firenze sage–How say NYET [No] in Russian to Iran’s Superior Leader?

How say [No!] in Russian to Iran’s leader re Israel and the PLO:

“Defeat Israel” -   says Iran’s Supreme Leader.

Iran leader

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called Wednesday on the people of Muslim countries to defeat Israel.

“With an intense and planned struggle, they [Muslim countries]  should force the enemy [Israel]  to retreat toward the point of demise,” he said.

Any move to negotiate with Israel would be an “unforgivable mistake”, the cleric added, after Saudi Arabia’s crown prince said Israelis were entitled to live peacefully on their own land.

Supreme Leader Khamenei later tweeted, “On days when escalation of oppression & barbarism by the Zionists, in Gaza has saddened and angered those who care for Palestine, we reiterate the perpetual stance of the Islamic Republic regarding the issue of Palestine.

 “The return of dignity and power to the Islamic nation is exclusively linked to resistance—while confronting arrogant powers and their wicked plots—and the issue of Palestine is at the top of Islam’s international agenda in the face of the arrogant front.”


Firenze Sage:   Why have we wasted more than 60 years trying to get a deal with the Muslims?


Firenze Sage: save the planet [from climate change]- fall in ditch




Al Gore’s daughter protests climate change

Let’s do it in the dirt   ….  as climate change advocacy works … when done by Al Gore’s daughter who lay down in a pipeline protesting climate change and safety issues.

Karenna Gore  was among demonstrators who tried to block construction activity on the site by lying in a trench dug for the pipeline and refusing to move until firefighters removed them, said protest group Resist the Pipeline & Stop the West Roxbury Lateral.

Judge Mary Ann Driscoll has dismissed criminal charges against protestors including Al Gore’s daughter on the grounds that their actions were necessary to prevent climate change.

Judge sets aside charges in pipeline protest

Jordan Graham Thursday, March 29, 2018


The protesters, including Karenna Gore, the daughter of former Vice President Al Gore, were facing charges of trespassing and disturbing the peace after climbing into a construction trench. On Tuesday, prosecutors asked a judge to convert the criminal charges into civil infractions, saying in the event of a conviction they were unlikely to ask for any further punishment. After allowing the motion, Judge Mary Ann Driscoll found the defendants not responsible, saying she agreed with their argument that their actions were necessary to combat climate change.

“Based on the very heartfelt expressions of the defendants who believe, and I don’t question their beliefs in any respect, who believe in their cause because they believe they were entitled to invoke the necessity defense, I’ll accept what they said,” Driscoll said.


Firenze Sage:  What if they were covered with dirt and the defense was we don’t  believe in climate change —  or the justice system for that matter.

Do what you want as your beliefs will save thee.


Who are the young men from Honduras coming to claim “asylum status”? Children?

Pictures show mostly young men ages 16-24 not women, children or visibly gay and lesbian persons.  One never knows ….  

So the Caravan coming to the USA  was started by gays and lesbians?  So they say ….   City without Borders aka Pueble Sin Froneras states that the gays and lesbians — LGBT community — started  the 1,000+ persons curerntly traveling to the USA from Honduras and near by areas.

In announcing the group’s March 25 departure, Pueblo Sin Fronteras sent a statement saying it is a “group of people from different nations, religions, genders, gender expressions and sexual orientations migrating and seeking refuge.”

The statement calls for a series of measures, including an end to political corruption, to violence against members of the LGBT community, to “murder with impunity and gang recruitment of youth.”

It demands that the U.S. government continued Temporary Protected Status — a program for people from nations affected by wars or disasters. It asks that the “U.S. government stop massive funding for the Mexican government to detain Central American migrants and refugees and to deport them.”



Move the booze & cut 24/7 Safeway hours of operation at Safeway in Aptos, Felton & Santa Cruz? One way to reduce crime….

The highest crime in Santa Cruz County — from Felton to Aptos — occurs near the three Safeway stores that are open 24 hours 7 days a week.

What to do? Change Safeway hours of operation to 6 AM – midnight. Safeway in Redding CA reduced hours and saw crime go down.  Most crimes occur after midnight at the Redding Safeway store.

And move the booze back near the milk and eggs.  That will reduce petty theft of alcohol.  Make it as time consuming to get alcohol as getting  milk and eggs.

The Safeway store in Aptos, CA places alcohol front and center near the entrance to the Safeway store.  Talk to the managers. Ask Safeway to   move the alcohol to the back wall across from the milk.

Aptos Psychologist:  The local paper is filled with simple  ways how to eat more vegetables at breakfast.  How about simple ways to reduce crime  — like move the booze to the far  end of the Safeway store in Aptos?  Close Safeway stores after midnight?

written by


sensible immigration reform? no human illegal? require E-Verify, require biometric entry-exit system…Goodlatte-McCaul proposal

No human is illegal?

Concerning legal immigration, two thirds of Americans want less than half the actual number of immigrants coming in.

About 100 K come in and most Americans want fewer than 500,000.  Roughly 9-10% of Americans want zero immigration.

Immigration was the issue that put Trump on the radar screen.  And immigration –   both legal and illegal  –  will be a crucial issue in the 2018 mid-elections.

So what’s a “sensible” immigration policy look like? How will both legal and illegal immigration be dealt with?

Take a look at the link below:

Aptos Psychologist:

Congress must substantially  increase  funds to HHS to manage and  control both legal and illegal immigration.  Perhaps its time to do your part and speak up?

We need  more Border Patrol (10 K recommended)  to stop illegals from entering.  For example,  from just one central american country alone roughly 1 in 3 persons from El Salvador now reside in the USA.

We need more  immigration  judges to quickly provide equal, fair justice and to handle  the 600,000 cases still pending     At the given rate of cases it could take 15-20 years to handle the  600,000 case backlog unless the system  changes.

Education:  It’s time for the public to educate itself as to the pros and cons of  what a sensible immigration policy looks like.

What say you? ; Comments welcome!  written by



Beat your wife and she seeks USA ‘refugee’ status?

Beat your wife and she seeks USA ‘refugee’ status? Yep.

Women born and raised elsewhere –whose husband beats them up –  can seek and get ‘refugee status’ in the USA.  How long will that continue?

We grant ‘refugee status”  because of a law Clinton got passed — 45 CFR 400.301 This law  applies to foreign born persons  seeking refugee status.

USA Attorney General Sessions is deciding yes or no on this issue.  The case Sessions is deciding involves   a case of domestic abuse brought by a woman from El Salvador. She seeks “refugee status” here.

Big bucks are involved in this decision.

The current USA   law — passed by President Clinton –gives lifetime entitlement of all federal programs  to refugees.  45 CFR 400.301.

This gives  a lifetime entitlement for  refugees who become citizens.    Currently, contractors can continue to deposit refugees where they choose regardless of state objection.

When Obama increased the Refugee admission quota in 2017 to 111,000 four states withdrew. But the numbers of refugees that actually settled in those states did not decline.  That’s because of CFR 400.301.

Currently the resettlement programs are on automatic pilot without the States able to say no effectively.  

If you think that freedoms for Americans  — including the right not to be beaten by your  husband — should be protected without extending that USA right world wide …. then petition your government to abolish CFR 400.301

President Trump lowered the immigration quota to 45,000.  The next President could increase it to 250,000.  It’s time that citizens of the USA spoke up and get control of how many “refugees”  are allowed in and on what basis refugees will be admitted.

The USA can and should seek to strengthen women’s rights abroad.  And we can and should be  be a beacon of freedom world wide.

written by Cameron Jackson




firenze sage–free quiet vacation in Syria or Yemen? [most safe country for Muslim women and children is?]

safety of Muslim  women — where most safe?

The most safe county for Muslim women and girls? The USA says one American professor.

An Ohio music professor who said Muslim women and girls are safer in the U.S. than in any Middle Eastern country has been forced to retire.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports University of Cincinnati assistant professor Clifford Adams has been placed on administrative [leave] for the remainder of the semester and will retire May 1.

He made the comment online to a Muslim student who had criticized Donald Trump’s presidency and spoke about freedom and diversity. Adams wrote “how dare” she complain.

Adams didn’t respond immediately Friday to a request for comment. He earlier wrote a letter to The Enquirer saying he was “deeply sorry” and was trying to have a “lively, provocative, scholarly argument.” School spokesman Greg Vehr says the university is “committed to excellence and diversity.”


Firenze  Sage:  Funny how diversity means everything but common sense.


Clean up time! Sanctuary State of CA sued by US govt for violation of Supremacy Clause of Constitution


Clean up time for CA’s ‘sanctuary state’ laws with CA sued by the  U.S. government

Clean up time for California’s ‘sanctuary state’ laws.

Attorney General Sessions sues  the State of California for violation of the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

The federal government reins supreme over state laws concerning immigration. Attorney General Sessions came to California to deliver the message. 

The ‘sanctuary state’  laws targeted by the federal government are:

SB 54  — the California Values Act — prevents state and local authorities from reporting illegal aliens who were arrested for other crimes to ICE.

AB 450 — Gov. Brown’s law threatens business owners with persecution if  they cooperate with ICE without first seeing whether ICE has a warrant/ correct documents.

AB 103 — gives oversight to California over ICE as the law allows the State of CA to inspect illegal aliens held by federal authorities.

At his  press conference Wednesday, Gov. Brown did not defend Oakland Mayor’s actions alerting the community of soon-to-occur ICE arrests. ICE says that the Mayor’s actions put ICE personnel in danger and 800 persons were not detained.

The governor offered the following points in rebuttal to Sessions’s clear and cogent case that the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause forbade California from blocking the enforcement of federal immigration law:

1. Sessions is a liar. “The Trump administration is full of liars. They [sic] pled guilty already to the Special Counsel.”

2. Sessions is from Alabama — “a fellow from Alabama coming to talk to us about secession and protecting human and civil rights.

3. Sessions is a Nazi. “We don’t need a Gestapo kind of tactic with vitriol spewing out of Jeff Sessions’s mouth. “

4. Sessions is … a French revolutionary. “The attorney general is basically initiating a reign of terror.”

5. Sessions is sucking up to President Trump. “Jeff thinks that Donald will be happier with him and I’m sure Donald will be tweeting his joy at this particular performance.” (Trump has not tweeted about it.)

California Attorney General Becerra’s line of attack was simple denial.


Aptos Psychologist:  Yes, it’s ‘clean up’ time here in CA.  About time.  Maybe fixing the ‘sanctuary state’ laws will impact California’s quality of life rating –  currently at the bottom.

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ICE arrests woman smuggler here in USA illegally

The  ICE arrest of a woman smuggler  on the streets of National City, CA   –  she was in U.S. illegally — separated the woman  from her children.

A teacher aide of one of the children  videotaped the arrest. What the woman and smuggling organization were smuggling is not known.

The Border Patrol says Perla Morales-Luna was identified as an organizer for a transnational criminal smuggling organization and was arrested for being in the country illegally.

Aptos Psychologist:  One hears some say, “Why arrest undocumented persons just because they are here illegally?” Answer:  mothers should ‘mother’ mot smuggle.



Justice denied for 30 years [female genital mutilation in Britain]

   The latest Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) case to make it to court has been dismissed, with the judge claiming the child had denied harm and medical evidence was inconclusive.

The Somali origin father, who lives in Bristol, had allegedly admitted to allowing his seven-year-old daughter to be cut on the clitoris, telling a charity worker it would stop her “feeling sexy all the time”.

However, Judge Julian Lambert described the prosecution’s case against 29-year-old former Uber driver as “deeply troubling” and slammed witnesses as “inconsistent”, the Daily Mail reports.

He also stressed that the child had denied being harmed and dismissed the medical evidence as “wholly inconclusive at its highest”.

Not a single person has been found guilty of FGM offences in Britain, despite the practice being illegal for 30 years, thousands of cases being logged annually, and there being hundreds of successful prosecutions in France.


Firenze Sage:   “The child denied harm.”  It is up to you dear judge to protect children from themselves and scheming adults who greatly influence the child’s opinion. Do you expect the child to denounce the father who permitted her to be attacked   with a razor and who she will go home with  — you idiot!!
