Firenze Sage: Cutoff ahead…

Group in San Francisco wants circumcision illlegal. On ballet.

What if I am transexual?

There’s only one ballot measure San Franciscans are sure to be voting on this November: a ban on circumcision.

Department of Elections officials today certified that the fellows who call themselves “intactivists” did indeed persuade enough city voters to sign their petition making circumcision on anybody under 18 a misdemeanor, even for religious reasons. It would be punishable by a $1,000 fine and up to a year in jail.

Will there be an exception for under age transsexuals.


Firenze Sage: Eugene Robinson, Dunce

It’s almost enough to give socialism a bad name.

We don’t know whether Dominique Strauss-Kahn — who heads the International Monetary Fund and, until a few days ago, was likely to be the Socialist Party candidate for president of France — is guilty of the alleged sexual assault for which he was arrested. Like anyone, he is presumed innocent until court proceedings prove otherwise.

We do know, however, that at the time of the reported incident on Saturday, Strauss-Kahn was staying in a $3,000-a-night luxury suite at a posh midtown Manhattan hotel. We also know that when he was taken into police custody hours later, aboard a Paris-bound jetliner that was moments from takeoff at John F. Kennedy International Airport, police found him comfortably ensconced in the first-class cabin.

I didn’t think this was how socialists were supposed to roll.
This from a big name columnist who really thinks that the socialist swells actually go to the same hospitals, schools, hotels and jobs as the lumpenproletariat.


Aptos psychologist: Tell CA legislature to send back $300 MILLION for high speed rail & require money go to reduce federal deficit.

The Refund Act requires that all unspent grant money by states go to reduce the federal deficity. Thus, the $300 million that will go to CA as Florida rejected high speed rail grant money could go to reduce the deficit if this bill passes.


Send high speed rail money for CA back & require money go to deficit
Time that states send back federal dollars and, rather get diverted to another state, that those moneys are spent to reduce the federal deficit.

$300 MILLION dangled in front of states’ noses for high speed rail just one example:

High speed rail from San Francisco to Anaheim likely cost at least 67 BILLION and higher if there are construction overruns in metropolitan areas. The only people who want this California Dream are Democratic politicians. State voters approved a $9 billion bond. The first leg of the train track goes from nowhere to nowhere and will have to be subsidized.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said he plans to divert to California some $300 MILLION in high speed funds that Florida rejected. Last week California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office warned the state legislature not to approve funds for high speed rail.

Time to tell the California legislature to pull the plug on high speed rail before it blows up on the taxpayers.

Better yet, tell the California legislature to send back the money and require that the money go to bring down the federal budget.

Time that all unspent grant money from stated go to federal debt retirement. The Refund Act by Congressman Denny Rehberg of Montana and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida requires the federal government to dedicate all unspent grant money from states go go debt retirement.


Firenze Sage: Knock not

4th amendment protection against search and seizure less strong for homes due to recent court rulings.


police don't have to knock on home doors if ...

People have no right to resist if police officers illegally enter their home, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled in a decision that overturns centuries of common law.

The court issued its 3-2 ruling on Thursday, contending that allowing residents to resist officers who enter their homes without any right would increase the risk of violent confrontation.

If police enter a home illegally, the courts are the proper place to protest it, Justice Steven David said.


The courts or the concentration camp?


Aptos, CA psychologist: Indiana Police called for domestic violence & husband blocks entry …yes the police need to enter & sort things out.

When the police have to settle domestic quarrels that too frequently turn violent and or deadly, whether an entry into an any American home is legal or illegal is best figured out later. In this situation the primary job is to keep everyone safe. Then go to court if necessary regarding illegal entry.
‘Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.

In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing for the court said if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer’s entry.

“We believe … a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence,” David said. “We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest.”

David said a person arrested following an unlawful entry by police still can be released on bail and has plenty of opportunities to protest the illegal entry through the court system.

The court’s decision stems from a Vanderburgh County case in which police were called to investigate a husband and wife arguing outside their apartment.

When the couple went back inside their apartment, the husband told police they were not needed and blocked the doorway so they could not enter. When an officer entered anyway, the husband shoved the officer against a wall. A second officer then used a stun gun on the husband and arrested him.

Professor Ivan Bodensteiner, of Valparaiso University School of Law, said the court’s decision is consistent with the idea of preventing violence.

“It’s not surprising that they would say there’s no right to beat the hell out of the officer,” Bodensteiner said. “(The court is saying) we would rather opt on the side of saying if the police act wrongfully in entering your house your remedy is under law, to bring a civil action against the officer.”

Justice Robert Rucker, a Gary native, and Justice Brent Dickson, a Hobart native, dissented from the ruling, saying the court’s decision runs afoul of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

“In my view the majority sweeps with far too broad a brush by essentially telling Indiana citizens that government agents may now enter their homes illegally — that is, without the necessity of a warrant, consent or exigent circumstances,” Rucker said. “I disagree.”

Rucker and Dickson suggested if the court had limited its permission for police entry to domestic violence situations they would have supported the ruling.

But Dickson said, “The wholesale abrogation of the historic right of a person to reasonably resist unlawful police entry into his dwelling is unwarranted and unnecessarily broad.”

This is the second major Indiana Supreme Court ruling this week involving police entry into a home.

On Tuesday, the court said police serving a warrant may enter a home without knocking if officers decide circumstances justify it. Prior to that ruling, police serving a warrant would have to obtain a judge’s permission to enter without knocking.

Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.


Firenze Sage: General Screwup

Imposter posed as Army general discharged...

Randall Keyser charged with trying to land a six-figure job in Ohio by posing as an Army general has been indicted.

Investigators say Keyser defrauded an Akron development company and one of its subsidiaries, trying to get hired as director of construction by saying he was commanding officer of the Department of Defense’s Joint Construction Command. They say he posed as other high-ranking military officers to give himself recommendations via telephone.
Court records show Keyser served one or two years in the Army and was discharged as a private.
An ultimate self promoter


Aptos, CA psychologist: Collective bargaining by SEIU public sector union lays golden egg pensions …

Public sector union SEIU local 520 employees get golden egg pensions through collective bargaining privledge. Time to cut the privledge off!

Golden Egg Pensions for public sector union SEIU Santa Cruz County employees

What if employees of COSCO through collective bargaining took 100% of all profits? That would kill the goose (a local business) that lays many golden jobs.

So what happens when S.C. County employees use collective bargaining to get as much as they can? There are no government profits to split up, just “costs” which politicians pass on to taxpayers. The SEIU representatives dangle campaign contributions in front of our politicians’ noses.

Results? Public sector union local 520 SEIU employees (2007-2010) got 100% of their retirement and 95% of health paid by the County.

Each S.C. County SEIU public union employee who retires at 55 with a $30,000 pension over the next 20 years will receive at least $600,000. That’s one golden egg! And not a dime paid by the public sector employee.


Aptos, CA psychologist: Tell Gov. Brown NO to bill that gets rid of secret ballot for unionized farm workers …

Tell Gov. Brown NO to union effort to kill secret ballot for farm workers.


Gov. Brown, having made a deal with the prison guard unions , now makes a deal with the farm worker unions. Not to protect the farm workers but to give clout to the unions bosses so they can intimidate the farm workers. Of, Governor Brown, what a big switch from years ago when you were idealistic and pro-worker!

Increasingly, California farm workers don’t want to be in a union. The unions don’t do that much for them. A farm worker pays 3% in dues and gets a 2-3% increase in pay. Farm workers typically get health benefits and higher than minimum wage.

The unions, losing members, want to shore up their power. The unions will get automatic access to the addresses of union members and can intimidate those who don’t agree with their policies.

Secret ballot elections protect employees. Pure and simple. Non-agricultural employees in California are protected by the NLRB which gives employers the right to request a secret ballot.

Agricultural employees — farm workers — currently are not protected by the NLRB.
Why not change the NLRB so it covers farm workers. That way ALL employees have the protection of secret ballots if they have to be in a union.

(March 15, 2011) A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed proposal seeking to limit agricultural employees’ ability to make their union choice in a private secret ballot has won approval from a Senate policy committee.

SB 104 (Steinberg; D-Sacramento) essentially eliminates the secret ballot election and replaces it with the submission of representation cards signed by more than 50 percent of employees, thereby leaving employees susceptible to coercion and manipulation by labor organizations.

SB 104 is similar to SB 789 (Steinberg; D-Sacramento), which the CalChamber designated as a “job killer” bill in 2009. SB 789 was vetoed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

‘Majority Signup’
California’s Agricultural Labor Relations Act (ALRA), modeled on the National Labor Relations Act, affords agricultural employees to select, or to refrain from selecting, a particular union as their collective bargaining representative through a formal and secure secret ballot election.

SB 104, however, allows unions to bypass secret ballot elections under an alternative “majority signup” procedure. Under SB 104, a union would be installed as a bargaining unit’s representative merely by submitting a petition to the Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB) along with representation cards signed by a majority of affected employees and designating that union for that purpose.

Unlike the current process, which guarantees that employees ultimately express their true sentiments about unionization in the tightly controlled setting of a supervised secret ballot election, this new procedure provides no safeguards to ensure the representation cards really indicate the employees’ free, uncoerced and current choice.

SB 104 specifically provides that it is lawful for the union to complete the card for the employee and just have the employee sign. Moreover, SB 104 will allow the certification of a union based on representation cards signed by employees up to a year before the union submits them to the ALRB. With no provision for allowing employees who have changed their minds to revoke their cards, this process will not guarantee that the cards when submitted reliably indicate employees’ then-current preferences.

Disparate Penalties
Finally, SB 104 creates a huge disparity in the remedies provided for unfair labor practices committed by an employer versus unfair labor practices committed by a union.

Under SB 104, if an employer is charged with interfering, coercing, or discriminating against an employee through the exercise of his/her rights to unionize, the charge will be elevated to priority level and take precedence over any other case filed in that ALRB office.

Thereafter, if the employer is found by the ALRB to have committed an unfair labor practice, the ALRB can issue a statutory civil penalty against the employer in an amount of up to $20,000 per violation.

No such comparable treatment or penalty is provided where a union is charged with and found to have committed an unfair labor practice.

This proposed treatment of an unfair labor charge against an employer is significant, as it is not only one-sided, but completely alters the nature of the remedies traditionally awarded by the ALRB.

As set forth in Labor Code Section 1160.3, the current available remedies are essentially the same regardless of whether the guilty party is the employer or union and are designed to make the employee whole, not to penalize the employer and/or create a windfall for the employee.

Key Vote
SB 104 passed the Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee on a party-line vote of 5-2 on March 9.

Ayes: Lieu (D-Torrance); DeSaulnier (D-Concord); Leno (D-San Francisco); Padilla (D-Pacoima); Yee (D-San Francisco).

Noes: Wyland (R-Escondido); Runner (R-Antelope Valley).

The bill will be considered next by the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Staff Contact: Jennifer Barrera


Aptos, CA psychologist: For every million/ trillion Obama wants to increase the DEBT let’s require the same DECREASE in spending. That makes sense…

one to one: CUT ONE dollar spending for every increase in ONE $ NATIOAL DEBT makes sense from conservative view

As of 5-2011, President Obama seeks to substantially increase the United State’s credit card.

The U.S. now owe about 14+ TRILLLION dollars. Currently, about 40 cents of very dollar goes just to service the U.S. debt.

Americans oppose raising the debt limit by 2 it 1 The good news is that Americans are paying attention.

What makes sense is to tie any increase with the debt limit with exactly the same decrease in spending. So if Obama wants a TRILLION dollar increase on our national credit card then the Obamaa government must agree to the same TRILLION dollar decrease in spending. That will rein in the cost of government.

That is what the Republican Party proposes. I agree. What say you?

By Quin Hillyer

This is the week for bold, conservative, budget-related proposals, with major announcements from the Heritage Foundation, from Speaker John Boehner, and from a group of Republican senators led by Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey. Very good.

Although some Tea Party groups may not recognize as much, conservatives are winning the political battle over budgets right now. Befuddled liberals, rocked back on their heels, are responding by pushing tax hikes. If that’s their answer, they lose and we win.

Boehner’s proposal is the simplest, and it’s well-nigh brilliant. He called for cuts from President Obama’s proposed long-term budgets that are “greater than the accompanying increase in debt authority the president is given.” Also, “We should be talking about cuts of trillions, not just billions. They should be actual cuts and program reforms, not broad deficit or debt targets that punt the tough questions to the future.”

And tax hikes will not be on the table.


Aptos, CA psychologist: San Francisco public sector union SEIU, MUNI workers & elected officials share one thing: they contribute zero to their pensions. Something wrong here?

SEIU public sector union, San Francisco elected officials & MUNI workers ....

It’s time that San Francisco rethinks a life time annuity for 5 years of service with ZERO paid in towards that annuity. Who gets it? Elected officials, SEIU public sector union employees and MUNI employees.

Imagine how it transpires: There is a table. On one side sit the elected officials who dish out the money to the other side. On the other side sits the SEIU public sector representatives. And the MUNI representatives. So, SEIU and MUNI say this is what we can give to you elected officials to help your campaign … And how about giving us a life time annuity for which we pay nothing? A DEAL says the elected officials.

Who loses? The taxpayers. .

San Francisco’s pension fund last year paid $3.3 million to former employees who worked as little as five years in city government but nonetheless qualified for a generous pay package upon their 50th birthday.

The program, which city officials say is unmatched anywhere in the country, gives annuities that include city money to people who didn’t work long enough to qualify for an actual pension.

The annuity is calculated by adding the 7.5 percent of the worker’s paychecks they had contributed to the pension fund over the course of their city employment, plus interest, along with a match of that amount from the city. The former employees can begin drawing on it any time after they turn 50.

Making the provision even more unusual, a wide swath of city employees don’t pay anything toward their own pensions, with the city making that 7.5 percent annual employee’s contribution.

That means a number of workers who don’t qualify for a regular pension stand to collect an annuity of 15 percent of their salaries – the 7.5 percent pension contribution made by the city, plus the city’s match of the same amount – even though they never paid a cent toward their pension.

Those groups who now pay nothing toward their pensions include elected officials, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) workers and Muni drivers The first two are set to begin making their own contributions starting July 1. Muni drivers’ contracts are currently being negotiated, and requiring them to pay into their pensions is a major point of contention.

Mayor Ed Lee wants the city-match provision eliminated as part of his pension system overhaul, but unions are fighting to preserve it in some fashion.

To qualify for a pension, a city employee must have worked 20 years and be 50 years old or have worked 10 years and be 60. But to qualify for the annuity, they just have to work for the city for five years.

“There is no other public agency that we know of that does this match,” said Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, who himself will qualify for the annuity but thinks it should be eliminated for new employees. “It’s excessive and needs to be removed.”

Provision ‘out of whack’
He said that while San Francisco’s pension system is in line with comparable city and county governments overall, the city-match provision is “out of whack.”

Take, for example, former Mayor Gavin Newsom. He left city employment in January at age 43 after having worked in the city for 14 years (seven years as a supervisor and seven years as mayor).

As lieutenant governor, his service credit is linked to the time he will accrue under the state’s retirement system, CalPERS. But even if he had left politics for good, in seven years he would qualify for a San Francisco annuity worth 15 percent of his total earnings in city government, which he didn’t pay a dime toward.

Francisco Castillo, a spokesman for Newsom, said, “The lieutenant governor supports Mayor Lee’s commitment to continue the city’s efforts to reform its pension system and agrees that this particular provision should be eliminated.”

Former District Attorney Kamala Harris and Supervisors Chris Daly and Michela Alioto-Pier also left office in January and will qualify for the same free 15 percent of their total salaries. Supervisors Bevan Dufty and Sophie Maxwell, who were termed out of office along with Daly and Alioto-Pier, worked in the city long enough and were old enough to qualify for actual pensions.

The San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System said account balances for individuals are not subject to public disclosure and would not say how much Newsom, Harris, Daly or Alioto-Pier stand to collect when they turn 50.

But given that supervisors make $96,549, the district attorney makes $213,365 and the mayor makes $247,473, the dollar figures will be substantial.

Read more:
