Aptos Psychologist: killers of Terry are immigrants without papers?

5 men killed Brian Terry with Fast & Furious guns. Their legal status?

Names matter. What are we to call the 5 men accused of killing border partrol man Brian Terry Dec. 14, 2010? Are they immigrants without documentation? Immigrants seeking a Dream? Illegal aliens? Fugatives from justice?

What is their legal status?

The 5 men entered the United States with a plan to “arm themselves with fire arms”

Now we know their names: Jesus Rosaro, Favela-Astorga, Ivan Soto-Varraza, Heraclo Osario-Meza and Manuel Osorio-Arellanes who is in custody. There is a $1 MILLION reward for any information that leads to their capture.

Have you noticed how language has evolved
to describe persons who illegally enter from Mexico? Illegal aliens became ‘immigrants without documentation’ and lately simply ‘immigrants not by choice’ when referring to those covered by the Dream Act. The language we use to describe persons entering without permission has ‘evolved’ similar to how President Obama attitude towards gay marriage ‘evolved’.

Some things we don’t know:
Why leave guns at the scene of the crime? Why no way to trace the guns? Who in the Justice Department was in charge of Fast and Furious? When did Eric Holder first know about Fast and Furious? Why does it take 18 months to get an indictment out of Holder’s Justice Department. Is that because of Holder?

So what do you think we should call these men who shot and killed a border patrol person?


Odd Bodkins: Medical care made easy [replace 2,500+ pgs Obama-Care with 5 pithy changes]

replace 2,500+ pages of Obama-Care with 5 pithy changes

Let us replace the 2500+ pages of Obama-Care with just a few pithy ones.

People seem to relish children insured to 26 so keep it.

Preexisting illness insurance(even though it isn’t insurance) is popular so keep it. It already exists in most employer policies.

Ban policies which require one to buy unneeded benefits such as transgender operations,male pregnancy etc.

Allow sales across state lines.

Cap tort claims. [law suits for malpractice]

Sit back,relax,see how this works and add or amend if necessary later.

links: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/full/


Odd Bodkins has just joined Monterey Bay Forum. Send emails to DrCameronJackson@gmail who will forward them.


Firenze Sage: Frogs praise Allah! [Egypt’s first fatwa after Muslim Brotherhood’s victory]

Fatwa against eating frogs including the northern leopard frog

Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi just won the presidency in Egypt.

The first legal action taken, the  very first fatwa to appear by Egypt’s highest fatwa council,  addresses—not social, political, or economic issues in Egypt—but rather frogs.

Specifically, the fatwa  bans Muslims from hunting and killing frogs to sell to those nations that dine on the amphibians.
As the fatwa explains, according to Islam’s prophet Muhammad as recorded in a hadith, a frog’s “croaking is praise [to Allah].”
Accordingly, “a number of jurists [fuqaha] have relied on this [hadith] to forbid the eating of frogs, under the notion that ‘that which is banned from being killed, is forbidden from being eaten.’”

written by Raymond Ibrahim of the PJ Tatler   http://www.pjmedia.com/tatler

Now if only we could find a fatwa banning Christian killing. JAJ48@aol.com

For more Firenze Sage go to Smashwords.com and find Shoveling Smoke or English Only Spoken Here, Obama.
Send email to: jaj48@aol.com
Go PJ Tatler for more info on the Muslim Brotherhood’s first fatwa after victory.




Aptos Psychologist: How Tea Parties, conservatives & independents can defeat the Obama-Care TAX at the ballot box November, 2012


How conservatives & independents can defeat Obama-Care TAX in November, 2012

Supreme Court Justice Roberts caved.  He  may go down in history as the Swinging Roberts –    which way does the wind blow?  And there went Roberts … Yes, ideology does matter.

Obama-Care  is a valid  TAX says the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision.    Congress   legally passed   the Obama-Care TAX.   So, remember the power of the purse.  Congress can repeal the Obama-Care TAX.

So, now it’s up to conservatives, independents and free thinkers to organize and defeat the Obama-Care TAX  at the ballot box in November, 2012.

What all of us can do:

Say a  daily prayer for the Nation to survive as the kind of nation it was when a group of patriots first founded the United STATES of America.

This July 4th, take time to read the Declaration of Independence with your family  and friends.

Think about what it means to you to be an American:  what are the freedoms you most cherish and why?

The rule of law is the basis of our freedoms.  Obama’s administration uses REGULATIONS to overturn valid laws.  As Nancy Pelosi say, you have to pass it to

Think about Obama’s response to the Supreme Court ruling concerning immigration.  Arizona can do valid Stops and inquire concerning immigration status. Obama has said that the Justice Department will not  answer phone calls from Arizona concerning immigration status. And further, Obama has set up a hot line so that those who are stopped can get through to Obama concerning their civil rights.

Consider joining  or starting a Tea Party organization which supports limited government, fiscal restraint and free markets.

Some links to California Tea Parties are listed below:




The Heritage Foundation discusses the Obama-Care TAX: 


written by Cameron Jackson   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Odd Bodkins: Gun running by USA

Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious gun running operation resulted in death of Agent Terry & hundreds of Mexicans. Holder refuses to turn over documents. Congress to vote on contempt charges.

The questions abound re Fast and Furious.
Who devised the plan?
Who is in the chain of command?
What did they hope to accomplish?
How did they expect to track weapons without gps devices?
Did anyone raise the question about how the weapons would be tracked?
Why were weapons abandoned at the scene of the crime?
Who authorized wire taps in this caper?
Who was tapped?
What did the taps reveal?
Which Justice Dept fund paid for all this?
Who authorized payment?
Why is any of this subject to executive privilege?

This simply does not make sense. It seems the guns were gone forever which was obvious from the beginning. So what’s the point. Politicians may be this stupid but the cops certainly aren’t. And since when do criminals leave weapons behind at the scene of the crime.



Aptos Psychologist: Slay the Trojan horse of Obama-Care! Join or start a Tea Party in CA.

How to slay the Trojan horse of Obama-Care through Tea Party methods

You  want to help get rid of Obama and Obama-Care?  And live in California?   Here’s how.

If you answer YES to the following then a California Tea Party might be the right tonic for you!

Do you say YES, you want Obama and Obama-Care gone? YES, you are tired of the Blame Game that Bush did it? YES, you think it gauche of Obama to ask people to send money to the Obamas instead of spend it on wedding gifts? [Do send plenty of gravy boats to the Obamas to get the message across.]

Do you say YES, you are you for fiscal responsibility and limited government? YES, you think that free markets work?

And – this is very important — Do you pick up your own litter? And expect others to pick up theirs? Are you willing to listen –and then stand your ground?

If you can say YES to all these questions then look around for a California Tea Party to join. Or start one yourself.

Recently, June 22 and 23 a whole bunch of California Tea Party groups got together in Fresno, CA. And they had a blast!

Lots of stuff got discussed. People got acquainted. It was run with a bottom to top approach and no top down heavy approach. Speakers offered ideas, methods and apps how to build a better mouse trap, i.e., how to build better political organizations.

About 50-60 persons attended the Fresno Tea Party get together. Other groups, such as Defend Rural America, also presented strategies, tactics and long term plans how to change America from the grass roots up.

One strategy suggested: As CA is expected to go for Obama, it makes sense to walk in Nevada and Arizona to help get the conservative vote out. Caravans of cars and how and when details were hammered out.

Lots of people oppose High-Speed Rail: Coming to CA to help in the anti-High Speed rail campaign are individuals who successfully took on and defeated the Endangered Species Act in Texas. Success in one campaign may spill over to other campaigns.

The Real Story why Scott Walker won: The story told is that a wealthy conservative for 16 years supported one individual to create the environment for Scott Walker’s policies to be successful. The combination of money, time and plenty of doing what is right came together to create an environment where Walker could win. That person is now a top advisor to Scott Walker. And who might that be?

So, if you are interested in constructive change made at the grass roots level and you want a bottom to top approach as to how decisions are made — look around for a near by California Tea Party.

Or start your own tea party. You will find that other California Tea Party will reach out and help you build a better mouse trap political organization to catch those critters that have wrecked havoc in America.

Several contact links are listed below:
California Tea Party Groups: We are a large coalition of tea party groups that are making a difference in our Golden State. Brad Roltgen and Dawn Wildman are the State Coordinators for Tea Party Patriots and they help facilitate this coalition.




Written by Cameorn Jackson DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

P.S.   Cameron Jackson welcomes tea party persons residing in Santa Cruz County who can attend a meeting in Aptos, CA.  Send email to DrCameronJackson@gmail.com 


Aptos Psychologist: Useful info how to resign from the SEIU in California

SEIU goons beat up a  person attending rally

SEIU thugs beat up a person attending rally

Are you an irritated and fed up California SEIU member — and want OUT from the SEIU?

For info how to resign membership from the  SEIU go  to this link or read below:


Don’t like that the SEIU goons beat up on people who attend Obama health care rallies?

Did you see the recent ruling by the Supreme Court about the SEIU? It’s in the Friday June 22 issue. Should you want to get out here’s how to get out.

“Enough Is Enough!”

That’s what many California State employees are saying.

Fed up with the rising costs of mediocre Union representation, and SEIU’s lack of transparancy, they have chosen to resign from SEIU and pay only “Fair Share” fees. State workers can Resign from SEIU by submitting the form in Step #1 below, entitling them to save ~2.4 % of their union dues. Continue reading “Aptos Psychologist: Useful info how to resign from the SEIU in California”


Firenze Sage: the health police are wrong [people rebel]

Obsms-Care,, which requires all fast food chains to post calorie counts, backfires as people rebel

People don’t like being told how and what to eat and rebel. The latest from New York and Mayor Bloomberg’s health experiment:

Over at the Atlantic, two economics professors who focus their research on food economics introduce a bit of reality into the equation:

In similar lab settings, this kind of approach has inspired various forms of rebellion among study participants. For example, openly serving someone lowfat or reduced-calorie meals tends to lead to increased fat or calorie consumption over the whole day. People reason that because they were forced to be good for one meal, they can splurge on snacks and desserts at later meals.

Referring to the 2008 law that mandated the posting of calorie counts in the city’s chain restaurants. When researchers studied the law’s effect, they “found that people had, in fact, ordered slightly more calories than the typical customer had before the labeling law went into effect.”

So just keep forcing free people to do what they do not want to do. Soon you have rebellion or no free people.

JAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312
