Mentally ill patient had roam privledges and strangled staff. Why privledges?
Psychiatric patient Massey strangled Donna Gross to death on the grounds of Napa State Hospital.
California Division of Occupational Safety and Health investigators found that Massey was awarded a “grounds pass” by facility staff, a privilege that allows patients to roam freely through the sprawling and shaded campus. Cal/OSHA investigators found that such a system exposed staff to danger.
Well duh!! Not the “campus” you remember?
Naturally an appeal has been filed.
“A Seattle public school has decided that Easter eggs are super offensive and not politically correct. They’ve renamed them Spring Spheres — even though eggs are not spheres.”
“In my old hometown in New Jersey the town Easter egg hunt was changed to “Spring Celebration. With Bunny.â€
Medicare must change. Republican Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget offers reform of Medicare rooted in consumer choice and private competition rather than political control and bureaucratic rationing. By capping the Medicare subsidy seniors would pay for the marginal costs of their care, promoting competitive insurance. That will change how doctors and hospitals provide care, encouraging competition in price and quality.
Give seniors a flat amount and choice of various plans. Called “premium support†this is what our postal workers and congress get. If good enough for congress then it’s good enough for me. What about the people already in Medicare that want “premium care†instead.
Five million Americans have seen their houses reclaimed by lenders. Thirteen million more will be forced out by 2015. Time to change the system akin to Canada. In Canada about 1% of mortgages are in foreclosure or delinquent compared to about 14% of American mortgages.
Time for the federal government — Fannie and Freddie – to get out of the mortgage business. Time for local banks to take over. Local banks are likely to impose stricter standards and work with borrowers to help them fulfill their obligations.
Research shows that low-income home buyers who borrowed from a local lender between 2005 and 2008 had markedly lower rates of default and delinquency than those who used more distant banks or mortgage companies says Ohio State University Prof. Stephanie Moulton.
The result will be homeowners acquiring more equity in their homes and fewer defaulted mortgages. Instead of deducting mortgage interest from taxes let people deduct payments on principal. By forcing banks and consumers to put more skin in the game, Congress could help head off the next housing crises. The best way is to make sure that Americans own as much of their homes as they can.
CA state Assembly Speaker forbids guns for legislators though those keeping the peace carry no guns.
No guns needed CA Assembly
CA State Assembly Speaker John Perez “does not believe that members should bring weapons into the Capitol because the job of protecting the men and women who visit and work in the Capitol is best left to the well trained professionals in the sergeant’s office and the California Highway Patrol,” said spokesman Vigna.
“No senator has asked to carry a weapon in the Capitol, nor do Senate sergeants carry handguns.”
“I can’t imagine that would be something we would need to do, given our security in the building,” Beard said.
The California State Assembly Speaker has forbidden guns in the hands of legislators. According to him they are all splendidly protected by the (it turns out) unarmed Sgts. at Arms and the Highway Patrol. Yes that highway patrol which is intensely trained in traffic control.
Yet another impregnable fortress awaiting impregnation.
So how did the Republicans do ? At least we will have a real debate in the Senate about Obama Care now. And Democrats must vote.
from The American Spectator:
“There is more good in the budget deal than is revealed in the budget cut number agreed on last night. Measured against the size of budget cutting necessary for the future, the numbers are small, to be sure, but this number was a tactical, not a strategic engagement. The key to the matter is momentum, principle, and precedent, which set up the strategic environment for 2012. Continue reading “Senate must discuss & vote on ObamaCare because of budget deal. Lots of Democrats up for reelection soon so ….”
An Ohio man was charged with a misdemeanor for barking at a police dog.
Officer Bradley Walker wrote that he heard the K9 dog barking uncontrollably inside his patrol car while he was investigating a car crash at a pub early Sunday morning. Walker says Stephens was making barking noises and hissing at the animal.
Walker reported that Stephens said “the dog started it” when asked why he was harassing the animal. The officer said Stephens appeared highly intoxicated.
This ranks right up there with baying at the moon and unlawful yodeling.
Can we jest about politics without threat of jihad?
An attempt:
And the Taxpayer People, sorely burdened sent Servant JohnB to The Great Portals for Golden Relief, For 40 days & nights he fasted & cried many a tear.
Please Great Ones – until we can agree on how much Relief — pay our warriors their fair wages for the year. They are shot at daily.
And a Voice replied, No, paying soldiers is only a distraction.
Inside The Great Portals Father Reid murmured to Mother Spirit Pelosi, Where is our Son, Prophet Obama? And Spirit Pelosi replied, Our Son left to announce a New Promise to spend four more years.
Then out of the rushing of air and a flight of white doves a Voice surrounded JohnB which said, Leave! Take these tablets. Give them to son Ryan who will explain them. And you will have true tax Relief.
Supreme Court reverses 9th circuit decision regarding removal of blacks from a jury saying that the reasoning of the 9th circuit is inexplicable and unexplainable.
Sublime reasoning from our 9th circuit
Firenze Sage
Two of three African American jurors were excused by the DA. This is a no no if done for reasons of race. The DA said he did it because one disliked cops and the other was a social worker.
Three (3) other courts said it was OK, and then came this opinion from the 9th circuit which is not exactly chock full of information about why.
“The prosecutor’s proffered race-neutral bases for peremptorily striking the two African-American jurors were not sufficient to counter the evidence of purposeful discrimination in light of the fact that two out of three prospective African-American jurors were stricken, and the record reflected different treatment of comparably situated jurors.â€
The US Supreme court unanimously had this to say,”That decision is as inexplicable as it is unexplained. It is reversed.”
Follow the money: unions, public employees, lawyers
Activist judge Abrahamson of Wisconsin wants conservative Prosser unseated and her former intern JoAnne Kloppenburg seated next to her on the Supreme Court. And it looks like voter fraud occurred in this race in which the Democrats spent $3 million to help Kloppenberg. So what’s to be done about this messy conflict of interest situation? Will Abrahamson recluse herself?
Brian Bolduc: Wisconsin’s Chief Injjustice “On the homepage, I profile Shirley Abrahamson, chief justice of Wisconsin’s supreme court. From all appearances, she’s an activist judge par excellence. Besides arrogating to the court legislative powers, she’s trying to unseat her conservative colleague, Justice David Prosser, so her former intern, JoAnne Kloppenburg, can secure a liberal majority on the court, a source tells me. Here’s the lede:
Atop Wisconsin’s supreme court sits Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson. And an unhappy chief is she. Conservatives outnumber liberals on the court by four to three, forcing Abrahamson to dissent in 37 percent of the cases during the 2009–10 term. Meanwhile, the legal challenge to Gov. Scott Walker’s “budget repair†bill is rushing toward the court’s docket.
If only she had one more vote.
“The election for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court has ended in a dead heat. When John described it as a “photo finish†earlier this morning, Prosser was up by 835. By the time all of the precincts from Milwaukee County belatedly reported later in the day, Kloppenburg had taken a lead of 311 votes out of 1.5 million cast (a huge turnout for such an election). A recount is virtually certain.
The Wisconsin Republicans had better get some very high-powered election lawyers at work on the case and do it now if they hope to win.
Doing so enabled George Bush to win in Florida in 2000. Not doing so handed the Washington governorship to the Democrats in 2004. The Republican Dino Rossi was ahead on election night and in the automatic recount that followed. But a hand count, and some very conveniently discovered absentee ballots in heavily Democratic King County (Seattle), gave the race to the Democrat Christine Gregoire. And not doing so handed the Minnesota senate seat to Al Franken in 2008. Again the Republican was ahead after election night, but the lead vanished in the recounts and dubious absentee ballots.
“In both cases, the Republicans were outlawyered. Unfortunately Wisconsin election law practically begs people to commit election fraud. It has same-day registration, which allows people to show up at the polls, register with minimal ID requirements, and then vote. Don’t have ID? No problem! All you need is someone who is registered in the same city to vouch for you. According to John Fund of the Wall Street Journal, perhaps the country’s leading expert on voter fraud,
“A 67-page 2008 report by investigators for the Milwaukee Police Department blew the whistle on what it called an “illegal organized attempt to influence the outcome of [the 2004] election in the state of Wisconsinâ€â€”a swing state where recent presidential elections have often been very close. The report found that in 2004 between 4,600 and 5,300 more votes were counted in Milwaukee than the number of voters recorded as having cast ballots. Absentee ballots were cast by people living elsewhere; ineligible felons not only voted but worked at the polls; transient college students cast improper votes; and homeless voters possibly voted more than once. The report found that in 2004 a total of 1,305 “same day†voters gave information that was declared “un-enterable†or invalid by election officials.
The long-term solution, of course, is to curb absentee balloting and require as much ID to vote as you need to get into airplanes and many office buildings these days.
But the short-term solution in this election, sad to say, is to lawyer up—to hire a Dobermann, if need be—before uncounted absentee ballots start appearing in the front seat of election officials’ cars as they did in Christine Gregoire’s Washington in 2004.