Aptos, CA psychologsit: Obama’s Justice dept. forces small bank to make sub-prime loans. This is not justice!

Justice Dept forces small bank in St. Louis to make sub-prime morgages to persons who cannot repay. Lopsided justice.


"Justice cannot be for one side alone..."

More sub-prime mortgage lending required of small banks in St. Louis by Midwest BankCentre by Obama’s Justice Department.

Sub-prime mortgage loans played a prominent place in the financial melt-down. Requiring banks to make loans to persons who lacked credit to repay the loans started under Clinton/ Reno and continues today under Obama/ Holder. Now the Obama’s Justice department requires small banks to make risky loans.

Keep a close eye on Obama’s Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez with the Civil Rights’s Division. By his words and actions Obama/ Perez show no understanding that ” Justice cannot be for one side alone but must be for both…” (Eleanor Roosevelt).

Supported in his confirmation by Republicans Tony O’Donnell and John Kane, Thomas E. Perez has zealously pursued Obama’s lopsided form of justice: Assist. AG Perez refused to prosecute Black Panthers wielding baseball bats outside polling places. Assist. AG Perez opposes the Arizona immigration law.

Latest Obama/Perez lopsided justice: Obama’s Justice Department mandates MORE sub prime loans to minorities in St Louis. This is more of Obama’s policy to “level the playing field”. DrCameronJackson@gmail.com

from Conservative Underground

A Renewed Crackdown on Redlining
by Clea Benson, 5 May 2011

Community activists in St. Louis [targeted] Midwest BankCentre, a small bank that has been operating in St. Louis’s predominantly white, middle-class suburbs for over a century, for failing to issue home mortgages or open branches in disadvantaged areas. Although executives at the bank say they don’t discriminate, Midwest BankCentre’s latest annual report says it is in the process of negotiating a settlement with U.S. Justice Dept….

“We are using every tool in our arsenal to combat lending discrimination,” Thomas E. Perez, the assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Div., told a conference of community development associates….

To some banks the crackdown has come as a surprise…. Like Midwest BankCentre, some lenders are being cited for failing to operate in minority and low-income census tracts near their branches, even when they have never done business there before.

Midwest BankCentre Chairman Ronald T. Barnes recently announced the bank would open a branch in Pagedale, a town near St. Louis that is predominantly [97%] African American.
“Perez is playing a leading role in the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona’s new immigration law. He is promising a huge increase in prosecution of alleged hate crimes. He vows to use ‘disparate impact theory’ to pursue discrimination cases where there is no intent to discriminate but a difference in results, such as in test scores or mortgage lending, that Perez wants to change. He is even considering a crackdown on Web sites on the theory that the Internet is a ‘public accommodation‘ as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.. . . .Perez is pursuing his goals with a lot of muscle, powered by a major appropriations increase in President Obama’s 2010 budget. ‘I am going to be calling each and every one of you to recruit you, because we’ve got 102 new positions in our budget,‘ Perez told the liberal lawyers last year. ‘One hundred and two people, when added to a base of 715 people. … that’s a real opportunity to make a difference.’” (Underscoring Forum’s.)

Two prominent members of governor Bob Ehrlich’s team when he was in office (2003-2007), House of Delegates Republican Whip (Republican leader since 2007) Tony O’Donnell and former Maryland GOP chairman John Kane later (in 2009) wrote here and here to the U. S. Senate Judiciary panel to support Mr. Perez’ confirmation. (John Kane is the husband of Mary Kane selected as Mr. Ehrlich’s running mate this year.)

Alert voters, however, will ask what role Mr. O’Donnell and Mr. Kane will play as part of any leadership team or “kitchen cabinet” should Mr. Ehrlich again be elected governor. After all, Mr. Perez was unlikely to foster an “entrepreneur agenda” – – anywhere – – and those who supported him for Senate confirmation ignored that obvious fact.

Mr. O’Donnell’s and Mr. Kane’s judgment in this matter was clearly lacking. Both had sufficient warning about Perez’ activities.

As Byron York explains – –

“Heading the Civil Rights Division is the opportunity of a lifetime for Perez. A former aide to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, he was an activist and later a councilman in Montgomery County, Md., where he made a name for himself pushing in-state tuition and drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants.”

Nor has Mr. O’Donnell nor Mr. Kane expressed any public regret for supporting Tom Perez. Does being part of the Maryland GOP Establishment mean never having to say I’m sorry?

Conservatives might also want to ask Maryland Republican delegates why they have not held their leader Mr. O’Donnell publicly accountable for his support of Tom Perez.


Firenze Sage: Colonel Mustard in the cockpit…

Airport safety more interested in searching 5 year olds and don’t know what Allah Akbar (God is Great!) signifies when shouted by a man running down the aisle of a plane.

Colonel Mustard did it in the cockpit ...

A Vallejo man holding a Yemeni passport tried to break into the locked cockpit of an American Airlines flight bound for San Francisco. Crew members and passengers were able to subdue him.

San Francisco airport police Sgt. Michael Rodriguez said it’s not clear what Al-Murisi had in mind and that the suspect had no known ties to terrorism.

“He was walking very fast all the way up to the front,” said Angelina Marty, 35, of San Francisco. “He was screaming something, and the lady in the row across said, ‘That’s Arabic,’ She translated it and said it was roughly, ‘God is Great!’ ”
The airport police and crack security gurus cannot understand what some Arab yelling Allah Akbar intends. Oops, they left to search a five year old.



Time that the 51% who pay no federal taxes MUST pay? How much? Why?

51% Americans pay zero federal taxes. This must change. There is a price for opportunity and freedom to live in America. That includes “buy in” to collectively paying for services such as roads, fire, defense. So require a minimum of $100 from every adult citizen.

51% Americans pay ZERO federal taxes for opportunity & liberty

If you have to pay for something you do comparative shopping and try to get a good deal for your money.

But more than half Americans (51%) pay no federal taxes. So that 51% have no incentive to “shop around” or “get a deal” for their money. More than likely, that group just wants more free stuff, more free services.

For a society to function there needs to be buy in. As a collective group we are willing to pay so much for certain stuff.

Hence, we are doing society a good turn to require all adults to put in “their bit” and it should be big enough that the person notices and cares about it.

Let’s make it a $100 minimum. All must pay and all must say how each wants that money spent. Let’s get creative how that money is spent. Offer 15-20 choices including setting up interactive feedback to the government. Taxpayers need a simple way to press the tv remote and give instant feedback back to politicians.

And for those who refuse to pay? Cut services they receive to a bare minimum. And inquire whether they want to live in some other country. Offer a one way bus ticket to a city south of the United States.



Firenze Sage: Racism in the toilet…

Most sane people ignore writing on shithole walls...

University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) students and faculty held an impromptu rally Friday after graffiti was discovered Thursday in a Cowell College men’s bathroom that read in part “Stop the Invasion” and threatened violence against Mexicans.

“First of all I want to apologize profoundly for this writing” said vice chancellor
Galloway, who was slightly choked up and struggled to get her words out at first.

“I’m shocked and horrified that this would exist on campus. Our response has not be sufficient to stop this, and I apologize for that as well. I am open to solutions.” The administration has expressed support for an ethnic studies program.”

How about a class in the history of writing on shithouse walls which is an almost universal event.

Most sane people simply ignore what some lowlife writes on the wall.

At a 21st century university such a crime gets strong women sobbing and a call for an ethnic studies class which I guess is to be filled with racists who write on bathroom walls and then wish to repent.

Grow up and hope your phone number is not next. On 2d thought why would you care since it’s on your facebook page.



Firenze Sage: Waste, fraud and …

This year’s formidable Sierra snowpack has brought good news and bad news.

Officials warn the Merced River is expected to be unusually high and fast-moving. State officials also say rivers, streams and reservoirs are also likely to be colder than usual.

Oh do bless those necessary officials who tell us that the water is higher and colder.

We are too dumb to figure that out especially since our water dipping toes went numb after 200,000 official pronouncements.



Drilling viewed as bad. Thanks to Obama’s anti-drilling policies, Seahawk Drilling lays off 632 employees before filing for bankruptcy…

About 20,000 jobs were lost because of Obama’s anti-drilling policies. And Obama’s job-killing policies continue. Latest demise is Seahawk Drilling.

The Heritage Foundation:

“Randall Stilley has witnessed firsthand the Obama administration’s job-killing agenda. As the president and chief executive of Seahawk Drilling, he had to lay off 632 employees before filing for bankruptcy — a direct result of President Barack Obama’s anti-energy policies.Stilley’s company owned and operated 20 shallow-water rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. The lack of energy production — a consequence of Obama’s drilling moratorium and subsequent “permitorium” — led to Seahawk’s demise. Now he’s speaking out, sharing Seahawk’s story in a new video from Heritage and the Institute for Energy Research. (Click to watch.)

It’s an unfortunate example of how policies in Washington are harming American jobs and also squelching energy production at a time when consumers are paying $4-per-gallon for gasoline.
Fortunately, not everyone in the nation’s capital is content with higher prices and fewer jobs. Today the U.S. House considers the first of several bills that directly addresses energy and jobs. Lawmakers will vote today on legislation that requires the Obama administration to conduct oil and natural gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and in the waters offshore Virginia.

It’s a welcome change from the anti-drilling policies first imposed by the Obama administration one year ago. On May 6, 2010, the first moratorium on Gulf drilling took effect, followed by a longer ban that lasted until October. But even after it was lifted, few deepwater permits have been issued.

The long-term implications are disastrous for America. That prompted House Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA) to pursue a remedy through legislation. Today’s vote would ensure that companies continue energy development by requiring lease sales. Two other bills would speed up the permitting process and craft a long-term plan for offshore lease sales.

“What we’re proposing is to lower gas prices, create American jobs, which ironically will help drive up government revenues, and ultimately, in the wake of all the turmoil we’ve seen in the world, create an environment in which we are energy independent or on a path to energy independence,” Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) explained yesterday.

Even without the president’s signature, the legislation has already had a positive impact. After it passed in committee, the Obama administration promised to hold one lease sale in 2011. (Ever since 1958, there has been at least one lease sale every year.)

But while one lease sale is better than none, Hastings isn’t satisfied. He wants the Obama administration to hold four lease sales before June 2012 – including one off the coast of Virginia.

Aside from creating new jobs and discovering new sources of energy, the lease sales contribute a substantial sum of revenue for the federal treasury. In 2008, the offshore industry paid $9.4 billion for bids on new leases. Last year, that figure dropped to $979 million in lease bids.

The drop in revenue is a reflection of the Obama administration’s anti-energy policies. And lease sales are only part of the equation. According to the government’s own Energy Information Administration, production in the Gulf of Mexico will drop by 190,000 barrels per day. That means less money from royalty payments on offshore rigs as well.

Faced with mounting criticism, the Obama administration has defended its policies as a safety precaution following last year’s oil spill. But one year later, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement is issuing drilling permits at such a slow pace that it’s hard to swallow the explanation.

At the same time, the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are seeking new ways to penalize energy businesses. As Curtis Dubay and Nick Loris write on The Foundry, a proposal from Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) would significantly increase taxes paid by U.S. oil and gas companies competing abroad — exactly the wrong approach with gas prices on the rise.

Meanwhile, job creators like Leslie Bertucci and Randall Stilley continue to bear the brunt of the Obama administration’s misguided policies. Bertucci, who told us last month about her company’s struggle to survive, has dipped into personal savings to avoid layoffs.

Stilley didn’t have that option at Seahawk. And he’s not optimistic about what the future holds under this administration.

“As an American,” he told us, “you never want to look at your own government and say they’re hurting you personally, they’re hurting your business and they’re doing it in a way that’s irresponsible. I’m not very proud of our government right now and the way they handled this.”


Aptos, CA psychologist: Imagine bin Laden in GITMO. Imagine water boarding bin Laden. That’s why Obama ordered him killed…

Ok to water board bin Laden at GITMO if captured alive?

In my view, Obama made the decision to kill bin Ladden and not capture him.

And it was not — as some say — a “gutsy call”. Far from “gutsy” it was a political decision Obama made to help his re-election

Think what would happen if bin Laden were caught alive. The government would have to fly bin Laden to Gitmo and house him at Gitmo. And give bin Laden his Miranda rights. And the right to an attorney. But remember, Obama got rid of water boarding and enhanced interrogation techniques. So, likely bin Laden would gain 20+ pounds as he sat in his cell waiting for his attorney.

What secrets might bin Laden reveal had he been captured alive? Capturing hard drives and other intelligence is terrific but interrogation of the mastermind of 9/11 would be enormously helpful.

America does water board our soldiers so that they know what might happen to them. And water boarding or as they say “enhanced interrogation techniques” were used on the courier who gave up the name that lead to the capture of bin Laden.

So — imagine what bin Laden might say had he been water-boarded?

Perhaps worse than sudden death via a bullet to the brain is experiencing — slowly — what it feels like to die. In my view, “water-boarding” bin Laden might result in information that could save thousands of lives. And remembering all those Americans who died in 9/11, why not give bin Laden a taste of what he did to thousands? And he just might cough up some incredibly valuable information.

Too bad bin Laden was not taken alive. That would have been a “gutsy decision” by Obama. DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Aptos, CA psychologist: What to do when the snowman’s head (taxpayers) cannot afford its body (government)? Cut cost of government in half & require the 51% citizens who pay NO taxes to pay some taxes. This is FAIR and reduces dependency.

The Head of the snowman (taxpayers) cannot afford the snowman’s Body (cost of government workers). Govt workers typically make $100 K. Private sector employees typically make one half that — $50 K. Time to reduce cost of governnent by cutting ALL govt salaries in half.

Snowman's 's Head cannot afford Body (govt.)

A 14 trillion dollar federal government deficit is so large most people cannot get their arms around how big the deficit is. One way to cut the deficit is to drastically reduce the cost of overall government.

A GOVERNMENT employee typically makes roughly $100,000. In contrast,
a PRIVATE SECTOR employee typically makes roughly $50,000.

It’s not “fair” that a government employee is paid DOUBLE what an employee in the private sector is paid. So, let’s “even the playing field” between the government and private sectors.

EASY SOLUTION: Cut government salaries across the board by 50%. That way, getting a job in the private sector is equally attractive as a job the government sector. Maybe lots of government employees will leave government employment in droves.

Maybe lots of government employees will have more incentive to take their ideas and start new businesses that make money and hire people. This way we grow the private sector and shrink the government sector.

Government taxes pay for services all citizens need: fire and police protection, roads, airports, buses, schools, emergency hospital facilities. And since we are all in the “boat” together, all citizens should and must pay.

Currently, more than half the citizenry (51%) pay ZERO federal taxes. This must change. Everyone must pay some federal taxes. You use it? Then , you pay for it. Yes, some people can afford more and can pay more.

But having 50+ percent “free loading” off a small number of taxpayers — that is not healthy for the “free loader” and not fair to those who do pay.

Just look at the BAD effects of government intervention in the lives of American Indians. The Indians have the most done for them by the government. Yet 2 of 3 babies are born out of wedlock. They have huge unemployment. And huge problems with alcohol and drugs. Yet they have cradle to grave government “protection” Dependency upon government is not the way to go.


Red Ink and Upward Redistribution
By Ralph R. Reiland

After doing nothing during his first two years in office to deal with the debt tsunami that’s clearly visible on the horizon and heading our way, President Obama delivered a 2012 budget plan that, as Investor’s Business Daily accurately editorialized, “proposed spending $252 billion more in 2012 than the feds spent in 2010 — at the height of the stimulus spending spree.”

Longer run, worse than doing nothing, Obama’s projected budgets over the next decade add enough trillions in red ink to double the size of the incoming tsunami.

The federal government’s current $14 trillion debt averages out to approximately $50,000 per American, $200,000 for a family of four. For the half of U.S. households who still pay federal income taxes, that averages out to $400,000 per family for those are getting stuck with the tab.

Add to that the next decade’s proposed red ink and each of those taxpaying household ends up, on average, $800,000 in the hole. That could become an unworkable $80,000 a year in interest payments per taxpaying household, on average, if the U.S. credit rating drops and lenders require 10 percent interest payments.

Unfortunately, even this $800,000 per family scenario is based on some very rough and overly optimistic guesswork. Politicians projecting out a decade and more have every incentive to paint a rosy scenario, plus a clear incentive at every election cycle to buy more votes via additional trillions in red ink.

So what’s the solution? Tax hikes to bring in more money? Tax cuts to expand the economy and bring in more federal revenue? Spending cuts? Or some combination of all three?

“Federal spending is growing faster than federal revenues,” editorializes the New Republic in its April 28 issue. “Absent changes in the law, future generations of Americans will likely have to raise taxes to unprecedented levels; dramatically reduce the reach of government programs, risk the macroeconomic consequences of uncontrolled debt, or some combination of all three. At best, these options are unappealing. At worst, they are a threat to prosperity.”

The editorial quotes Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz: “Just like it may pay for a business to borrow (run a deficit) in order to increase long-run profitability, so too for government.”

That’s true, just as it’s true for a college student borrowing to increase long-run earnings. But the borrowing can’t go on forever. A 60-year-old college student owing $600,000 in tuition debt and still jobless isn’t a prime example of economic rationality.

“Balancing the budget is important; but so is creating a fair society in which all Americans have basic economic security,” advises the New Republic. “The fact is that much of the moral purpose of government spending is to redistribute income downward — to provide for the least successful and least fortunate members of society. It’s easy for that general principle to be lost in the detailed debates over which programs will be cut. But liberals shouldn’t run away from talking about this overarching commitment.”

But regarding this “commitment,” this “moral purpose” of government to “redistribute income downward,” doesn’t the federal government itself do the exact opposite when it cuts the checks each month for its own payroll?

“Average wages in the federal civilian workforce — $74,311 in 2010 — far eclipse the $49,977 median wages in private industry,” states a recent House budget report. Add benefit packages and the average compensation per year of federal civilian workers jumps to $101,628.

On top of that, the federal government has added 155,000 new workers to its payroll since President Obama has taken office.

With people earning $49,977 picking up the tab for the added workers and the $101,628 paychecks, isn’t this the opposite of the “moral purpose” to “redistribute income downward”?


Aptos, CA psychologist: Bin Laden was just one head of the Hydra of political/ militant Islam.

Bin Laden just ONE head of Hydra. All HEADS must be confronted, contained and dealt with.

Bin Laden just ONE head of a Hydra. Confront ALL heads.

The death of Bin Laden brings back the memories all Americans had that day. The “why this horrible act?”, the pain and loss that so many families and the entire nation experienced. And, yes, America collectively wanted the government to find, capture and bring to justice those militant Islamic men, largely from Saudi Arabia, who murdered 3,000+ Americans.

Ten years later
when a Koran is burned in America that act causes Islamic persons to kill foreigners and erupt in violence. Americans understand Freedom of Speech but that concept is not one accepted in the Middle East.

It’s impossible to predict
how Muslims will react to the death of Bin Laden But for sure, America should be prepared for an outpouring of emotion. Various emotions. Strong emotions.

And, as Dr. Jasser states below, it is an accurate description to think of Bin Laden as just one HEAD of the Hydra of political/ militant Islam. All the heads must be confronted and dealt with.

For those that need a brush up on Greek mythology: Greek Mythology- The Hydra had 9 heads, and the middle one was immortal.

Hercules fought the Hydra with his club, but each time he knocked off a head, two more would grow back. Finally, he used a torch to burn off the new heads, and buried the immortal one under a rock. Arrows dipped in the Hydra’s blood were poisonous. Hercules accidentally shot Chiron with one later on.

Below is what Dr. Jasser said regarding Ben Ladin:

May 1, 2011
American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD)
PHOENIX (May 1, 2011) – Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim and the president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s announcement that the United States had killed Osama Bin Laden:

“This evening’s announcement by President Obama that the United States had carried out an operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan that resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden is a victory for the United States of America against the face of Islamist terror and the man who perpetrated war crimes against our nation on September 11, 2001. Most importantly this will allow the American people and especially the 9/11 families to begin to get a degree of closure.

This operation is a testament to the dedication and steadfastness of the United States military, our homeland security, and intelligence community. There is no finer force than the men and women of the United States military who defend and secure our freedom every day.

The death of Osama Bin Laden is significant because it closes a chapter in our war against Islamist extremists. But make no mistake this war is far from over. Bin Laden was but one head on the Hydra that is the Islamist movement. It is our hope that Bin Laden’s death will serve as a means to transition this war from a reactionary approach to quell violence to a proactive war of ideas against the ideology that breeds the extremism.

We will not be free of terror until we openly confront the ideology of political Islam which is the underlying fuel for the militant Islamism of groups like Al Qaeda. To deliver true national security we must demonstrate the same dedication and steadfastness in creating a liberty narrative within the Muslim conscience as we did in hunting Bin Laden.”About the American Islamic Forum for Democracy
The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. AIFD’s mission advocates for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, liberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state. For more information on AIFD, please visit our website at http://www.aifdemocracy.org/.


Firenze Sage: Welfare roulette

Welfare recepients use welfare debit cards at ATM machines in casinos. Fraud? Welfare chief does not investigate as too expensive.

people gamble using state issued welfare cards

A Seattle investigation showed that in the span of one year, people using state-issued welfare debit cards withdrew about $2 million from ATMs at Washington casinos.

Furthermore, it determined that DSHS issued replacement cards, with no questions asked, to people who claimed to have lost theirs.

Each month last year, the department handed out an average of 27,000 replacement cards. Some 20,000 people had cards replaced three times or more, and nearly 100 had their cards replaced at least 20 times. It also documented cards being sold on the street and on the website Craigslist.

The welfare chief said that the department replaced the cards so quickly because it wanted to provide good service and convenience to the state’s poorest residents. He also suggested that just because the money was withdrawn in casinos doesn’t mean it was spent there, and it might cost more to investigate apparent fraud than the state could recoup.It’s not his money.He doesn’t care; but do we?

When do we say enough?

