About Redskin’s name Harry Reid: “Never mind what the Indians want”


"never mind what the Indians want" says Harry Reid
“Never mind what the Indians want” says Harry Reid  

About the Redskin’s name, what to do?

 Harry Reid says “Never mind what the Indians want.”

Last week the controversy over the NFL Washington Redskins’ name, deemed offensive by the professionally aggrieved, reached a new peak when the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board canceled six federal trademark registrations owned by the team.

American Indians like the Redskin name:

Ten years ago a poll of American Indians found that 90% of Indians polled in 48 states found the name inoffensive. In a January 2014 poll, a broad majority of adults (83%) responded that the Washington Redskins should not change their nickname. Among football fans, that majority was even higher: 87%.
“The issue is never the issue,” as Saul Alinsky used to state. “The issue is always the revolution.”

Names that the Patent Office ignores:

The Daily Caller, for example, listed twelve trademarks that the United States Patent and Trademark Office apparently finds less worthy of addressing than “Redskins.” Those trademarks include, among others, such brands as Uppity Negro, Dago Swag, Kraut Krap, and Figgas Over Niggas. The hypocrisy is blatant and almost hilarious. But the Washington Redskins make a more useful and visible political target.


Firenze Sage:  Why ask for consistency when political correctness will do?


children immigrants from Central America – what to do?

Turn off money pipeline from USA to Central America
Turn off money pipeline from USA to Central America

What to do about the thousands of child immigrants flooding the country from Central America? About 50,000 have arrived and 90,000 are expected by end of 2014.

Turn off the  pipeline of  money transfers from USA to  Central America.

Make it illegal for persons working in the USA to transfer any funds back to their county of origin in Central America.

Rather than acting as  a conduit for more children to arrive and settle with sponsors/ relatives from Central America and receive   immediate free social services for refugees,    by stopping the money flow that will stop parents from sending their children on dangerous journeys.

Remind  President Obama that the USA is an exceptional nation. Precisely because America  is exceptional is why parents in Central America risk their childrens’ lives to enter illegally in a dangerous manner.

Speed up deportations.

Treat all illegal immigrants just as we treat illegal entries from Canada and Mexico — turn them back at the border. Let’s be fair to all and have one line for entry from where ever.

No legal representation for children fleeing from Central America.

Tell your representatives that these children must have immediate, safepassage home to their country of origin — without legal representation. In the last 10 years roughly half represented by lawyers won the right to stay typically after 4-5 years of proceedings.

 President Obama injures  our individual liberties with his “I have a pen and telephone” attitude towards law.

Obama only enforces laws to his liking. . Support the law suit by the House of Representatives who represent We the People.  President Obama does not “faithfully execute the laws” so do not expect him to keep his word on anything.

 The border must be closed as a first step to immigration reform.

What kind of reform? One line. All come in legally with a tamper proof ID.  All come in because this country needs particular skills.

written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com





UC Berkeley theft] They are looking into it


UC Berkeley theft
UC Berkeley theft by person with a  prior conviction for stealing money

UC Berkeley theft:  They are looking into it.

BERKELEY — A former UC Berkeley administrator — who was rehired by the university despite a previous felony embezzlement conviction — has been charged with stealing about $90,000 of public funds to pay for her children’s private-school tuition  at Ecole Bilinque de Berkeley  and other expenses.

Firenze Sage, Esq.  Oh well,  it is not their money either.



Asian white privilege [kills?]

Asian white privlege
Asian white privilege

Asian white privilege kills?


 Over at Salon, a teacher of “Women’s and GenderStudies and Africana Studies” named Brittney Cooper wrote:

“How many times must troubled young white men engage in these terroristic acts that make public space unsafe for everyone before we admit that white male privilege kills?”


Firenze Sage, Esq.

A 1/2 Asian with a mental history who ostensibly hates woman kills 3 men with a knife or machete, and 4 with a gun and it’s white privilege somehow.  The FBI says mass killings are done pretty much by everyone in the demographic mix.


[deportation] Take him — or stay out

rapists, murderers not deported
deportation:  36,0000 alien  criminals including rapists, murderers were let out of jail & not deported

Deportation:  Take him  — or stay out.


The nonsense about a country refusing to take back an alien criminal can be stopped with enforcement of a law on the books already.

On being notified by the [DHS Secretary] that the government of a foreign country denies or unreasonably delays accepting an alien who is a citizen, subject, national, or resident of that country after the [DHS Secretary] asks whether the government will accept the alien under this section, the Secretary of State shall order consular officers in that foreign country to discontinue granting immigrant visas or nonimmigrant visas, or both, to citizens, subjects, nationals, and residents of that country until the [DHS Secretary] notifies the Secretary that the country has accepted the alien.”

8 U.S.C. Section 1253(d)



Firenze Sage, Esq.  So do it,  and see how fast they go.


[ban Donald Sterling for life] Justice for all

ban Sterling for life?
ban Sterling for life?


Ban  Donald Sterling for life and move to oust him as owner of the Clippers over his racist remarks is a start, said Heat superstar LeBron James.

But the ownership ban should extend to his family.

“As players we want what’s right and we don’t feel like no one in his family should be able to own the team,” James, one of the first NBA stars to denounce Sterling, said Sunday.


Firenze Sage,  Esq.  And if someone in your family calls someone a honky, should you be banned?



[SEIU & Mike Honda] A union hack

SEIU & Mike Honda union hack
SEIU & Mike Honda union hack

SEIU & Mike Honda: A union hack.

Honda’s  campaign headquarters are located in Silicon valley  at union headquarters for SEIU 521.

Democratic Rep. Mike Honda, engaged in a contentious fight for re-election in a Silicon Valley House race, has made the unusual move of locating his 2014 campaign office inside the headquarters of a major South Bay labor organization – the Service Employees International Union Local 521.

Honda’s team has not generally advertised its campaign headquarters’ location – 2302 Zanker Road, San Jose – to the public. The congressman’s official “Mike Honda for Congress” campaign website displays a different address, 2050 Gateway Suite 100, San Jose.

The details about Honda’s campaign office emerged after The Chronicle reported last week that Honda can’t vote for himself in the 2014 election because his home is located outside the 17th Congressional District he represents.

Ro Khanna, of Indian ethnicity and age 37, opposes Honda in the primary. Honda’s age is 73.  http://www.rokhanna.com/cupertino_prospector


Firenze Sage, Esq.  How can this guy live outside his district?  And more importantly do his constituents know or care?


Voter fraud, what voter fraud?

Voter fraud, what voter fraud?

 Records indicate that 35,000 plus residents of North Carolina also voted in other states.

North Carolina’s Board of Elections found that tens of thousands of registered voters from the state have personal information matching that of registered voters in other states, and appear to have voted in states other than North Carolina in 2012. In some cases, votes were cast under names of individuals who had passed away before Election Day.

vote twice
Present your death certificate and vote!

The review found that 35,570 North Carolina voters from 2012 shared the same first names, last names, and dates of birth with individuals who voted in other states. Another 765 Tar Heel State residents who voted in 2012 had the the same names, birthdays, and final four digits of a Social Security number as voters elsewhere.

Meanwhile, the election board’s executive director, Kim Westbrook, told lawmakers that 81 deceased North Carolinians apparently voted in 2012 as well. While some appear to have submitted absentee ballots prior to their death, she said “there are between 40 and 50 who had died at a time that that’s not possible.”



Firenze Sage, Esq.   Present your death certificate and vote.


Interviews are held in the coliseum — [where non-Christians get extra consideration]


Interviews are held in the coliseum — where non-Christians get extra consideration.

For more than 30 years, a clause within a Michigan public school district contract openly stated that “special consideration” would be be given to non-Christian applicants.

According to the teachers union contract:

“The Board shall consider the professional backgrounds and attainments of all applications along with other relevant facts.Should there be two (2) or more of these applicants with equal qualifications for the position and one (1) or more of these applicants with equal qualifications is a current employee, the current employee with the greatest seniority shall be assigned.

The  teachers union contract states that special consideration shall be given to women and/or minority defined as: Native American, Asian American, Latino, African American and those of the non-Christian faith.

The clause in the teacher union contract  concerning extra consideration for non-Christians  is totally unconstitutional. The teachers belong to the Ferndale Educational Association and the contract continues until 2017.  



Firenze Sage, Esq.  And the graduation and literacy rate be damned!

minorities graduates
minorities graduates highest at Independent Colleges & Universities
high school graduation rates
high school graduation rates

Food Stamp Fraud? New Mexico replaced 93,000 (70%) Food Stamp cards

Food Stamp fraud
Food Stamp fraud?

Food Stamp Fraud?   New Mexico replaced 93,000 (70%) for Food Stamp  cards.

A bill that toughens penalties for those who try to trade food stamps and EBT cards for cash passed 65-0 in the New Mexico House of Representatives on Saturday and the bill’s sponsor thinks the chances are good that the measure can get through the Legislature before the 30-day legislative session ends Thursday.

“You have instances where people were continually committing fraud and we couldn’t really aggregate those into a felony,” said Rep. Monica Youngblood, R-Albuquerque of House Bill 229. “That’s what this bill will do.”

Across the country, there have been reports of people going on Craigslist and offering to sell food stamps, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) checks or electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards for cash.


food stamps
food stamps for alcohol

Here in New Mexico, a gas station attendant in Albuquerque was caught on tape by KOB-TV trading $200 in food stamps for $100 in cash.

Last May, a couple from Farmington was arrested and charged with entering false transactions for food purchases using food stamps and then giving half the money they were reimbursed to the holder of the food stamps.

“It’s really easy to sell (food stamps and EBT cards),” Youngblood said. “People stand outside grocery stores and actually offer them for half their value. I hear from teachers that kids are coming to school hungry and that shouldn’t be the case in our state, especially with the amount of public assistance we have.”

written by Dr. Cameron Jackson    drcameronjackson@gmail.com
