Miami and Chicago compared by Jeff Sessions. Miami has zero murders & complies with ICE. Chicago has 433 murders & does not comply with ICE

Be like Miami which complies with ICE  —  and not like  sanctuary city Chicago  & a handful of other jurisdictions is message Jeff Sessions  says today, Wed. August 16.

Jeff Sessions compares Miami — which is complying with federal immigration authorities with Chicago which is not.

Chicago has 433 murders this year  since Jan. 1 — compared with Miani which has zero.

In Chicago, no suspect is identified in 75% of the murders.

Only a handful of jurisdictions in America believe they are above the law and are not complying with federal authorities.  Choose to follow the law, says Jeff Sessions.


what next? police investigate plastic wrap for possible “hate-bias”

police investigate  a piece of plastic wrap on street  as “possible hate-bias”

We have indeed lost our minds. Investigate plastic wrap because students report possible “hate-bias”? What next?

University of Maryland campus police launched an investigation into a discarded piece of plastic wrap Tuesday after receiving a report about a “possible hate-bias” incident.

“Out of an abundance of concern, we are looking into this matter and conducting a review of our cameras in the area,” the department informed students via email, though The Diamondback reports that some students were upset when officers initially dismissed the object as garbage.

“Earlier today, we were notified of a knotted piece of plastic wrap laying on the ground in the 7500 block of Baltimore Ave. Police were notified out of concern for possible hate-bias,” the campus police department stated in its report on the incident.

“Preliminary investigation reveals that this type of material is used to contain loose items during transport,” the report added, but said the matter would be reviewed further “out of an abundance of caution.”


Firenze Sage:   Beware your saran wrap is out to get you.


Asylum seeker molests 14 in Austria. Sentence?


Austrian justice for molesting women

Welcome to Austrian justice.  

A  25-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan has been sentenced to two years in prison for sexually molesting 14 women over a four month period.The Afghan migrant was sentenced in Vienna this week after admitting he had molested over a dozen women between the ages of 18 and 36. He is said to have hung around the Reumannplatz area from November to February in the evenings and at night to find his victims, Die Presse reports.

“I have made mistakes and beg your pardon, I know I am guilty,” the migrant told the court. He is said to have approached his victims from behind and then held them and tried to touch their genitals against their will. In five of the attacks he succeeded in molesting the women and in the other nine cases, the women were able to fight him off.

One victim told the court how the migrant had approached her and grabbed her. She claimed that after she screamed the migrant let her go. She also noted that as a result of the attack she now suffers from panic attacks and is afraid to go out alone at night.

Some of the victims told the court how they fought the man off with kicks to the abdomen and one with pepper spray. The Afghan was eventually caught by police after security camera footage and police surveillance of the area led to his arrest in February.

The 25-year-old said that he had come to Austria to seek asylum from the Taliban in his home country and told the court he had already completed several courses.


Firenze Sage:  And the EU berates Poland for refusing immigrants entry

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Manchester deaths: some say no muslims here – kaboom

  The Labour mayor of Greater Manchester has claimed the suicide bomber who killed 22 was not a Muslim, insisting the “worst thing that can happen” is people blaming Muslims.

Andy Burnham, a former Labour frontbencher who was elected mayor this month, insisted the attack, claimed by Islamic State, had nothing to do with Islam.

“The message that I would want to get over – and this is how the vast majority of people feel – this man was a terrorist, not a Muslim,” he said, speaking to LBC Radio.

“He does not represent the Muslim community. We’ve got to keep that distinction in mind all the time. This was an unspeakable act. The worst thing that can happen is that people use this to blame an entire community, the Muslim community.

“In my view, the man who committed this atrocity no more represents the Muslim community than the individual who murdered my friend Jo Cox represents the white, Christian community.”

Similarly, following the Westminster knife and car attack, Prime Minister Theresa May said the “Islamist” attack on Parliament was not “Islamic”.

Haras Rafiq, the CEO of the anti-extremism Quilliam Foundation, which has advised the Government, accused Mr. Burnham of “basically doing what ISIS is doing”.

He also said “there is no such thing as a lone wolf”, predicting the terrorist was part of a “network”. He claimed “every single jihadist terrorist has been part of the globally inspired Islamist ideology”.


Firenze Sage:  When a guy walks out of a mosque he probably is a muslim —  even if carrying a bomb.



Why Trump went to Saudi Arabia: Pelosi practices her ABCs

Why Saudi Arabia visit asks Pelosi

Why Saudi Arabia first? inquires Democrat party leader

Nancy Pelosi.    Pelosi did not like the choice of Saudi Arabia.
 During a press briefing on Thursday, the House Minority Leader criticized the president’s choice of visiting Saudi Arabia first during his inaugural foreign trip.

“I thought it was unusual for the President of the United States to go to Saudi Arabia first. Saudi Arabia!” Pelosi said.

“It wasn’t even alphabetical. I mean, Saudi Arabia.”

The Democrat leader contrasted Trump’s visit with George W. Bush first visiting Mexico, and Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama visiting Canada first.

“Our friends and neighbors,” she said. “What was the decision-making process to go to Saudi Arabia first? That is a question that I have,” she said.

If Trump were to begin visiting foreign countries by alphabetical order, he would first visit Afghanistan, followed by Albania, Algeria, Andorra and Angola.

Is Nancy Pelosi really advocating for a Sesame Street strategy to boost foreign relations?


Firenze Sage:  This is the leader of the people  [Democrat Party] who say Trump is incompetent.


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Peace possible when Palestinians recognize state of Israel says Netanyahu

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians on what terms?

At the airport arrival ceremony, Mr. Netanyahu repeated his longstanding position that he “shares the commitment to peace” with the same conditions as always.

“Israel’s hand is extended in peace to all our neighbors, including the Palestinians,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “The peace we seek is a genuine and durable one, in which the Israeli state is recognized, security remains in Israel’s hands, and the conflict ends once and for all.”




Firenze Sage: The entire Dem party leadership is composed of crude louts?

Nancy Pelosi with  John Burton comment  concerning Donald  Trump at CA state convention

  CA Dem Chair John Burton  –– who was  sued and paid concerning  sexual harassment charges   in 2008 — shouted  ‘All Together Now: F*ck Donald Trump!’ as Crowd Holds Up Two Middle Fingers.  This is from the Daily Pundit.

California – The classless Democrats gathered in Sacramento for a state convention on Saturday. They had some harsh words for the President as they chanted, ‘F*** Donald Trump!’.

The party’s leaders   — including Nancy Pelosi —  blasted Trump’s alleged ties to Russia and presented California as the epicenter of liberal resistance to the president.

“The world, literally the world, is counting on all of you, counting on California to reject Trump’s deception and destructiveness,” said Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is among a crowded field of Democrats running for governor next year.

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, often mentioned as a potential candidate for president in 2020, accused Trump of putting “Russia first, America second.”

In a sign of the vigor of the party’s distaste for the president, outgoing party Chair John Burton, a longtime Democratic lawmaker and powerbroker known for his blunt and profane manner, extended two middle fingers in the air as the crowd cheered and joined him.

“F— Donald Trump,” John Burton  said.


Firenze Sage:   And these are the folks who claim Trump is crude. Stand up DiFi, Nancy,and Ruth Bader.

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Attorney General Sessions & FBI Comey: Mumm’s the word


Stephanie Murphy, Florida Representative says not OK to talk to ambassadors

 So it’s not OK  for the top Justice person, Jeff  Sessions,  to talk to ambassadors?

CNN anchor JAKE TAPPER: Congresswoman, Attorney General Sessions said he was recusing himself from the matter but obviously played a leading role in the firing of Comey, he’s playing a leading role in the hiring of his replacement. Do you have concerns about that?

REP. STEPHANIE MURPHY (D), FLORIDA: Absolutely I do have concerns about that. We know that  Attorney General Sessions recused himself because he had had contact with Russian government officials and I’m somebody who has had one of the highest clearances in this country and I know that —

TAPPER: You used to serve at the Pentagon.

MURPHY: That’s correct.And I know that there’s no such thing as appropriate contact with a hostile foreign government, and so he’s recused himself from the Russian investigation. I don’t believe that he should be involved in selecting the FBI director. We need to have somebody who is beyond reproach in that position.


Firenze Sage:    This woman [Stephanie Murphy] hates Trump to the point of derangement. What are ambassadors for if not to talk to even if from Iran,N Korea or Russia.

2014 ambassador from north Korea to Russia

What do Americans want? jobs & lower taxes. What do they get? another investigation about Russia …


Americans want jobs. Americans get another investigation.
Americans want jobs. Lower taxes.  Americans get another investigation about Russia.

What do Americans want?    more  jobs, lower taxes,  repeal  ObamaCare, and control of  illegal  immigration.  Those were issues which caused people to vote for Trump.

What does America get?  Another investigation about Russia ....  whether Russia colluded with Trump or Trump with Russia.

What do we know?  Three weeks after a diner with President Trump ( on Feb. 14), James Comey testified under oath  on May 3, 2017   that there were no attempts by the Trump administration to obstruct any ongoing investigation.  Comey said that loud and clear on May 3, 2017.

Now there’s a ‘memo’ leaked to the New York Times wherein Comey memorializes the conversation he and Trump had on Feb. 14, 2017.  Per the Comey  ‘memo’, (which no one has yet seen)    did Trump say something to FBI Comey on Feb. 14, 2017  that Comey construed  at the time as interfering in an on-going investigation and thus obstruction of justice?

The FBI Director — if he alleges obstruction of justice by Trump due to interference with an ongoing investigation  — is required by law to report that to his boss. Comey did not report. Comey committed a crime if he did not report obstruction of justice.

Another question:  If FBI Director Comey memorialized in writing his conversations with Donald Trump, did Comey also memorialize his conversations with former President Obama?  If Comey did so, what did Obama say to Comey about the ongoing investigation into Hilary Clinton, her personal email servier and her release of  classified confidential information?

So now it’s time for the Trump administration to deliver what Americans want:  move ahead on the domestic issues that Americans want — more jobs, lower taxes, repeal and replace ObamaCare and control of illegal immigration.



What to do if CA becomes a sanctuary state?

borders because it is our countryIf California becomes a sanctuary state —  what can  state citizens do?   sanctuary city of santa ana

How about changing the immunity laws?

Listen to ‘Boring Jeff’ on KSCO 1080 Saturday Special (May 13, 2017) concerning sanctuary cities.

State of California  now actively fights the U.S. federal government concerning on-the-books  federal  immigration laws. States do not set immigration policy and states do not defend a country’s borders.  Is this revolution by one state against the union of states?

Illegals welcome to stay:  CA Gov. Brown’s budget has $15 – 30 million to assist illegal persons (who enter illegally, overstay their visa)  to remain in California.

Legal assistance to fight federal government paid for by CA taxpayers:   Gov. Brown extended the contract with former Attorney General Eric Holder.  This contract  costs CA taxpayers $25 K a month.

What Eric Holder does may well help keep San Salvador’s M13 bad dudes here in California. President Trump campaigned to make USA borders secure and to deport bad criminals.

sanctuary state bad criminals

What to do?   Let’s change the immunity  laws so that individuals harmed by CA state  and cities   — remember Kate Steinle  murdered in San Francisco by an illegal—  can get damages.

Yes,  it is possible to change laws related to the immunity of government against suits.  Louisiana passed laws changing immunity related to road hazards.  Then let’s start there:   Illegals who drive on CA roads are a safety hazard.


Monterey Bay Forum:  Sue the state government?  Sue sanctuary city  of Santa Cruz  and Watsonville?    Yes – if the government does not protect the citizens from substantial harm due to illegals who either enter illegally or overstay their visa.    What say you?
