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Category: Government
Government: who rules us.
cod liver oil and melatonin he…
cod liver oil and melatonin help . Go http://www.FreedomOk.net Monterey Bay Forum
Young Muslims sought to discuss American/ Muslim identity, separation mosque and state contact infor@aifdemocracy.org
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are seeking a few more young Muslims to participate in our first annual retreat. The purpose of this event is to seek answers to the challenges faced by young Muslims in the context of a rapidly modernizing world, including the separation of mosque and state, balancing an American and Muslim Identity, and opportunities for Islamic reform.
Please review the attached program flyer and application. We would appreciate your assistance in spreading the word. If you, or someone you know, are interested in attending, please fill out the application and return via email to info@aifdemocracy.org.
Application deadline is Sunday, March 6, 2011.
M. Zuhdi Jasser
Founder and President
CA Gov. Brown, school administrators & teacher unions rig the system to help the adults who run it rather than the children to be educated. Who will speak up for the children & parents in Compton, California?
Teachers, unions for teachers, administrators and CA Gov. Brown seek to crush the “parent trigger” law in CA which allows parents in failing schools to replace administrators and bring in charter schools.
Some schools do a terrible job of educating their children. In failing schools in California parents of children in failing schools could exercise “parent trigger”. Parent trigger allowed parents to replace the public school system with a charter school.
Now the powers that protect the adults that run the public schools seek to crush parent trigger.
“Parent trigger” school reform was undermined by Governor Jerry Brown on his first day of office, He replaced seven reform members of the state board of education with UNION ALLIES including a lobbyist for the California Teachers Association. The new board plans to re-write the rules that govern the parent trigger law.
Assemblywoman Julia Brownley and state schools chief Tom Torlakson, both voted against parent trigger last year, plan to amend the law. Expect them to work for appeal of the parent trigger law.
When parents in Compton, CA exercised the parent trigger law the teachers urged parents to rescind their petitions Then, when that did not work, the district required parents to bring official photo identification knowing that some are illegal immigrants. A judge issued a temporary restraining order stopping the verification plan. In response the school administrations declared all petitions disqualified based on technicalities — some petitions were not stapled and some legal code numbers were mistyped.
Think Obama might speak up for the children in Compton, CA? Doubtful. Remember what happened to the charter schools in Washington D.C. — that Obama refused funding to continue even though they were successful? There’s a case where a black President does not step up to continue a success story for poor, black urban students. Why might that be? Obama supports the teacher unions because he and the Democrat Party get money from their dues. Money which pays for his re-election.
The struggle by the public sector unions in Wisconsin part and parcel to what the public schools and unions are doing in California. The public sector unions want to keep control.
What can the public do? Connect with organizations that work for responsible change. For example, one organization to join is Ask Heritage. Join and work for responsible government.
Go to www.askheritage.org and take their latest quiz. It is fun and you will learn important information. For example, did you know that 1 in 5 persons in the U.S. is entirely dependent on the rest of us? Our system is creating dependency and that is not healthy.
Jehad means a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels, President Obama. Why does Obama consistently minimize the terrorists acts done by Muslims against America?
Why does President Obama consistently minimize the attacks by Islamic radicals?
Asked, What do you think of jehad? President Obama said, “Jehad has a lot of meanings and is subject to a lot of interpretations..”
If you Google the word it says, jihad: a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels
jihad: a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal
What say you? Asked about jehad, President Obama says that Islam a religion of peace, justice, firmness and tolerance. Do you agree? Or is jehad a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels?
The reality is that there have been 25-30 attacks by Muslims shouting Allah is God! as they attack and kill non-Muslims.
Where is the web site listing all the thousands of peace loving, tolerant Muslims who condem these acts of violence?
Yes, there is a lone Muslim M.D. in Arizona with a web site who affirms that there are moderate Islams. Let’s hope that more moderate Muslims speak up!
Aptos, CA psychologist: The govt can regulate mental activity, decision-making? Time for the American Psychological Association to comment on what this judge says about “thinking”.
The Opinion piece, Regulating ‘Mental Activity’ (WSJ 2-28-2011) disagrees with the latest judge, Gladys Kessler, who holds that Obama-Care is constitutional.
It’s time that the public understands the slippery thinking displayed in Wickard v Filburn — the legal case used by the Obama Administration and Judge Kessel to defend Obama-Care. It’s time that the thinking public read Wickard v Filburn. From this case has come the huge expansion of the federal government into so many aspects of American life.
The lack of logic which the judge employs is mind boggling. It’s time for rational thinking people to take up pen and write the judge, her boss and various associations that represent organizatons that have knowledge about “thinking”, “mental activity” the “mind” and the difference between doing an act and thinking an act. To consider action as the same as inaction wipes out all sorts of legal, ethical and psychological distinctions that have been around a thousand years or more.
The mental activity of decision making when a person thinks, “I will buy health insurance… or “I will not buy health insurance” is economic activity which the government under the Commerce Clause can regulate says Gladys Kessler of the D.C. district court. ”
The distinction between activity and inactivity is “of little significance,” Judge Kessler writes, “It is pure semantics to argue that an individual who makes a choice to forgo health insurance is not ‘acting’…Making a choice is an affirmative action whether one decides to do something or not do something. They are two sides of the same coin.”
Every organization of professionals that has some knowledge of mental activity — psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage and family counselors — needs to speak up and discuss what Judge Gladys Kessler says.
This is not just about Obama-Care and whether it is constitutional. Did the government of our Founders create a government whose reach includes “mental activity”?
Is the mental activity, “I will kill my neighbor..” the same as “I will not kill my neighbor” and if the decision is based on stealing my neighbor’s jewels — an economic activity — can the government take action against me for thinking thoughts about murder as opposed to the activity of taking steps and acting on my thoughts?
To repeat the judge’s words, The distinction between ACTIVITY and INACTIVITY is “of little significant” …. Think of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not steal, commit adultery, murder… There is a huge difference between DOING the act and thinking about the act. For doing the activity of intentionally killing a person society punishes people and ostracizes them.
Let’s say that I believe that Judge Kessler is irrational and should be removed from her position as judge. Here I am engaging in mental activity. And, let’s say I act by writing a letter to her “boss”. By writing I am engaging specific, identifiable action to achieve a particular result. And let’s say I send money to professional associations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) to take up pen to comment on the lack of rationality shown by this judge.
In contrast, let’s say that my husband totally disagrees with me. And he takes no action except to think, “I’m taking no action and doing nothing.” Is his lack of action the same as my actions — just two sides of the same coin? When is LACK of action ever the same as ACTION? Judge Kessler thinks they are the same.
Remember Wickard, the farmer who kept 148 bushels of wheat and did not put them on the open market. That is the legal case, Wickard v Filburn, from where all this stretched to the edge of illogical thinking arose. The government relies on the Wickard decision to say that thinking about an action is the same as taking the action. This is a stretch that breaks the elastic. Read the case for yourself and think of how slippery the sloop is — from 148 bushels that were hoarded by one farmer for personal use to NOT buying a product that crosses state lines.
DrCameron Jackson@gmail.com
Scott Kennedy of Santa Cruz Ce…
RE: @dmiller_sc Votes: Maybe…
RE: @dmiller_sc Votes: Maybe Gov. Brown has not cut spending for prisons as he wants all those prison guard public … http://disq.us/179raw