freedoms, healing & stories in the news
Law: the rules of civilization
On September 16, popular TV persona Wael El-Ibrashi hosted Dr. Zaghlul al-Naggar, a prominent Islamic thinker and Chairman of Egypt’s Committee of Scientific Notions in the Quran, on the topic of medical science and Islam.
Inevitably the idea of drinking camel urine as a form of therapy—first proposed in the 7th century by Muslim prophet Muhammad—came up.
Not only did Dr. Naggar promote this practice, but he made the staggering announcement that right now in Egypt a medical center in Marsa Matrouh actually specializes in treating people with camel urine, all in accord with the prophet’s advice.
And we listen to these idiots with respect.
JAJ48@aol.com  Â
Look at Obama’s birth certificate and then decide whether it’s fake.  Compare all the K’s in the document.
Typewriters have different spaces and depending on how hard the key is struck the letters look different.
Go to the White House web site and look for yourself.
The K’s in the all caps BARACK for child, father and mother are very different from the K’s  made with a typewriter for Kapiolani, Kalanianasole Kenya and Kansas. Look at the spaces between the letters. Look at the pixels.
Today, Oct. 6, Mr. Logic was on the KSCO Santa Cruz Sat. morning program discussing pixels, typewriters, digital programs and why the Obama birth certificate  on the White House web site is a fake.
The Israel Prime Minister showed a picture of a bomb going off when discussing the red line over which Iran must not go in developing nuclear weapons. In the next Presidential debate Romney might show a blown up copy of the document on the White House web site which shows the very different pixels between letters.
Romney might ask, “Mr. President, can you see that the K’s in certain words made by a typewriter are quite different from the K’s made in BARACK? Why, Mr. President, have you never allowed examination of any documents relevant to your birth, grades in college, or grades in law school? Mr. President, do you have something to hide?
Sir, if you were not born in the USA then you cannot be President. Perhaps, Mr. President, before you leave office you’d better pardon yourself — as I as the next President certainly won’t do it!”
The 2012 election is a watershed election. Concerned about the last four Obama years go to Smashword.com for Four More Obama Years? by James Jackson. Use the coupon XU48K for a free copy good through November, 2012. The book is also available on Amazon.com for the magnificent price of $.99
Four More Obama Years?  book by California attorney James Jackson aka Firenze Sage.  Read his  pithy comments about stories in the news with pen name of
To get the book: Â Â https://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=four+more+obama+years
Oct. 3 Romney and Obama debate will focus on two entirely different futures:Â self reliance versus dependence on government, strengthen the private sector to grow jobs or more growth in government jobs … which will you choose?
Read Four More Obama Years by James Jackson and decide. Available for free with a coupon on Smashwords.com and also on Amazon.
Barack Obama backs a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.
His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.â€
“African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline,†said the order, titled “White House Initiative On Educational Excellence.â€
Because of those causes, the report suggests, “over a third of African American students do not graduate from high school on time with a regular high school diploma, and only four percent of African American high school graduates interested in college are college-ready across a range of subjects.
Now let’s see this in action. Unjustly punish Joe Asian and a black thug will more likely graduate?
No leniency for Islamic non-believer drinking water in public in Kuwait. Law against drinking water in public during Ramadam  is enforced in Kuwait.
DUBAI: It is illegal to drink or eat in public in Kuwait during the holy month of Ramadan, where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
Over the weekend, Kuwaiti police said they made the first arrest of someone who failed to abide by their strict conditions during the holy month.
Police have indicated that a police patrol saw an “Asian drinking water from a bottle during the day.â€
 Under Kuwait law, anyone caught drinking or eating in public during fasting times is detained and held until after the Eid holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. Â
But what about children, the elderly, the sick and Islamic non-believers? http://www.foodrepublic.com/2011/08/01/5-myths-and-facts-about-ramadan-fasting
What does the sidewalk cafe lobby have to say? Â
Relinquish carcass of the bald eagle [part of Canyon art wok by Rauschenberg] to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service unless prove bird was taken from wild prior to 1940. Won’t turn over carcass? Then pay $65 MILLON fine to the IRS.
Under the terms of the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the 1918 Migratory Bird Act, it is a felony to “possess, sell, purchase, barter, transport, import or export any bald eagle — alive or dead.†Because the art work Canyon by Robert Rauschenberg included the carcass of a bald eagle that could not be sold, he estate, advised by three experts, valued the work at zero.
The Art Advisory Panel to the IRS at first decided that Canyon was worth $15 million. When the Estate refused to pay the Advisory Board then raised the value to $65 million.Â
The IRS demands $29.2 million in taxes and $11 million in penalties because the heirs “inaccurately†stated its value. http://www.akdart.com/abuse.html
The IRS has an “Art Advisory Panel,†that provides expert advice on the value of art works involved in estates. It was the panel that decided it was worth $65 million. Stephanie Barron, a member of the panel and an art curator at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, said that, “It’s a stunning work of art and we all just cringed at the idea of saying that this had zero value. It just didn’t make any sense.â€
If your husband could be sold, he’d be worth a price beyond rubies. So IRS will now tax you for possessing this masterpiece while knowing that the slave trade is illegal.