Egypt needs rule by law so “underground” economy becomes legal and needs to reduce govt employees to less than 15% rather than 33% so private sector flourishes and there is economic freedom.

How best to aide Egypt? Most of Egypt’s businesses are underground — they have no title to their land and cannot raise capital or use modern methods such as creating partnerships and corporations.

So, first of all, set up a way for the Egyptian “underground” economy of 7 million to take a lawful position with the 5 million that have title, can get loans and can create corporations. That would create freedom and give people who have been “illegal” to become legal in their own country.

Second, require Mubarak to divulge half of his fortune of supposedly 700 billion in return for safe passage after elections. Use the money as a fund to encourage small businesses. Have as a goal the creation of a Silicon valley of high technology using the wealth that the Egyptian regime took form the Egyptian people over the last 30 years.

Third, change the percentage in Egypt of public to private sector employees. In Egypt, about 1 in 3 workers is a government worker. Reduce the percent of government workers to lower than 15 percent. In contrast, in Turkey — which is booming — only 13% are government workers.

The U.S. has a decrepit, expensive government post office that continually raises rates. In contrast the FED EX and other private companies that move mail are competitive and thriving. So, figure out ways to introduce competition to what government provides in Egypt with the goal to privatize services currently run by the government.

Fourth, ensure that Egyptian women have equality to run for office, borrow money, go to schools and universities, wear clothing that they choose and religious freedom and freedom of speech.

The streets of Cairo are filled with young men. No women are in the streets demonstrating. Or very few. When a country protects women and ensures that those who give birth also can demonstrate safely in the streets, get loans, vote and pray then society will have greater stability, more happiness and peace.

In contrast to what Obama wants — more “change” for young Egyptians so they can become a some sort of democracy — America will do better to promote Egyptian economic freedom and the rule by law for the protection of all.

Most importantly, let’s do all we can to stop the growth of the Muslim Brotherhood and the practise of sharria law. Muslim political ideology opposes the basic tenets of any free society. Egypt cannot be free if run by Muslim extremists.

Fortunately there was an uprising against a mosque near Ground Zero in New York. Increasingly there is more opposition to Muslim extremists in Europe and Great Britain. What say you? written by


$300 million (1/2 taxpayer) spent to create one batch of ethanol made from wood = boondoggle

Another boondoggle: trying to make commercial ethanol out of wood cost taxpayers $162 million and an additional $162 million in private financing. Calpers of California was one of the investors in this boondoggle.


Cameorn jackson
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Answer? Depends on how green the wood is. Is it time for taxpayers to say no more green wood to make ethanol? Yes.

Calpers and others kicked in $158 million in 2008 to Range Fuels to produce ethanol out of wood for commercial purposes. In May 2009 CEO Mandich said that no one had figured out how to make ethanol out of wood. For something that no one knows how to do — how in the world did they get funding in the first place?

Next week President Obama is expected to ask for even more subsidies for renewable energy. Let’s hope the answer is no — there is no excuse for throwing more money after bad or to listen to more self-serving pleas from investors who want taxpayers to finance their politically correct attempts to get even richer.

Last year the EPA had no choice but to reduce the government’s 100 million gallon target for 2010 to 6.6 million gallons. Maybe New Gingrich will ask EPA to let corn ethanol make the cut as wood can’t do the job.

A local boondoggle in the Santa Cruz, CA area: This is from the Santa Cruz Sentinel on Feb 10, 2011 B2: Assemblyman Alejo touts benefits of program on chipping block. Assemblyman Luis Alejo D-Watsonville hopes to spare Salinas based Green Vehicles from the chopping block. Green Vehicles makes three-wheeled electric cars and relocated last year to Salinas. California Budget Project found that the Green Vehicles program has handed out $3.6 BILLION in tax breaks mostly to businesses with assets in excess of $1 billion while creating few jobs.


Islamic radicals – comments by American Islamic Forum for Democracy

Islamic radicalization – why to watch out for it per the American Islamic Forum for
Democracy. I agree says Dr. Cameron Jackson of Monterey Bay Forum.


The following comments make sense to me. What do you say? Dr. Cameron Jackson

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As we look forward to 2011, we wanted to take this opportunity to reflect upon our organizational successes in 2010 at the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD). We can truly say that we have affected positive, lasting change in the national conversation about political Islam and Islamist radicalization. Issues such as the ‘Ground Zero mosque’, Major Nidal Hasan’s attack on Fort Hood, and an unprecedented number of homegrown terror plots from Muslims radicalized on our soil have finally begun to awaken America. AIFD has been a major catalyst in beginning to break down the blinders of political correctness that have prevented our nation from understanding the root cause of the ever-growing threat of Islamist radicalization-the ideology of political Islam. AIFD also exemplifies how solutions to that ideology may evolve– internal reform toward the separation of mosque and state from deep within the “House of Islam.”

AIFD’s mission is to advocate for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, liberty and freedom through the separation of mosque and state.

AIFD’s successes: Our work through interviews and contributions on television, radio and in print has had consistent penetration into increasing audiences. This year alone we have reached an estimated audience of over 150,000,000. AIFD has been featured on CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper 360. We have been carried on Fox News Channel’s America Live, The O’Reilly Factor and Hannity. CBS News’ The Early Show, MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, and nationally syndicated radio programs by Laura Ingraham, Fred Thompson, G. Gordon Liddy, and Dennis Miller have regularly featured AIFD. Our writings have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, The Dallas Morning News, the Washington Times, the Daily Caller, and the Hudson Institute. Our expertise has been called upon as a source by the National Journal, Newsmax, the Washington Post, and the USA Today to name a few.

Our expertise has been increasingly called upon for guidance by academe, foundations, government, and religious institutions (e.g. House and Senate congressional anti-terror caucuses, Joint Forces Staff College, Heritage Foundation, U.S. Navy, Oslo Freedom Forum, and many more).

AIFD continues to build the foundations for reform work within Muslim communities. In 2010, we successfully conducted numerous public forums targeting young Muslims at universities; helped launch a coalition of prominent American Muslim leaders that will serve as an alternative voice to that of the dominant Muslim Brotherhood movement in the United States; and we have been invited to engage and dialogue with prominent Muslim leaders and demonstrate the genuine diversity of opinions among American Muslims and the importance of Muslim groups who focus on solutions.

It is through your gifts and partnership that AIFD has become a prominent and credible resource on Islamic issues for the private and public sectors. For that, we thank you!

In 2011 our workload will continue to increase exponentially as public awareness grows for the concern of the challenges posed by political Islam to the core values of free societies and our national security. We will continue to seek every opportunity to engage leaders, non-Muslims and Muslims, to counter the obstacles that political correctness poses in preventing the development of long overdue strategies for internal Muslim reform against political Islam. In 2011 we hope to:

Engage young Muslims in developing Muslim led solutions toward a modern liberty-based paradigm of Islam. We hope to provide young Muslims alternative venues for conversations and ideas that empower opportunities for reform that addresses their faith-based challenges in a rapidly modernizing world. We will advocate for that reform through the separation of mosque and state and the importance of an American national identity based in universal freedom over one based in political Islam.

Build the capacity of a diverse group of Muslim leaders with a unified public Muslim voice to serve as an alternative to the global Muslim Brotherhood movement; additionally, to begin the long internal hard work of reform of those Islamic theologies that are incompatible with the principles of our U.S. Constitution.

Collaborate with intelligence and law enforcement to meet the growing request for education on Islamic issues.

Educate the private and public sectors about the ideology of political Islam and the urgency of related Islamic reform issues through writings, radio and media interviews, and public forum participation.

We rely on your generous financial support. Together we must preserve America’s commitment to freedom and national security for future generations. Your support and partnership are vital. Please consider making a gift today.


M. Zuhdi Jasser,
Founder and President


Aptos psychologist: Power of the purse is a mighty force. Congress cuts off money to move Gitmo war detainees to U.S. soil. Americans can stop buying Chinese goods to support freedom of speech in China….

Let’s stop buying goods made in China? That’s one way to protest the eleven year prison term for the Chinese poet/ literary critic Liu Xiaobo for supporting free speech. Let’s use our freedom not to buy from China, a country which bolsters North Korea and in turn helps Iran go nuclear. The same week that the Nobel Prize was awarded to Chinese poet/ literary critic Liu Xiaobo China gave an award to the person who shot the students at Tiananiman Square years ago. And they jailed Liu Xiaobo’s wife so she could not receive the award for him.

“China, we are often told, is America’s greatest rival, destined to overtake the U.S. as the world’s preeminent military and economic powerhouse, if it hasn’t already. But how to square this forecast of a glorious Chinese future with the pathetic reality on display this week – that of a rising superpower cowering before one man?

“The man in question is of course Liu Xiaobo, the jailed dissident who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this week in absentia. A poet and literary critic, Liu is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence for “subversion.” His crime? He is the co-author of “Charter 08,” an appeal for non-violent political and human-rights reform inside China.

It’s a testament to the inherent instability of China’s authoritarian system that it considers a 54-year old poet such a grave threat. In anticipation of Liu’s award this week, the Chinese government blocked news stations like BBC and CNN from broadcasting and shut down websites. Police stepped up repression against dissidents, tightening controls on protest. Special care was taken to isolate Liu’s relatives, who might have received the award on his behalf. His wife, Liu Xia, is reportedly being kept under house arrest. The result was that the Nobel Prize was not handed out for the first time in 74 years. An empty chair and a photograph of Liu were the lone signs of the honoree’s presence.

Yet the symbolism of Liu’s forced absence was powerful enough. For all of its much-hyped technological progress, modern China cannot abide a man who posts his opinions on the internet. Despite its massive military buildup, the country must marshal its forces to silence the supporters of a man who preaches non-violence. Even as it aspires to be a major player in international affairs, China treats a single prize as a mortal challenge to its global might. If this is a glimpse of the Chinese future, it is a revealing one.

It is rare that the Nobel Prize committee exhibits moral clarity. All too often it has bestowed the honor on either those who did not actually deserve it (Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore) or on those who made a mockery of its underlying principles (Yaser Arafat). In Liu Xiaobo, the committee has found a worthy recipient, a point creditably conceded by President Obama, who observed that Liu was “far more deserving of this award than I was.”

Locked in his prison cell, Liu Xiaobo did not get a chance to deliver his message about the internal weakness of China’s political system. But in their determination to keep him silent, Liu’s oppressors made the point for him. Until he can walk free, China’s self-assured claims to global leadership must be dismissed as mere posturing.


Aptos psychologist: It’s time to change laws regulating social security disability. Why and how.

Time to reduce social security entitlement program. Change laws so reports by social security go to the individual and other agencies and entities that provide assistance to the person receiving social security. Encourage independence not dependence by rewarding work. Require life style changes when appropriate to receive social security disability.


Cameron Jackson

When thinking about social security, Instead of thinking “entitlement” people need to think “temporary assistance”. Too often I hear the comment, “Oh, I cannot do more work as that will reduce my social security benefits…” We need entitlement programs such as social security disability to encourage independence not dependency.

Because of social security regulations the public and persons receiving the money do not know why they get what they do. Let’s change that.

By law let’s require open communication between the government agencies and non-profits that assist families who receive social security disability. Currently social security rarely releases reports. By law let’s require that social security release their reports.

It’s time to change social security regulations. Make it lawful that anyone who receives social security has the right to receive a copy of gets their reports – just like medical reports belong to the individual.

Likewise, let’s make it legal that other agencies that have a legitimate reason to know can also access social security reports. For example, if social security if giving money based on “mental retardation” (recently changed to intellectual disability) and school assessment suggests “specific learning disability” it’s time that all the players have access to all the reports.

Here’s a real life example why we need to make changes in how and why children under age 21 receive social security disability. The names have been changed to protect privacy.
Carmen receives around $400 in social security. She is 18 years old. It is not clear why she receives the money. Her father thinks she gets money because of mental retardation.

Carmen’s father is disabled. He used to work in the agricultural fields near Watsonville, CA. Her mother works as a baker. Carmen is an only child. Carmen has various medical issues: obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and asthma.

Carmen largely refuses to follow the recommended regime for control of her diabetes. She likes to snack on candy and eat throughout the evening hours. She does not like to walk. She is quite obese and her weight is climbing.

Carmen does have some skills: she uses a computer to access the Internet. She can sell Tupperware. She wants to go to junior college.

So what will encourage Carmen to become more independent and less dependent upon the government? For one, let’s change the law so that all entities providing education, medical and money can talk to each other and receive their reports. That way agencies are not working at cross purposes.

Perhaps it’s time that the social security disability money s Carmen receives is conditional on making healthy life style changes? If she wants the money then make the changes that will make her ultimately more independent.


Aptos, CA psychologist: Invasion of the body snatchers? TSA ineptly rolls out new safety rules for airline travel

TSA says, “We have to do it to keep Americans safe.” Hence the enhanced pat downs and full body scanners.

What if a woman puts explosives into a tampon and inserts it? What will the full body scanner find? The outline of a tampon. My. What could the hand search detect on that woman? Zip.

With a suit pending from the pilots, TSA now gives the pilots a free pass. Ah, so now the terrorists just have to fake the two required ID’s and come through as a supposed pilot.

From the terrorist point of view: Why bother with blowing up only 300+ on a plane? Why not blow up the 600+ people lined up inside the airport while they wait to enter the “sterile” area? Just throw a few bombs in various areas of the airport. Then what will these government TSA people do? Will TSA then scan and body search everyone before entering the airport? And on and on …

TSA needs to get smart how to profile people — not objects.

WASHINGTON — The head of the agency responsible for airport security, facing protests from travelers and pressure from the White House, appeared to give ground Sunday on his position that there would be no change in policies regarding invasive passenger screening procedures.

Transportation Security Administration head John Pistole said in a statement that the agency would work to make screening methods “as minimally invasive as possible,” although he gave no indication that screening changes were imminent.

The statement came just hours after Pistole, in a TV interview, said that while the full-body scans and pat-downs could be intrusive and uncomfortable, the high threat level required their use. “No, we’re not changing the policies,” he told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Pistole said that, as in all nationwide security programs, “there is a continual process of refinement and adjustment to ensure that best practices are applied.”

Still, he pointed to the alleged attempt by a Nigerian with explosives in his underwear to try to bring down an Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight last Christmas. “We all wish we lived in a world where security procedures at airports weren’t necessary,” Pistole said, “but that just isn’t the case.”

In his earlier TV appearance, Pistole appeared to shrug off statements by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that the agency would look for ways to alter screening techniques that some passengers say are invasions of privacy.

Obama said in Lisbon on Saturday that he had asked TSA officials whether there's a less intrusive way to ensure travel safety. “I understand people's frustrations,” he said, adding that he had told the TSA that “you have to constantly refine and measure whether what we’re doing is the only way to assure the American people’s safety.”

Clinton, appearing Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” said she thought “everyone, including our security experts, are looking for ways to diminish the impact on the traveling public” and that “striking the right balance is what this is about.”

She, for one, wouldn’t like to submit to a security pat-down.

“Not if I could avoid it. No. I mean, who would?” Clinton told CBS’ “Face the Nation” in an interview broadcast Sunday.

“Clearly it’s invasive, it’s not comfortable,” Pistole said of the scans and pat-downs during the TV interview. But, he added, “if we are to detect terrorists, who have again proven innovative and creative in their design and implementation of bombs that are going to blow up airplanes and kill people, then we have to do something that prevents that.”

Rep. John Mica, R-Fla. who is set to become Transportation Committee chairman when Republicans take over the House in January, differed with the approach.

“I don’t think the rollout was good and the application is even worse. This does need to be refined. But he’s saying it’s the only tool and I believe that’s wrong,” Mica, a longtime critic of the TSA, said separately on the CNN program.

With the peak traveling season nearing, air travelers are protesting new requirements at some U.S. airports that they must pass through full-body scanners that produce a virtually naked image. The screener, who sits in a different location, does not see the face of the person being screened and does not know the traveler’s identity.

Those who refuse to go through the scanners are subject to thorough pat-downs that include agency officials touching the clothed genital areas of passengers.

Pistole was shown videos of people being patted down where the screeners touched the breasts of a woman, felt into the pants of another person and felt the crotch of a man. He said all three cases were proper and that the gloves of the screener who felt inside the pants were then tested for explosive trace residue.

Pistole added that very few people receive the pat-down. People who go through the new advanced imaging machines available at some 70 airports are usually not subject to pat-downs, he said.

Pistole said that while watch lists and other intelligence sources help the TSA pick out travelers who might pose greater risks, rules against profiling mean that some people who are less of a risk, such as the elderly or the disabled, must sometimes undergo pat-downs.

“I want to be sympathetic to each of the negative experiences. We’ve had extensive outreach to a number of different disability community groups, a number of different outreach efforts to try to say, how can we best work with those in your community to effect security while respecting your dignity and privacy,” he said.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., appearing on CBS, said Congress would hold hearings on the “very controversial” issue of how to strike the right balance. Asked how he would feel about submitting to a pat-down, Hoyer said: “I don’t think any of us feel that the discomfort and the delay is something that we like, but most people understand that we’ve got to keep airplanes safe.”

Read more:


Aptos, CA psychologist: Use “aged out” former Islamic radicals to catch potential terrorists?

How to catch Islamic, radical terrorists?

Time to profile radical, Islamic terrorists? Yes. Focus on the real problem.

Instead of full body scans and enhanced pat downs at airports, focus on getting the bad guys.

It’s time to stop herding Americans around like sheep. Stop the shoes off and the control of jells and liquids. Stop all the little stupid stuff.

How to catch a thief? Use smart, former thieves to catch them.

How to catch radical, Islamic terrorists? Hire and use smart, former Islamics that have aged out of their radical terrorist ways. There must be thousands of tired out, Islamic radicals who no longer want to blow themselves up. Let the “aged out” Islamic terrorists identify and catch younger, more energetic Islamic terrorists. This way the private sector can hire middle eastern young men — and women — who have grown out of their radical Islamic political beliefs to catch the bad guys. This is a win-win for the private sector growing the private sector.

We do not need 66,000 federal employees to keep every little airport safe. So, let’s eliminate all federal employees that do homeland security for all small airports. Instead, use private companies that are held accountable to their local communities. Let the private sector manage all small airports. That will “grow the private sector” and shrink big government that thinks it knows best.

Once profiled and caught, do not turn radical, Islamic potential terrorists over to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Don’t risk the possibility that the federal government might give Islamic, radical terrorists full rights in civilian court. Let each state figure out how to prosecute their home-grown, radical terrorists. Because of the fiasco trying the terrorist who killed 200+ — and was only found guilty of conspiracy — Eric Holder says no more trials for terrorists until after the 2012 elections. What a failed political stunt that trial was.

Tell your government to stop looking for objects. Tell them to look for bad people. Stop the political correctness that dictates that all persons be searched the same way. Don’t search catholic nuns and three year old children the same as a 24 year old middle eastern male with known ties to violent organizations. Use intelligence to identify potential terrorists.

And encourage all Muslims who support democracy, freedom and liberty — and all Muslims who oppose radical Islamic goals to impose Sharria law. — to help catch the bad guys.

To catch a thief — use a smart, former thief. To catch potential Islamic, radical terrorists –get those who know their “ways” to identify and catch these bad persons.

There are young Americans graduating from college whose goal is to catch the terrorists. Loose them!


Aptos, Ca psychologist: Time for President Obama to seek appropriate therapy for narcissism? Is Obama a socialist/ statist with out of control spending problems?

President Obama a narcissist?

In the 2010 elections, American voters rejected Obama policies overwhelmingly. Then in Seoul, Korea twenty world leaders rejected Obama’s policy to devalue the dollar by printing $600 billion in funny money. Concerning the elections, President Obama thinks he merely has a communication problem. Wow! How about a reality check for President Obama?

Might President Obama be in need of a psychiatrist or psychologist? Individuals who have major difficulties often go to psychiatrists for medications and to psychologists for appropriate therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be highly helpful for a wide range of issues.

Does Obama need to get back in touch with basic spiritual/ religious values — such as is there anything bigger or more important than Obama?

How narcissistic is President Obama?
This is based on the latest draft of the proposed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V).

1. Compulsively: On a 0 to 4 scale what is Obama’s tendency to act according to a narrow and unchanging idea and expect that everyone should do so?

ObamaCare was rammed through with no attempt to get Republicans or independents behind it. President Obama could have gotten at least a few Republican votes. They got zero.

The Tea Party movement arose in opposition to what and how the health care debate was managed. Health care reform had to occur and was in crises — according to Obama. No fixes other than a 3,000 page health care reform bill would work. Obama appears to live by his father’s narrow ideas of colonial socialism/Marxism and that an elite should make decisions.
Overall Rating: 3 Compulsivity is Extremely Descriptive of President Obama

2. Negative Emotionality: On a 0 to 4 scale does Obama show a wide range of negative emotions (guilt, shame, worry, anxiety, worry) that manifest in behaviors?

Obama’s foreign policy consists of a series of apologies to the world as to the failings of the United States. The pictures of Obama bending over to kiss the hands of middle eastern dictatorships shows his apologetic stance. Obama has said on multiple occasions that America is responsible for most of the ills of the world. In Obama’s view, it is time that other nations take their rightful place and inherit the position that the United States has imposed on other nations. There is no exceptionalism to America – if there ever was any — in Obama’s view. We are a failed nation and should continue to fail.

Overall Rating: 3 Negative Emotionality is Extremely Descriptive of President Obama

3. Antagonism: On a 0 to 4 scale, does Obama exhibits diverse manifestations of antipathy toward others, and a correspondingly exaggerated sense of self-importance?

Given that his only real job experience is as a community organizer he has an exaggerated sense of self importance. He seems to believe that he knows far more than others and hence what he thinks is what should happen.

4. Introversion: On a 0 to 4 scale how does President Obama rate Withdrawal from other people, ranging from intimate relationships to the world at large; restricted affective experience and expression; limited hedonic capacity
Overall rating: 2 = Moderately Descriptive

5.Disinhibition: Diverse manifestations of being present- (vs. future- or past-) oriented, so that behavior is driven by current internal and external stimuli, rather than by past learning and consideration of future consequences

Obama’s says he is a statist only because of the present crises. Present circumstances force him to advocate for more, bigger, more costly government. How to solve the financial problems? Grow the government. Impose the largest deficit ever on future generations. Is this reckless? Irresponsible? Highly so.
Overall rating: 3 = Extremely Descriptive of President Obama

Therapy is something individuals seek when their world becomes unmanageable or unbearable. From the perspective of voters looking at the public actions of the leader of the free world, how healthy and helpful are President Obama’s acitons? Not healthy or helpful.

It is time to rein President Obama’s effect on the world and on the direction that America takes.

Who or what religious or spiritual beliefs direct Obama’s behavior. No longer does Obama does sit in the pews of Rev. Wright’s church. In fact, he does not go to any church regularly. I heard that President Obama finds the call to Islamic prayer to be sweet, beautiful words.

Today an Islamic radical was found not guilty of murder of 200+ charges. The Islamic radical terrorist was given the protections of the American criminal system and tried as though he were merely a criminal — not as a terrorist. The man was found guilty of conspiracy but not of the deaths all who died as a result of the conspiracy. Trying terrorists in American courts is a failed Obama policy.

Obama has failed in multiple ways as a leader of America and as a leader of the free world. As a twig is bent…. so grows the tree. It is time for some major character re-shaping for our narcissistic young President. We must reject ObamaCare in its entirety. For the sake of future generations we must eliminate the huge deficit imposed by Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic party.

We as a county have certain goals: limited government, choice by The People not by the government. A balanced budget. Choice kept at the local level.

Hiow do we get our President to achieve the goals that Americans seek?

Maybe Obama needs – for six months – an anti-depressant to help stabilize his mood, sense of failure, despondent feelings about the election. So, perhaps Obama needs a competent psychiatrist for appropriate medications. And to change his basic thinking and behavior problems? Looks like President Obama could benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy. For example, teach Obama some ways to stop negative thinking about America and instead engage in positive thinking about what America can and will achieve.

Is this written tongue in cheek? No. I think President Obama indeed needs to drastically change his cognitive beliefs and his behaviors.


Time to “profile” radical Islamic, Muslim extremists? To be or not to be? To fly or not to fly !! Get them off our planes!

profile & keep Americans safe

If Muslims want to fly then let them fly on Muslim planes. On Muslim owned planes Muslim women can wear the clothing they want and they are safe.

If Americans want to fly U.S. Homeland Security says that Americans must accept pat downs or full body scans. No.

The problem to face is how to effectively deal with Islamic radical extremists. And, yes, there are some American born Islamic radical extremists. The problem does not lie in our stars. The problem lies in the behavior of those who want to blow themselves up and go to their form of heaven.

That problem — Islamic Muslim extremists — is what Homeland Security must deal with. And we must tell Obama and his administration — NO!

If Muslims want to fly on planes owned by the United States then they must accept that they will be “profiled”. Any connections to any radical group that supports violence — those people cannot fly. Yes, it is time to profile. If a person has the profile of a possible Islamic extremist then it’s time to take major precautions.

Today 11-17-2010 we learn that a leading terrorist will walk away from most charges connected to the killing of 3,000 Americans on 9-11
. And nine years after 9-11 there has been no convictions directly connected to the events of 9-11.

I can understand why parents will choose to drive rather than have their young children patted down
. And I can understand why pilots do not accept routine, continual radiaiton or pat downs. If the pilots wanted to kill the passengers the pat downs and body scans are not going to stop them from flying a plane into the ground.

So what is Obama and his administration doing to keep Americans safe from radical Muslim extremists? Use Google and there is Hilary Clinton implementing Obama’s Reach Out to the Muslims policy.

Last Updated: Thu, 01/21/2010 –
In an effort to pursue a better relationship with Muslim communities, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has signed special orders to allow the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose terrorist ties have for years banned them from the United States.

Clinton chose to exercise her exemption authority as the nation’s chief foreign affairs adviser in a quest to fulfill President Obama’s mission of creating a new and improved relationship—based on mutual interest and mutual respect—with Muslims around the world. At least that’s the official word from the State Department.

The special order, signed by Clinton this week, assures the two extremist Muslim scholars (Tariq Ramadan and Adam Habib), known to support and endorse Islamic terrorism, entry into the U.S. for the first time in years. The State Department has repeatedly denied their visa claiming they present a national security threat.

Ramadan, one of the European Muslim world’s most prominent scholars, is the better known of the two. He openly supports the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, has worked for Iran and donates money to terrorist causes. His grandfather founded the Muslim Brotherhood, an influential Islamist group that advocates terrorism against Israel and the west and is known as the parent organization of Hamas and Al Qaeda.

A few months ago a Dutch university fired Ramadan over his extremism and his work for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The move capped the beloved Muslim professor’s assessment that London subway bombers were justified in acting out against their oppressors because the “British government is helping Iraqi people to be killed.” A well-known French author who has studied Ramadan extensively says the scholar is undoubtedly an agent of radicalization.

Habib, a South African sociologist who attended college in New York, is not as high profile but never the less has spoken out against U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and the nation’s war on terrorism. In banning his entry, the State Department has claimed he “engaged in a terrorist activity.”

Now, with the stroke of Madam Secretary’s pen, both men are free to spread their radical agendas on American soil. Clinton’s decision brings to an end a dark period in American politics, according to Ramadan, who praised the Obama Administration for its willingness to reopen the United States to the rest of the world and to permit critical debate.

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