Safeway in Aptos, CA plans to double in size why Safeway to double? Big box Safeway plans to double in size from 30,000 to 60,000 square feet at their Aptos, CA store located in Rancho del Mar shopping center just off #1 at State Park Drive.
Why? Bigger is not better for the existing Aptos, CA community.
Safeway recently bought the entire Rancho del Mar shopping center.
There’s plenty of parking now and no need for a double decker parking garage. The Rancho del Mar center has the only movie theater and the only ACE hardware store between Watsonville [9 miles south] and 41st Avenue in Capitola [3 miles north] Both the theater and ACE hardware will be eliminated if Safeway expands as planned. As local Aptos users know, ACE is the place for excellent services from the time you enter the door.
It’s likely that many small businesses [a movie theater, a jewelery store, a pharmacy, several restaurants, Ace hardware] will be eliminated if and when Safeway expands from 30,000 to 60,000 square feet.
Susan Houghton is a contact person for Safeway. Per Houghton, it will take about 2 years to get permits and 2 years to build. Several letters to the editor of the Santa Cruz Sentinel express concern about the pending changes.
Where and how to speak up: Aptos, CA has a supervisor on the County of Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors. And there’s of course the Planning Department. Is there a disgruntled citizens department? You can subscribe to the RSS feed to get updates to this post.
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Kagan leak? So did someone on the Supreme Court leak to Obama that the Supreme Court might find ObamaCare illegal? If so, was it someone — Kagan — who used to work for Obama?
Federal judges can find Obama-Care illegal says Texas federal Judge Smith in response to Obama’s recent remarks about judicial review. It’s impossible to find ObamaCare’s individual mandate illegal said Obama. Oh?
But federal courts routinely strike down laws as illegal and unconstitutional. Today, Texas federal judge Smith bristles at Obama’s recent remarks on judicial review and that unelected men and women cannot — or should not — decide the fate of Obama-Care.
Texas federal Judge Smith rebuked U.S. Attorney General Holder concerning Obama’s remarks and requested within 48 hours a 3 page single space response concerning Obama’s position on judicial review.
The Supreme Court has always practised deference responded Eric Holder. Sounds like Holder thinks that the Supreme Court is supposed to rubber stamp whatever the Executive branch does.
Some of Texas Judge Smith’s prior rulings: Affirmative Action illegal and unconstitutional at Texas Law School. Obama’s 6 month moratorium on deep water oil drilling was found illegal.
Obama’s remarks — that the Supreme Court cannot decide the legality of Obmaa-Care — show a profound dis-respect for our federal courts and the independence of our three branches of government. written by
Is this what the Koran permits Egyptian men to do with their wife or wives?
How can an Egyptian Muslim marriage — or any marriage — be terminated in divorce based on this flimsy evidence?
Facts: An Egyptian man supposedly saw a telephone number written down and given to his wife. So the man immediately shouts out divorce over a loud speaker. His wife at the time is at the mall with their several kids. This is what came over the internet:
“A Saudi husband in Cairo, Egypt used a loudspeaker to divorce his wife at a busy shopping mall. The husband saw [supposedly] his wife take a note from a man.
“When he left that shop, he saw a man giving his wife a note bearing his phone number. She [supposedly] accepted the paper and put it inside her bag,†The newspaper did not mention where the mall is located.
“The husband then used the mall’s loudspeaker to shout divorce words against his wife. His wife at the time was with her three children.â€
bacon force pork?
Conservatives can do things that support getting rid of ObamaCare, Obama’s regulations and Obama’s policies. One way: Read the opposition’s arguments and comment back via blogs and email. This is a comment back on ‘Broccoli and bad faith’ written by Paul Krugman, with New York Times.
Replace broccoli with pork and see what happens to Krugman’s weak argument.
Dear Mr. Krugman: Do you know that …..
1) Americans overwhelmingly dislike 2 to 1 ObamaCare. It was not popular before and overall it is still unpopular.
2) If the Supreme Court throws ObamaCare out entirely, then Congress gets a fresh slate to make health care reform with bipartisan support. Not one Republican voted for ObamaCare. Any change of such massive proportions requires bipartisan support and public input through hearings. Thus, a fresh start is the best way to go.
3) Americans want health care reform that respects individual freedom of religion per the Bill of Rights. Obama recently Jan 20, 2012 told the Catholic bishops there was no waiver for any church organizations. Under Obama-Care, all organizations must provide for free a wide variety of contraceptive choices including abortion, sterilization and birth control pills. Many organizations are affronted at this lack of respect for individual conscience and by the one size fits all approach taken by Obama and his Health Secretary Sebelius.
4) People want & should be able to get individually tailored plans. A gay man does not need or want pregnancy care whereas a gay woman who plans to give birth may. Health care reform must include tort reform to reduce malpractice costs and allow and encourage competition across state lines.
5) If you Mr. Krrugman don’t like Justice Scalia’s comparison of health care with broccoli then how about comparing health care with the purchase of pork? Say there is just one store and it’s located in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood. And Jews don’t eat pork or bacon or products with pork. How long will the store owner offer pork for sale? As the demand is zero he will stop offering it for sale. So when Jews choose not to buy pork in fact their actions make pork unavailable to the few who do want to buy pork.
6) But what if the government requires all stores to offer pork for sale and requires all shoppers to purchase pork no matter what the individual’s religious or culinary habits? When the government can require all to purchase X then the government can require all to also purchase Y and Z.
6) The essence of a legal contract [based on Western laws] is that both parties enter into it voluntarily. But if one side is forced then there is no lawful contract.
7) You Mr. Krugman have got it flat wrong when you say, “people don’t buy health insurance until they get sick…” Wrong. Most people get health insurance as part of their benefits from their employer. Some individuals that work by the hour and have several children will get health care for their children via Healthy Families and other government paid for programs. And, if in CA, via Medical.
Insurance is based on risk. What is the risk of a 20 year old dying from a heart attack compared to a 70 year old? The risk is far less for the younger person and hence the insurance cost is less.
Yes Mr. Krugman, Americans want health care reform. But they do not want ObamaCare. Americans do not want to be told that they must purchase health care insurance or pork or anything for that matter.
In January, 2008, instead of focusing on the weak economy, creating actual ‘shovel ready’ jobs, the huge homes ‘under water’ Obama and Pelosi and the Democrats focused on creating a one size fits all government health care program for all. The priorities of the working American are — and remain — far different from Obama’s priorities.
And what are Obama’s priorities? Giving Russia what it wants concerning missile defense? Protecting ‘green’ energy and choosing supposed winners and losers? Stopping the Canadian- Gulf oil pipeline? Adding 1 TRILLION to the national debt to be paid by our children and grand-children? Stopping all oil drilling in the Gulf even though his commission said re-open bids?
Americans are far smarter than Obama and apologist Paul Krugman think. And yes, health insurance can be compared to the purchase of broccoli or any product. If the government can force you as an individual to buy health insufance, it can force you to buy all sorts of of things.
Way back in 1775, the individual states agreed to create and give limited powers to the federal government. All powers not given remained with the individual states. All powers over the individual citizen [pay a property tax, get a drivers license, pay sales tax] come from the power of the state where you live.
Up until now — except for conscription into the army and serving on a federal jury — the federal government has only limited, specific powers. It has no police powers over any individual. If the individual mandate of ObamaCare is found by the Supreme Court to be constitutional and legal, then the basic relationship between you and your government changes drastically.
So the answer is yes, if the individual mandate is legal then Obama can force Jewish grocery stores to sell bacon and pork and Obama can force all shoppers to purchase bacon and pork.
Paul Ryan calls Obama’s bluff on cuts to the military.
Compare the blue military portion of federal budget with the green and red portions for entitlement costs.
The world is not a safer place. Yet, as though it were a safer place, Obama lowers the standards the military must meet. Akin to asking a marathon runner if he can run a 5 kilometer race the military dutifully yes they are prepared to run the race per Obama’s lower standards. They have no choice except to accept the standards of their Commander in Chief.
Obama claims fiscal responsibility as reason to slash military budget — which makes up only 1/5 of the budget. Entitlements – social security, medicare & medical – make up over 50% of the budget.
So, if you were looking at your family budget and want to rein in costs would you go for the ‘small fry’ or focus on the Big Expenses?
Maybe Obama figures he will be long gone and so what if the middle classes grandchildren are burdened with the BILLIONS that he has added to the deficit.
More info from the Heritage Foundation below:
James Carafano
March 30, 2012
Representative Paul Ryan (R–WI) generated a few headlines defending his defense budget.
When pressed about why he wanted to invest more in the military than the Pentagon brass asked for, Ryan had an answer that raised eyebrows: “We don’t think the generals are giving us their true advice,†Ryan said at the National Journal Live Budget Policy summit, adding, “I think there’s a lot of budget smoke and mirrors in the Pentagon’s budget.â€
Ryan has good reason to be skeptical—not of the integrity of senior military leaders but of the budget that they are duty-bound to defend.
Just two years ago, the Obama Administration signed off on a Quadrennial Defense Review that required a substantially larger and more capable military. Now they are producing anemic budgets where 75 percent of the cuts, by the Secretary of Defense’s own admission, are reductions in military capability.
Has the world become dramatically safer in two years? Of course not. Obama’s defense cuts are driven by his strategy of slashing support for the military to pretend he is being fiscally responsible. The reality is that defense is less than one-fifth the federal budget, but the President slapped it with one-half of his proposed cuts.
Why is the brass signing off on this? Well, that’s their job. I know well how this works. I saw it first hand serving in the Pentagon. The Constitution establishes civilian supremacy over the military. The President is commander in chief. He defines strategic requirements, so the way he gets the military leaders to agree is simple: He just lowers the bar of expectations. He dumbs down the requirements.
So when Congress asks the brass, “Do you have enough?†They have no choice but to answer “yes.†It is like telling marathoner who has not had time to train that he only has to run a 5-K race. Sure, he’s ready—unless he actually has to run a marathon.
So we shouldn’t be surprised when the military rubber-stamps the President’s budget. Nor should we be surprised when Congress questions them. That is the job of the Congress. The Constitution charges Congress with raising and maintaining the Armed Forces.
Ryan has just called the President’s bluff. The generals and admirals are stuck in the middle.
If you don’t like what is going on in the Pentagon, blame the commander in chief, not the generals—after all, that is who they work for.
Posted in Protect America
TSA & pimp
TSA manager holds down a second job as a pimp.
Montgomery County Police have arrested a TSA manager for running a prostitution ring out of a Silver Spring hotel. Bryant Livingston was arrested at his job at Dulles International Airport where he worked as a morning shift manager.
Hotel employees were suspicious of activity and called police.
When Montgomery County Police arrived and knocked on the hotel room door they saw three naked women in a room and four men. One man admitted to police he had arrived with the promise of sex for $100.
TSA swabs child's body
The 3 yr old [ a possible jihadist according to TSA] in a wheel chair due to a broken leg might have a bomb hidden in his lap. No bomb found? Then keep checking the child’s body.
A vacation in the Magic Kingdom should be enough to make a child giddy with excitement, but one young boy was left trembling with fear after he was subjected to an invasive TSA pat-down.
The three-year-old child and parents were at O’Hare Airport in Chicago. They were boarding a flight to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
Despite constant assurances from his father that ‘everything is OK’, the three year old boy physically trembles with fear and asks his parents to hold his hand. The terrified boy was swabbed on his hands and under his shirt for explosive residue. But TSA, what about the child’s cast? No swab stuck down inside the cast? How about checking inside his ears? [TSA literature says only hands are swabbed.]
Well, if you cannot find a bomb then look for the residue.
Jesse Jackson PUSHes back violence here, there and everywhere? He spoke Friday morning from the Chicago offices of his Rainbow PUSH Coalition. Jesse was in Geneva, Switzerland on Wednesday as part of a delegation of religious leaders trying to find a way to end the violence in Syria. Results of the Geneva meeting to reduce violence? Geneva stairway to heaven
Jesse Jackson is now about to get on a plane for a flight south to Florida. He will add his voice to the growing protests in and around Sanford, Fla., concerning the death one month ago of 17 year old Afro-American Martin.
Martin was on his way to the store when shot and died at scene. Zimmerman, a Peruvian-Caucasian Neighborhood Watch person involved, was not arrested. A witness reports that he heard ‘Help! Help!” and saw red shirted Zimmerman on bottom being beaten. Zimmerman says he was returning to his truck when he was attacked. The police report notes Zimmerman’s face was bloody and grass stains were on the back of his shirt.
After Jesse Jackson’s resounding success in Geneva, Switzerland in sorting Syria, he returns. Just why is this delegation in Europe instead of Syria or Chicago?
get written commitment by Congress Use pen, email and phone to contact your representatives in Congress. Tell your representatives that you want their public statement in writing that they oppose Obama-Care and will — if re-elected — repeal Obama-Care.
First step next week hopefully is that the U.S. Supreme Court, after hearing oral arguments, will find the individual mandate to be unconstitutional. And since the individual mandate is connected to all other parts of Obama-Care [no severability clause was deliberate] all of ObamaCare should be found unconstitutional. Probably sometime in June the U.S. Supreme Court will tell the public what they decide.
For now, keep telling your representatives and the newspapers and your friends and acquaintances what you think.
Here’s some information:
Obama-Care costs twice as much as predicted says CBO. Obama-Care puts decisions in hands of unknown government administrators instead of patients and their doctors.
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Below is from the American Spectator.
“American communists and the radical left generally have long targeted the Roman Catholic Church. They know their enemy, one that is both spiritual and eternal. They have long attempted to pit Protestants and Catholics against each other. It’s an old art, really, that’s today totally forgotten.
And so, is this tactic being resurrected right now under Barack Obama? Is this more of the “fundamental transformation” we were promised — elected by oblivious Americans in November 2008?
If Obama can frame his mandate as a matter of contraceptive freedom — rather than an obvious constitutional affront on religious liberty — he may be able to successfully pit large numbers of Protestants and even many Catholics against the institutional Catholic Church. It would be the kind of religious agitation that would make the Marxists of the last century — particularly Obama’s mentor — very proud. How’s that for “hope” and “change”?
Paul Kengor is professor of political science and executive director of the Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College. His books include The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism and Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century. He is currently writing a book on Frank Marshall Davis.
Wake up, Mr. Holder! Photo ID’s at voting polls prevent voter fraud.
[U.S. Justice sues Texas and South Carolina for requiring voter IDs at polling places.] photo IDs prevent fraud
Mr. Holder, your anti photo-ID policies harm all U.S. residents — legal and illegal. Picture IDs make it possible for illegal and legal residents to enter the stream of commerce. Picture IDs prevent other types of fraud besides voter ID fraud.
Picture IDs keep people safe and prevent crime. Increasingly, typical Americans must show picture IDs in all sorts of situations.
For example, when you go the pharmacy you must produce a picture ID to get certain medications. When you pay by credit card – if the credit card says ‘produce picture ID’ — the clerk will examine a photo ID before getting a signature.
A couple years ago U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder refused to prosecute Afro-American Black Panthers standing with clubs outside polling places.
Now, Holder’s prosecution of states which require photo IDs in fact promotes fraud, not prevents fraud. Mr. Holder is not interested in reducing discrimination, his stated intention. It looks like Mr. Holder is far more interested in stuffing ballot boxes with Democrat Party votes. And voter fraud is the way to do so.
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