Obama’s priority is that people feel pain?

Despite the closing the doors to public tours because of the automatic budget  sequester cuts, the White House continues to employ three calligraphers, with the “chief calligrapher” making $96,725.

Patricia Blair, the chief calligrapher, has two deputies — Debra Brown, earning $85,953 and Richard Muffler, earning $94,372, The Weekly Standard reported.

The White House has made no announcement to scale back on calligraphers, despite sequester cuts.

Calligraphers are needed for the preparation of invitations, placards, citations and White House awards, created by hand, according to the White House.


Ok,  now lay off the cops and firemen so we can have pretty invitations.

For more Firenze Sage, read Shoveling Smoke: Laws & Regulations Smother Jobs & Economy



Firenze Sage: the climate made them do it [Arab Spring]

Climate change caused the Arab Spring some say


Climate Change and the Arab Spring.”


Panelists Tom Friedman, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Michael Werz will parse out these complex interactions and discuss the implications for U.S. foreign and development policy.

The volume outlines the complex pressures exerted by the effects of climate change on the convulsions which swept through the Middle East in 2010 and 2011, exploring the long-term trends in


bears get too hot?


food prices,

and migration

which contributed to the social instability and violence which has transformed the region, and offering solutions for progress.



This is so stupid only a NY Times columnist could be part of it.


Climate change or Islam fundamentalists or what underlie  the Arab Spring?

for more Firenze Sage posts, Shoveling Smoke:  Laws & Regulations Smother Jobs & Economy


Firenze Sage: politically incorrect [pot belly & short police]

pot belly and short gets Vietnam police moved from job as traffic police.



Pot belly & short Vietnam traffic police are removed
Pot belly & short Vietnam traffic police are moved to office jobs


Short, pot-bellied policemen will be banned from traffic duty in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi and given office jobs in a bid to improve the force’s public image, police said Wednesday. See complete story:    politically incorrect police

Police with pot-bellies, or who are too small, will be moved to office work to avoid their coming into contact with the public.
Vietnam’s traffic police — which were voted the “most corrupt” institution in the communist country according to a recent World Bank-funded survey — have long been dogged by a poor public image.
In 2011, authorities banned traffic police from wearing sunglasses on duty and warned them not to hide behind trees in order to  ambush motorists and  extract fines.
The worker’s paradise is corrupt and insensitive to the   weight challenged.
for more Firenze Sage posts:


Firenze Sage: Another Cosby laughter [race relations]

Cosby on race relations under Obama

Outgoing CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien asked Cosby if race relations have improved since Obama became president, and the star of The Cosby Show brought up the recent State of the Union speech.

“To see people sitting down and then they there are others standing and cheering ….  I think that we have people sitting there who are as bad as the people who were against any kind of desegregation.”


 Da Bill. The opposition party always sits when the others cheer.
For more Firenze Sage posts,   read Shoveling Smoke Laws and Regulations Smother Jobs and Economy


Maxine [Waters] maximizing …



RT @USProgressives: 750,000 American jobs will be lost by the end of the year if we don’t —we must keep Americans working.



Maxine is as daffy as the Do do bird.  

James A. Jackson, Esq.  

Editor:  For more posts by attorney Jackson go to and type in Shoveling Smoke:  Laws & Regulations Smother Jobs & Economy     Obama proposed what Waters damns.



Firenze Sage: remember Robert B. Reich? [re Tea Party]


“Imagine a plot to undermine the government of the United States, to destroy much of its capacity to do the public’s business, and to sow distrust among the population.

Imagine further that the plotters infiltrate Congress and state governments, reshape their districts to give them disproportionate influence in Washington, and use the media to spread big lies about the government.

Finally, imagine they not only paralyze the government but are on the verge of dismantling pieces of it.”



Robert B. Reich on the Tea Party.



Firenze Sage: Enviornmental murder [genetically modified rice]


GAIA primeval divinity of earth

Copenhagen Consensus Center, published an article about the Philippines’ decision, after 12 years, to allow genetically modified (GM) rice — “golden rice” — to be grown and consumed in that country.

The reason for the delay was environmentalist opposition to GM rice; and the reason for the change in Philippine policy was that 4.4 million Filipino children suffer from vitamin A deficiency. That deficiency, Lomborg writes, “according to the World Health Organization, causes 250,000 to 500,000 children to go blind each year. Of these, half die within a year.”


Gaia must be served.       Shoveling Smoke Laws & Regulations Smother Jobs & Economy



Firenze Sage: California Prison Religion

In CA, Islamic prisoners outnumber Catholics. Changing times.

Wiccams in CA prison on decline

A 2007 Corrections survey found 183 Wiccan inmates — compared with 42,666 Protestant, 28,884 Muslim, 23,160 Catholic, 8,296 Native American and 2,678 Jewish inmates. Those are the big five religions for which the department hires paid, full-time chaplains. A survey five years earlier found 598 Wiccans, which suggests witchcraft could be melting in the California prison community.

Broomsticks for  Wiccans are a   bad idea.



Firenze Sage: Schoot nuts!


Three Florida high school students disarmed another student who was armed with a loaded pistol while riding home on a school bus. The school district then promptly suspended all three students for being involved in an “incident” with a weapon.

One of the suspended students asked, “How are they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?”

Authorities confirmed to WFTX the weapon was indeed loaded, and the arrest report stated the suspect, identified by WVZN-TV as Quadryle Davis, was “pointing the gun directly” at the other student and “threatening to shoot him.”


This is an extension of the bully beating the weak kid and the principal yelling,”All right you two-stop it”

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