Firenze Sage: Bill Clinton’s take on mass murder… [Nigeria & inequaliaty between rich and poor]


A week ago, Former U.S. President Bill Clinton ascribed the recent jihad violence in Nigeria to poverty.

Referring obliquely to the attacks that the jihadist group Boko Haram (Western education is Sin) carried out, Clinton connected the recent violence in Nigaria to the large disparity between the rich and the poor.

Clinton opined, “You can’t just have this level of inequality persist. That’s what’s fueling all this stuff.”

Then, four days later, the son of one of Nigeria’s richest men was sentenced to life in prison for an attempt to commit jihad mass murder in a jetliner.

I know Clinton gets 50 to 100 thousand for speeches, but that doesn’t change Bin Laden and most leading Jihadists into paupers.


Firenze Sage: If you care about children, you MUST read this… [writings by teachers posted on the ‘chicken nuggets’ North Carolina school]

Clearly a merit system for teachers is needed. Look at the poor quality of teachers’ writings. These teachers are all from the ‘chicken nugget’ school in North Carolina where home made lunches were sent home as not OK and chicken nuggets substituted from the school cafeteria.

Merit pay for teachers

“I am the oldest child of David and Kathryn Anderson, whom where both educators, too.”

“I am a certified, Highly Qualified teacher.”

“I will be your son or daughter teacher this year .”

“Dear Parents My name is Janet Stewart Sallie. I’m a native North Carolinia, graduated from a Cumberland County High School…”

“This is why I REQUIRE each of my students to read for AT LEAST 30 minutes each night. I will hold them accountable for this time expected. Their futures depend of their abilities to read and write on grade level. Please help me lead them on the right path to a successful future.”

These are actual excerpts from teachers’ biographies. These teachers are from the school where 2 students had their lunches removed in order to force chicken nuggets on them.

It is easier to grab a kid’s lunch than to learn to write an English sentence. We need a merit system for teachers now!!



Aptos Psychologist: What public, parents and press can do when meat on whole wheat homemade sandwitch is rejected & child given school chicken nuggets in North Carolina

910 875 4835
910 875 4835
910 875 4106 x223
910 875 4106 x223
helping hand up
Families need a helping hand up & food & school choice — not forced federal government handouts.

Families deemed ‘at risk'[of what?] may need a helping hand up. ‘At risk’ families do not need government hand outs.

A family which sends their child to school with a home made meat on whole wheat is not placing the child at risk of poor nuitrition. In Hoke County, three school administrators to ask are: Ms. Carpenter [child nutrition], Ms. Steward [federal programs] and Ms. Mitchell [Pre-K]. Google the home page for North Carolina Hoke County School District for details. Dr. Freddie Wiliamson 910 875 4106 x 225 is the school superintendent.

How many Pre-K or older elementary school children must eat cafeteria food as their home packed lunches are not OK per North Carolina schools?

Below are ways how to identify the number of North Carolina Hoke County School District children whose homemade lunches were deemed not OK — as not meet federal food guidelines — and were replaced with chicken nuggets from school cafeteria.

If parents were given a choice
between the large Hoke public elementary schools ( typical size is 450 to 640 students) versus a small private school — what size school would parents choose?

Is it 2 or hundreds of school children coerced into eating school food because North Carolina Hoke County public schools say their home packed lunch is not OK? Here’s ways to find out:

One way is to follow the money:
The Hoke County School District Pre-K program is funded by Smart Start, More at 4 and Title One monies.
To enroll in Pre-K, children must be age 4 by Aug. 1. So, find out from the budget how much federal monies comes in for Smart Start, More at 4 and Title One.

Another way is to follow the children deemed “at risk”.
The Pre-K Hoke County program is for children “at risk … ” and the program provides ‘family support [control?] of health, nutrition, developmental screenings and placement for special needs…”

So, identify all the Pre-K classes at the 8 Hoke County elementary schools. West Hoke has 3 Pre-K teachers. So how many Pre-K teachers for the Hoke County School District? As there are six elementary school and three Teachers of Pre-K at one there may be 18 Pre-K Teachers in total. Why not ask the person in charge of Pre-K, Ms. Mitchell:

A third way is to contact the Hoke County Schools administrators for Pre-K programs:
Ask specific questions. Here’s who & how to contact:

Stacy Stewart is Hoke’s Executive Director of Federal Projects and School Improvements:
910 875-2416 x 2231.
Ask Ms. Stewart to supply numbers for the last 3 years concerning all Federal Projects.

Elizabeth Mitchell is their Director of Indian Education & Pre-K
910 875-4835
Ask Ms. Mitchell for the total number of Pre-K students for this year and last two years.

Deborah Davis Carpenter is the Executive Director of Nutrition
910 875 4106 x 223

Ask Ms. Carpenter for the numbers of children receiving a school lunch for last three years.
And ask how the Teachers are trained to inspect the Pre-K’s lunches.

A fourth way could be — but not easy — to contact the parents via meetings between parents and the school. The most recent data listed on the West Hoke home page is 2+ years out of date. Per the Home page for West Hoke Elementary, there is no Parent-Teacher association or regular meetings between the parents and the staff at the schools. So, no “power mechanism” exists so that parents can speak up for their children.

A fifth way to find out about forced feeding of chicken nuggets in place of home packed lunches is to ask the school clerical staff. Some clerk — not a Teacher — is the gate keeper for the school lunches. He or she counts the children and reports the information to the school. That way the school can get money from the federal government.

So, first find out the school daily schedule. All schools run on a schedule. Pre-K children eat lunch at a certain time. What time do the Pre-K children eat lunch?

If the lunch of a Pre-K child is deemed not nutritional then the child will be sent or taken to the school cafeteria. And an employee clerk (not a Teacher) will keep track of who gets the school cafeteria lunch. The school clerical staff must keep track so that the school receives money.

You can contact the Superintendent’s office:

There are 24 head-type administrators listed under the Superintendent of Schools.

Of note, there is no administrator listed for the clerical (non-Teacher) workers. Compare the top heavy administration of public schools in North Carolina with those of private schools.

Stated above and worth listing again, the following Administrators are responsible for the Hoke County Schools Pre-K, Federal Projects and Nutrition Programs. And, if they won’t answer their phone go to their boss and to the School Board.

Stacy Stewart is Executive Director of Federal Projects and School Improvements 910 875-2416 x 2231.
Elizabeth Mitchell is Director of Indian Education & Pre-K 910 875-4835
Deborah Davis Carpenter is Executive Director of Nutrition 910 875 4106 x 223

Families can use a hand up — not a hand out. Forced hand outs from the federal government weakens the fabric of families.


The Hoke County School District spends $7,914 per pupil a year.

How many Hoke County parents– given a choice — would opt for a private school if they could take the almost $8,000 to another school?

To a smaller school? To a smaller school that fits their child’s particular needs? Where the family can send turkey and cheese sandwiches for a home made lunch?

And then, perhaps, there would not be a ‘need’ for 24 highly paid Hoke County School District administrators. Roughly only 61% (about 2/3rds) of the Hoke budget goes to instruction and the rest to ‘Support’ or ‘Other’.

That might be a win-win for American tax payers and the families of Hoke County.

And let’s request the School Board and Superintendent of Schools for Hoke County School District to create ways that Parents meet at least quarterly with Teachers, Clerical Staff and Administrators concerning parent issues and concerns?

Let’s encourage the schools to find out what families have to say about home packed lunches and other issues.


Firenze Sage: Roach coach disabled [food police win in CA]

food police in CA win

Food police in CA win.  Assemblyman Bill Monning, D-Carmel,  introduced legislation to restrict mobile food vending near school campuses. [This bill  id now law.]

The bill prohibits food and beverage vending within 1,500 feet of elementary and secondary school campuses from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on any days schools are in session. It also requires local health agencies to notify mobile food vendors of this restriction.

“The mobile vending of unhealthful snacks like ice cream, chips and sugar-sweetened beverages near school campuses undermines efforts to provide students with the nutrition they need,” Monning said. “At a time when childhood obesity is at epidemic levels, we must ensure that our school environments foster student wellness.”

According to Monning, mobile vending near school campuses creates incentive for students to leave school grounds, which increases their exposure to off-campus hazards such as heavily trafficked streets.

This is bogus on many grounds. Kids leave school at lunchtime anyway. The roach coach is at the curb which is closer than the store down the street. The union workers at the school cafeteria benefit while the non union workers are expelled from business.

1500 feet from any school will encompass most of many cities. And, finally, who appointed Monning as Chief cook? Legislative obesity is a problem so let’s regulate their food.



Aptos Psychologist: How to find out which Teacher(s) told parents that home made lunches are not OK per federal food guidelines & sent 4 year olds to cafeterria for chicken nuggets …

Kristin Ross
Kristin Ross 910 709 1211

One child’s homemade lunch rejected by a Teacher & replaced with chicken nuggets from the school cafeteria may be “a misunderstanding” as West Hoke Elementary School (WHES) officials opine.

But, when this happens to the parents of two children from the same school — and the same Teacher appears involved — then it begins to look like a pattern.

Here’s how the press and public can find out who how many Teachers are involved:

The following information is from the home page for West Hoke Elementary School (WHES), North Carolina:

There are roughly 25+ Teachers at West Hoke Elementary School
Address: 6050 Turnpike Road, Redford N.C, 28576 910 875-2584

There are three (3) Site Administrators for West Hoke Elementary School. See name, picture and telephone above for one of the Site Administrators.

Kristin Anderson Ross teaches First Grade and is also a Site Administrator.

The other two Site Administrators — the Principal and Vice Principal — do not list contact information. That’s odd. Why no contact information for 2 of 3 Site Administrators?

The Press might contact the North Carolina administrators for the elementary schools. Probably someone called West Hoke and told the school to remove contact information for the Principal and Vice Principal. But, if someone did so they did not think — or check — how many Site Administrators the school has.

All the 25+ Teachers — except one — list some information about their background, education, interests and how to contact them. Each Teacher has a personal greeting and talks a little about themselves. Again, it’s odd that there is one and only one Teacher — a Pre-K Teacher — for whom there is no information.

There are three Pre-K Teachers per the home page for the school:

Kerry Locklear — a Pre-K teacher — is the only teacher for whom there is no information listed on the home page for West Hoke Elementary. That’s odd.

Was Ms. Locklear’s information up and then pulled by the school authorities? It’s a possibility. News reports said that school authorities were not answering phone calls. Perhaps school officials have been busy tidying up?

Shanarra Wacker is another Pre-K Teacher at West Hoke Elementary. Take a close look at what Shanarra Wacker writes to parents: Shanarra Wacker writes, “I will be your son or daughter teacher this year. This is my second year teaching Pre-k at WHES…

Whoops! Note Shanarra Wacker’s grammatical errors?
Ms. Wacker is a relatively new teacher, i.e., this is her second year, at West Hoke Elementary School.

The third Teacher listed as a Pre-K Teacher at West Hoke Elementary is Margaret Maynor who has an assistant teacher, Bonita Thomas. Concerning her background, Mrs. Maynor writes that she worked for Head Start for 18 years and has worked at the elementary school since Sept. 2007. Mrs. Maynor is married to Rev. Jack Maynor, has three children and three grandchildren. Mrs. Maynor probably has made many, many home made lunches. But what about Bonita Thomas, her assistant. Perhaps Ms. Thomas inspected the lunches?

So who to ask? Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Beason has worked at West Hoke 19 years. She has 3 children and 6 grandchildren. More than likely she has made many home made lunches. She is a good contact person as Mrs. Beason probably knows what goes on with the Pre-K teachers. Those Pre-K children will soon go to her room.

Jackie Samuels is the Principal, room 405 and teaches grades 3 and 4.

Principal Samuels

There is no contact information listed how to reach Principal Jackie Samuels via the Internet.

Audrey Noble is the Assistant Principal.

Vice Principal
Vice Principal Noble

All Audrey Noble says on the home page is, “Go Dolphins!” Similar to the Principal, there is contact telephone for the Assistant Principal, Ms. Noble.

One person to contact is Site Administrator and First Grade Teacher Kristin Anderson Ross. Teacher Ross has 12 years experience at the school. Room 205. Her cell phone is 910 709 1211.

Beside phone, teachers and site administrators can be contacted by e-mail. Listed below is one email and it’s easy to figure out how to contact any of the Teachers or Site Administrators:

One Teacher’s e-mail address and other information that is listed: (910) 875 2584 and mobile 910 797 7081. She writes that she is the proud daughter of a service veteran.

OK, press, do your job: inform and educate the public.

Is there a pattern of rejecting home made lunches by this school or just by one particular teacher? Does the school get more money from the federal government if more children are counted as getting a school lunch? What’s in it for who?

Perhaps it’s best to ask more parents who have or had children in the three Pre-K classes at West Hoke Elementary School, North Carolina.

So which Teacher or Teachers at West Hoke Elementary told children that their home made lunch was not OK and sent the children to the cafeteria for chicken nuggets instead?

The 2011-2012 Pre-K Teachers at West Hoke Elementary School in North Carolina are Kerry Locklear (the only Teacher for whom there is no public information listed), Shanarra Wackker (who cannot write correct English), and Margaret Maynor (wife of a Reverend, 18 years experience with Head Start and who has an Assistant Teacher, Bonita Thomas).

So, press and public. Figure it out.

Check out the home page for West Hoke Elementary School, North Carolina.

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Firenze Sage: The food police have come for your salami and cheese [another mother, same school]

home made lunch

Another mother with another 4 year old from the same elementary school in North Carolina came forward with a similar story about public schools rejecting home made lunches. The same teacher is involved.

In the story making headlines last week, North Carolina school officials said it was a misunderstanding when a preschooler’s homemade lunch was sent home for not meeting nutritional standards.

In late January, 2012 Diane Zambrano sent her daughter to school with a salami and cheese sandwich on a wheat bun with apple juice. Her 4-year-old daughter, Jazlyn, is in the same West Hoke Elementary School class as the little girl who made national news last week. That child was sent to school with a home made turkey and cheese sandwich.

When Zambrano picked daughter Jazlyn up from she was told by Jazlyn’s teacher that the homemade lunch did not meet the necessary guidelines. Jazlyn was sent to the cafeteria.

The lunch Zambrano’s daughter got in the cafeteria? Chicken nuggets, a sweet potato, bread and milk. “She never eats breakfast or lunch at the school,” said her mother.

We won’t force dope addicts, but 4 year olds are forced into rehab.


Firenze Sage: The U.S. attorney [Jerry Albert] in a coverup … [Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals]

cover up
cover up

When a federal appeals court issued a ruling describing a prosecutor’s misconduct that forced a halt to a drug-trafficking trial in Tucson, the U.S. attorney’s response was to ask the court to erase the prosecutor’s name from the published decision.

Bad move. After republishing the name of the errant prosecutor, Jerry Albert, the court pointed a finger at the U.S. attorney’s office and said it was time to start taking responsibility for the misdeeds of its employees.

“When a prosecutor steps over the boundaries of proper conduct and into unethical territory, the government has a duty to own up to it and to give assurances that it will not happen again,” the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said Tuesday.

And, concerning all of the U.S. attorney’s legal filings, the court said, “we cannot find a single hint of appreciation of the seriousness of the misconduct. … Instead, the government attempts to shift blame” to the defense lawyer in the case.

Will anyone be fired or disciplined in any way for hiding the ball?


FirenzeSage: How about a peanut butter and pot sandwitch? [TSA]

pot and peanut butter

A 47-year-old Vacaville, CA man learned Sunday that a jar of Skippy peanut butter is no match for TSA airport security X-ray machine.

The passenger was hoping to leave Oakland International Airport on a Delta Airlines flight to Los Angeles, but he missed his flight. Transportation Security Administration officers found marijuana concealed in a peanut butter jar in his carry-on bag, officials said.

“Drugs aren’t something we’re looking for,” said TSA spokesman Nico Melendez. “The concern here is that peanut butter is prohibited anyway because of the liquid ban. And when we see something in the X-ray hidden in a jar, we need to find out what it is.”

In this case, it was a small amount of pot, though Melendez did not know the exact weight.

Witnesses said the passenger told authorities he had hidden the marijuana because he didn’t have a medical marijuana card, Melendez said.


In the world of TSA, peanut butter is a liquid.


Trojan Horse of Obama-Care: Individual Mandate cost not a fine or tax but ‘something else’ government will pay for?

individual mandate penalties
flying carrot machine

Is it a bird? A plane? Or is it a flying, carrot dispensing machine?

free carrots
Obama's freebie carrots

Obama-Care’s individual mandate penalties –what you pay if you don’t buy government approved health coverage— are best described as a flying, freebie carrot dispensing machine. With pilot Obama at the controls.

Obama will turn the individual mandate penalties into carrots which he dispenses free to all whom Obama decides cannot afford.

So, remember the motto of the Scouts: Be Prepared! How? Know the history and know what Obama’s next step is likely to be.

History: Is it a fine?
At first, the Obama administration defended the Obama-Care individual mandate as a “fine”. This argument is weak as the Supreme Court could reject this expansion of the Commerce Clause as without precedent and limitless. If not to act is an act ,what other acts can government demand? That is not a path the Supreme Court is likely to go.

Is it a tax?
Currently Obama’s lawyers, now before the Supreme Court, defend the individual mandate as a “tax”. And much as people moan about taxes they are commonly viewed an inevitable as death.

But remember Obama’s campaign promise: no increase of taxes for the middle class making less than $250,000. So, Obama needs to call the individual mandate something else.

So Obama will frame the individual mandate as neither fish nor fowl – neither fine nor tax. Then Obama will mandate it as something given free to all whom he deems cannot afford it.

All good things are free according to Obama. Hence, the cost of Obama-Care must be free to those who Obama thinks can ill afford it: youth, those receiving unemployment benefits, Food Stamp recipients, those who pay no federal taxes.

Can’t you hear Obama’s speech:

it's only fair

I, President Obama, mandate that the initial cost for health care is free to all who cannot afford it. This is only fair.

If you are a youth 18-25 and never had a job? It’s free….

If you lost your job and have not yet found another one? It’s free.

And for those who are on Food Stamps and can show that they are looking for a job? It’s free.

And if you already do not pay federal income tax, you should not be further burdened.

This is only fair …. [according to Obama]

How many times does the word ‘fair’ appear in The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution?

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Firenze Sage: Don’t sell your skis just yet … [Sierra snow 130 years]

snow 130 yrs
Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada has remained consistent for 130 years, with no evidence that anything has changed as a result of climate change, according to a study released Tuesday.

The analysis of snowfall data in the Sierra going back to 1878 found no more or less snow overall – a result that, on the surface, appears to contradict aspects of recent climate change models.

John Christy, the Alabama state climatologist who authored the study that said the amount of snow in the mountains has not decreased in the past 50 years, a period when greenhouse gases were supposed to have increased the effects of global warming.

The heaping piles of snow that fell in the Sierra last winter and the paltry amounts this year fall within the realm of normal weather variability, he concluded.

“The dramatic claims about snow disappearing in the Sierra just are not verified,” said Christy.


Obviously a pawn of the oil companies or the rope tow companies or the mitten monopoly.
