Aptos Psychologist: Two dead cops & Obama plays the Blame Game

Who and why were two good cops killed recently in Santa Cruz, CA?  Remember the game of Clue? Who did it with what in what room? The game of Clue was acted out in Santa Cruz, CA.  We know who. Why it happened  will probably never be known.  Dead men tell no stories.   The man who killed the two good cops was himself killed.  As the game of Clue unfolds in Santa Cruz, CA the Blame Game  continues to unfold in Washington D.C.

Who did it to our Butler and our Baker in Santa Cruz, CA  with a gun outside a  home?  This is no kid game of Clue. Two good cops are dead.   Why?  Acts of a  person with explosive anger who slayed.  And, so  many  Santa Cruz  families and lives are torn.  A microcosm of national politics?   As the automatic budget cuts  kick in,   we have a Commander-in-Chief  and the Democrat party  who seek to  slay  with the  Blame game. And the Blame game  bring pain:  Four days pay not five for military families. Felons  loosed from  prisons. Threats  of dire consequences. In 2014 let’s vote the Blame gamers out.  For now,  we mourn our  Butler and our  Baker.


Alejo’s pro union pension exemption bill bad news for taxpayers!

Alejo’s “fix” to exempt CA bus drivers from pension reform

Santa Cruz county assemblyman  Alejo’s got it all wrong

You have it all wrong, Mr. Alejo!

We need reform of the transit system, not exemptions. We need a competitive transit system that people will use. In      Santa Cruz County, most buses are typically nearly empty. Clearly, people don’t want to ride the bus. It’s not tough to figure out why.

In San Francisco bus drivers make more than $100,000 a year. Thanks to outdated federal rules and union policies, they get these bloated salaries. Guess how many competent, unemployed people ages 18-30 would happily drive a bus for $20,000 a year? And accept benefit terms that the taxpayers can live with? Your job, Mr. Alejo, is to look out for the residents of Santa Cruz County, not the unions.

Cameron Jackson, Santa Cruz



Firenze Sage: Such a dodderer! [Shirley Williams on Gaza]


Shirley Williams ignorant that all Jews left Gaza in 2005

Shirley Williams, Baroness Williams of Crosby PC (born 27 July 1930) is a British politician and academic. Williams also serves as Professor Emerita of Electoral Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Shirley Williams told the audience that Gaza is ‘a slum’ and then went on to say the following:

‘It’s crowded out to the gills. It’s full of people struggling to find a box in which to live.
It’s full of people who see their land slowly eaten up by more and more Israeli settlements.’
Firenze Sage comments:     There is not a Jew in Gaza. Not a Jewish family, not a Jewish settlement, not a Jewish house, not a Jew. The place is – as the Palestinians have said they would like the West Bank to be if it comes under their full control – wholly and absolutely Judenrein.                jaj48@aol.com



Firenze Sage: Blame Israel ? [Gaza terrorist attacks girl]

Soldiers killed a suspected Gaza terrorist early Monday after he broke into a Jewish home and stabbed a girl before fleeing.

The IDF discovered a hole in the nearby Gaza security fence, and footprints from the area matched the shoes of the intruder, who had escaped to the Moshav Sde Avraham’s greenhouses after he tried to kill the girl.


Quick!  Read the New York  Times for a report on berserk Israeli female attacking greenhouse tender.






Firenze Sage: Is there anywhere a federal judge won’t go? [viewpoint discrimination]

RALEIGH, N.C. – A federal judge has ruled it is unconstitutional for North Carolina to issue pro-life license plates unless the state offers similar plates supporting abortion rights.

U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox ruled on Friday that North Carolina cannot produce or distribute the “Choose Life” plate.

Judge FOX on viewpoint discrimination

Judge Fox concluded, “The State’s offering of a Choose Life license plate in the absence of a pro-choice plate constitutes viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment.


“Live free or die” is on NH’s plate. Should it also be “Be a slave if you like” ?




Firenze Sage: Take the day off! [teachers in Detroit]


 Kids cannot read at grade level but teachers strike

In the public schools in Detroit, Mich., according to the U.S. Department of Education, only 7 percent of the eighth graders are grade-level proficient or better in reading.

Some public school teachers in the City of Detroit and around the state of Michigan are reportedly taking a vacation or a sick day today to protest right-to-work legislation likely to be approved by the state legislature. Under current law, Michigan public school teachers must pay dues to the teachers’ union.


With results like these the teachers should take the rest of their teaching career off.





Firenze Sage: Better off with Pelosi gone?


A day after complaining that the “fiscal cliff” negotiations are “getting boring,” Nancy Pelosi was spotted yesterday afternoon skipping town.

Nancy Pelosi 0009 3

She was comfortably situated in first class on United Airlines flight 1460, which was scheduled to leave Dulles Airport at 2:53 p.m. and arrive in San Francisco 5:57 p.m. A list on United’s website of those who were on the upgrade standby list reveals that PEL, N. (presumably, Nancy Pelosi) was upgraded to seat 4F, a window seat in first class.


The answer is still in doubt. Are we better off if she is there or gone.



Dear old Dad [teaches his son that Romney = return to slavery]

Dad teaches son Romney will bring back slavery

Dear old Dad teaches son Romney will mean a return to slavery.  Kids say the darndest things. But sometimes they say shocking things.

On Thursday, 9-year-old Brandon did the latter when he was asked why he wanted President Barack Obama to win a second term outside a campaign rally featuring First Lady Michelle Obama in Daytona, Fla.

“Because if Mitt Romney win, we’ll be going back to the crop fields,” Brandon said, referring to the days of slavery. “We’ll be picking crops.”

The father can be heard off-camera laughing.



It’s always nice to see dad encouraging  kids to think for themselves.


Firenze Sage: Krugman vs Krugman [Social Security a Ponzi?]

Is Social Security a Ponzi? Krugman’s view 15 yrs ago and now.

Krugman says now:

” It’s true that Social Security is mainly a system in which each generation pays for the previous generation’s retirement, in the expectation that it will receive the same treatment from the next generation.  So there’s nothing Ponziesque at all.

Fifteen (15) years ago, Krugman said:

Social Security is structured from the point of view of the recipients as if it were an ordinary retirement plan: what you get out depends on what you put in. So it does not look like a re-distributionist scheme. In practice it has turned out to be strongly re- distributionist, but only because of its Ponzi game aspect, in which each generation takes more out than it put in. Well, the Ponzi game will soon be over….


Why does anyone bother reading this guy. He feels no compunction about making definitive claims in opposition to themselves depending on the party in power.

send comments to:  JAJ@aol.com




Firenze Sage: bumper stickers [and Eric Holder’s Justice Dept.]

Bumper stickers and the law

Watch out for what’s on bumper stickers!

The Department of Justice funded a training manual used in the State and Local Anti-terrorism Training (SLATT) program for law enforcement. Apparently certain political bumper stickers can put you on the “could be a terrorist” list, including opposition to the United Nations and support for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Another slide entitled “General Right Wing Extremist” – depicts suspicious bumper stickers that should warrant further investigation by cops conducting traffic stops.

The bumper stickers read, “Know Your Rights Or Lose Them,” and “If You Love Your Country, the U.N. Is Not Your Friend!,” and “Get US Out Of the United Nations”.



A “fire Holder” sticker gets you 50 years.

send comments to JAJ48@AOL.COM

