Janis Joplin freedom's just
A North Carolina mother is upset because her preschooler’s homemade turkey sandwich was deemed unhealthy by school officials. Her daughter ate three chicken nuggets instead. Huh?
Turns out the little girl attends a state school and her turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the Carolina Journal.
Even lunches brought from home must meet this requirement and if they don’t, the childcare provider must give the student additional food.
In the case of this little girl, her packed lunch was supplemented with the school lunch that included chicken nuggets—and she ended up eating only three chicken nuggets that day. What’s more, the preschooler returned home with a note telling her parents that they owed $1.25 to pay for school lunch.
You see the progression here? No trans fat(whatever that is), no sugar, no meat, and no non organic. And a spy at every other table to snatch the goodies away.
written by Aptos Psychologist It’s time to confront President Obama’s illegal acts. And we can!
Remember that adage? ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’? Obama transmogrifies it into,
‘A Chicken McNugget a day keeps the the school food police away’.
Citing ‘nutritional concerns,’ South Carolina school authorities replaced a child’s homemade turkey and cheese sandwich with fried Chicken McNuggets from the school cafeteria.
But what’s in Chicken McNuggets? What percent protein? How much additives? Nobody knows.
Checking McDonald’s web site, there is no information listed as to percent of protein in a Chicken McNuggets. Further, there’s zip info as to percent of added water, sodium phosphates, sugar, wheat and other added ingredients.
So, you got to eat it — but you can’t know what’s in it that you are eating. Is that Obama-Care sense? Yes. There are no U.S. standards as to percent protein in a Chicken McNugget or how much X, Y or Z can be added.
As to other countries: Canada requires that the equivalent of a chicken McNuggets have no less than 12% meat protein when cooked. And, no more than .5% phosphate salts can be added to a Canadian McNuggets
With Obama’s new food standards for schools in place, children are required to eat food such as McNuggets which are of unknown, questionable nutritional value.
Looking at Obama’s actions and not his words, Obama’s motto can be phrased,
‘An illegal act a day keeps the ….. Republicans … Conservatives … Public at bay’.
Obama’s illegal acts include:
On Jan. 4, 2012, without the advise and consent of Congress (congress was in session), President Obama made 4 appointments. Those four appointments by Obama were illegal acts.
In violation of current law — the Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1993 — and the Bill of Rights, this last week Obama mandated that religious organizations provide contraceptives without regard to their religious beliefs and practices. Then Obama amended the mandate to require that private insurance companies provide contraceptives for free. Which means that the religious organizations must pay higher premiums.
One hundred years ago, the Girl Scouts of America was founded. And there will be much celebration of this organization rated 8th out of 100+ non-profit organizations. be prepared!
Both the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts have the same motto:
Be prepared! And so must all Americans.
Be prepared. Expect that President Obama will commit more illegal acts.
And we must take appropriate, legal actions. One illegal act after another erodes our liberties and freedoms. The Democrat controlled Senate has not passed a budget in three years. That means that the Senate has not done its job.
So, write your congress and complain. Nag them!
Back to An Apple a Day that Keeps the Doctor Away:
Doctors need to be paid appropriately. And our MD doctors are lowly paid by the federal government.
In our area –Santa Cruz County and Monterey County, California — Democrat Sam Farr has failed for 20 years to get appropriate payment for “rural” doctors.
Yet Santa Cruz as a City is rated as one of the most attractive in the nation as artistic and beautiful. Which it is. And Sam Farr for the last three years fully supports Obama-Care. It’s time that California voters in Sana Cruz and Monterey look for better representation. And who might that be?
And what say you? Written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
Below is a listing of the contents for Chicken McNuggetts: Chicken, water, salt, sodium phosphates. Battered and breaded with bleached wheat flour, water, wheat flour, modified food starch, salt, spices, wheat gluten, paprika, dextrose (sugar), yeast, garlic powder, rosemary, partially hydrogenated soybean oil and cottonseed oil with mono- and diglycerides, leavening (sodium acid pyrophosphate, baking soda, ammonium bicarbonate, monocalcium phosphate), natural flavor (plant source) with extractives of paprika. Fried in vegetable oil (Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness). Dimethylpolysiloxane, a silicone derivative[4] is added as an antifoaming agent.[5] McDonald’s ingredients can vary outside of the United States.
bilcans at bay
And on the Seventh Day after resting a while, God heard Barack Obama talking from afar to his foot soldiers in the Trojan Horse:All must comply
Come forth! All must comply! Go faithful soldiers at night to all hospitals, charities and faiths. Enforce what my servant HHS Sebelius says …
Isaiah 40:31 Wings like eagles
And God told Obama, Come hither, Barack O, and speak to to Me of your new Rule while I rest on the Seventh Day.
Remember, Barack O, the words I spoke to Man: Go forth and multiply.
Do not bend My Words to your desires, Barack O. Now, what is this new Rule you’ve imposed?
And Barack O said, Lord, This is my new Obama-Care Rule:
All things good are free. And all Technology is free which prevents Woman from bearing Child as pregnancy might threaten Woman’s life. And, all Women have a Right to say ‘no children’ and still enjoy the pleasure of husband, lover, friend or acquaintance.
And now, Lord, I go to write this Law for your people to follow.
Adam, hiding behind the Tree of Life,Bibical Tree of LIfe
overheard the conversation between God and Barack O. With fear and trembling after Barack O left, Adam approached God and said: Oh Lord, you have given me Woman and I am no longer alone. But what if Woman does not wants Child — and I do? How can I protect Child? And what if Child is not of my seed as I have not touched Woman?
And God said, Adam as first Man, I gave you freedom to choose. As a guide you have Joseph who protected Mary with child when he had not yet touched her. And Man said, Yes Lord, I will protect if there is a growing child to protect.
But Lord, is it fair that Woman has a Right to say ‘no Child’ and pay zero for the Technology which prevents or kills Child in her womb — and I do not have similar Rights? Barack O’s new Rule gives all power to Woman and leaves Man and Child with no power.
And Adam continued: Lord, Barack O’s new Rule injures Man and all Men. As all Men are injured we seek protection. To what authority or what court can Man go to oppose Barack O’s new Mandate? Lord, can we sue for standing?
And God replied to Man, I will think on these things. And I will think about Child’s Rights and Man’s Rights. Woman’s Rights must not overcome the Rights of Man or Child.
There must be some balancing of powers, said God. If Man is akin to the executive. And if Woman with her husband oversees the Purse of Money …. Mmmmm. And Child does need some protections… And God said, I will consult my legal scholar sons, Scalia and Roberts.
And God said, Perhaps Man, if you are injured by Barack O’s new Rule, you can go to a Court of Law and sue for standing. Sue for standing as injured party
And Adam said, Oh Lord, please read Wealth of Nations written by my brother Adam Smith. And, just as you have given Man free choice to love and obey you, think about the use of Free Markets to freely regulate the cost of Technology that prevents or kills what is in Woman’s womb.
Adam continued, It’s better that both Man and Woman have free choice about whether to use and what kind of Technology to use. It’s not good that Woman has whatever served up free on a platter.
Then Adam continued, There are these plastic things Man can use. Condoms prevent disease
They prevent sexually transmitted disease and AIDS. Lord, let the Free Markets decide the cost of contraceptive Technology for both Man and Woman.
And Lord, your son Barack O has already made many, many Rules that take away your people’s freedom to choose.
Oh, Lord God, What is called Obama-Care creates 159 new govt agencies and is indeed a labyrinth designed to control people. See what it looks like: Obama-Care complexity
Oh, Lord, Barack O passed a Rule called the Individual Mandate that all adults must go to a certain place called an Exchange. And all must register. And all must buy a product just because they are alive.
And if they do not buy this product, called health insurance, they must pay a fine. The fine is fairly small, and many people will choose to pay the fine rather than buy the product. But over time there will be no free markets managing the price of this product.
Your son Barack O seeks to enslave your people. He wants your people dependent upon him for their rights.
Instead of the rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness coming coming from You, Lord to Man, Woman and Child, Barack O wants all rights to come from him as ruler. And over time your people will become more and more dependent upon Obama and rulers like him.
Lord, what are we to do? Can’t You just unleash Your Justice? and let Justice roll down from the Hills?
And Lord, I thought you rested on the Seventh Day. Are you sure that Rule about free Technology for Woman makes sense?
And God say to Adam: You are an argumentative son! Six days I have labored and I was resting before I called Barack O before me to hear about his new Rule to give Woman free Technology. Had I rested more …
That Barack O Rule is a mistake! I will send a Messenger
to tell Barack O I do not want him to impose that Rule forcing companies to provide a product for free.
Nothing is free except that which is given freely. Perhaps Hermes, who the Greeks called the god of thieves, can knock some sense into Barack’s hard head!
As for the other Rules Barack O has passed, my people must wisely use the freedoms they have. They can and must petition their government petition redress Obama-Care grievances
for redress of grievances. They have many tools to defend their freedoms. Use those tools wisely.
And I will listen to my people, to those who wait on the Lord. I will give them strength.
They who wait on the Lord shall rise up with the wings of eagles and run and not be faint.
Read again from my prophet Isaiah. He promised what I continue to do. [Isaiah 40:31]
And, Man, be careful. Barack O is a willful son who often follows his own path.
Now go, that I may rest for the remainder of the Seventh Day.
And Man did as God bid.
copyright 2012 by Cameron Jackson
An update on the Adam and Eve Story of Creation
slay the Trojan Horse of Obama-Care 1) Tie the Trojan Horse down. That is what the various law suits are all about. And the Supreme Court – of which several members are Catholic – will weigh in.
If via the Commerce Clause the Obama government can require individuals to purchase something just because the person is alive — where is the stopping point? If you can be required to buy one thing what else will be required?
2) Watch the Trojan Beast day and night, all the time. Remember what Nancy Pelosi said, that we must pass Obama-Care “to know what is inside”. Well, we know what’s inside Obama-Care and 2 or 3 Americans do not want what is there.
David slew Goliath
3) Like David did to Goliath, take aim with your slingshot and with one stone aim accurately and hit the Trojan Beast in the forehead. And hit hard. D That ‘rock’ is your personal fury at a Beast — the Executive branch of our federal government — telling you what you have to buy just because you are alive.
4) Thousands of ‘rocks’ that strike where Goliath or the Trojan Horse is most vulnerable can slay it. Citizens who contact their congress persons time and time again (even if those congress persons appear lame, seem deaf and act dumb), who FAX, who e-mail and who phone. And it will take money, time, diligence and care in how we interact with those we disagree. We are not going to back down — and we can listen as we disagree.
5) With your kids and liberal/progressive friends play a ‘friendly’ game of Obama-Care Beast. It’s a cool game that you make up as you go along. Will you slay the Obama-Care Beast or will it slay you?
To play Obama-Care Beast, you probably have most of the materials already: 2 dice, a pack of cards, a package of small ‘stickies’ of various colors, two pads of paper with strong cardboard, various plastic caps from milk cartoons and some small figures or animals. Each player picks a animal or figure to represent the person.
Another post outlines how to play Obama-Care Beast – Slay or be Slayed. This post may be updated with specific directions how to play the game. To give you the general idea:
Think of a basic board game — a square of cardboard. Just use the cardboard from the backs of two 9 by 12 pads of paper. You must choose your persona: adult, child, man/boy or woman/girl, Akin to Monopoly, if you land on certain spots bad things happen to you — i.e., you did not buy Obama-Care so pay the fine, you are too old for a pacemaker so accept pain medication instead, your medical condition is very expensive and, as you are not employed, you have to wait at the end of the line for medical treatment.
Questions? There’s more to come on the ‘rules’of the game: Slay or be Slayed by Obama-Care. Contact DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
Protesters at Friday’s “Occupy CPAC†event, organized by AFL-CIO and the Occupy DC movement, told The Daily Caller that they were paid “sixty bucks a head†to protest outside the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.
One protester told The Daily Caller that all the “Occupy†activists were being paid to protest, and that his union, Sheet Metal Workers Local 100, approached him about the money-making opportunity.
“I have nothing nice to say about Local 100. … They just told me ‘you wanna make sixty bucks? So c’mon,’†the protester said.
Other “Occupy CPAC†protesters were unwilling to speak on camera because they were unaware what they were protesting and what the CPAC event was about.
Leave footballs and Frisbees at home this summer — or face huge fines — says Los Angeles County officials Three infractions can result in fines of $500. Be sure to check out their 37 page ordinance.
The Board of Supervisors this week agreed to raise fines for anyone who throws a football or a Frisbee on any beach in Los Angeles County.
In passing the 37-page ordinance on Tuesday, officials sought to outline responsibilities for law enforcement and other public agencies while also providing clarification on beach-goer activities that could potentially disrupt or even injure the public.
According to Lucy Kim, from the LA County Department of Beaches and Harbors, a first-time offender will have to pay a $100 fine. For a second offense, beach-goers will face a $200 fine. Three or more infractions within one year will result in a $500 fine, Kim said.
The updated rules now prohibit “any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll†any object other than a beach ball or volleyball “upon or over any beach†between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Exceptions allow for ball-throwing in predesignated areas, when a person obtains a permit, or playing water polo “in or over the Pacific Oceanâ€.
I wonder if in the 37 pages of misdemeanors there is a description of how to play polo over the ocean. At least they didn’t prohibit levitation.
JAJ48@aol.com http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/109312
Can whales sue for their legal rights in our courts? Maybe. The animal rights group PETA filed their official complaint against SeaWorld Inc. on Oct. 6, 2011, for allegedly violating the 13th Amendment rights of killer whales, or orcas.
Monday, a federal judge heard the case. The judge did not dismiss the case — instead, he took it under submission. It is not yet known when he will send PETA his decision.
Though SeaWorld has filed a motion to have case dismissed, the hearing Monday addressed the issue of whether or not the orcas even had standing to be heard.
Still, the fact that the case even made it into a courtroom was a victory for PETA, according to the attorney who represents PETA, Jeff Kerr.
“This is the first time a court has ever considered whether the 13th Amendment applies to the [orcas],” Kerr said outside the courtroom Monday.
Beware! You could be Simon Legree for bossing your cat around.
Voters have the power of the pen, the bully horn of blogs, stay in touch smart phones and old trusty land lines. Voters can put up one big howl which Congress will listen to. The 2012 elections will be a time of choice. Choose a President with a known track record for abuse of Executive powers and misleading Congress or choose the best Republican candidate.
An example of President Obama’s abuse of Executive powers: While Congress was in session and without advise or consent of Congress, Obama appointed Richard Conray as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau CFPB). Elizabeth Warren now running for Senate was the presumed to-be head of the Consumer Bureau but could not get Congressional approval. The Consumer Bureau’s budget comes entirely from another entity and Congress has no yea or nay say.
An example of President Obama follows policies that most members of Congress oppose: The KeyStone XL Pipeline had and has bipartisan support. Plans for the Pipeline were examined for three years. Citing not enough time given, Obama refused to sign.
Update to Keystone from WSJ 2-28-2012: “Now, apparently, it’s time to modify the Administration’s union supporters that favored the thousand of jobs that the shovel-ready Keystone would have thrown off — not to mention the many not-so-stupid voters who’ve noticed Mr Obama’s antijob politics. The White House put out a statement… In other words, Mr. Obama is simultaneously opposing and supporting the Keystone XL. The only problem is that he hasn’t had a change of heart on the important part…. Perhaps TransCanada should call Mr. Obama’s bluff. Split the Keystone into two sections, each running a mile or so up to the 49th parallel, and then let State decide on the short interconnection. It isn’t any crazier than the status quo.” from WSJ, Obama’s Keystone Jujitsu
Does President Obama mislead Congress? President Obama’s Attorney General of the United States has mislead Congress concerning what he knew about gun running to Mexico which resulted in the death of one border patrol agent and countless guns used wrongfully. Eric Holder has testified 5-6 times and still has not turned over documents showing what he knew and when. Below, read the Ettinger Report
written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
Don’t Underestimate Congress!
Yoram Ettinger http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=1195, January 13, 2012
“The November, 2012 election to all 435 House seats and 33 Senate seats will determine the capability of the elected, or reelected, President to operate in a system which features the strongest legislature in the world, equal in power to the President, the most authentic representative of the American constituent and a systematic supporter of the Jewish State.
“At this stage, the House Republican majority of 242:192 (one vacancy) seems to be secure.
However, the Senate Democratic majority of 53:47 is increasingly vulnerable with the retirement of 6 Democrats, compared with 2 Republicans; the 23 Democratic contested Senate seats, compared with only 10 Republican seats; and the high vulnerability of 8 Democratic, compared with 2 Republican, Senate seats. In fact, the retirement of Centrist “Blue Dog†Democrats, in both chambers, could reflect their own polling, thus spelling a potential trouble for President Obama’s reelection.
The November 2012 election will determine the House and Senate majorities in Congress, which is co-equal to the White House in shaping domestic, foreign and national security affairs.
It was Congress which terminated the US military involvement in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos (the “Eagleton Amendmentâ€), Angola (the “Clark Amendmentâ€) and Nicaragua (the “Boland Amendmentâ€); forced the USSR/Russia to open its gates to emigration (the “Jackson-Vanick Amendmentâ€); cut foreign aid to Turkey and Chile; restructured the US intelligence community; caused the cancellation of the AWACs sale to Iran and trimmed the sale of Hawk and Sidewinder missiles to Jordan and Saudi Arabia; played a lead role in toppling the White Regime in South Africa; authorized the 1991 and the 2003 wars against Iraq; determined the date of the Somalia evacuation; refrained from ratifying the 1999 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; extended emergency assistance to Israel in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War, in defiance of President Bush and Secretary of State Baker; etc.
US legislators prefer to yield the international arena to the President, and be preoccupied with district, state and national issues, which are critical to their constituents and to their reelection. However, Congress reveals its powerful co-determining muscle in the international arena whenever urged by constituents and when Presidents abuse the Executive power, mislead Congress or follow policies which are opposed by most legislators.
The Congressional clout has grown dramatically since the Vietnam War, Watergate, Iran Gate and globalization. These milestones have enhanced the involvement of most legislators in international issues, have upgraded the oversight capabilities of Congress, have dramatically elevated the quality and quantity of Capitol Hill staffers, and have restrained the presidency.
Congress derives much of its power from the decentralized federal system, the centrality of the constituent, the effective separation of (equal) powers, the total independence of the Legislature, and the elaborate system of checks and balances, which are designed to prevent the tyranny of the Executive and maintain a limited government. Congress – which possesses the “power of the purse,†the jurisdiction of oversight, advice and consent and the “congressional veto†– has the authority to change, suspend, reverse, direct and initiate policies, prevent senior presidential appointments, reject treaties and add and eliminate government departments and agencies.
In contrast to prime ministers and presidents in the parliamentary systems, US presidents are not omnipotent Executives, but one of three equal branches of government. US presidents are very powerful and -unlike the diversified views of the Legislature – they is are a one man Executive. But, the Presidents are not super-legislators, do not determine the legislative agenda, do not crown congressional leaders and committee chairmen and do not set the list of congressional candidates. US Presidents execute policies which are legislated by Congress, whose loyalty to the constituent, the constitution and the legislative process supersedes loyalty to the President and to the political party.
While the President is the Commander-in-Chief, article 1 of the US constitution (reinforced by the 1973 War Powers Act) stipulates that Congress shall have the power to declare War. Congress has the power to initiate, authorize and terminate, while the President executes.
In 1992, I was told by then Majority Leader, George Mitchell: “Didn’t you brief our distinguished Israeli guest that the US is not a monarchy and that Congress is co-equal to the Administration?!†Hopefully, future Israeli leaders will realize that next to a powerful US President, there is an equally-powerful Congress – the most genuine representative of the American People and a bastion of support for enhanced US-Israel cooperation.
Obama-Care a Trojan Horse Everything Obama can do we as voters can do better.
And do so with more honesty, courage and consistency than Obama has shown as President.
Obama has the bully pulpit. And he already is spending Obama-Care billions:
“The Obama administration will announce soon as much as $1 billion in funding to hire, train and deploy health-care workers, part of the White House’s broader “We Can’t Wait†agenda to bolster the economy after President Obama’s jobs bill stalled in Congress.”
Voters likewise can take up the bully pulpit. And, very importantly, join together with other like minded souls.
How voters can use their bully pulpit: First of all, start a blog and join other blogs who oppose Obama-Care. Use either WordPress.com or WordPress.org.And blog religiously — that means regularly.
Make the blog’s title clear that you oppose Obama-Care: No More Obama & repeal Obama-Care is the message. There are political Web Rings which you can join.
Several years ago, the conservative talk show host Rush Linbaugh started a campaign to slow down the crowning of McCain as the Republican candidate. That strategy is still valid for 2012.
As long as there is more than one candidate in the race Obama and his crew cannot focus a negative campaign on just one person. So, do what you can do so Rick Santorum and Ron Perry remain as viable candidates for as long as possible And they are viable, strong candidates. And they just might even win though considerably behind right now as of Feb. 2012.
Second, whatever your political leanings, if you oppose Obama-Care, go register as Republican. That way your vote counts in the primary.
Third, write (after appropriate professional consultation with your doctors)an End of Life Medical Directive stating that: a) you reject and want no part of Obama-Care; b) that you reject Obama-Care’s method of the rationing health care for the elderly; c) that you reject the use of ‘death panels’ making medical decisions for you or your loved ones.
Fourth, put a brief statement up on your blog stating that you oppose Obama-Care in its entirety. Send a copy to your Congresspersons.
Fifth, take a liberal/progressive neighbor out for coffee. And tell them how you as a neighbor feel about Obama-Care. Converse and listen to what they have to say. Get the message out to your neighbors and friends. Send e-mails.
Sixth, if you have not already, join a religious/ spiritual group in your community which has evangelism — the zealous advocacy of a cause — as an integral part of its’ Judeo-Christian mission. It’s easier to spread the word when you join with other who are like minded. And through that group, start a Health Care discussion which includes discussion of books and speakers.
Have you noticed that liberals/ progressives vilify ‘the evangelicals’ as an entity with extreme ideas which are out of keeping with modern values? Newspaper columnists typically talk about ‘the evangelicals’ as if they were one coherent group.
You might find “The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind” an interesting read. It’s available on Amazon.com and elsewhere. Written by Carl Trueman, a conservative theologian, Trueman pokes holes in the notion that there is any coherent evangelical mind. So, Carl Trueman a conservative theologian thinks that the entity does not exist what the progressives and liberals vilify.
In my view, evangelicals are part of many if not most religious groups.
Some newspaper columnists poke fun at Rick Santorum for holding core values which include opposition to homosexual marriage. For those who oppose Obama-Care it’s important that Santorum has core values and that he is willing to state what they are.
Think about where Obama formed his core values: Obama spent twenty some years in Rev. Wright’s congregation wherein the Rev. preached many ‘god damn America’ sermons.
Different from evangelism, the definition per Google of ‘evangelicalism’ is “the missionary, reforming or redeeming spirit evident throughout the history of Christianity in various guises or emphasis”.
Obama seems to lack the core beliefs in the Judeo-Christian principles that under gird America’s basic political documents — the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Voters via blogs can focus on Obama’s core values which are antithetical — opposite to — the core values of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Whereas our political documents look to God as the source of our freedoms, Obama looks to government as the source of people’s freedoms. And what government gives — government can take away. Obama never uses the words “endowed by their Creator” when he talks about basic individual freedoms.
Christian morality is steeped in belief and adherence to the Ten Commandments which include: ‘thou shalt have no other gods before me’ i.e., the worship of God is primary; ‘honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long ‘ i.e., that the children who honor their parents will themselves live to be elderly and frail; ‘thou shalt not bear false witness” i.e., don’t lie and ‘thou shalt not steal thy neighbor’s wife or ox’.
Obama’s behavior as President does not show adherence or belief in these basic Commandments. >
Does Obama honor the elderly and infirm? No. Obama puts no value on the life of a 95 year old grandmother who wants a pace maker. Obama said its better to just give old people pain pills rather than quality health care that is expensive.
Does Obama steal? Obama’s low interest money policies hurt savers and those living on fixed incomes. Who is that? The old. Obama in effect ‘steals’ from the old who saved for their retirement. Obama took [stole?] $500 million from Social Security to fund Obama-Care. That is taking from the elderly.
To summarize: Yes we can repeal the Trojan Horse of Obama-Care.
no automatic union dues
Follow the money that flows from the Big Unions to CA politicians. It’s time that CA voters pass a law that stops automatic removal of union dues by employers who then pay the unions.
Change the law so the unions have to get the union dues directly from members.
That would sever the stream of money that flows into the politicians pocket book via unions. DrCameronJackson@gmail.com
Baptists & bootleggers won’t let kids buy booze in the self checkout line by Katherine Mangu-Ward 1-9-2012
One of the 40,000 new regulations that went into effect on January 1 was a California rule prohibiting the sale of alcohol in self-checkout lines, sponsored by state Rep. Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco). Why? For the children, of course!
Will the ban prevent the kids from getting their Bartles & Jaymes on? Let’s go to the numbers:
The study quoted in Ma’s literature was undertaken in 2009 at UCLA. If you can look past the obsequious photos, the data is interesting. Ma’s money shot is this passage:
…participants were able to override a locked self-checkout machine or purchase alcohol without an employee’s assistance and thus bypass the system 19 times out of 97 attempts (about 20 percent of attempts).
Another study, from San Diego State, found an even lower percentage of young people—of a sample pool more than twice as large — were able to make off with booze in the self-checkout line: 8.4 percent.
Meanwhile, another set of numbers about Rep. Ma— unions love her, it seems, almost as much as they hate automated labor saving technologies!:
By the by, does the name Fiona Ma ring a bell? It should. She’s the source of one of my favorite lines in recent memory from a reason.tv video. Of her effort to crack down on raves in California, she says: “I found out later on that constitutionally you cannot ban a type of music.” Oops.