Lupron medication can keep children safe from predators?

Lupron for sex offenders work?
Lupron medication  for sex offenders work?

Can Lupron medication control  sexual attraction urges for children?  Of course, we want sexual offenders to stop harming children.  Is medication the way  to keep children safe from predators?    

If  Lupron works, why is the price so high?  Considering the cost of keeping someone in prison (50+K) can close monitoring and Lupron work?

Might Lupron medication or other medications such as Depro-Provera  keep more chilren save?

Roughly 300,000 children are abused a year.  The recidivism rate is 13% according to Sorentino.

Dr. Renee Sorrentino is clinical director in psychiatry at Harvard. She thinks Lupron is worth the expense. What say you?

[whohit]-LUPRIN MED-[/whohit]

Aptos Psychologist says:

Harming innocent children is considered one of the worst crimes.  Psychiatry — as usual — recommends popping pills and monitoring closely.  And there will always be some  people who say keep them in prison and throw away the key.  What treatment works and can we foot the bill?

Below is a story in the news about a sexual offender (he focuses on  12 year old boys)  who takes Depro-Provera  which weakens his sexual urges.:



Outrage in Hyde Park after a high-risk sex offender moved to town. Adding to concerns– Timothy Szad, 53, is living about a mile from a public school. More than 100 parents showed up to a meeting Wednesday night wanting to know if their kids are safe since the Vt. Department of Corrections has listed Szad as likely to reoffend. He was released in July after serving out a maximum sentence for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a teenage boy.

Their protest was civil, but their signs speak volumes. These Hyde Park parents want registered sex offender Timothy Szad out of their town. And they have the support of Rep. Kurt Wright.

“The ones you’re really concerned about are the ones labeled high risk to reoffend,” said Rep. Kurt Wright, R-Burlington.

Parents gathered Wednesday night to voice their long list of concerns to their sheriff and other state officials.

“What would the policy be if this guy starts showing up?” asked Ted Greene. His son starts soccer practice Thursday morning.

“So, how are we as parents supposed to feel our kids are safe in this school? And in this area?” questioned another father, Mark Dvorak.

Some parents have spread the word themselves, plastering Szad’s mug shot on their cars for everyone to see.

“It’s a different way of life for a while and you have to be proactive, we and [the Sheriff’s] six other folks can’t do it alone,” said Lamoille North Supervisory Union Superintendent Joseph Ciccolo. He reminded parents not to just keep an eye on Szad, but on their children.

“You’re concerned about the playground coverage after hours; well, I’m concerned that you don’t send your children out without adult supervision,” Ciccolo said.

Since Szad moved to Hyde Park last week, Lamoille County Sheriff Roger Marcoux has received more than 10 calls a day. He’s made keeping tabs on Szad his top priority.

“He was very, very transparent of what he’d done. He took us through his history and agreed to some things that are very important,” Marcoux explained.

That includes checking in with the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department on a daily basis, getting monthly shots to control his sexual urges, and never leaving the ministry member’s house where he’s staying without supervision.

“If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have anybody watching this guy 24/7,” Marcoux said.

Still, many residents want Szad out. Technically all those agreements he has made with Marcoux are voluntary. Szad is a free man and could stop taking his medication or checking in with police if he chooses.

“Is Hyde Park kind of a halfway house for him and he’s going to move on? I mean, he’s not renting a house; he’s just staying with this person. What’s his long-term plan?” asked resident Chris Lynch.

Marcoux couldn’t answer that, but reminded the crowd that Szad may be safest while living with the ministry members. The alternative, he says, could be worse.

“Traditionally what happens to these folks is they end up in the woods in a tent and then I don’t know where he is, my department doesn’t know where he is. He’s not getting treatment, he’s probably not going to be getting those shots anymore because he can’t drive,” Marcoux explained.

Marcoux has also gone door to door to about 40 homes nearby where Szad is staying to identify which homes have children who may be at risk. But for many residents, it’s not enough. They are hoping to appeal to their legislators to push for civil confinement. That’s a law that if passed, would mean sex offenders could be held past their sentence if deemed dangerous.

Related Stories:

Hyde Park parents voice concerns about sex offender

Sex offender has Hyde Park on high alert

High-risk sex offender moving to Hyde Park

High-risk sex offender returns to Vermont

High-risk sex offender leaves Vermont for California

High-risk sex offender heading out of Vermont

Sex offender release renews calls for Vt. civil confinement law

Community placement for Vt. sex offender on hold

Springfield on alert after state warns of sex offender release

Vt. Corrections warns of sex offender release


Bait & switch tactics used for Single Payer says Firenze Sage, Esq.


bait and switch tactics
bait and switch tactics by Reid

Bait & switch tactics used  by Reid for  Single Payer.

Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.”

Bait & switch tactics:

“What we’ve done with ObamaCare is have a step in the right direction. But we’re far from having something (ObamaCare)  that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

When then asked by panelist Steve Sebelius whether Reid  meant ultimately the country would have to have a health care system that abandoned insurance as the means of accessing it, Reid said: “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”

In just about seven weeks, people will be able to start buying Obamacare-approved insurance plans through the new health care exchanges.

But already, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is predicting those plans, and the whole system of distributing them, will eventually be moot.

When Congress passed the health legislation plan that the President sought, they radically changed health care in the United States, and audaciously imposed a strong-armed federal government onto perhaps the most personal of all segments of American life. The Supreme Court subsequently failed to support the fundamental principle of limited government. Legal battles are still underway, and strong governors are doing their best for their constituents. But this president is not likely to do more than just talk and campaign about compromise; moreover, there is no need for him to worry about the next election. Even worse to contemplate, though, is that President Obama and the Democrats may actually have received a willing acceptance of the infantilization of the American people by their government, from voters who followed the siren call of bigger government and embraced a new culture of increasing dependence, regardless of the consequences.


Firenze Sage, Esq.     Here it is folks. The British system which leaves many to die or rot is what Reid is talking about.


But do you think the poobahs of Washington will be in it?



Firenze Sage: Another hidden tax [ObamaCare]


Another hidden tax thanks to ObamaCare
Another hidden tax thanks to ObamaCare

 Another hidden ObamaCare tax

 The poor consumer almost choked on the  breakfast croissant  he purchased at the Oakland Airport. 

The reason for his consternation: a 2 percent hidden  tax he did not expect.  

It said, “EmpBen_Srchg” and it came to 12 cents, or about 2 percent of his bill.

“I interpret this to be employee benefit surcharge, so I asked Oakland Airport.”

“The Port of Oakland agreed to permit its concessionaires to add a surcharge of up to two percent on guest checks to cover the cost of providing medical benefits to its employees,” Joanne Holloway, an airport spokeswoman, explained. “The businesses are required to post notification of this charge on its menu boards and on the guest receipt.”


Firenze Sage:  Dear Mr Obama,  here’s another one  you missed.   [Obama-Care tax]

 Four More Obama Years

Obama’s Hidden Taxes             A Hidden Tax in Obama-Care



Obama IS his brother’s keeper! [IRS non-profit status fast and quick]


This story just might wake up some of the low information voters.  Obama’s brother gets faster service for non-profit status  from the IRS than usual, conservative Americans here. Wonder why?  Time for congress to investigate and get the news out.  It is congress’s job.

MAY 31, 2013 6:30 PMThe Lois Lerner Defense
File it the next time the IRS calls you up.

By Mark Stern
Lois Lerner

Mark Steyn 

We have the president of the United States’ word as a gentleman that he knew nothing about the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of his enemies until he “learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this.”

Furthermore, although the commissioner of the IRS, Douglas Shulman, visited Obama’s White House no fewer than 157 times, which is 156 times more than his predecessor Mark Everson ever visited the White House, we know that this was for legitimate Easter-egg rolls, as he testified to Congress, and meetings to discuss Obamacare. The Easter Bunny, one should note, visits the White House two to four times as often as the average IRS commissioner did before Mr. Shulman came along. But you can’t make a health-care omelet without breaking Easter eggs: It is one of the many distinctive features of Obama-style “health” “care” “reform” that, while it has not led to the hiring of a single additional doctor, nurse, or hospital janitor, it did require the biggest expansion of the IRS since the Second World War. So, when he wasn’t rolling Easter eggs and advising the moppets on whether they needed to declare the luxury Belgian white chocolate balls with praline filling, he was participating in vital meetings on how many extra SWAT teams he was going to need to enforce the new colonoscopy non-compliance penalty.



Let us also overlook the excellent treatment received from the IRS by members of the president’s family. Although acting commissioner Steven Miller apologized for the “horrible customer service” conservative taxpayers had gotten, a gentleman by the name of Malik Obama received impeccable, express service when he took the precaution of mailing in his non-profit application from N’giya, Kenya, rather than notoriously slower mail processing centers such as Phoenix and Dallas. Malik, the brother of President Obama, runs the Barack H. Obama Foundation, named for the president’s father. On May 30, 2011, they applied for tax-exempt status, and had their approval signed less than a month later by Lois Lerner herself, and conveniently backdated by Lois to cover the two-and-a-half years the enterprising Malik had already been raking in “tax-deductible” donations from Americans. The Washington address of the Barack H. Obama Foundation appears to be bogus, and it’s not clear whether the funds are being used back in Kenya for anything other than supporting the famously lavish lifestyle of Malik and his twelve wives. Given that the IRS is not shy about asking American conservatives for Facebook posts and lists of who attends their meetings, Ms. Lerner surely would have been within her rights to ask Malik Obama about the “exclusive” photographs currently displayed on the Barack H. Obama Foundation website of a recent meeting in Sudan, one of only four countries the U.S. government designates as a “terrorist state,” and the Foundation’s apparently extensive association with the Sudanese president and blood-soaked genocidal war criminal Omar al-Bashir. Given that the IRS likes to ask conservative taxpayers whether their friends and relatives are planning on running for office, Ms. Lerner might like to ask Malik Obama when his friend President Bashir is planning on leaving office. After another quarter million corpses?Whatever. Let’s take it as read that, when U.S. taxpayers wind up giving tax breaks to an entity linked to the butchers of Darfur, it’s pure coincidence that the racket turns out to be run by the president’s brother. Let’s accept that Malik Obama just got lucky that his letter landed on the desk of Lois Lerner, and that, when she backdated his application for two-and-a-half years, she’d momentarily forgotten that it’s illegal for her to backdate it more than two-and-a-quarter years. Indeed, let’s take the president at his word that the existence of this shadowy IRS entity working deep within the even shadowier U.S. Treasury planted in deep cover within the shadowiest conspiracy of them all, this murky hitherto unknown organization called “the Executive Branch,” that all this was news to him. What that means then is not that this or that elected politician is corrupt but that the government of the United States is corrupt.



Firenze Sage: Obey or heads will roll [remove t-shirt]

UK: Police order shopkeeper to remove “obey our laws” t-shirt

“Newport shopkeeper told to remove ‘obey our laws’ T-shirt,” from the South Wales Argus, May 29 (thanks to Benedict):

A NEWPORT shopkeeper has been forced by police to remove a T-shirt from his shop window because they felt it “could be seen to be inciting racial hatred.”

Matthew Taylor, 35, the owner of Taylor’s clothes store on Emlyn Walk in the city, printed up and displayed the T-shirt with the slogan: “Obey our laws, respect our beliefs or get out of our country” after Drummer Lee Rigby, 25, was killed in near Woolwich barracks in London last week.

But following a complaint from a member of the public, police came to his store and threatened to arrest him unless he removed the Tshirt from sight.


Firenze Sage:  After an 18 minute delay the police arrived to find a decapitated soldier.

Call 911 again and again and they  arrest a shopkeeper.

Four More Years by Firenze Sage


Firenze Sage: Ah, book her Danno? [handcuffed for remarks]


An 85-year-old woman arrested outside Gillingham Mosque  after allegedly hurling abuse at Muslims has been charged with a racially aggravated public order offence.  The arresting officer was Muslim.

The woman shouted ‘Go back to your own country!‘ as  Muslims left religious services.

The pensioner, from Chatham, was handcuffed and taken away in a van by officers after trouble flared as worshippers left Friday prayers.

She was held by officers outside the Canterbury Street mosque as Kent Police vowed to take a hard line against reprisal attacks following the terrorist murder of a soldier.


Firenze Sage:  Off with her head? No that’s what the other side does.

Four More Years by Firenze Sage

Decapitation in the Islamic World  Why 85 Year Old Woman Was Arrested


Firenze Sage: Weight loss costs a bunch!


Ponzi scheme for weight clinic
SANTA ANA, Calif. (CN) – A former base commander for the California Army National Guard was sentenced Tuesday to eight years in federal prison for a $3 million Ponzi scheme.
Timothy Melvin Murphy, 70, of Orange, also was ordered to pay $2,953,758 in restitution to his two dozen victims, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
Murphy pleaded guilty in April 2012 to mail fraud. He “guaranteed” his suckers annual returns of 12 percent through his Orange-based business, Capital Investors.
He didn’t invest his victims’ money at all, but used it to make Ponzi payments and spent it on his collection of classic cars, his mortgage, and at a weight-loss clinic, prosecutors said. more information
Firenze Sage:  Let see, 78 years old and ordered to repay 3 million. Great call judge.           Four More Years by Firenze Sage


Firenze Sage: Workers’ paradise [China’s dead pigs]

Dead pigs in China
Welcome to China:

The heady optimism of four years ago has now given way to more sober views, thanks to the accretion of facts. Facts like 16,000 dead pigs floating down Shanghai’s Whampoa river in March. Or the worst air pollution on record in Beijing in January, with levels of tiny particulate matter reaching levels 25 times higher than the standard in the U. S. Or 80% of the East China Sea lost to fishing because of the pollution, according to Elizabeth Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations. Or 1.2 million premature deaths due to air pollution, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.

Another nugget: “A recent social media campaign led by locals and international activists shed light on the growing phenomena of ‘cancer villages’—areas where water pollution is so bad that it has led to a sharp rise in diseases like stomach cancer,” wrote Thomas Thompson last month in Foreign Affairs. “The China Geological Survey now estimates that 90% of China’s cities depend on polluted groundwater supplies. Water that has been purified at treatment plants is often recontaminated en route to homes.”


Firenze Sage:  The worker’s paradise.     Four More Years by Firenze Sage


Firenze Sage: Human wind farm [Barbara Boxer]


Barbara Boxer human wind farm
US Senator Barbara Boxer said in a speech on global warming, just one day after the Moore tornado:
“You’re going to have tornadoes and all the rest.  . . . Carbon could cost us the planet.”
Firenze Sage:  If only she’d retire to the weather girl roll she knows so well.  


Firenze Sage: Fire the IRS liars [Lois Lerner et al]


Fire IRS liars
Statistically speaking, the firing of a federal employee is a rare event. A Cato Institute study showed that in one year, just 1 in 5,000 non-defense, civilian federal employees was fired for cause. A widely cited analysisby USA Today found that in FY 2011, the federal government fired just 11,668 out of 2.1 million employees (excluding military and postal workers). That’s a “separation for cause” rate of 0.55 percent, roughly a fifth the rate in the private sector.
But fully 60 percent of federal employees fired were in their first two years on the job.
Firenze Sage:  There must be a Parkinson’s law involved where the least efficient are the most protected.    Four More Years

