TSA: Snake at the breast

asp at breast
TSA: Snake at breast

TSA snake at the breast. A  Transportation Security Administration committee concluded that full screening of airport employees nationwide would not lower the overall risk to the public, according to a report released Monday.

The report by the TSA’s Aviation Security Advisory Committee said that full employee screening would not “appreciably increase the overall system-wide protection.”

Full physical screening of employees also “is incapable of determining a person’s motivations, attitudes and capabilities to cause harm, among other limitations.”




Firenze Sage:  No “appreciable increase”of security by  full screening  of  TSA employees?

Yet why no appreciable increase in security  by squeeze  my many goods?



TSA: Hole in condom syndrome


TSA screeners
TSA:  Hole in  condom syndrome

TSA:  Hole in  condom syndrome.

Sixty-seven of seventy failed tests by TSA employees   looking for explosives.   The Department of Homeland Security said Monday that the acting administrator for the Transportation Security Administration would be reassigned, following a report that airport screeners failed to detect explosives and weapons in nearly every test that an undercover team conducted at dozens of airports.

According to a report based on an internal investigation, “red teams” with the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General were able to get banned items through the screening process in 67 out of 70 tests it conducted across the nation.    http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/01/politics/tsa-failed-undercover-airport-screening-tests/


Firenze Sage:  Reassigned? What happened to fired!



Guess what – it was rent a mob


Guess what – it was rent a mob.

ACORN’s successor group in Missouri has been paying protesters $5,000 a month to generate civil unrest in Ferguson, the troubled St. Louis suburb where black youth Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer last August.

We know this because some of the protesters haven’t been paid and, now, they are demanding what they were promised. They held a sit-in at the offices of Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) and posted a demand letter




Firneze Sage:  After the huge whinge about protests, no major news outfit will cover this.



Islamic sex therapy

bathing suit images
bathing suit images

Islamic sex therapy:   Daniel Greenfeld of Frontpagemag  reports on Homaidan al-Turki, a Saudi rapist imprisoned in Colorado, who claims that his sex offender treatment program is Islamophobic:

Al-Turki’s insistence [is] that he shouldn’t have to undergo sex offender treatment.

Al-Turki told prison officials in 2013 that the sex offender treatment programme “conflicts with [his] Islamic faith”, according to a letter by the then executive director of the Colorado Department of Corrections, Tom Clements.

His lawyers told the court in the same year that the program: “would require [him] to look at photos that included women in bathing suits or undergarments as part of the evaluation process”, AP reported.

That would be the Abel Screening which is supposed to test for assorted deviancies. Undergoing it would be an important prerequisite to parole or transferring Al-Turki to a Saudi prison/resort.


Al-Turki’s original defense was that he did nothing wrong, raping a woman he enslaved and paid $2 a day for work, because Islam permits such things.



Firenze Sage:  Alright let’s hear it: All cultures are equal!!



Pam Geller’s cartoons: At last some light

Pam Geller’s cartoons:  At last some light: 

At last some light: Pam Geller and her cartoons

Rich Lowery on Pam Geller and her cartoons.

 “The event was placing a stake in contested ground, in a way it wouldn’t have if it had offended Quakers or Roman Catholics, who don’t massacre people who insult them. It was a statement of defiance, of an unwillingness to abide by the rules of fanatics.”


Firenze Sage:  Her [Pam Geller’s] detractors do not understand that every time they cheer gay marriage they are insulting Islam.


A biracial joke


A biracial marriage. The Robinson family, which Barack Obama chose to enter, is quite a bunch.

Just yesterday we learned that matriarch Marion Robinson, mother of  Craig and Michelle, admitted with a laugh that she had misgivings about her daughter marrying a biracial man. But, as the New York Daily News sarcastically noted, “it could have been worse.”

“That didn’t concern me as much as had he been completely white,”  matriarch Robinson laughed in the appearance on WTTW’s “Chicago Tonight,” which was scarcely noticed at the time.



Firenze Sage:  So just what is she [Marion Robinson] saying here and is it compatible with moving beyond race?


Obama’s NLRB makes union resignation & decertification much tougher.

illegal NLRB appointee Griffin makes resignation & decertification of unions tough to do
Illegal NLRB appointee Andrew Griffin makes resignation from membership  & decertification of unions tough to do

 Obama’s NLRB makes union resignation   & decertification  of a union (kick it out) tough to do.

It’s hard to find out how to resign from a union such as the SEIU.

And  it’s hard to decertify  a union — throwing the union out by majority vote.  Thanks to Obama.

Why?   Obama, who gets millions of dollars from the unions. And Obama appointed Richard Griffin as top lawyer for the NLRB once he could no longer be a NLRB member thanks to the Supreme Court ruling.

And now, Obama’s National  Labor Relations Board (NLRB)  now  empowers   union bosses  to maintain control  — when members kick out a union.

History:  Obama  illegally filled 3 positions on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). One of the appointees was Richard Griffin  who Obama has  appointed  top lawyer for the NLRB.


General Counsel seeks to eliminate employees’ ability to use a majority petition to end employer recognition of an unsupported union

San Francisco, CA (July 21 2014) – In a precedent-setting federal case, a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional director has denied a local restaurant worker’s motion to intervene to stop the federal agency from foisting unwanted union representation back on her workplace after she and her coworkers attempted to remove the union.

With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, Scoma’s of Sausalito restaurant worker Georgina Canche will appeal the NLRB regional director’s order to an NLRB Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).

Canche and a majority of her coworkers petitioned their employer to remove the UNITE HERE Local 2850 union from their workplace. After the workers presented the petition, restaurant management withdrew recognition of the union as the workers’ monopoly bargaining representative as long-standing law allows.

Local 2850 union officials then filed federal charges with the NLRB in an attempt to nullify the workers’ petition and insert the union hierarchy back into the workplace. The NLRB’s General Counsel filed a complaint designed to force the restaurant to once again recognize the union as the workers’ representative.

This aggressive policy of challenging employees’ withdrawal petitions is being pushed by union lawyer Richard Griffin, who was installed as NLRB General Counsel in October 2013 by President Obama and Senator Harry Reid. Prior to being the Board’s top lawyer in charge of enforcing federal labor laws, Griffin was an illegal recess appointee to the NLRB, as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month in Noel Canning v. NLRB.

“Without allowing workers a say in the process, the Obama NLRB is seeking to overturn long-standing precedent to make it more difficult for workers to remove an unwanted union hierarchy from their workplace,” explained Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “Highlighting the Obama Board’s pro-forced unionism bias, the NLRB maintains that a company can recognize a union if a majority of workers sign union ‘cards’ through the notoriously unreliable card check method, while its top lawyer works to eliminate workers’ ability to use a majority petition to oust an unwanted union.”

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in over 200 cases nationwide.

Want to resign from the SEIU? Not easy!


resign SEIU membership hot easy know how
resign SEIU membership hot easy know how

Want to resign from the SEIU?   It’s not easy to find out how!

Overall, private sector union members are decreasing substantially. But it’s not easy to leave.

To wit, there’s no  SEIU  info  available  in their Constitution and Bylaws   how to resign union membership  on their main web site.  Wonder if this is so? Take a look at:


The National Right to Work website says that  union employees in the private sector who want to resign from membership should:

1)  read the union’s  Constitution and Bylaws to find out who to notice.  And then

2) send a letter giving notice to both the union and employer

3) effective immediately with this process the former union member’s pay check should be bigger.

Let’s take SEIU 521 for example.  They are located at 2302 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131.  Their phone is 408 678-3300.  That number refers people to Monterey and to contact  a Christopher Cox.

Why is there no central SEIU website with information so that members can know exactly how to resign?  All members have the right to resign. Question is how.

 It should be easy to know how to pay Fair Share fee  (for collective bargaining related costs) and no more.






resign SEIU with a letter

Many employees are forced to join the SEIU
Many employees are forced to join the SEIU

Resign SEIU with a letter. It’s easy to do  and you give yourself a raise.

A sample letter how to resign from the  SEIU for private sector employees is attached below.

Non-profit organizations, e.g., San Andreas Regional Center    http://www.sanandreasregional.org/  are an example of a non-profit which requires all employees to join the SEIU.

For California employees, nother helpful organization is the California Professional Employees Association  http://cppea.org/why-choose-cppea/quit-seiu/




[insert your Name]
[insert your Mailing address]


[insert Name of appropriate union officer]
[insert Name of union]
[insert Address of union]

Dear [insert Name of appropriate union officer (See your union constitution. For the Teamsters, for example, the letter must be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer)]:

I hereby resign as a member of [name of union]. My resignation is effective immediately. I will continue to meet my lawful obligation of paying a representation fee to the union under its “union shop” or “agency shop” agreement with [name of employer].

Furthermore, I object to the collection and expenditure by the union of a fee for any purpose other than my pro rata share of the union’s costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment, as is my right under Communications Workers v. Beck, 487 U.S. 735 (1988). Pursuant to Teachers Local 1 v. Hudson, 475 U.S. 292 (1986), and Abrams v. Communications Workers, 59 F.3d 1373 (D.C. Cir. 1995), I request that you provide me with my procedural rights, including: reduction of my fees to an amount that includes only lawfully chargeable costs; notice of the calculation of that amount, verified by an independent certified public accountant; and notice of the procedure that you have adopted to hold my fees in an interest-bearing escrow account and give me an opportunity to challenge your calculation and have it reviewed by an impartial decisionmaker.

[If you pay dues by payroll deduction, include this paragraph: Accordingly, I also hereby notify you that I wish to authorize only the deduction of representation fees from my wages. If I am required to sign a new deduction authorization form to make that change, please provide me with the necessary form.]

Please reply promptly to my request. Any further collection or expenditure of dues or fees from me made without the procedural safeguards required by law will violate my rights under the National Labor Relations Act and/or U.S. Constitution.

Finally, please consider this objection to be permanent and continuing in nature.

Sincerely yours,


[If you include the paragraph on the change in your payroll deduction
authorization, you should also send a copy of this letter to the payroll department of your employer.]

*Religious Objectors should not use this letter to resign their union membership.*


resign SEIU membership & give yourself a raise

resign SEIU membership & give yourself a raise
Resign SEIU membership & give yourself a raise

Forced to join the SEIU?

Tired of your SEIU union dues spent for stuff you don’t support?

Don’t want money spent of politics you don’t like?

Want solely collective bargaining protection — and nothing else?

Then resign  your  SEIU membership.

You  keep all rights connected with collective bargaining when you cancel your union membership. You just don’t vote on most issues.

You  can still can vote to de-certify SEIU.  For more info go to the website listed below.

Do you remember the pictures of SEIU thugs beating up blacks at a town hall meeting concerning health care reform?  Do you know how many SEIU  millions were spent to elect Obama president?

Do you know how much money is spent b SEIU for their officers?

SEIU pays union bosses too much money
SEIU pays union bosses way too much money

