Firenze Sage: Post racial president in action


Obama applies disparate impact to schools. Forget intent. Just show numerical differences between groups. Obama criminalizes institutions.  

Barack Obama backs a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.

His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

“African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline,” said the order, titled “White House Initiative On Educational Excellence.”

Because of those causes, the report suggests, “over a third of African American students do not graduate from high school on time with a regular high school diploma, and only four percent of African American high school graduates interested in college are college-ready across a range of subjects.


Now let’s see this in action. Unjustly punish Joe Asian and a black thug will more likely graduate?



Firenze Sage: Water, water everywhere [Ramadan enforced in Kuwait]

Drinking water illegal during Ramadam

No leniency for Islamic  non-believer drinking water in public in Kuwait.  Law against drinking water in public  during Ramadam   is enforced in Kuwait.

DUBAI: It is illegal to drink or eat in public in Kuwait during the holy month of Ramadan, where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

Over the weekend, Kuwaiti police said they made the first arrest of someone who failed to abide by their strict conditions during the holy month.

Police have indicated that a police patrol saw an “Asian drinking water from a bottle during the day.”

 Under Kuwait law, anyone caught drinking or eating in public during fasting times is detained and held until after the Eid holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.  

But what about children, the elderly, the sick and Islamic  non-believers?



What does the sidewalk cafe lobby have to say?  



Firenze Sage: $65 million dollar paper weight [IRS fine for stuffed bald eagle]

artwork with bald eagle that legally cannot be sold IRS values at $65 MILLION

Relinquish carcass of the bald eagle [part of Canyon art wok by Rauschenberg] to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service unless prove bird was taken from wild prior to 1940. Won’t turn over carcass? Then pay $65 MILLON fine to the IRS.

Under the terms of the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the 1918 Migratory Bird Act, it is a felony to “possess, sell, purchase, barter, transport, import or export any bald eagle — alive or dead.” Because the art work Canyon by Robert Rauschenberg included the carcass of a bald eagle that could not be sold, he estate, advised by three experts, valued the work at zero.

The  Art Advisory Panel to the IRS at first decided that Canyon was worth $15 million. When the Estate refused to pay the Advisory Board  then raised the value to $65 million. 

The IRS  demands $29.2 million in taxes and $11 million in penalties because the heirs “inaccurately” stated its value.

The IRS has an “Art Advisory Panel,” that provides expert advice on the value of art works involved in estates. It was the panel that decided it was worth $65 million. Stephanie Barron, a member of the panel and an art curator at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, said that, “It’s a stunning work of art and we all just cringed at the idea of saying that this had zero value. It just didn’t make any sense.”

If your husband could be sold, he’d be worth a price beyond rubies. So IRS will now tax you for possessing this masterpiece while knowing that the slave trade is illegal.



Firenze Sage: Mayor of New York urges police everywhere strike for gun control

Knee jerk reaction to massacre by  NY Mayor:  Bloomberg urges that police everywhere strike until gun control is passed. 

 MAYOR BLOOMBERG:  “Well, I would take it one step further. I don’t understand why the police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say, we’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you. Unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.

“And we’re doing everything we can to make their job more difficult but, more importantly, more dangerous, by leaving guns in the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, and letting people who have those guns buy things like armor-piercing bullets.”
OH!   What a great idea.  [Bloomberg urges police to strike for gun control.]  After  24 hours, even idiots like this  love the police.  


Firenze Sage: Fast and Furious FUBAR [Attorney General Holder]

FUBAR stands for ….  and that is what Attorney General Holder did concerning Fast and Furious: 

After 18 months of stonewalling, hem-hawing, national headlines and a contempt charge for Attorney General Eric Holder, the U.S. government finally unsealed its grand jury indictment case against those involved with the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry today.

Little new information was revealed, but the Department of Justice (DOJ) provided media with confirmation that Border Patrol agents, using guns that fired bean-bags, not bullets, were used stop a dangerous, well-armed rip crew outfitted with U.S. Operation “Fast and Furious” AK-47s.



This is why Holder is being held in contempt. He stonewalls the search for why this fiasco was allowed and who is responsible



Firenze Sage: How to get out of the drunk tank [West Africa]

Mali, West Africa:  A Timbuktu man accused of drinking alcohol was given 40 lashes Monday by members of an Islamist group that has seized the north Malian city and imposed Islamic law there, witnesses said.

“A young man has just been lashed 40 times for drinking alcohol. The whipping took place in the Timbuktu market,” a resident told AFP by phone.

A man and woman accused of having a child out of wedlock were given 100 lashes each in Timbuktu on June 20, and Ansar Dine has destroyed all the city’s bars.

Another Islamist group, the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), has burnt cigarettes, whipped smokers and forbidden people to play football or watch television in territory under its control, provoking violent protests in May in the northern city of Gao.



Well so far we have no smoking, drinking, sex, sports,or  tv.  Only whip making remains acceptable.




Firenze Sage: Giant penis [normal male traveler] stumps TSA

Why TSA interested in size of penis?

Why does TSA care about the size of a man’s penis?  Is there no privacy?

New York native Jonah Falcon, 41, reported on July 9th that he was returning from a weekend in San Francisco when he was delayed by TSA agents who became curious about the bulge in his pants.

“TSA didn’t know what to make of the massive bulge on my thigh. Even after I went through that body scanner that shows you naked,” Falcon said on his Twitter page.

According to online reports, Falcon’s penis is nearly 10 inches long when flaccid, and more than 13 inches long when erect. Online articles suggest it is the largest ever recorded.


Actually he wasn’t flying. He was just showing off with the scanner.


Aptos Psychologist: What if you’re a woman, lost your job and over 50?

Lost your job and over age 50? What to do?
Lost your job? What to do?

Don’t cry over spilt milk when you lose your job and you are over fifty!

You do need to know a few important things.  Per articles that appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal the primier business newspaper:

Businesses hire people who already have jobs.  So if you lost your job — and you are a woman   over 50 –you better get employed so that  you can get a job paid by others.  Or you may decide that working for yourself works  out just fine.

Real life example:  A friend  named  Riley S. Riley  (not her real name)  worked 20+ years as a manager for various bookstores. She managed big budgets successfully. She was well liked and competent at what she did.    Then, due to the financial crash, the  bottom fell out of technical and professional  books and she lost her job.  She loves books and loved her work and has excellent references.  She has an AOL  email account and her husband’s voice, not hers,  is on their  home telephone.

Riley, who has been helping others for years, needs hypothetically a  new hair do and a  new professional appearance.  Doing so is not hard and she can actually have fun doing so.  And so can you.

Here’s how Riley  and others who recently lost a white collar management job can get another one:

  1) Riley  needs a new G-mail account just for her  New Business that will lead to a job working for someone else.

Just go to G-mail and set up a G-Mail account.    In just a couple minutes Riley Riley  or you can set up a new professional appearance.   I set one up in moments for Riley.  Riley’s s new  G-Mail lists her name as Riley.Riley with the password “getajobnow2″  — which by the way is a very Strong password. Do pick a strong password.  Getting your email hacked into is not fun!

Before Riley  or  you pick your new professional name check around and see who else has a name similar  to yours that might get confused with you.  As eventually as part of your new professional appearance you are going to get a small website up and running do make sure that you pick wisely a helpful professional name.  [And if you blow it — you can always go back to square one and start all over with a new G-Mail account. ]

I can just hear Riley Riley  thinking:  I’ve used my AOL  for years so why get a new e-mail account?  Because of the excellent free tools that Google offers with a G-mail account.  That’s why.  You have to try the tools out to know why a G-Mail account is an asset worth having.

2)  Once Riley Riley  — or you — have a G-mail account you can start to used all the free tools available through Google.  And they are many  tools and they are valuable. Start exploring those tools.  More on that later.

3) Next, set up a a letterhead template that fits with your new professional appearance.  Use  Word 2003 onward. Use Word and Center the following information for a letterhead.  Riley  and you can readily get separate telephone numbers and set up simple web sites to display your information.  So that you can see how this can be done I’ve illustrated it with this website.

No reason to re-invent the wheel when all these tools are out there to help you get a job.  See a hypothetical letterhead for Robin-Hood:

Riley S. Riley

Management Consultant for Bookstores

Riley.Riley    Telephone:  831.216.6002

website:  Monterey Bay Forum


By the way, the above telephone and web site address is for Aptos Psychologist.  You get the idea how to do it for yourself.

4) Now that Riley Riley and you have a letterhead, go get some inexpensive business cards. Don’t spend a bundle. I will post some links later where to go for inexpensive, good looking business cards.  And always keep a few in a plastic bag in your pocket.

5)  If you have not already done so, join Linked-In, Facebook and Twitter.  These are excellent ways to get your message out and to hear what’s going on out there.

6) Make use of the services your state provides to assist persons to get a job. In  Santa Cruz, CA there is PROFILE which is paid for by taxpayers to assist people to strengthen their job getting abilities. PROFILE will help polish your resumes so they fit the job and you are not looking “over qualified”.  And PROFILE will help you polish your ‘foot in the door’ one minute interview.  And it’s a  nice place to connect with others looking for jobs.

Any one (Riley Riley  or you)  age 50 or over who lives in the Monterey Bay Area  (Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties) is welcome to use Monterey Bay Forum  aa platform to help re-launch your professional career.

Oh, and did you hear President Obama say Friday July 13th (I think)  that no successful person did it by themselves?  Successful people have failed multiple times and did not give up trying.  Successful people have a passion  and they follow their dreams.  Yes, people reach out to others to provide a helping, supportive hand.

So — go be successful at what you know you are good at doing.  Just because you are over 50 and lost your job is simply an opportunity to get a new hair do and use the tools that are readily available to assist you to succeed.

how to get a new G-Mail account:

how to get a free word program:

how to contact Santa Cruz PROFILE

how to set up a free blog:

written by




Firenze Sage: Saudi female track star [must comply with sharia law]


Sarah Attar track star must comply with sharia law

Muslim Spring  turns  to   winter for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia agreed Thursday to send two women to compete in the 2012 Olympic games. With strings attached. 

The move by the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom comes after Saudi sports leaders declared that the women of Saudi sports must respect the kingdom’s rules.

Female competitors must dress modestly, be accompanied by a male guardian and not mix with men, Prince Nawaf bin Faisal told the paper Al-Jazirah.

They must also wear “suitable clothing that complies with sharia” (Islamic law), he said.

The two female Saudi athletes are Wodjan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shahrkhani in judo and 800-meter runner Sarah Attar.


And around the far turn is a runner with chaperone and chador chasing the pack.  JAJ48@AOL.COM


Sarah Attar, born and raised in CA, has dual citizenship.  She attends Peperdine University in California  and won the Rex Hamilton Memorial Art Scholarship.




Aptos Psychologist: Texas Voter ID law wrongly named a ‘poll tax’

To enter the NAACP meeting,    Eric Holder had to provide a  photo ID.  When speaking, the  AG Holder said that the  Texas Voter ID law  is racially motivated to keep blacks and the poor  from voting.

Clearly, Attorney General Holder intends to throw the weight of the Justice Department against the enforcement of Voter ID laws which exist in 30 states.

Does Eric Holder have major  memory problems or is Obama’s AG  just playing the race card? Or doing Obama’s biding?   Probably the later two.

Talking yesterday  to the NAACP ,  U.S. Attorney General  Holder   said that  the Voter ID law in Texas is   akin to a ‘poll tax’  That argument ‘ was dismissed  by the United State Supreme Court in 2009  and  ID laws  deemed legal.

Poll taxes have been illegal for 45+ years after passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965. As recently as 2009 the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the government argument that voter ID laws are a poll tax.

In Texas a variety of identifications are acceptable [hunting license, military ID card, driver’s license, U.S. passport].   Texas will provide a free ID card when requested.

Describing Texas voter ID law as a poll tax, Obama’s Attorney General says “many without ID would have to travel great  distances and some would struggle to pay for the documents” [Wall Street Journal, 7-11-2012]

Maybe it’s time that people tell Eric Holder to stop playing the race card? And  that it’s time for the Obama AG to uphold the rule of law?

How to contact AG Holder:  202 514 2000

Full Wall Street Journal article available online edition for July 11, 2012.

William B. Turner with the Examiner  wrongly says “no state gives ID cards away for free” .  States which provide free voter ID cards include: Arizona, Indiana and Texas.   Turner   uses the argument that getting a birth certificate costs money and therefore blacks and poor cannot vote.  See Turner’s  article:

Thirty U.S.  states require either photo or some form of identification in order to vote.  President Bush signed the Help America Vote law which requires first time voters in federal elections to show photo or non-photo ID .  See
