Firenze Sage: Jane Fonda lives in infany [solidarity with OWS & North Vietnam]

Jane Fonda in solidarity with North Vietnam in 1972

Jane Fonda, who showed solidarity during the Vietnam War with the North Vietnamese soldiers by being photographed with them, now shows solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Jane Fonda in solidarity with North Vietnam

Jane Fonda, who plays a hippie grandma in the new film “Peace, Love & Misunderstanding,” told The Huffington Post how much she admires Occupy WallStreet (OWS), the flailing protest movement known for its violence, rapes and anti-semiticism.

What’s your opinion of the Occupy movement?

Occupy Wall Street

Right on! I say right on! It’s an important, wonderful movement. It doesn’t fit the mold.

Is that what you like about it? That it doesn’t fit the mold?

I think that’s what allows it to be successful in its own way. Because it has no leader; it has no set of rules. But, the values are good and it makes a difference. And I say right on.

Your point about not having a leader is interesting.

It limits the range if there’s a leader. This can occupy a big space on a lot of different areas, but the core value is, “What about democracy?” It’s about democracy and against greed.


Well, at least this isn’t treason [by Jane Fonda].


Firenze Sage: Everything is GREEN [according to Obama’s definition]

"GREEN" jobs defined by Obama include sellers of old books, all bus drivers and kids working in bike shops

“Green” jobs according to Obama’s administration include all employees in antique shops, people who sell rare books and persons working in bike shops. For more:

Here’s an exchange between House Oversight Committee chair Darrell Issa and Bureau of Labor Statistics Acting Commissioner Josh Galvin and Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Jane Oates on how the administration is counting “Green Jobs.”

Daily Caller:

If you sweep the floor in a solar panel facility, is that a green job?
REP. ISSA: Thank you. If you drive a hybrid bus – public transportation – is that a green job?
MR. GALVIN: According to our definition, yes.
REP. ISSA: Thank you. What if you’re a college professor teaching classes about environmental studies?
REP. ISSA: What about just any school bus driver?
REP. ISSA: What about the guy who puts gas in the school bus?
REP. ISSA: How about employees at a bicycle shop?
MR. GALVIN: I guess I’m not sure about that.
REP. ISSA: The answer is yes, according to your definition. And you’ve got a lot of them.
What about a clerk at the bicycle repair shop?
REP. ISSA: What about someone who works in an antique dealer?
MR. GALVIN: I’m not sure about that either.
REP. ISSA: The answer is yes. Those are – those are recycled goods. They’re antiques; they’re used.
What about someone who works at the Salvation Army in their clothing recycling and furniture?
MR. GALVIN: Right. Because they’re selling recycled goods.
REP. ISSA: OK. What about somebody who opened a store to sell rare manuscripts?
MR. GALVIN: What industry is that?
REP. ISSA: People sell rare books and manuscripts – but they’re rare because they’re old so they’re used.
REP. ISSA: What about workers at a consignment shop?
MR. GALVIN: That’s a green job.


This is a huge clue, Watson, that the green job craze is totally phony!!


Firenze Sage: Big Brother is here [trash checking]

chips in garbage cans so Big Brother catches& fines those who don't recycle

Big Brother puts computer chips in garbage cans to catch and fine people who don’t recycle.

Audi’s infamous ‘Green Police’ Superbowl commercial may not be far off coming to fruition. Miami Beach has passed an ordinance that makes recycling compulsory from July 2013, with those who fail to comply under threat of fines up to $2500 dollars.

“In a growing number of cities across the U.S., local governments are placing computer chips in recycling bins to collect data on refuse disposal, and then fining residents who don’t participate in recycling efforts and forcing others into educational programs meant to instill respect for the environment,” reports Fox News.

Such programs are already in place in major cities such as Charlotte, N.C., Cleveland, Ohio, Boise, Idaho, and Flint, Michigan.

In Cleveland, people who fail to recycle are flagged by the RFID chip embedded in their trash can, added to a database and then targeted by green cops who are dispatched to intimidate homeowners.

If a resident fails to bring their recycling cart to the curb for as little a period as three weeks, a “trash supervisor” rummages through their regular trash to check if the resident is throwing away recyclable materials (glass, metal cans, plastic bottles, paper and cardboard). If the regular trash can contains more than 10% of these items, a $100 dollar fine is immediately issued.

“We’re going to run reports on who this particular truck picked up from today and if it indicates on a consistent basis that your household hasn’t been recycling, then we have officers that I will send out … to check and see what’s going on,” Waste Collection Commissioner Ronnie Owens told ABC News.


It is now clear that global warming is an excuse to control every facet of our lives.


Aptos Psychologist: The real Zimerman/ Travyon story the media did not touch

“Zimmerman never saw the cute little boy that the TV audience did. He saw a full-grown man, a druggy, a wannabe street fighter, the tattooed, gold-grilled, self-dubbed “No_Limit_Nigga.”

The real tragedy the thousands of blacks killed by blacks. Of 279,384 black murders victims between 1976 – 2011 2,62,621 are blacks killed by blacks.
from the American Spectator:

What the Media Choose Not to Know about Trayvon
By Jack Cashill

Unnerved by an unspoken mix of political bias and racial queasiness, the major media have chosen to know as little about Trayvon Martin as they know about Barack Obama.

As a case in point, consider this boy vs. man fable spun by the New York Times’ Charles Blow:

A boy’s blood had been spilled on a rain-soaked patch of grass behind a row of mustard-colored condominiums by a man who had pursued him against the advice of 911 dispatchers. That man carried a 9-millimeter handgun. The boy carried a bag of candy.

Blow was writing seven weeks after Trayvon’s death. He had no excuse for missing the actual story. Worse, since he is a writer for the Times, his reporting has helped set the media tone worldwide

The media’s willful ignorance was on display again this past week. In reporting this news of George Zimmerman’s return to jail, more than a few media outlets showed the dangerously deceptive image of Trayvon as 11-year-old cherub. They did so in the assumption that the narrative was still theirs to control. It is not. The blogs, which have been doing the real detective work on this case, have long since taken control away from them.

The sites I have found must useful are the Daily Caller and What follows is largely culled from those sites and their independent contributors. By probing Trayon’s background and parsing his social media chatter, they have put together a picture of a disturbed young man that begins to makes sense of the events that unfolded on that fateful rainy night of February 26. Continue reading “Aptos Psychologist: The real Zimerman/ Travyon story the media did not touch”


Aptos Psychologist: Real hope & change in CA [pension reform in San Jose and San Diego]

pension reform is possible in two California cities so how about the entire state?

Hey there is hope and change in golden California!

The referendum process has proved its democratic worth by letting voters leap over union special interests.

Whereas Democrats in Sacramento won’t even bring Gov. Brown’s pension proposals to a vote, voters in two big CA cities — San Diego and San Jose – did. Any hope for San Francisco where unions have a stanglehold?

Gov. Brown says “pension reform is imperative”. But what has he done?


Firenze Sage: proof we have gone nuts [Islamic woman not have to stand for judge says Court of Appeals]

woman who raised money for terrorist group does not have to stand for judge says Court of Appeals
woman charged with raising money for terrorist group does not have to stand for the judge says Court of Appeals

Has U.S. Court of Appeals gone nuts allowing a Muslim woman charged with raising money for a terrorist group to follow her interpretation of Islamic law and therefore refuse to stand during her trial?

A Rochester, Minn., woman who refused to stand when a judge entered the courtroom during her trial last year may have had a religious right to keep her seat, a federal appeals court has ruled.

woman charged with raising money for terrorist group refuses to stand for judge in her trial

The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a ruling Monday, June 4, threw out 19 of 20 contempt citations that Chief U.S. District Judge Michael Davis had levied against Amina Farah Ali because she wouldn’t rise when court was called to order.

On the first day of her trial on charges of raising money for the terrorist group al-Shabaab, Ali ignored Davis’ order to rise, telling him she interpreted Islamic teachings to mean she didn’t have to stand for anybody.

The judge disagreed, saying that rising was a show of respect to the legal process and that court decorum demanded she stand.

The woman told Davis that the Prophet Muhammad once told a group of followers they didn’t have to honor him by standing. She said that if she didn’t have to rise for the founder of her religion, she didn’t have to rise for anybody….


Does this court know what idiocy they are peddling. JAJ48@AOL.COM


Aptos Psychologist: Useful ‘facts’ comparing Obama & Romney on job creation

100,000 jobs created by Romney's Bain Capital compared to 100,000 jobs by U.S. under Obama

Take a liberal/ Democrat/ 2008 voter for Obama out for coffee and share the following concerning economy job growth.

Embarrassing for the White House,a paltry 100,000 is the total net increase in U.S. jobs since Jan. 2009 when Mr. Obama took office. This is using seasonally adjusted jobs numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its household survey.

Many economists put more stock in the so-called establishment survey. That shows not a small gain but a decline of more than 550,000 jobs during the Obama era.

Conservative estimates say that Bain Capital created by Romney — just one company — created 100,000 jobs. So one company over a period of time created the same number of jobs as the entire economy created under the Obama administration.

No wonder the public thinks the country is still in a recession.


Aptos Psychologist: a Libertarian cookbook fun to read from Carol Paul wife of Ron Paul

whatever in the pantry cookbook by Carol Paul

For $8 from Ron Paul’s website “The Ron Paul Family Cookbook” . The cookbook includes Golfer’s Chicken, a dish made with chicken parts coated with powdered onion soup mix, salad dressing and apricot jam. “You have to fall off the wagon now and again” says Carol Paul.

Sounds like a fun read for anyone who wants to make food with whatever is in the pantry. You are donating to the Ron Paul campaign so you have to fill out info as a donor. No Pet Pal account software on Paul’s website. If you have problems finding it the book is listed under Products Miscellaneous — not under Books. Do share back what recipe you try!


Firenze Sage: Thou shalt not kill [teenage Sudanese mother sentenced to death by stoning]

young Sudanese mother sentenced to death by stoning after beaten by brother

Death by stoning for a teenage illiterate woman who committed adultery in Sudan. Sudan is run by Islamist Omar al-Besir accused of genocide. The young woman does not speak Arabic and has no lawyer. Only evidence is her confession after being beaten by her brother. The Sudanese media is not covering the story. Amnesty International and Human Watch report the latest developments:

A Sudanese woman, believed to be around 18 to 20, has been sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery, and is being held near Khartoum, shackled in prison with her baby son, rights groups and lawyers said on Thursday.

The woman, Intisar Sharif Abdalla, was sentenced by the Ombada criminal court on April 22, court documents seen by Reuters showed.

“She’s in dire need of a psychiatrist because she appears to be in a state of shock from the social and family pressures she’s under,” one lawyer said.

Abdalla was illiterate and did not have a lawyer or interpreter in the courtroom. And Arabic is not her native language, the lawyers and activists added.

In 2010, the case of Lubna Hussein, a Sudanese U.N. official, sparked international furor when she was sentenced to flogging for wearing trousers.

Dear lawyer: Intisar Sharif Abdalla doesn’t need a psychiatrist, she needs a file and a saw.


Firenze Sage: Another how can we be so stupid questions [why Scott Walker must go]

no specifics as to why Scott Walker Republcan gov must go

Mahlon Mitchell, Rebecca Kleefisch’s challenger for Lt. Governor in Tuesday’s Wisconsin recall election sure likes to criticize all the changes Kleefisch has helped Scott Walker bring about in Wisconsin.

Especially tax rates and tax cuts for corporations. But right in the prime of his campaign, Mitchell couldn’t even tell Greta Van Susteren of Fox News what the corporate tax rate in Wisconsin was. And weeks after that interview, while quick to answer the rate is 7.9%, when asked whether he supported raising, lowering or keeping that rate the same, he said, “I’d have to look at that….” Having no position on the issue he went on to claim, “we got to first get rid of Scott Walker, and uh, we’ll have to figure all those things out.”

In other words, you can think of Mitchell like Wisconsin’s personal healthcare bill, just like having “to pass the bill, so you can find out what’s in it,” you have to elect Mitchell to find out his position.

The democrats in Wisconsin really must think people are stupid. How is this moron their candidate. How many votes will he get. Ouch, hundreds of thousands.
