don’t hold your breath – Eric Holder paid $25 K by CA

Eric Holder paid $25 K a month by CA
Eric Holder paid $25 K a month by CA

Don’t hold your breath – Eric Holder gets $25 K a month paid by CA taxpayers – and he’s not  going away soon.

Remember Eric Holder, Attorney General under Obama who was the first attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress.

Holder in 2014 told state attorney generals that they did not have to enforce laws they disagreed with.


Eric Holder paid $25 K by CA and not leaving soon
Eric Holder paid $25 K by CA and not leaving soon

Is that why  Eric Holder has come to CA?  To help CA so they don’t enforce federal laws?

The LA Times is worried that CA might botch how it manages its  Sanctuary State stance.  Gotta walk a fine line says the LA Times.


NAACP gives then takes away support for Sessions as AG

tim-scott-south-carolinaThe NAACP gave Jeff Sessions an award in 2009.  In an about face, the NAACP opposed Jeff  Sessions for Attorney General.  Why the turn about?

Of note,  for many years the NAACP supports the teacher unions and is opposed to vouchers for black children.

Why would an organization  such as the NAACP — long known as as advocate for blacks — oppose education  choice for black parents?

In picture above/ to left:  Tom Scott, a  Black  Republican Senator from  South Carolina, supports Jeff Sessions for AG.

Sessions was  recently confirmed by the Senate as attorney general.

Senator Lindsey Graham who spoke in Sessions behalf, showed  the award which the  NAACP gave Jeff Sessions in 2009.

The NAACP which  opposed Sessions for attorney general has opposed vouchers for black children.






Pipeline cleanup: will New York Times, CNN etc. report story?


“A cleanup to prevent an “environmental disaster” is underway at a protest camp near the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The  Pipleine camp had been occupied by thousands of environmentalists and Native Americans who were demonstrating against the pipeline project.

It was the Native Americans who requested help with the Pipeline cleanup.  Massive amounts of garbage, human waste, teepees, and abandoned vehicles must be removed before the spring thaw when flooding is expected.

Washington Times:

Clean-up crews are racing to clear acres of debris at the largest Dakota Access protest camp before the spring thaw turns the snowy, trash-covered plains into an environmental disaster area.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced Friday that the camp, located on federal land, would be closed Feb. 22 in order to “prevent injuries and significant environmental damage in the likely event of flooding in this area” at the mouth of the Cannonball River in North Dakota.

“Without proper remediation, debris, trash, and untreated waste will wash into the Cannonball River and Lake Oahe,” the Corps said in its statement.

Those involved in the clean-up effort, led by the Standing Rock Sioux, say it could take weeks for private sanitation companies and volunteers to clear the expanse of abandoned tents, tepees,sleeping bags


Firenze Sage:   These morons couldn’t even dig a latrine. Imagine walking around in a kennel.


stay safe? don’t enforce immigration laws says Santa Cruz CA

Want to stay safe? Watch out for what the recently passed  TRUTH act does to affect  safety of residents  in California.


only 7 of 8,700 booked into Santa Cruz County jail released to ICE in 2016.
only 7 of 8,700 booked into Santa Cruz County jail were released to ICE in 2016.

Of the 8,700  persons  booked into the  Santa Cruz County jail  in 2016,  only 7 were released to the federal government.

We don’t enforce immigration laws says Santa Cruz County sheriff Sgt. Clark because “that enhances a victim’s willingness to report crime and for us to keep our community safe.”

The TRUTH act effective Jan. 1, 2017 requires that local law enforcement get written voluntary release from detainees before the federal government (ICE) can interview them while they are in custody in jail.

So how many of the 8,700 booked during 2016 have no legal documentation?  Law enforcement does not keep track.

What say?  Is it time that local  government keeps track of the legal and / or illegal status of those booked into jail?



Sanctuary Cities: follow U.S.A. laws re immigration or ?


Federal Laws trump state & local laws on immigration
Federal Laws trump state & local laws on immigration.  Will sanctuary cities comply?

Immigration and terrorism were top issues in the USA elections.  Identifying and deporting illegal felons from the USA is a federal government prerogative.

So — if sanctuary cities don’t want to comply with federal laws — yes it’s time to cut off funding.  Simple.  The federal government is not telling the sanctuary cities to do anything specific except comply with existing federal laws regarding immigration. Sensible? What do you think?   This is from the WSJ Monday, Jan. 30, 2017:

Some local and state officials, including in New York, have promised to fight the order, which says cities that fail to turn over information about illegal immigrants “are not eligible to receive federal grants.”

Legal experts said the Supreme Court has given them many tools for resistance.

The court has ruled that the U.S. Constitution bars the federal government from commandeering state officials or using federal funds to “coerce” states into doing the bidding of Washington.

As recently as 2012, the court held that the federal government couldn’t expel states from Medicaid if they refused to expand eligibility for the federal-state health program, curtailing a key provision of the Affordable Care Act.

“If the denial of Medicaid funding alone was coercive, the denial of all federal funding of any kind for refusing to cooperate in enforcement of immigration law must be coercive,” said Dale Carpenter, a constitutional law professor at Southern Methodist University.

The federal government can withhold a grant from a city or state, but it must do so for reasons related to that grant’s purpose, legal experts said. For example, the Trump administration likely couldn’t deny grants for highways to a city for defying Mr. Trump’s executive order on immigration, because the two are unconnected, said Michael McConnell, a former federal appeals judge who now teaches at Stanford Law School.

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An executive order to strip federal grant money from sanctuary cities has put the Trump administration on a collision course with Mayor Bill de Blasio and other city mayors. Photo: Reuters

The rules have some flexibility, legal experts said. The U.S. Supreme Court said in a 1987 case that the federal government could withhold highway funding from states that refused to raise their minimum drinking age to 21 years, reasoning that the funding and the condition both promoted highway safety.

Jonathan Adler, a professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, said the Constitution permits the U.S. government to ensure that “federal money is not undermining the purposes for which that money is allocated in the first place.”

The Supreme Court has also likened federal-state grant laws to contracts: They are valid only if the state knowingly and voluntarily accepts the terms. Some legal experts interpret that to mean that conditions on federal grants have to be spelled out in the text of a law passed by Congress, while others say cities and states could be put on notice with federal regulations.

Regardless, said Ilya Somin, a constitutional law professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, “the president can’t impose additional conditions on its own.”

Other experts, however, said Mr. Trump’s order bypasses trip wires set down by the Supreme Court, because it demands only information from cities in return for federal money, not action.

David Rivkin, a lawyer at law firm BakerHosteler who served in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, pointed to a 2000 U.S. Supreme Court case involving a federal law that imposed restrictions on the disclosure by states of drivers’ personal information.

In upholding the law, the court noted approvingly that it didn’t “require state officials to assist in the enforcement of federal statutes regulating private individuals.”

Mr. Rivkin said Mr. Trump’s order, likewise, passes muster because “it’s not telling city officials to carry out any particular actions.”

Write to Joe Palazzolo at


migrants use Swiss welfare to fund holidays in Eretrea


Swiss welfare pays for migrants to go home to African beaches
Swiss welfare pays for  refugee migrants  to holiday home to  Eritrea, Africa. Picture of beach in Eritrea.

Swiss cheese and immigration policy have holes:

Swiss cheese & immigration policies have holes.
Swiss cheese & immigration policies have holes.

  Migrants allowed  to remain in Switzerland because  they  risk death in their homelands are using welfare money to fund holidays back home in Eritrea.  That’s wht  the Basler Zeitung reports.

The Swiss newspaper notes that thousands of migrants each year go to Eritrea for their holidays each year — despite their having supposedly fled the northeast African nation in fear of their lives.

Although a large proportion of Eritreans in Switzerland have been refused asylum, authorities are powerless to deport them because their homelands are deemed to be too dangerous by the country’s refugee policy.

While there are no direct flights to Eritrea, the Basler Zeitung says it found that up to fifty people a day are leaving Switzerland in order to holiday in the African country.

It typically costs around 599 Swiss Francs (£475) in January or 650 Swiss Francs (£516) in high season for a return journey to Eritrea according to the German language daily.

The paper  notes that taxpayer stipends to migrants must be quite generous as the vast majority of Eritreans residing in Switzerland live on welfare.

Firenze Sage:  Has the whole world gone nuts?  This scam is standard fare now. Taxpayer funded holidays to alleged war zones.


remember the FBI guy Comey that gave Hilary a pass?

resign-comeyTime for that FBI guy Comey  to resign?  Yes!

That’s the  FBI guy that gave Hilary a pass as she was  only “extremely careless” and did not meet test in his view for “gross negligence”.

Comey is the guy who listed all the reasons why Hilary Clinton had huge problems with judgment and yet Comey thought Clinton should not be charged.

To re-fresh what Comey said — which shows that Comey is willing to violate Justice Dept. proceedures and standards for his own political purposes — view the following:



Santa Cruz CA resident gets “intersex” birth certificate

Santa Cruz, CA resident gets a “intersex” birth certificate — first one ever  issued in the USA.

For the first time in the United States, New York City issued a birth certificate reading “intersex” in the gender field.

On December 15, the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene corrected the original birth certificate of Sara Kelly Keenan, born in Brooklyn 55 years ago. She received it in the mail at her Santa Cruz, California, home on Tuesday.
“It was wonderful. It was the first time I saw ‘intersex’ in print related to my name,” said Keenan, an addiction life coach. “When I applied in court, I chose ‘non-binary,’ because that’s an umbrella term that would also include gender variant people.”

Sara Kelly Keenan says the correction is "realy validating."

“A person may amend their birth certificate to have ‘intersex’ reflected on their birth certificate with appropriate documentary evidence from a US-licensed doctor,” said Julien A. Martinez, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “The department will continue to work with community partners as we adopt changes to more accurately reflect a person’s sex.”
Though Keenan had requested a term not strictly based on medical evidence, she found the city’s correction “really validating.”
Ultimately, the term “intersex” “carries more personal significance to me than ‘non-binary,’ ” she said.

Gender issues

“Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person’s anatomy doesn’t fit the typical definitions of female or male.
Keenan thinks of her story as “typical” for an intersex child, yet in an essential way, it is different from most: She was given up for adoption as an infant.
She was born to an unwed mother in a Brooklyn hospital, where she stayed for three weeks until she was transferred to a nearby orphanage, the Angel Guardian Home. Next, she was placed in foster care for five months and then adopted by a couple on Long Island. To this day, Keenan is unsure whether she underwent genital surgery during her first three weeks of life, as was typical for intersex children at that time, according to the Intersex Society of North America.
“I don’t know enough about what happened to me as an infant, because the medical records were tied up in a sealed adoption, and then the medical records at the hospital were destroyed in a fire in the ’70s,” she said.
What she does know: “Gender issues came up almost immediately.” At 3 or 4 years old, she realized that she was a girl, but “that wasn’t what I felt like. … I wanted to be a boy,” said Keenan. “A mistake had happened.”
As she grew older, she refused to wear dresses, asked to join the Boy Scouts and dropped out of the Girl Scouts.
“I felt comfortable at times in groups of boys but knew I was different. And I felt comfortable even less of the time in groups of girls but knew I was different from them,” Keenan said. “I never felt I belonged or fit in anywhere — but I looked like a little girl.”
Still, by ninth grade, she wasn’t showing signs of puberty.
“My body really became different physically from everyone else,” said Keenan, who described herself at that stage as “a 6-foot-tall naked 8-year-old girl. That was a real problem in high school.”
“I really hated my body. I hated my life. I felt cursed, and I felt like there was no hope for me,” she said, and she began to cut herself. “If I had not been raised Catholic and believed that hell was waiting for me if I killed myself, I probably would have ended my life as a teenager.”
A month after turning 16, she underwent an operation to address the fact that she hadn’t entered puberty. Surgeons removed “what they said were ovaries that would never develop,” Keenan explained, though it was actually testicular tissue that had grown where ovaries are located in females.
After the surgery, she started female hormone replacement therapy.
“They said I was 100% girl and I just couldn’t make hormones, and that was the second lie of my life, and that lie stood for 30 more years, until I was 49 or 50 years old and used the Internet and a visit to an endocrinologist to confirm the truth,” Keenan said.

‘Pushed down the female track’

The original “lie” of an intersex birth had been perpetrated by the hospital and the adoption agency without her adoptive parents’ knowledge or consent. However, this second lie relied on their participation, observed Keenan. Trying to learn why she was not developing normally, they had taken their 16-year-old daughter to a succession of doctors, who ordered various tests.
OKCupid expands options for gender, sexual orientation
The results showed Keenan to be genetically male with female genitalia and mixed internal reproductive anatomy.
Keenan’s mother, who died of lung cancer just three years after her daughter’s surgery, probably knew this, she said. After all, her mother had contacted her aunt, who arrived at her mother’s bedside “24 hours too late to have my mother tell her what my mother knew and what she wanted the aunt to do for me in my life.”
Her father definitely knew about Keenan’s gender circumstance. Five years ago, he admitted to her that he’d been given the option for surgeons to construct a penis followed by male hormones as a way to allow Keenan to masculinize.
“His words were ‘hell, no, that’s my daughter. She’s a girl,’ ” Keenan said. “So I was just pushed down the female track and given female replacement hormones.”

Self-defining words

” ‘Intersex’ is an identity. So there is no definition of ‘intersex.’ It will vary from one person to another,” said Dr. Eric Vilain, a professor of human genetics, pediatrics and urology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. He explained that some transgender people identify as “intersex,” even though they were not born with atypical genitalia.
“But a significant number of people born with ambiguous genitalia reject the ‘intersex’ identity. It is not a clinical term,” Vilain wrote in an email. Among doctors and clinicians, it is referred to as Disorders/Differences of Sex Development, or DSD.
“The definition of DSD is ‘congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical,’ ” said Vilain.
Keenan said the intersex community rejected the medical term, rebranding the condition as “differences of sexual development.”
“The idea being that our bodies don’t need to be altered, necessarily: Disorders need treatment; differences can be allowed to exist,” she said. “Differences can be tolerated, accepted and even celebrated.”
Keenan makes use of the many terms meant to define her.
“I use ‘intersex’ for present day, and I use ‘hermaphrodite’ when I’m talking about the ’60s and before, because that was the term when I was a baby,” she said. Using the different terms helps her give historical context for a time when “the protocol of the day was to lie to us.”
Years ago, it was accepted by the medical community that if you assign a child a gender — with surgery — and reinforce it, the child will assume that gender, Keenan said.
Looking back, she understands the decisions that were made for her as a baby.
“They had a baby they needed to get a home for, and in their minds, they needed to possibly perform surgery to do that. And that was the mission — get an unwanted baby a home — and they did what they needed to do that.”
Times have changed, and the medical community, when dealing with a baby born with atypical genitalia, does not always immediately “correct” a child’s anatomy.
“Intersex people are treated differently and better now because of societal advancement in thinking,” Keenan said. “We’re trying to stop the surgical intervention on infants so that their genitals are not changed before they reach an age where they express a desire to have surgery or express a gender preference.”
She also hopes all gender-variant people will be able to get birth certificates, licenses and other official documents aligned with their identity. They are “equally as valid in their beliefs,” even if science hasn’t caught up, she said.
“There was a time when science hadn’t caught up and understood my genetic reality,” she said.
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Would she have preferred being surgically steered toward a male identity instead of female?
Though she believes “that’s probably a truer physical identity for me,” she would have wanted to go that way only “if I could be that way 17 years old in 2017,” since 1977 was “a harsher, crueler world to be different in.”
Today, she says she leads a wonderful life with her partner of 30-plus years, David.
“We’re very happy, and we’re considering retirement and what comes next in the next 30 years of our life,” Keenan said. “But I’m not content, because infant genital surgeries are still happening in America.”
Santa Cruz, CA resident looks forward to retirement with the identity that best fits her.

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2016 voter fraud: more votes than voters in Detroit because?

vote-twiceThe potential for Voter fraud has a long history. For example, there are four million dead persons on the voter rolls. Some dead people do vote?

Now we learn that  Detroit, run by the Democrat Party for decades, reports   37% of the precincts in Detroit reported more votes than voters.  

It’s well known that Democrats including President Obama and Hilary Clinton are opposed to voter ID laws.  So what’s the story with other cities dominated by the Democrat Party?  Or states like California long run by Democrats?

Back to Detroit:  Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books.

Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday. (snip)

“There’s always going to be small problems to some degree, but we didn’t expect the degree of problem we saw in Detroit. This isn’t normal,” said Krista Haroutunian, chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers.

Per the Heritage Foundation voter fraud has been around and has a long history. It’s going to take some time to sort out allegations of fraud in the 2016 elections.

For sure, in 2016 the Democrat Party which controls Detroit, has more people voting than voters.

Read more:



elections & changing laws have consequences nationally & Aptos,CA


Changing the Bylaws has consequences - some un-intentional.
Changing the Bylaws have consequences – some un-intentional.

Elections have consequences — nationally and locally in Aptos, CA.   Likewise, changing the laws have  consequences.

And some un-intended consequences from changing the laws  should be carefully considered.

Is freedom of assembly useful to redress grievances?  Yes.

At the national level,  President-Elect Trump plans for the Pentagon to have much greater say in how to manage combat against Islamic jehad terrorism. No longer will the battle field be managed, as it was before,  per President Obama’s direct  decisions. (WSJ, Sat. Dec. 10, 2016 Pentagon to Show Trump Tougher Options).

One un-intended consequence of  President Obama’s military  policies was his decision to trade five (5)   jehad Islamic terrorists (Taliban)  for  one (1)  American soldier who was  subsequently court marshalled.

At the local level in Aptos, CA,  an episcopal church — St John the Baptist Episcopal in Aptos, CA —  recently changed its  church Bylaws  as to  A) who is a Member and  B) who can be elected to the board of directors.

And — probably — there will be some  un-intended consequences at the church level  because of  the 2016 Showalter Bylaw revisions:

*  a reduction in the number of  members on the church rolls;
* an increase  in unilateral power exercised by the priest;
* less overall  participation/ connection by those who attend.

The  revised  Bylaws take effect Jan 1 2017.  The Bylaws  affected  who was nominated  in the Dec. 4, 2016 elections.

Per the “old” 2014 Bylaws:  The simple, basic  standard used to be  that any baptized adult is a member of the Parish.   There  are 4 categories. You only have to meet one category to be a Member.    If you are in category A or B or C or D then you are a member of the Parish.  No if’s  or buts about it!

How the changes in Bylaws   came to be: The interim priest thought revisions were in order and he  created a committee  of  three (3)  including  himself (aka Showalter 2016 Bylaw revisions).

An aside:   It appears that the Showalter 2016  Bylaw revisions break a rule of thumb:  don’t set a  difficult to meet, new standard.    The Showalter 2016  revisions are difficult  to meet   because — more than likely — some current Vestry members don’t or cannot meet the   new standard and many long time  pew sitters cannot.   Seriously, when was the last time that the Vestry was polled — and the records provided — to determine whether  each  Vestry member is listed  on the Parish Registrar?   That’s  probably never happened.

Another major dificulty: Imagine the sheer dificulty of rustling through folks’ giving records to figure out who is giving what to where over  what period of time.

Per the 2016  Showalter Bylaw revisions,    to be a member one must be “registered on the Parish Registrar  as a baptized Communicant  of the Parish …”  and …. and.  …. and…. and

Meet all the “ands”  in the Showalter 2016 revisons  and then you’re a  Member.  That is a substantive change.  Supposedly, no substantive changes  were to be part of the 2106 Revisions.

That’s not cool!  Don’t say no substantive changes in the revisons  and then make them. But, per the Nov. 2016 Vestry meeting, the church agreed to substantive changes.

What to do about all this?  Try the following:   Why not  walk up to someone on the  church Vestry  and inquire:

Do you know  whether you  actually are on the Parish Registrar?

Have you opened the Parish Registrar  and checked?

Do you support a   Parish church law that all voting Members must be on the Parish Registrar?

And what  do you think about the following scenario:  Next year at election time,  we  shall we all stand in line ( just like national elections) and “someone” will determine whether we meet the “standard” so that we can vote? To vote in a national election you go to a place, you say who you are, someone looks up your address and you sign on the line that you are you.

So –  before voting in 2017  the St. John the Baptist Episcopal church  election committee will check to ensure:

A) that the  name is  on Parish Register?

B)  that name  is on Treasurers books as contributed to the un-designated general fund for the last six months?

C)  that  the person is known to have taken Communion 3 times this past year? Only the Priest can verify this, right? More power will  wielded by the priest with this requirement.

D) that this  person is baptized and over  the age 18?  Maybe best for potential voting Members to bring a picture ID?

So.  what can you do?  The usual:    Petition your government!

Freedom of assembly is a right Americans have to petition their government.  To petition a church government there needs to be a determination of how many members there are and therefore what constitutes a quorum.  Thus,  changing the meaning of Member has significant consequences.

So who is a “member”?  There’s about 227 families listed on the church directory.  How many of those 227 families  are listed on the Parish Registrar? That informaton should be publicly available.   How many give to the Building Fund but do not give to the Un-designatged Fund?   Many people put Cash in the Plate as their way of giving.

Just discussing the above issues suggests why it’s best to simply keep the  2014 “old” Bylaws which have four (4) categories whereby persons from all those categories  are all Members.   The “old” 2014 Bylaws per Member  is an   inclusive standard  which has worked. Why ‘fix’ what’s not broke.

take-awayElections have consequences.  And, changing the  church Bylaws  have consequences  — and some not so good,  un-intended consequences.

Basic questions  to  answer:    Who is a member of the Body of Christ?

Must  members of the Body of Christ have to pay to pray?


Written by Cameron Jackson
