govt protects frog
Snake eats frog near S.F. airport and government referees? And taxpayers pay? The dog walkers, teens and transients who gallivant around in the greenery near San Francisco International Airport are going to be cited for trespassing if they venture out again into the protected grassland, San Francisco police and airport security announced Monday.
The fenced-off piece of land, owned by the city of San Francisco and squeezed between Highway 101, the Caltrain tracks and Interstate 380 in San Mateo County, is sensitive habitat for the San Francisco gartersnake and the California red-legged frog, both listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
Airport spokesman Michael McCarron said homeowners whose property abuts the wetland were recently sent a letter warning them that trespassers would be subject to arrest and an unspecified fine.
The 200-or-so-acre strip – which is crisscrossed with power lines, meters, and power and pumping stations – has been trod upon for decades by the locals. Except for a few small city parks, the wetland is the only open space in the mostly working-class area of San Bruno and Millbrae, west of Bayshore Boulevard.
Well, it seems the snake’s favorite snack is frog so who referees that match?
Prison time & no more license to practice law for US Justice attorneys Friedrich, Glavin, Morris et al who withheld and manipulated evidence that lead to a guilty verdict for Alaska Senator Stevens?
Read the reports and you decide. (WSJ, 3-17-2012)
That’s what citizens can & probably should request happen to all the US Attorneys responsible for this failure of justice which changed the balance of power in the U.S. government. Those attorneys got their licence probably from the District of Columbia. The State can jerk their license. A judge could require an independent investigation. Obama could order his Attorney General to act ….
But don’t hold your breath [as you will turn blue in the face waiting] for U.S. Attorney Eric Holder or President Obama to act. Three years have passed and Holder has not disciplined any of the men or woman involved.
ObamaCare got vote #60 from Alaska Democrat Senator Mark Begich when Senator Stevens lost the election in 2008 shortly after U.S. Justice department obtained a guilty verdict based on systematic concealment of significant exculpatory evidence.
emails to prof Tribe at Harvard show bias call Justice Kagan 202 479-3000
If the U.S. Supreme Court finds Obama-Care to be constitutional, there is nothing that the U.S. Congress cannot do. Very shortly, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments and decide.
If private citizens can be forced to purchase something such as health care insurance — or whatever consumer product — then the U.S. government can force citizens to purchase whatever the government tells them to buy. That is simply wrong.
So do speak up and tell your representatives. Complain by FAX, letter and email to your representatives and also to U.S.Justice Kagan. Tell them what what you think.
Trying to find an email address for Justice Kagan this is what is available:
“The Justices of the Court do not have email addresses or web sites. However, the Court staff and Justices does read letters from citizens. For complete information about the Supreme Court and searchable database of decisions, the definitive source is the Legal Information Institute from Cornell University. Hard to believe but the Supreme Court only has ‘snail’ mail. We do know — from the trail of emails from Kagan to Tribe of Harvard that she does send and receive email and strongly supports ObamaCare. Thus, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kagan is hardly impartial.
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Supreme Court Bldg.
Washington, DC 20543
(202) 479-3000
The vote on Obama-Care is likely to be very close and could go either way.
Justice Kennedy’s vote is crucial because historically he has been the swing vote on the Supreme Court. Justice Kennedy has history other than as a ‘progressive’ or ‘liberal’. Thus, conservatives can predict [and also hope and pray] that Justice Kennedy will find ObamaCare aka Afordable Health Care to be NOT constitutional.
Justice Elena Kagan has not — and should — recluse herself [not participate] in hearing the ObamaCare case. Why? Because Justice Kagan has had dealings as a professional attorney with ObamaCare. Elena Kagan was Obama’s Solicitor General.
This means that Justice Kagan has a documented conflict of interest and should step aside. So, look at the sources of information below & elsewhere and them tell Justice Kagan to step aside and not hear ObamaCare.
How the U.S. Supreme Court decides on Obama-Care will be crucial in many ways. So, do what you can do. And do contact Justice Elena Kagan.
From other news sources:
In my view, true reform should include medical-liability modernization (defensive medicine costs more than $100 billion annually, according to a study by Stanford economists), expanded access to Health Savings Accounts, improved health insurance portability, more incentives to encourage healthy behavior, and the ability for consumers to purchase insurance across state lines – which would increase competition and lead to lower prices. Additionally, small businesses should be able to band together and form health plans, thereby strengthening their purchasing power and ability to negotiate affordable rates. These are just some of the many reforms we could pursue to lower costs and improve coverage – without massively expanding government.
Two years ago, at the ObamaCare bill signing ceremony, Vice President Biden imparted some additional words of wisdom, noting that, “the classic poet Virgil once said that ‘the greatest wealth is health.’â€
He’s right.
At the end of the day, freedom and health are the two most important things for nearly all of us. If we’re not free and healthy, we can’t enjoy much anything else. And this is precisely why it is so important that we do not allow a massive Washington bureaucracy to substitute its wisdom for that of your family physician. It’s why we cannot allow the government to ration care for those in need, or to withhold medicines for those least able to fend for themselves.
Repealing the president’s health-care takeover is, in effect, an imperative for all those who truly believe in social justice – and that is why we must repeal ObamaCare and replace it with effective reforms as soon as possible.
Sen. Jon Kyl is the Senate Republican Whip and serves on the Senate Finance and Judiciary committees.
Visit his website at or his YouTube channel at
“In my view, true reform should include medical-liability modernization (defensive medicine costs more than $100 billion annually, according to a study by Stanford economists), expanded access to Health Savings Accounts, improved health insurance portability, more incentives to encourage healthy behavior, and the ability for consumers to purchase insurance across state lines – which would increase competition and lead to lower prices. Additionally, small businesses should be able to band together and form health plans, thereby strengthening their purchasing power and ability to negotiate affordable rates. These are just some of the many reforms we could pursue to lower costs and improve coverage – without massively expanding government.
Two years ago, at the ObamaCare bill signing ceremony, Vice President Biden imparted some additional words of wisdom, noting that, “the classic poet Virgil once said that ‘the greatest wealth is health.’â€
He’s right.
At the end of the day, freedom and health are the two most important things for nearly all of us. If we’re not free and healthy, we can’t enjoy much anything else. And this is precisely why it is so important that we do not allow a massive Washington bureaucracy to substitute its wisdom for that of your family physician. It’s why we cannot allow the government to ration care for those in need, or to withhold medicines for those least able to fend for themselves.
Repealing the president’s health-care takeover is, in effect, an imperative for all those who truly believe in social justice – and that is why we must repeal ObamaCare and replace it with effective reforms as soon as possible.
Sen. Jon Kyl is the Senate Republican Whip and serves on the Senate Finance and Judiciary committees.
Visit his website at or his YouTube channel at
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court won’t hear arguments from a conservative watchdog group that wants Justice Elena Kagan disqualified from deciding the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s national health care overhaul.
Freedom Watch asked the high court for time to demand Kagan’s recusal or disqualification during arguments on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The law is aimed at extending health insurance coverage to more than 30 million previously uninsured people and would, by 2019, leave just 5 percent of the population uninsured, compared with about 17 percent today, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Justices, who will be hearing more than five hours of arguments on the health care overhaul, rejected the request without comment.
Kagan, who was solicitor general under Obama, did not participate in the decision.
President Obama accepts $1 million from Bill Maher [who calls himself a “a potty-mouth guy…” and who says his talent is “to get people to spill their fuc–ing guts outâ€]. That’s not exactly respectful language Maher uses to describe his audience.
Obama broadcasts his anti-conscience mandate that all employers including faith organizations will provide at no cost birth control pills, Obama telphones reproductive rights activist, Sandra Fluke. Obama publicly speaks out against Rush Limbaugh commenting, “No decent person would say…â€
Obama says he leads by example. What example?
Think Machiavellian. Obama leads by the example of The Prince. “In the actions of men, and especially of Princes — from which there is no appeal — the end justifies the means.â€
The Democrat controlled Senate recently voted down a law that would dismantle the heart of Obama-Care — the panel of experts that make all the decisions.
The way Obama-Care is set up, there will be no appeal from Obama-Care’s panel of 15 experts who decide your health care. No one except the panel of experts is trusted – not the patients who receive medical care, not the MDs and hospitals that provide care, not the taxpayers who pay for it nor the politicians who set up Obama-Care. No one is trusted except those who report to The Prince. How Machiavellian of Obama. How Prince-like Obama acts.
So, what can we do to remove Obama and repeal Obama-Care?
It will be citizens who collectively oust Obama & his policies and turn back the clock to the principles of those who wrote the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
Obama’s actions are in step with the Rules for Liberals by Saul Alinsky [dedicated to Lucifer aka Satan].
So now’s the time for conservatives to write a different book. Let’s call it, Rules for 2012 Conservatives.
And you can help write Rules for US Conservatives. How? Connect. Work together with other conservatives. Network. Send emails. Find and join blogs that are conservative in outlook. Speak up and speak out. Connect and keep on connecting. Never joined Twitter? Learn to twit your tune. Not on Facebook? Get on it and set up a Tea Party type blog. Put your blog address as part of your signature that you send out on all emails. Use electronic publishing to publicize your views. is an excellent and easy way to self publish e-books and articles.
And send your stuff to me, Collectively we will wirte Rules for US Conservatives.
Who are WE and who are THEY? Know that four out of ten Americans identify as ‘conservative’? Thus, in how Americans identify Conservatives are close to a majority.
And those who do not identify as Conservative [ who call themselves progressives/ liberals] are simply NON-Conservatives. They, unfortunately, lack conservative values and actions. In the Greece of Plato times either you were a member of the polis or you were a non-citizen and an outcast.
Yes! Conservatives recognize NON-Conservatives as members of the polis but the Rules will change from Rules for Radicals to Rules for 2012 Conservatives.
The NON-Conservatives are very different creatures form the liberals and Democrats of President Kennedy’s era. It was President Kennedy in the 1960s who said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’
Today we have Democrat Party NON-Conservative Nancy Pelosi who tells congress they must vote for Obama-Care to find out what is in it. And we have Democrat Party NON-Conservative Harry Reid who, with the Democrats in the Senate, has not passed a budget in three years. And these NON-Conservatives refuse to OK the Canada to the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Well, these NON-Conservatives may hear loud and clear come November how the US Conservatives feel about the pipeline.
Rule 1 for US Conservatives: Know what makes NON-Conservatives like Pelosi, Reid, Maher and Obama ‘tick’. How? Read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. And also read The Prince. The Prince is all about the manipulation of appearances. The Prince appears compassionate but is not in reality.
Obama and his administration practice Alinsky Rules for Radicals.
Obama replaced the Bush terrorist policy of ‘capture & interrogate’ with Obama’s policy of ‘target and eliminate’. Obama, both personally and through his policies, has targeted numerous individuals and entities over the last three years.
Obama targets
Courts: With the U.S. Supreme Court present for the State of the Union address Obama upbraided the court for their ruling in Citizens United.
House of Representatives: Obama placed Paul Ryan front and center to castigate him for the Republican budget which focused on viable ways to re-structure entitlement programs.
Retired persons: Obama via the Federal Reserve targets and punishes savers and rewards spenders. When the wife of Romney said that their millions could be gone the next day there’s truth to what she says. A million dollars put into Treasury Bills for a year earns only $300 compared to $ 46,700 if the rate of return was close to what it historically has been.
Medicare recipients: Obama took $500 BILLION from Medicare and moved that money elsewhere. So, an entitlement program going broke goes broke even faster for the elderly. And those elderly will be the first to have their medical care rationed by the Board of Fifteen Experts appointed by Machiavellian Prince Obama.
So, speak up. Speak out. Contact other US Conservatives. Send email. Start blogs. Twitter away. Get a Facebook page and say what you stand for – and what you won’t stand for. Use to write e-books and e-articles. Together let’s replace Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals with modern Rules for US Conservatives.
Rule #1 is: Know what makes NON-Conservatives like Obama, Bill Maher, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ‘tick’. So read The Prince and Rules for Radicals.
Rule #2: Connect with like minded conservatives. Express your views via email, e-articles and e-books. It has never been easier to self publish. Try for self publishing.
Knowledge is power. The Prince is an apt description as to how Obama acts. For The Prince, political expediency is placed above morality. Craft and deceit are tools to maintain authority and carry out the will of The Prince.
Remember those 50+ times Obama reiterated “You can keep your doctor. And, you can keep your health plan…” Recently Health and Human Services Secretary Elizabeth Sebelius was asked about these promises Obama made to the American people about Obama-Care. The Secretary for HHS has no memory or knowledge that Obama made these promises. Is that collective amnesia? It’s acting with political expediency. Sebelius says she is ‘balancing’ the right to contraception with the right to religious freedom. Has Sebelius ever sat down and read the Bill of Rights?
Rule #3: Don’t follow the Rules for Radicals. Do follow the moral precepts that guided the founders of America.
What happened to breaking up rocks and push-ups for POWs? Instead, taxpayers pay for another — the third — recreation field for Gitmo prisoners.
This is the third recreation facility at Camp 6, which houses “highly compliant” detainees who live in a communal setting, the report stated. Other facilities include an indoor recreation field and an outdoor recreation field.
The new field will afford the detainees “maximum access” — about 20 hours a day, via special passageways to allow passage into the new recreation yard without military escort.
A military police representative who asked not to be identified by name told the reporters that allowing high levels of activity outdoors helped reduce behavioral problems at the camps, and limited the amount of interaction between detainees and the guards, Fox reported.
Why not just give them ball room dancing? It would certainly be cheaper.
State law requires caregiver for a totally disabled relative to pay SEIU union dues which are automatically deducted from pay check. Supreme Court will weigh in on the legality. What say you? SEIU union dues
Theresa Riffey provides help around the home for her brother, a quadriplegic, and receives a small stipend from Illinois’s Medicaid program for her efforts, saving the state the cost of providing full-time care. Illinois law requires her to pay a portion of her check every month to an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear her case that asks on what basis, besides raw political power, a state may compel independent home-care workers and other similarly situated self-employed persons to support and associate with a labor union against their will.
The new Robin Hood motto: Take from the caregivers and give to the fat cats.
From the Netherlands: A controversial system of mobile euthanasia units that will travel around the country to respond to the wishes of sick people who wish to end their lives has been launched in the Netherlands.
The scheme, which started on Thursday , will send teams of specially trained doctors and nurses to the homes of people whose own doctors have refused to carry out patients’ requests to end their lives.
The launch of the so-called Levenseinde, or “Life End”, house-call units – whose services are being offered to Dutch citizens free of charge – coincides with the opening of a clinic of the same name in The Hague, which will take patients with incurable illnesses as well as others who do not want to die at home.
The scheme is an initiative by the Dutch Association for a Voluntary End to Life (NVVE), a 130,000-member euthanasia organisation that is the biggest of its kind in the world.
“From Thursday, the Life End clinic will have mobile teams where people who believe they are eligible for euthanasia can register,” Walburg de Jong, a NVVE spokesman, said.
“If they do comply, the teams will be able to carry out the euthanasia at patients’ homes should their regular doctors be unable or refuse to help them.
Was it a fluke? A surprising bit of luck that Sandra Fluke was chosen by Democrat Congressman Cummings? Why not email Congressman Cummings and ask him. There is no phone listed for Congressman Cummings. He is on Facebook. Call Congressman
More likely it was Democrat strategy which caused Democrat Congressman Cummings to choose Georgetown University 3rd year law student Sandra Fluke to testify at Darrell Essa’s congressional hearing on religious freedom and Obama’s mandate that churches pay for birth control.
Georgetown University has Catholic roots and does not pay for birth control for students. Sandra Fluke knew Georgetown University’s policies and choose to enroll anyway.
Per review of Georgetown University Law Center curriculum, third year law student Sandra Fluke probably took the usual array of law classes typically offerred by most law schools.
Georgetown University Law Center’s curriculum is listed below.
Georgetown University Law Center’s curriculum looks quite similar to the curriculum offered at Monterey College of Law, Seaside, California. Georgetown Law Center just costs three times as much as Monterey College of Law.
Of note, Georgetown University Law Center offers no law courses in reproductive rights, male and female sexuality or privacy law. Georgetown offers nothing that provides legal training directly related to being a ‘reproductive rights advocate’ which is how Ms. Fluke describes herself.
Just possibly Ms. Fluke may have taken a class titled Advanced Constitutional Law available to third year students. [Constitutional Law does discuss the Supreme Court cases related to the reproductive privacy rights of woman.]
Why not call Congressman Cummings, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and ask him why Sandra Fluke? It’s easy to contact him via a contact box Congressman Cummings is also on Facebook. And his wife is Dr Maya Rockeymore-Cummings.
written by
“Selecting courses as a second and third year student can be a daunting task. Georgetown is blessed with an enormous range of course offerings. Yet, the breadth of choices can make the selection process seem overwhelming. Many years ago the Law Center had a prescribed upperclass curriculum. The faculty stopped dictating which courses upperclass students should take, however, when they themselves no longer agreed about what should be required, given the increasing diversity of law practice and divergent views about the benefits of various courses of study. This movement away from required upperclass curriculum has occurred at most law schools in the country. Currently at Georgetown, the only required upperclass courses are Professional Responsibility and a course that meets the upper level writing requirement.”
“Nonetheless, most faculty and lawyers would probably concur that it is advisable for students to take Tax I, Constitutional Law II, and Corporations. Taxation and the corporate form are ubiquitous in our society and therefore lawyers should have at least some familiarity with these areas. In addition, these courses are prerequisites to a number of more advanced offerings in the areas of business and corporate law. Constitutional Law is not only relevant to other courses, it addresses fundamental issues about the nature of our government that well educated lawyers should understand. In addition to these courses, most students take Evidence: it is a prerequisite for many clinical courses and in the view of many is basic to understanding the American judicial processes. Finally, given increased globalization, lawyers frequently need to be able to operate effectively beyond our national borders — communicating with people of other legal traditions and understanding the potential complications when other legal traditions are implicated. As a result, we recommend that you take one or more courses in international or comparative law.”
“Beyond these courses, you should select a balanced and well-rounded array of courses that add to your theoretical understanding, your doctrinal breadth, and provide you with exposure to the range of skills that a good lawyer needs. You should choose a mixture of public law courses, such as Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Environmental Law, International Law I, or Federal Courts, and private law courses such as Commercial Law, Corporate Finance, Intellectual Property, International Law II, or Family Law. Most faculty members would also encourage you to take at least one course a year (or semester) that particularly piques your interest even if it is not clear how it will fit into your career plans.”
“Lawyers are called upon to use not only their analytical skills and substantive knowledge, but also their ability to structure creative solutions, to work collaboratively with others, to negotiate effectively, to be persuasive orally and in writing, and to communicate effectively with both lawyers and non-lawyers. Therefore, you should consider taking courses that use a variety of pedagogical formats and enhance your skills in a variety of areas. We recommend that you consider doing a clinic. Clinics offer not only the opportunity to “learn by doing,” but also the unique opportunity to engage in critical self-reflection about the lawyering process. In addition to our clinics, Georgetown offers an extensive array of practice and problem based courses such as Business Planning Seminar, Negotiation, Civil Discovery, and Trial Practice.”
“Some students discover their area of professional interest while in law school. For these students, we have provided lists of courses in particular subject areas. The Dean’s Office and faculty members will be glad to provide advice on the selection and sequencing of courses in particular subject areas. But, if like many other students you are unsure of what your professional interest in law are, remember that a life in law is a life time of learning from other lawyers, from your clients and CLE courses and we hope through Georgetown. Finally, many students find very rewarding an experience of deep and intensive engagement in the 3rd year either through a capstone seminar such as Professor Tushnet’s Advanced Constitutional Law Seminar or a major clinic. You may want to plan your schedule accordingly.”
“You will find additional information on this Web site and in the bulletin. We also encourage you to seek advice about your specific academic programs from individual professors or the deans during the course registration process. In addition, various group events such as the Curriculum Fair and Faculty Panels on Course Selection are helpful sources of information.”
Why not call Congressman Cummings, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and ask him why Sandra Fluke?reproductive rights
It’s easy to contact him via a contact box
Congressman Cummings is also on Facebook.
Congressman Cummings’ wife is Dr Maya Rockeymore-Cummings. Dr. Maya Rockeymore-Cummings is an advocate and analyst in the area of health. She is currently working on social change strategy via Global Policy Solutions.
Perhaps Congressman Cummings’s wife Dr. Maya Rockeymore-Cummings knows whether Sandra Fluke is a fluke?
Whether to return to part time work or be a stay-at-home mom. Factors to consider include whether both parents or mostly mother will give the one-to-one physical contact and early care for the child.
Santorum and newborn A family of husband, wife and a two-year old is blessed with the birth of a baby in Feb., 2012.
Shall the newborn’s mother, who loves her work, return to work 1/2 time or stay at home 100% to raise two pre-school children — given the high cost of child care?
With Rick Santorum’s child policy, a family with two children subtract $22,200 instead of the current $7,400 — which is 3 times the current support.
$22,200 — if cash into a family’s wallet — buys one year of nanny time (50 weeks x 40 hours x x $10 an hour) or heaps and heaps of diapers. [Of course, it’s not cash into the family’s wallet. It’s income the parents earned which is NOT taxed by the government.]
So, a baby born on Valentine’s Day, February 2012 will be six months old by the middle of August, 2012.
If the baby’s mother returns to work in late August or Sept. 2012, four months hence, we may have a new President of the United States. Hopefully, a the new President has the courage and support of Congress to abolish Obama-Care.
So, thinking ahead: Maybe it makes at least economic sense to for a mother with 2 preschool children to work part time.
On the other hand, there are many factors to juggle when deciding whether to be a 100% stay-at-home mom or juggle daycare, baby care and work.
Such as the length of commute for each parent.
And whether both parents — or largely mother — will do the diapering and one-to-one physical contact time that all young babies need and relish. And, of course, there is the general wear and tear of juggling work and family concerns for both parents.
And, very importantly, the parents must consider the overall health of their newborn baby. Some babies come out bouncing and feisty. Other newborns need more support to thrive.
All newborns are such a miracle to behold!
written by
Below written by Rick Santorum in the WSJ Feb. 25, 2012:
“In your editorial “Romney’s Tax Reboot” (Feb. 23) you state that my tax plan would triple the child credit. This is incorrect. My plan triples the personal exemption for dependent children, not the child credit. The effects are far different.
Families would be able to subtract $11,100 from income for each child instead of $3,700, an extra $7,400. For a family in the 10% bracket, this would reduce the tax liability by $740. For a family with no tax liability, there would be no effect.
In contrast, if the $1,000 child credit were tripled, this would reduce tax liability by an extra $2,000 for eligible families and would be refundable.
If the charge is that I have a plan that favors hard-working American families, then yes, I am guilty. If the charge is that I am expanding welfare, then I am innocent. It is critical to promote families and help them raise children.
In order to make sure gays and lesbians are adequately represented on the judicial bench, the state of California is requiring all judges and justices to reveal their sexual orientation.
The announcement was made in an internal memo sent to all California judges and justices.
So in the name of “fairness” we invade people’s privacy. Where does this stop.