Firenze Sage: Oh, do go gentle …[Driehaus sues Susan B Anthony List for defamation]

Is criticism of Driehaus as insufficiently pro life by Susan B Anthony List a malicious lie?

When voters in Ohio’s 1st Congressional District threw Democrat Steve Driehaus out of office after only one term, he did not bow out gracefully.

No, he decided to get even. So he did what anyone does in today’s culture. He sued somebody.

Driehaus sued the Susan B. Anthony List a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress, for “loss of livelihood.”

The Susan B. Anthony List said his vote in favor of ObamaCare, which did not include any pro-life protections, amounted to a betrayal of their pro-life principles.

Judge Timothy S. Black of the U.S. district Court, an Obama appointee and former president and director of the Planned Parenthood Association of Cincinnati, is allowing the suit to go forward.
Of course he is. One step forward,two steps backwards.


Aptos Psychologist: More uncertainty as Obama continues Clinton’s low & no doc lending practices

More Uncertainty as Obama Continues Clinton's Low & No Document Mortgage Lending Practices
More uncertainty as Obama continues Clinton's low & no documents mortgage lending practices

Obama supports efforts to sue originators for robo-signing violations. The double whammy: Do what I tell you to do and when you do I will sue you to boot.

What Clinton started Obama continues — government mandate that Fannie and Freddie lend to people with little or no documentation. Hence the housing mess continues.

The Clinton administration required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to low income, minority borrowers. In early 2004 senior management of Fannie and Freddie realized that the only way to meet Clinton political mandates was to massively cut underwriting standards. Which they did.

Per “The Failure of Models that Predict Failure by Rajan, Seru Viz, more than half of the mortgage losses reflected the predictable consequences of low-doc and no-doc lending.

If the under-writing standards at Fannie and Freddie circa 2003 had remained in place, nothing like the magnitude of the sub prime crises would have occurred. Taxpayer losses at Fannie and Freddie alone may exceed $300 BILLION.

Obama has perpetuated the low underwriting standards that gave us the crises. Obama encourages the postponement of foreclosures by lending support to various states’ efforts to sue originators for robo-signing violations.

Now Obama wants to sue the originatiors who fulfilled the politically motivated demands of the goernment-sponsored agencies that drove the morgage crisis.

For more, read The Mortgage Crisis: Some Inside Views in The Wall Street Journal, by Charles W. Calommiris, October 27, 2011.


Firenze Sage: deju vu all over again [small collective Comfort Works complains re OWS paperwork]

Occupy Wall Street (OWS)  small collective complains  about  OWS paperwork to replace drums
Occupy Wall Street (OWS) small collective Comfort Working Group complains about OWS paperwork to replace drums

Occupy Wall Street’s Finance Committee has nearly $500,000 in the bank, and donations continue to pour in — but its reluctance to share the wealth with other protesters is fraying tempers.

Some drummers — incensed they got no money to replace or safeguard their drums after a midnight vandal destroyed their instruments Wednesday — are threatening to splinter off.

“ We need to know how much money we really have and where it’s going,” said a frustrated Bryan Smith, 45, who joined OWS in Lower Manhattan nearly three weeks ago from Los Angeles, where he works in TV production.

Smith is a member of the Comfort Working Group — one of about 30 small collectives that have sprung up within OWS.

“The other day, I took in $2,000. I kept $650 for my group, and gave the rest to Finance. Then I went to them with a request — so many people need things, and they should not be going without basic comfort items — and I was told to fill out paperwork. Paperwork! Are they the government now?” Smith fumed, even as he cajoled the passing crowd for more cash.
Well now we have the 1% of the 1%. Oh joy!!


Firenze Sage: Trick or Treat [impersonating a cop]

Pretend cops...
Pretend cops ...

Police say a New Mexico man pretending to be police officer pulled over a real Albuquerque Police Department detective and is facing charges.

KOB-TV reports ( that Tyree Appleberry was given the citation Wednesday on charges of impersonating a police officer then arrested for an outstanding warrant.

According to police, the 42-year-old turned on his strobe lights on his white Chevy Tahoe in an attempt to stop a driver, who turned out to be an undercover officer.
Anyone with a name like that deserves arrest.


Firenze Sage: Humpty Dumpty [Mr. Biden] strikes again…

"Murder will continue to rise..." says Humpty Dumpty Mr. Biden
"Murder will continue to rise..." says Humpty Dumpty Mr. Biden

Mr. Biden insisted that “Murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise,” without the Obama Jobs bill.

The curious thing about this is that, at least in this country, violent crimes have been steadily decreasing since at least 1991 according to this table provided by the FBI.

With a few exceptions, like 2005-2006, Violent Crime, Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter, and Forcible Rape have gone down just about every year. Since 1991 the violent crime rate has declined from 758.2 per 100,000 population to 403.6 in 2010. The murder and non-negligent manslaughter rate has gone from 9.8 to 4.8, and the forcible rape rate has fallen from 42.3 to 27.5 in the twenty-year period.
When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”


Firenze Sage: New Dracula Killer [wind mill slays endangered bat]

New Dracula Killer
New Dracula Killer

Thirty-five windmills at a western Pennsylvania wind farm have been silenced at night since a bat that belongs to an endangered species was found dead under one of the turbines.

The Tribune-Democrat of Johnstown is reporting the farm shut down the windmills overnight after the Indiana bat was found Sept. 26.
The conundrum: Save the bat or abolish global warming. Vote here: Save Bat ( )
Abolish Global warming ( )


Firenze Sage: Can’t get the [global warming] predictors right…

Prediction of colder weather this winter
Prediction of colder weather this winter...

Weather forecasters don’t know much about this winter yet, but they are sure about one thing: It’ll be colder than usual.

What is still unclear is whether it will be a wet one — like last year — or closer to normal.

Forecasters won’t have a good idea until wind and ocean currents settle in over the next few weeks.

Brought to you by the folks who want to control cars, bulbs, coal, oil and just about everything.

Global warmers are on the loose.

But for now, signs point to a wet November and December, said Mike Pechner, forecaster with Golden West Meteorology. Blame sunspots, which dim certain parts of the sun, leaving parts of the Earth’s atmosphere cooler than others.


Ho Hum, a Black [Republican] candidate leads in the polls …

Herman Cain is a fresh breath of air
Herman Cain is a fresh breath of air
Candidate Herman Cain is a breath of fresh air. Cain likes America. He believes in American exceptional ism. He grew up in America. He met a pay roll and turned around a couple corporations.

Unlike Gov. Perry and Gov. Romney, Cain has never thrown millions of taxpayer dollars down the drain of “green jobs”. And Cain does not appear to have much baggage — no 20 plus years like Obama who sat in a church listening to racist sermons by Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Think of the different kind of Hope and Change that Cain offers: Anyone can hope to achieve to the highest office without having served on a school board or other elected office. And what a change that might be. Herman Cain would be in the league of George Washington, who also never served on a school board, never served as as mayor nor as governor.

That also might be Cain’s Achilles heel: will enough Americans vote for President someone who has never served in an elected office? I don’t know.

Considering how gracelessly Obama has served as President perhaps lack of experience as an elected official may not be so bad.

From The Best of the Web by James Taranto

Ho Hum, a Black Candidate Though Herman Cain’s race does agitate some on the left.

Reader Jeryl Bier, who passed along the piece from, took offense at the headline: “Cain’s Race Not as Big an Issue With Conservatives as Obama’s Was Three Years Ago.” Writes Bier: “There is absolutely nothing in the article that supports the headline. Where is the evidence that Obama’s race was an issue with conservatives three years ago? On the contrary, his supporters are much more vocal about Obama’s race than his detractors are.”

True–so true, in fact, that it looks to us as though the headline writer was sloppy rather than tendentious. The comparison is between conservatives’ reaction to Cain today and liberals’ reaction to Obama then, or, to put it another way, between Cain’s and Obama’s appeal to the respective party bases.

As reporter Shannon Travis notes: “Many conservatives decry the focus on a candidate’s race as an obsession for liberals.” Travis cites an example from a rival network that shows why conservatives are right on this point: “Recently, in an interview with MSNBC, host Lawrence O’Donnell pressed Cain: Why didn’t he participate in the civil rights movement?” This actually doesn’t quite do the exchange justice: O’Donnell, a person of pallor, berates Cain for being insufficiently committed to civil rights half a century ago.

“There’s a second reason that some conservatives, particularly tea partiers, largely ignore Cain’s race,” Travis notes: “it drives a stake through claims that the movement harbors racists.” This seems to us a reversal of cause and effect. Conservatives and Tea Partiers ignore Cain’s race not because they have something to prove but because they didn’t care much about race to begin with.

Cain has, as Travis notes, “waded into the ‘who’s more black’ controversy–him or Obama,” telling radio host Neal Boortz: that Obama has “never been part of the black experience in America. I can talk about that. I can talk about what it really meant to be ‘po’ before I was poor.” Conservative talkers Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh have puckishly picked up on the theme that, in Limbaugh’s words, “Herman Cain could be our first authentically black president.”

“These barbs from frequent Obama flame-throwers are surely meant as an intentional diss,” Travis observes, going out on a limb. “By any reasonable measure, the president holds the title of being the first African-American to occupy the White House.” True enough, although it’s worth noting–as we did last year–that whether Obama was “black enough” was a subject of intense controversy within the black community in the early stages of his campaign.

There’s one additional reason Cain’s race isn’t as a big a deal as Obama’s was: The question of whether a black man could be elected president has now been settled. When John F. Kennedy became the first Catholic president, it was a big deal. When John Kerry was a contender to become the second, hardly anyone noticed. We were much more interested in the possibility of electing the first haughty, French-looking president who by the way served in Vietnam. And if you even know that Joe Biden is the first Catholic vice president, you are a trivia champion.

If Cain’s race is a bigger deal than Kerry’s or Biden’s Catholicism, it is only because a black Republican is still unusual. That explains why liberal Democrats like O’Donnell are so agitated about Cain’s political rise. By disproving the claim that Republicans are racist, it threatens to dissolve the glue that binds blacks to the Democratic Party.

The Washington Examiner reports that Ed Schultz, host of MSNBC’s “The Mr. Ed Show,” has claimed that Cain “is appealing to white racists in order to win the Republican primary”:

“You think about white Republicans who don’t like black folks,” Schultz explained. “It’s almost as if this guy is trying to warm up to them and tell them what they want to hear.”

These white Republicans are so racist that they’re willing to elect a black man president just to keep black people down. The absurdity of that formulation underscores the left’s desperation to keep the idea of racism alive.


Aptos psychologist: Buffett & Obama have it wrong…tax relief needed for job creation

Tax relief for 300,000 small business owners
Tax relief for 300,000 small business owners

Buffett changes his tune. Buffett now argues that because “the favored 400” highest income Americans only paid a 21.4% tax rate therefore everyone making over ONE million should pay higher taxes. Buffett wants what happens to 400 to apply to 391,000 persons.

The economy’s main job creators are precisely those that earned more than $1 million. Of the 391,000 taxpayers who reported income exceeding $1 million more than 300,000 (roughly 74%) of them met the Treasury Department’s definition of business owners.

What can the government do?

Get out of the way. Reduce regulations.Put all regulations by the EPA since 2008 on hold until the government can prove that the cost is worth the benefit. And let interest rates flucuate. Cheap money causes everyone to sit on cash. There is no “skin” for banks to loan to other banks or to small businesses.

America needs a reversal form the policies of Obama and Harvard type thinkers who have never managed a business or met a payroll.


Aptos psychologist: freedom wins over protectionism [trade agreements with Korea, Panama & Columbia]

Congress passes free-trade agreements
Congress passes free-trade agreements

The recently passed trade agreements with Korea, Columbia and Panama never would have passed if Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats still ran the House.

It was because of Pelosi and her Democrats (she held a tight rein) that the trade agreements did not passs in Mr. Obama’s first two years.

Look at the numbers: The House approved the deals with South Korea 278 to 151, Columbia 262 to 167 and Panama 300 to 129. Respectively, 86%, 94% and 95% of the nay votes came from Democrats.

What America has in exceeding abundance is the genius of Steve Jobs to create new products that the world will come running for. It’s time to break down those (protectionist) walls and let freedom ring.
