Time to eat crow? Democrats sat on their hands at the State of the Union address by Trump

Democrats sat on their hands during the State of the Union address by Donald Trump

Time to eat crow?  Democrats sat on their hands when Donald Trump spoke about what’s happened during his first year in office.

No Democrat voted for the Tax Cuts.  Those tax cuts benefit many Americans.

No Democrat stood in unity with Republicans concerning the economy or foreign policy.

What do the Democrats stand for?  Seems like they simply stand against.  What say you?   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Dreamers – are they productive, law abiding and speak English? What Arizona statistics show ….


Are the Dreamers productive, law abiding and speak English?  Look at the statistics ….

What do we know whether  the Dreamers  are productive, law abiding and speak English.

A majority (74 percent) of U.S. Protestants and Catholics support “Dreamers” receiving permanent legal status, according to a Pew Research Center report released on Jan. 19. Catholic Hispanics overwhelmingly support the Dreamers (92%).

“Dreamers” are persons brought to the U.S. as minors and who have only known the U.S. as their home.

In Arizona, the Dreamers are 4 times more likely to commit crimes than their numbers would suggest.

Younger illegal immigrants in Arizona make up a far larger percentage of the state’s prison inmates than their share of the population would suggest, according to a new analysis.

While illegal immigrants ages 18 to 35 — a group immigration activists call “Dreamers” — are about 2 percent of of the Arizona population, they are almost 8 percent of the prison population. The over-representation by a factor of four shows that younger illegal immigrants in Arizona are far more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens or legal immigrants of a similar age, says John Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center.

Roughly half of the Dreamers are literate in English.  Persons who don’t speak English are not able to get jobs that will support themselves and their families.


Aptos  Psychologist:   America stopped all immigration for 40 years  (1924-1965) which allowed for assimilation of all the millions who had come.  Perhaps it’s time again to stop immigration and again assimilate those who are here?   To be successful here immigrants need to learn English and learn skills so  they can be  productive members.  What say you?  Comments welcome.


Salvadorans living in the U.S. are as American as apple pie? Learning English?

Are Salvadorans as American a apple pie? Have they assimilated? Learned English?

What’s the first thing to do when moving to a new country?  Learn the language? Yes.    So, how well have Salvadorans done — those who have moved to the U.S. –  in terms of learning English?

What do we know about Salvadorans living  here in the U.S.?  Roughly a third live in California, the majority in southern California with pockets in San Francisco, Oakland and other cities in northern CA.

Somewhat less than half  of Salvadorans (42%) have lived in the U.S. for more than 20  years.

Salvadorans are slow to learn English.  Two-thirds of Salvadorans living in the U.S. are “Spanish dominant”.  About a half are considered  ‘proficient’ in English. Only 3% are “English dominant”.

Salvadorans do not self-identify as “American”.  Only 12% of Salvadorans living in the U.S. identify as “American”.  In comparison, about  a quarter of all Hispanics  – which includes Salvadorans – (23%) self-identify as “American”.

Salvadorans get jobs at about the same rate as native born Americans.  And they marry at about the same rate.  They do have more out of wedlock children  — 44% of women age 15 to 44 who had a child in the last 12 months was born out of wedlock.

Roughly 60% of  immigrants from Central America are in the U.S. illegally and roughly 50%  are on some form of welfare. 

Salvadorans living in the U.S.  are considerably less educated.  Only 8% of those age 25+ have a college education compared to 30 percent of native born Americans.  The ‘good news’ is that Salvadorans born in the U.S. achieve a 22% rate of college education.

comment by Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson:

Will all the thousands of Salvadorans actually be deported?  Commit a crime, get deported seems to be the current rule.  

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com


Get it in writing! [tear down your tree house says city]


tree house must be torn down says city

Supreme Court is last chance for a couple who built a tree house after told in a phone call that they did not need a permit.   Then the city weighed in and said that they needed a permit to build a tree house. Many thousands of dollars later the couple appeals to the Supreme Court for redress.

If told no, that the tree house must be torn down, the couple must  now get a permit to tear it down. Ironic?


Remove Russian spyware [Kaspersky] from your personal computer? USA removes all Kaspersky products from government computers …


Kaspersky Labs removed from all USA government products. Is your computer safe?

Kaspersky Labs no longer operates on any USA government computers.  Is it on your personal computer?  There are various ways to remove if you choose to.   Here’s one link to remove Kaspersky. 

From the Wall Street Journal re Kaspersky products:

During hearings on the matter on Capitol Hill, “I thought the most damning example” came from intelligence-community representatives, she said in an interview. “When each of them got asked would you put Kaspersky on your own personal computer and the answer was no, that’s a pretty strong message that maybe we should be taking a look at this.”

In September, the DHS banned Kaspersky products from government computers, instructing agencies to remove any Kaspersky software and report back on where it was found. The public statement accompanying the ban reads like a declassified version of the intelligence community’s suspicion regarding Kaspersky:

“The risk that the Russian government, whether acting on its own or in collaboration with Kaspersky, could capitalize on access provided by Kaspersky products to compromise federal information and information systems directly implicates U.S. national security.”

Kaspersky says the DHS ban has had a “severe adverse effect” on its commercial operations in the U.S., with retailers removing its products from shelves and an unprecedented number of product returns. All the focus on collusion and interference by Russia put the spotlight on what the USA can do — and what we as citizens can do — to protect ourselves.


Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson:   It says it all when ‘those in the know’ refuse to put  anti-virus  / internet protection products by Kaspersky  Labs on their own personal computer.  All the focus on collusion and interference by Russia put the spotlight on what the USA can do — and what we as citizens can do — to protect ourselves.

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com

Want lower premiums, more choice & freedom from Obama-Care rules? Trump’s proposed rule lets individuals & small businesses freedom from ACA

Trump's health care reform
Trump’s proposed health care rule offers relief from high premiums and freedom to choose

Whew!  Trump offers relief from Obama-Care’s many requirements   and high premiums.   Trump’s health care proposal  [The Wall Street Journal, Friday, Jan 5, 2018] offers  millions of self-employed and small businesses freedom to purchase  health insurance plans that don’t comply with Obama’s  Affordable Care Act.

Time to speak up and say what you think.  The new rule will be published Friday in the Federal Register and undergo a 60 day comment period.

The Trump administration also plans to release a proposal to pave the way for more short-term health policies with fewer benefits.

The proposal was praised by the National Restaurant Association and the National Retail Association as a way for small  businesses to have the same bargaining power as large companies, leveling the playing field.  Self-employed people who don’t get subsidies also heralded the proposed changes in rules.


Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson:  Getting rid of the requirement that all Americans must purchase health insurance — which is part of the recent legislation that reduces taxes for 80% of Americans — that was a huge step towards more choice.  This proposal means that mom’s working from home as sole proprietors can get health care for themselves and their  family. Whew. 

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com


So how many noncitizens get removed from Santa Cruz County & San Francisco voter rolls?


How many noncitizens vote in CA sanctuary cities such as Santa Cruz and San Francisco?

Do noncitizens vote in California? How many?   Are they removed from the voting rolls?   Are there more noncitizens voting in certain areas such as  sanctuary cities, i.e. San Francisco and Santa Cruz CA?

Non-citizens  do vote   — according to investigations by Public Interest Legal Foundation — in Texas, Virginia, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Public Interest Legal Foundation has built a record case studies uncovering noncitizen voter registration and voting in a growing number of states.

  • In October 2016, PILF found noncitizens registered to vote in Philadelphia. Half of those voted in at least one election.
  • In May 2017, PILF found 5,556 voters removed by the Commonwealth of Virginia as “non-citizens”. Roughly 33% voted. This research followed an initial October 2016 sampling that yielded 1,000 noncitizens.
  • In September 2017, PILF found 1,069 noncitizens within New Jersey’s voter registration system.
  • In October 2017, PILF testified before the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee on the matter of noncitizen voting in the state and encouraged an official review to identify more ineligible voters. Testimony was taken again by the PA Senate State Government Committee in December 2017.
  • In December 2017, PILF put the State of Pennsylvania on notice for failing to release records related to noncitizens removed from the voter rolls. Litigation can commence as early as January 2018.

Comment by Aptos Psychologist Cameron Jackson:  It certainly seems likely that noncitizens vote in California, a state  which makes it relatively  easy for noncitizens to get driver’s licenses and access to many government services.  Maybe it’s time to find out how good the integrity is of our CA voting rolls? CA’s Secretary of State has not been willing to provide information  concerning the integrity of the voter registration system.     

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com


Hilary, oh Hilary, your classified emails keep surfacing! State Dept. redacts and releases Clinton’s emails from Weiner’s laptop]

Hilary Clinton’s classified  emails keep surfacing. Some of  Hilary Clinton’s  emails — found by the F.B.I.  on Huma Abedin’s husband’s  laptop  –   released today Dec. 31  were classified. The classified material was redacted– removed –  before releasing the emails.

The conservative group Judicial Watch filed suit against the State Department for all official department emails sent or received by Abedin on a non-state.gov email address.

“This is a major victory,” the group’s president, Tom Fitton, said in a Friday statement. “After years of hard work in federal court, Judicial Watch has forced the State Department to finally allow Americans to see these public documents.”

Fitton added, “That these government docs were on Anthony Weiner’s laptop dramatically illustrates the need for the Justice Department to finally do a serious investigation of Hillary Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious violations of law.”




Call the Red Cross! It’s a New Year …[Safe zones at Brandenburg Gate]

Safe  zones to protect women on  New Year”s Eve  2017 at Brandenburg  Gate in Germany

Safe zones to protect women  on New Year’s Eve, 2017, when partying at Brandenberg Gate in Germany.

New Years Eve in Berlin

   Out of fear for a replay of what happened two years ago in the city of Cologne  — when groups of migrant men abused dozens of German women celebrating the arrival of the new year –  the city of Berlin has decided to create “safe zones”  for women at the New Year’s celebration at Brandenburg Gate.

On New Year’s Eve 2015, about 1,200 women became victims of sexual assault in several major German cities, with more than 600 women attacked in Cologne and about 400 victims in the northern German city of Hamburg.

Prosecutors established that more than 2,000 men were involved in the assaults, but only a tiny fraction — about half of them foreign nationals who at the time had only recently arrived in the country — had been identified a year later.

It took months for the full scale of the 2015 assaults to emerge, but when prosecutors released their final estimates, Germans’ attitude toward refugees changed dramatically:

To many, New Year’s Eve 2015 is the night Germany’s welcoming attitude toward newcomers ended. Leading politicians called for tougher deportation laws soon thereafter.

In Berlin on New Year’s Eve 2017, women can go to the safe zones when they are harassed or simply don’t feel safe.

The safe zones are guarded by members of the Red Cross. There will also be psychologists present to help the women deal with the abuse they might suffer.

The safe zones were created at the request of Berlin’s police department. Earlier, the October Fest in Munich experimented with these safe zones, which proved to be very useful.

In addition to creating safe zones, the police have also informed would be partygoers that they are not allowed to bring their own alcoholic drinks to the party at Brandenburg Gate, or even to carry a backpack with them. They can go to the celebrations with their wallet and smartphone, and that’s about it.


Firenze Sage:   Why go out if you end up in a group therapy session surrounded by the Red Cross?



Obama’s Trojan horse gift to America’s poor … opiods?


Obama’s Trojan horse gift to America’s poor: opiods?

Obama’s Trojan horse gift to America’s poor:  opiods?

We’ve   recently learned from the Politico  that Obama’s Department of Justice stalled Hezbollah investigation to secure his  Nuclear Deal with Iran.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called for an investigation into the Politico story.

 The Wall Street Journal reports that   ObamaCare, by providing  easy access to prescription opiods  for all adults  (via huge expansion of Medicaid) has an unforeseen result:  the lowering of the life expectancy for he average American for the last two years in a row.

More of America’s poorest are dying of drug overdoses.  More people are addicted to opiods.

Comment by Aptos Psychologist:  Watch out every time you fill an opiod prescription. Be careful.  Limit, reduce the use and get off those addictive  medications.   What other ways can you deal  effectively with pain?      written by  psychologist Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com

