Obama family cost twice that of British royal family
US spends more than double on the Obama family compared to British royal family:
Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion dollars on everything from staffing, housing, flying and entertaining President Obama and his family last year, according to the author of a new book on taxpayer-funded presidential perks.
In comparison, British taxpayers spent just $57.8 million on the royal family.
The State Department told reporters Friday afternoon that it won’t answer any more questions about the Sept. 11 attack on the consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans until the investigation into the incident is complete. “I’m going to frustrate all of you, infinitely, by telling you that now that we have an open FBI investigation on the death of these four Americans, we are not going to be in a position to talk at all about what the U.S. government may or may not be learning about how any of this this happened — not who they were, not how it happened, not what happened to Ambassador Stevens, not any of it.
In other words we really screwed the pooch and we are hiding the information until the non Arabic speaking agents finish talking to the Bedouin who masterminded the event.
Fort Hood Islamic jehad murders called ‘work place injury’ by Obama
Obama waves a magic wand and there’s no home grown terrorism, there’s no need to work for welfare, it’s fine to have a mosque at Ground Zero and the massacre at Ford Hood was just a ‘work place related injury’?
Really? Scream in Arabic that Allah is Great and murder people and the public can be hood winked that its just a work place injury? Just because Obama says so — does not make it so.
There is no home grown terror —  because Obama says so!  That is Obama’s position on the massacre at Fort Hood.
And yes, we must have a mosque at Ground Zero but Catholics cannot practice their religious beliefs. Why? Because Obama says so.
General Motors is alive  — and Bin Laden is dead. Also dead  is our U.S. Ambassador Stevens to Libya.
What is Obama’s foreign policy?  America is to blame for whatever. The US must apologize for whatever. Per Obama, the US must lead from behind with the UN must take leadership.
Think how Obama’s actions towards religious freedom  are connected to his foreign policies:
Remember the Mosque at Ground Zero supported by President Obama. What were Obama’s words?  We must support a mosque because this nation protects religious freedom said President Obama.  Does Obama know any  Islamic history?  Historically, when Islam claimed military  territory the first thing they did  was  put a mosque there.
A mosque at Ground Zero is one  way to spread jihad – the holy war – and show who has won. A mosque at Ground Zero shows religious dominance not religious freedom.
Remember Obama riding rough shod over the Catholic bishops who provide substantial charity in America and world wide  based on Catholic teachings?  The ObamaCare regulation written by HHS Sibelius  requires all charities including Catholic to provide all forms of contraceptives to women – including sterilization, abortion and contraceptives.
When the Republicans held a hearing whether the ObamaCare regulation violated freedom of religion, Nancy Pelosi held her own separate news conference and  brought out Sandra Fluke who said she and graduate students like her  should have free contraceptives paid for by the government.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats shifted  a discussion of protection of religious freedom for Catholics and other religions into into a War on Women waged  by the Republicans who  according to Pelosi  want to take away contraceptives from women.
Remember Fort Hood and that crazy MD who gunned all those people down shouting praise of Allah while he did so? Now we learn that per Obama’s policies,  it  was a ‘workplace related injury’ not an act of terror. So no Occupational Therapy or therapy for those injured by that crazy Islamic extremist MD.
No one getting welfare has to work any more Why? Because Obama says so!  So what that Democrat President Clinton signed a law requiring work as part of receiving welfare. No matter that the welfare rolls were cut in half and people reported that they felt better about themselves.
Maybe it is time for Americans to say no more of Obama’s policies. No more  waving a magic, pro-Islam wand and implementing policies that weaken freedoms abroad and here at home.
For two weeks, Obama blamed an anti-Islam video made by an American as the cause of Am. Stevens’ death. From Obama’s viewpoint, it had to be some act of stupidity by an American and not more jehad, not more Islamic extremists making a holy war against America and Western values. The New York Times reported that the man responsible for murdering Am. Stevens is bragging about it while sipping mango juice.
Then in the last debate, Obama gets on TV and walks back the narrative. Now he called Am. Stevens death an act of terrorism from day one. Obama just waved his magic wand and he makes it so! Supposedly.
Let’s hope Romney on Monday asks some pointed questions:
Sir, Mr. President, who in the White House read the cables coming in from Am. Stevens saying he was in danger and security not sufficient?
When Ms. Lamb testified that “the assets were sufficient” did she know that the one plane there had been removed and two groups of security had been removed? Did Ms. Lamb know there were 200 acts of terrorism the last year and that the Am. from Great Britain was attacked and that the Red Cross had withdrawn?
And Sir, exactly now many of the daily security briefings did you attend this last 3 months? And why did you attend less than half? Just too busy trying to get re-elected?
Sir, why did 6-7 days pass and a news agency picks up Am. Stevens diary and only then did the public learn that Am. Stevens thought his life was threatened and security lax?
Why no marines sent in based an hour or so away? Yes or no Mr. President – before you flew to Las Vegas, did you call a meeting of the agencies in charge of security and State Department? And why not?
There are a lot of foreign and domestic policy questions that need to be asked and answered.
Why a TRILLION dollar deficit each of the last four years?
Why NO immigration reform during the first two years when the Democrats held the Senate and House and could pass any bill they wanted?
Why do you support importing Brazilian oil yet kill the pipeline from Canada which means jobs for Americans and oil for Americans instead of oil for China?
Why Mr. President do Democrats like Gore increase their wealth from 2 to 100 million after making investments in green corporations that you subsidized and subsequently went belly up?
Let’s hope that the American public asks for answers to these and other questions. And no more waving of magic wands by Obama!
Obama’s pay policies show he is not for equal pay for women.
Obama pays women almost 20% less than men.Â
Actions speak louder than words, Mr. President.Â
The goal that women be paid equally for same experience and skills has been addressed since JFK. See picture.
See the following:Â
Y: Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon – April 11, 2012 2:52 pm
Female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues, records show.
According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).
Calculating the median salary for each gender required some assumptions to be made based on the employee names. When unclear, every effort was taken to determine the appropriate gender.
The Obama campaign on Wednesday lashed out at presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney for his failure to immediately endorse the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, a controversial law enacted in 2009 that made it easier to file discrimination lawsuits.
President Obama has frequently criticized the gender pay gap, such as the one that exists in White House.
“Paycheck discrimination hurts families who lose out on badly needed income,†he said in a July 2010 statement. “And with so many families depending on women’s wages, it hurts the American economy as a whole.â€
It is not known whether any female employees at the White House have filed lawsuits under the Ledbetter Act.
The president and his Democratic allies have accused Republicans of waging a “war on women,†and have touted themselves as champions of female equality. Obama’s rhetoric, however, has not always been supported by his actions.
On September 16, popular TV persona Wael El-Ibrashi hosted Dr. Zaghlul al-Naggar, a prominent Islamic thinker and Chairman of Egypt’s Committee of Scientific Notions in the Quran, on the topic of medical science and Islam.
Inevitably the idea of drinking camel urine as a form of therapy—first proposed in the 7th century by Muslim prophet Muhammad—came up.
Not only did Dr. Naggar promote this practice, but he made the staggering announcement that right now in Egypt a medical center in Marsa Matrouh actually specializes in treating people with camel urine, all in accord with the prophet’s advice.
K’s made with typewriter do not match Ks in BARACK name
Look at Obama’s birth certificate and then decide whether it’s fake.  Compare all the K’s in the document.
Typewriters have different spaces and depending on how hard the key is struck the letters look different.
Go to the White House web site and look for yourself.
The K’s in the all caps BARACK for child, father and mother are very different from the K’s  made with a typewriter for Kapiolani, Kalanianasole Kenya and Kansas. Look at the spaces between the letters. Look at the pixels.
Today, Oct. 6, Mr. Logic was on the KSCO Santa Cruz Sat. morning program discussing pixels, typewriters, digital programs and why the Obama birth certificate  on the White House web site is a fake.
The Israel Prime Minister showed a picture of a bomb going off when discussing the red line over which Iran must not go in developing nuclear weapons. In the next Presidential debate Romney might show a blown up copy of the document on the White House web site which shows the very different pixels between letters.
Romney might ask, “Mr. President, can you see that the K’s in certain words made by a typewriter are quite different from the K’s made in BARACK? Why, Mr. President, have you never allowed examination of any documents relevant to your birth, grades in college, or grades in law school? Mr. President, do you have something to hide?
Sir, if you were not born in the USA then you cannot be President. Perhaps, Mr. President, before you leave office you’d better pardon yourself — as I as the next President certainly won’t do it!”
The 2012 election is a watershed election. Concerned about the last four Obama years go to Smashword.com for Four More Obama Years? by James Jackson. Use the coupon XU48K for a free copy good through November, 2012. The book is also available on Amazon.com for the magnificent price of $.99
Four More Obama Years?  book by California attorney James Jackson aka Firenze Sage.  Read his  pithy comments about stories in the news with pen name of
Oct. 3 Romney and Obama debate will focus on two entirely different futures:Â self reliance versus dependence on government, strengthen the private sector to grow jobs or more growth in government jobs … which will you choose?
Read Four More Obama Years by James Jackson and decide. Available for free with a coupon on Smashwords.com and also on Amazon.
USA economy, jobs, Obama-Care, laws, racism & crime