Aptos, CA ire at Safeway expansion in Rancho del Mar which wipes out many small businesses Big Business Safeway — part of the 1% — has money, clout, connections & pays top dollar for management. Safeway paid its’ CEO $11 million in 2011.
Any CEO such as Safeway’s who is paid $11 million must be worth that much to the company probably knows who to talk to and which campaigns to contribute to concerning the upcoming election for 2nd District.
So, will Safeway readily get the necessary Santa Cruz County governmental approvals to drastically alter the Rancho del Mar shopping center?
The next Santa Cruz County supervisor for 2nd district — which includes Aptos & enviorns — will be …?
Why not ask Safeway’s representative to attend the meeting to introduce possible 2nd District Supervisors May 7 at the Rio Sands Motel? And of course invite all the small businesses which will be eliminated per Safeway’s plans. Great opportunity for all “stake holders” to stake out their positions.
Maybe someone can get KSCO 1080 to put it on the radio live so those who cannot attend could get a few questions in as well? written by drcameronjackson@gmail.com
_______________ Candidate opinions on Safeway sought An open letter to the five candidates vying in June for 2nd District supervisor: Aptos’ own 99 percent need to know where each of you stands regarding 1 percent Safeway’s planned destruction of over half of the locally owned businesses of Rancho del Mar Shopping Center in Aptos. Details, please. No more generic statements as in the Voter’s Information Pamphlet nor your various “town meetings.” We are looking forward to reading your responses, Daniel Beckett, Doug Deitch, Zach Friend, Rich McInnis and Antonio Rivas.
Letter to Santa Cruz Sentinel, April 29, 2012 written by C. A. Dyer, Aptos
windmills power postal trucks?
U.S. Mail was first delivered by horseback, then stage coach and now windmills to deliver electricity for battery operated postal delivery vehicles. Don’t count on regular delivery of mail if wind stops.
As the potential collapse of the United States Postal Service looms on the horizon, one Senate Democrat has proposed an unusual plan to solve the crisis.
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) looks to harvest the electricity that windmill farms produce in order to power a new fleet of battery-operated postal delivery vehicles, replacing the previous ’25 to 30 years old’ ‘dilapidated’ vehicles.
The Senator admits the idea is “out there†but concludes that “we need to be thinking boldly, and the postal service needs to do that”.
Isn’t this the guy who ran against the witch? Or was he the witch? JAJ48@aol.com
JACZKO & BOXER JACZKO & BOXER act like two scary JACK-IN-THE-BOXes that pop up on cue under someone else’s control? See WSJ 4-20-2012.
Obama appointed JAZCO as chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Obama appointee NRC chair Jaczko
JAZCO’S “vicious management style, [of Nuclear Regulatory Commission] abusive outbursts of rage, bullying and intimidating behavior” reduced professional NRC women to tears says WSJ 4-20-2012.
The other four NRC Commissioners Democrat & Republican complained to Obama because JAZCO: 1) withheld information from the Commissioners; 2) altered recommendations; and 3) overrode the will of the majority.
Obama ignored complaints from the Commissioners. The Democrat Party refuses to investigate.
Senate Majority Harry Reid trashes the only female Commissioner KRISTINE SVINICKI, a nuclear engineer. nuclear engineer NRC Svinchi
Democrat Senator from CA Barbara BOXER response has been to smear all four Commissioners. Boxer claims that they on are on a McCarthy ‘witch hunt’ and she defends JAZCO.
You can contact NRC Chair JACZKO and Commissioner SVINCHI by phone at 301 415 7000 or at www.nrc.gov
What’s this all about? The progressive left’s ideology opposes nuclear energy. And the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRC) sets the policies.
So Obama appoints someone — JACZKO — programmed to: 1) strangle nuclear energy progress; and 2) kill the Yucca mountain repository planned for Harry Reid’s state of Nevada. But JACZKO’s heavy handed style was too much for all of the other Commissioners, both Democrat and Republican alike.
The complaints about JACZKO are strikingly familiar to the complaints made about Obama.The first year after elected Obama focused on health care reform when the public in 2009-2010 was most concerned about the economy and jobs. So Obama overrode the will of the majority of Americans akin to how JACZKO interacts with the four other Commissioners of the NRC.
NRC chair JACZKO is accused of withholding information from the other Commissioners. Remember Obama claim that Obama-Care will not add one dollar to the deficit while at the same time taking 500 BILLLION from Medicare? And three years later there still are no accurate figures as to how much Obama-Care will cost. Or exactly how many millions would be added to Medicare.
JACZKO is accused of altering recommendations. Obama for sure ignores the recommendations of others.
pot calls kettle black? Pot calls kettle black? One voice for Black America, Color of Change (COC), routinely smears individuals & groups as racist.
Latest organization COC smears is the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC supports voter ID laws as do 70 percent of Americans.
Read below and let COC know what you think of their tactics. Contact form available at Color of Change.org
It takes one to know one? It takes a thief to catch a thief? Hold your arm out and point your index finger. Notice that your thumb points back at you.
COC, per information below, appears to be itself a racist organization that cries racism in the crowded marketplace. And recently a number of CEO’s of large U.S. corporations have ducked and run for cover. So far, Wal-Mart, Johnson & Jounson, AT&T and State Farm have resisted COC’s smear tactics. Caving in include Coca-Cola, Mars, Wendy’s and Kraft.
COC was started in 2005 by former White House aide Van Jones and MoveOn.org James Rucher. Van Jones is the aide who was fired by the White House. CRC wants quotas for government contracts, admission to college, and hiring. Read more below.
After targeting free market policies of ALEC who will be COC’s next target? It’s time to tell COC to stop their smear tactics. Tell Color of Change that 70% of Americans support voter ID laws because they prevent fraud.
COC can be found at Color of Change. org
taken from Discover the Network.org
‘Founded in 2005, Color of Change (COC) is a nonprofit corporation and an Internet-based grassroots activist group. Van Jones and James Rucker (former director of MoveOn.org Political Action and co-founder of the Secretary of State Project) created COC to combat what they viewed as the systemic racism pervading America generally and conservatism in particular. COC’s mission is to “strengthen Black America’s political voiceâ€; “make government more responsive to the concerns of Black Americans”; and “bring about positive political and social change for everyone.”
Toward these ends, the organization COC supports race- and gender-based preferences in government contracting, college admissions, and hiring/promotion policies. Further, COC favors the expansion of the welfare state and thus seeks to discredit initiatives that would restore limited government and rein in public expenditures.
‘From its inception, COC has aimed its criticisms chiefly at prominent conservative and Republican figures. In 2005, for instance, the organization attacked political theorist William Bennett for uttering “racist lies†and pushed to have him dismissed from his broadcasting positions with the Salem Radio Network and CNN.
‘That same year, COC depicted the federal government’s allegedly sluggish mobilization of post-Hurricane Katrina rescue efforts as symptomatic of America’s low regard for black people. “With no one to speak for them,” COC lamented, “hundreds of thousands of people—largely Black, poor, and elderly—were left behind to die.” To drive this point home, COC collaborated with MoveOn.org Civic Action to screen the Spike Lee film When the Levees Broke, which alleged that the federal government had dynamited Gulf-area levees in an effort to flood the black neighborhoods of New Orleans—a view popularized most famously by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Rap singer Kanye West, who cited the government’s inept response to Katrina as evidence that President “Bush does not care about black people,†had a connection to COC at that time: A now defunct website entitled “KayneWasRight.org†was linked back to ColorOfChange.org.
‘In January 2006, COC initiated a Senate letter-writing campaign to galvanize opposition to President Bush’s nomination of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. Alito “has consistently demonstrated his hostility towards laws that ensure racial equality and protect the civil rights of Americans,†COC claimed. “If history is a guide, Alito’s presence on the Supreme Court will put some of our most basic civil rights protections in jeopardy.â€
‘During the 2008 presidential campaigns, COC was part of the progressive effort to associate the Republican ticket of McCain-Palin with racism. In an open letter which it disseminated widely, COC complained that the “hateful language” and “rhetoric” allegedly on display at Republican campaign events was taking on “an increasingly dangerous tone that seems to ignore the precarious state of our progress when it comes to race and ethnicity.” The organization charged, for instance, that attendees at such events had called for “violence against Sen. Obama, yelling ‘kill him!,’ ‘off with his head!,’ and ‘bomb Obama.’†Subsequent investigations, however, showed no evidence that these racial slurs and threats had ever been uttered.
‘In one of its longest-running initiatives, Color of Change has repeatedly smeared the Fox News Channel (FNC) as a disseminator of racism and bigotry. Beginning in March 2007, COC denounced the station for “consistently attack[ing] Black people, leaders, and cultural institutions.†The following year, COC tried to prevent Fox from co-hosting any of the presidential debates with the Congressional Black Caucus Institute. When Fox News’ Glenn Beck exposed the radical communist past of Van Jones in August 2009, eventually leading to Jones’ resignation from his White House post, COC began a letter-writing campaign to the CEOs of FNC advertisers, demanding that they pull their ads due to “Beck’s racially divisive rhetoric.†In September 2009, COC claimed victory, stating that its efforts had caused Beck to lose 50% of his advertising dollars.
‘In March 2010, COC began an aggressive effort to discredit the Tea Party movement’s “venomous rhetoric,” “racially inflammatory and violent outbursts,” “racially charged imagery,” and “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Said James Rucker: “Republican officials have contributed to this atmosphere with fear-mongering and coded racism, and they have actively courted this element of their party.â€
‘In the fall of 2011, COC helped launch a campaign threatening to boycott corporations that gave financial support to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an association that drafts pro-free-market, pro-limited-government legislation for state lawmakers across the U.S. Most notably, ALEC supports the enforcement of voter-ID laws, immigration laws, and Second Amendment rights. Joining COC in its crusade against ALEC were People for the American Way, the Center for Media and Democracy, the Arizona AFL-CIO, AFSCME, the American Federation of Teachers, the Arizona Education Association, Progress Now, and Occupy Wall Street. The combined pressure of these organizations caused a number of companies to withdraw their support for ALEC. These included Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Intuit, Kraft Foods, McDonald’s, Arby’s, and Walgreens.
“In the spring of 2012, COC and its allies tried to exploit the racial overtones of the February 26, 2012 killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin, who had been shot by a “white Hispanic” claiming to have acted in self-defense as permitted under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Charging (incorrectly) that ALEC had drafted that particular law, COC demanded that AT&T—which was one of ALEC’s corporate board members—abandon the Council or be permanently branded as a racist entity with Trayvon Martin’s blood on its proverbial hands. Further, COC alleged that Florida police had deliberately sought to suppress evidence against Martin’s killer, and that law-enforcement’s decision not to incarcerate the gunman reflected “a pattern of failing to prosecute when the victim is Black.”
“COC’s executive director is Rashad Robinson, who is also affiliated with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and the Right to Vote Campaign. The latter is a national collaboration of eight civil-rights organizations—including the NAACP, People for the American Way, and the ACLU—that seek to combat “voter disenfranchisement” by lobbying for laws that would permit convicted felons, who are disproportionately African Americans, to vote in political elections.
Obama refers to Falkland Islands as off coast of India
Two wrongs make a right? No. The first wrong is Obama’s attempt — unsuccessful — to snub Britain and undermine U.S. ‘special relations’ with Britain. The second wrong is Obama’s reference to the Falkland Islands as the Maldives — which are 8,000+ miles away from Malavinas aka the Falkland Islands.
Venezuela continues to dispute Britain’s sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.
President Obama erred during a speech at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, when attempting to call the disputed archipelago by its Spanish name.
Instead of saying Malvinas, however, Mr Obama referred to the islands as the Maldives, a group of 26 atolls off that lie off the South coast of India.
The Maldives were a British protectorate from 1887 to 1965 and the site of a UK airbase for nearly 20 years.
It wasn’t Bush who apologized for not speaking Austrian, or thought there were 56 states or….
Nude maid service watched closely by police in Texas:
Police in staunchly conservative West Texas city if Lubbock are keeping close tabs on a young entrepreneur’s recently opened cleaning service that offers nude maids.
Lubbock police Sgt. Jonathan Stewart said the owner of Fantasy Maid Service of Lubbock doesn’t have a permit to operate a sexually oriented business and officers are watching for any violation, which would bring a $2,000 fine.
But owner Melissa Borrett insists she’s not operating such a business. Customers pay $100 an hour for one maid or $150 an hour for two maids, and no touching is allowed, she said.
“I run a maid service,” the 26-year-old entrepreneur said. “We really just clean houses. These girls are not performers. They’re maids.
Guess what goes on in the broom closet. JAJ48@aol.com
bodyguards pay Biden to guardBiden charges govt Topsy turvy Obama government VP Joe Biden is paid by his bodyguards for the right to protect him. Joe Biden received $20,900 from Secret Service bodyguards in rental income and Biden reported $12,653
Vice President Joe Biden last year earned $20,900 in rental income from the Secret Service, which is paying him to host agents on his property so they can protect him.
Most high-profile people in need of protection pay people to keep them safe. Government officials are allowed to have taxpayers pick up the tab. Biden is unique in that he actually gets paid by his bodyguards for the right to protect him.
Biden’s tax records list rental income of $20,900 from a “cottage†on is property, which is reportedly being leased by the Secret Service and paid for at a rate that could earn him even more money next year.
Biden took deductions for mortgage interest and taxes that allowed him to report only $12,653 of the amount on his federal tax return.
Send them home and let Biden stand guard. JAJ48@aol.com
outdated govt regulations killed Titanic passengers Outdated govt regulations caused the Titanic tragedy & harm married working women today.
Those out dated government regulations must be updated for a world in which 60% of all women work outside the home.
And now is the time for women to raise a roar as Republicans control the House where all bills involving money must start.
“Flex time” is a good government regulation to fix in place. “Flex time” allows the worker to work the same number of hours packed into fewer days.
Senate Democrats blocked “flex time” back in the 1990’s. Now it’s time for Ann Romney and husband Mitt to make the case for “flex time”
The Titanic sank because the owner said follow the law as to how many life boats to equip it with. And the outdated Board of Trade law required only enough boats for half the number of people aboard. The accepted premise was that if a ship was in trouble it would always be possible to have 4-6 other boats near by who could provide additional life boat assistance.That was a wrong premise for the Titanic.
And it’s a wrong premise today that woman are the same as mem so treat them exactly the same. Women have babies and move in and out of the work force. Women need flexible hours, opportunity and choice.
Women working for the Obama White House make roughly 18% less than the men. Probably moving in and out of the work force and taking jobs with fewer hours are a big part of why women working for Obama are paid less.
Repeal the marriage penalty and add “flex time” to Romney’s reforms — that’s the message to send to Ann Romney and Republican candidate Mitt Romney.
Look at Ann Romney’s page on Pinterests.com and tell Ann what women working outside the home need. Ann is approachable. And Ann Romney in my view will become as popular as Jackie Kennedy was in the 1960’s. And someday Mitt Romney will introduce his wife to the French people as ‘this is the person you came to see…”
Here’s an outdated regulation that must be changed: A married woman working of an assembly line keeps less of her pay check than the unwed man who does the same job.
Today, 60%o of all women work outside the home and are penalized by outdated laws.
Start with the premise that many women, because they have babies, are different from men.
respect the dead the with ID for voters Do you have dead neighbors listed as able to vote? 1.8 MILLION dead Americans are so listed.
And these dead Americans should not be taken advantage of for political purposes by the Democrat Party and U.S. Atorney General Holder.
Their names should be removed from polling lists. How?
Picture IDs will protect the dead as well as the living.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s opposition to picture IDs for voters does not protect the dead from being taken advantage of.
Next time you visit your polling place inquire if your dead neighbor at such and such address is on the list. And see if you — like the person who asked if Eric Holder at such and such address was on the list — are offered a ballot.
“Attorney General Eric Holder has done everything in his power to prevent voters from showing ID at polling places. He’s moved to block states like Texas from implementing voter ID laws. But, as voting fraud expert John Fund writes today, “When groups sue to block photo-ID laws in court, they can’t seem to produce real-world examples of people who have actually been denied the right to vote. According to opinion polls, over 75 percent of Americans — including majorities of Hispanics and African-Americans — routinely support such laws.â€
But that doesn’t stop Holder’s opposition. And Holder’s opposition simply makes voting fraud easier, as Fund writes:
“Filmmaker James O’Keefe demonstrated just how easy it is on Tuesday when he dispatched an assistant to the Nebraska Avenue polling place in Washington where Attorney General Holder has been registered for the last 29 years.
“O’Keefe specializes in the same use of hidden cameras that was pioneered by the recently deceased Mike Wallace, who used the technique to devastating effect in exposing fraud in Medicare claims and consumer products on 60 Minutes.
O’Keefe’s efforts helped expose the fraud-prone voter-registration group ACORN with his video stings, and has had great success demonstrating this year in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Minnesota just how easy it is to obtain a ballot by giving the name of a dead person who is still on the rolls.
“Indeed, a new study by the Pew Research Center found at least 1.8 million dead people are still registered to vote. They aren’t likely to complain if someone votes in their place.
Fund also notes that nothing O’Keefe did was illegal—a point that the left will no doubt ignore in their rush to smear O’Keefe.
This is not a right-left issue, Fund notes. It’s a basic fairness one—people should only vote in their own name.
“From voter fraud to election chicanery of all kinds, America teeters on the edge of scandal every November,†says Larry Sabato, the director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia and author of a comprehensive survey of voter fraud called “Dirty Little Secrets.†The fact that so many people want to thwart legitimate and prudent efforts to improve ballot integrity has become a scandal in its own right. Attorney General Holder is unlikely to agree with that, but after what happened at his polling place last Tuesday, he should at least understand that voter fraud itself is a scandal worth investigating.
But the chances of Holder admitting the problem are nil, since the left is so bound and detrermined to excuse voter fraud.
baby chick Can you literally change the structure of your brain? Yes.
Can you arise this Easter & Passover season to new life? Yes.
How can you know? Faith is a gift but PET scans can show you it is so.
Persons who were severely abused early have brains that ‘fire up’ a certain way. Often people who experience severe abuse in utero and early childhood get diagnosed with a variety of disorders including PTSD, ADHD and Depression.
Trauma gets etched into the brain and how it functions. But its not a forever thing and you can change your brain, how it functions and its actual anatomy.
With appropriate cognitive and behavioral therapy — and time — people’s brains learn fresh pathways and literally change how they ‘fire’ And as the brain’s function changes so changes the actual anatomy of your brain.
The brain is a very complex organ and its complexity does not end with its structural and chemical composition.
The brain is a dynamic organ and is in a constant state of change, governed by life’s experiences.
Every time we learn something new, form a memory, experience stress or disease, the biochemical structure of our brain changes at the neuronal level and this affects information flow.