Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s federal agency NOAA which protects whales is no Noah’s Ark …

Obama federal agency NOAA is no Noah’s Ark. Noah’s Ark was built by one man and his sons and it preserved animal life (two of every animal, bird, species) until it was safe to go to land. In contrast, though pronounced the same as Noah, the NOAA — which protects whales — tell people that they cannot use the ocean for work or play. In Monterey Bay NOAA has pressed criminal charges against a woman biologist for feeding large fish (whales0 and fined jet ski users protecting and saving lives of surf board users. Democrat Sam Farr refused to come on KSCO 1080 radio. Farr will not speak out against NOAA. Why? Sam Farr Democrat votes the Democratic ticket nearly 100 percent of the time. Is it time to replace Sam Farr with a citizen patriot — someone such as Big Tree Lumber ?? — someone who will go to Washington for 2 years and pass the job on to another citizen patriot? Contact DrCameronJackson for any names of possible citizen patriots in Monterey or Santa Cruz counties. Put a sign on your car telling Sam Farr what YOU want in terms of use of Monterey Bay, the beaches and the ocean.


NOAA federal agency that oversees whale protection is no Noah's Ark
NOAA federal agency that oversees whale protection is no Noah's Ark

Obama’s federal agency NOAA is no Noah’s Ark.

Pronounced like Noah, the federal agency NOAA stands for National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency. NOAA’s funding is authorized by the Department of Commerce.

Per how NOAA recently acts as judge, jury and prosecutor against people using the resources of Monterey Bay — huge fines for jet ski users and criminal charges against a biologist for feeding large fish — it may be the right time that the public jerked NOAA’s funding to a standstill?

Interestingly, Democrat congressman Sam Farr refuses to comment on NOAA and has refused to go on a local radio program, KSCO 1080 radio, to discuss NOAA.

Sam Farr is the same Democrat congressman who, when he held four Town Meetings on health care, stated at the beginning that he was there to tell the public that he was going to vote for Obama Care. Sam Farr was not there to listen – he was there to tell the public what he was going to do.

Let’s look at the considerable differences between Noah’s Ark and NOAA’s Mission:

You know the Biblical story: Under God’s direction, Noah built an Ark and put on board two of every kind of animal. When the world flooded, the animals were safe on board the high seas until, finally, a little bird brought back a leaf. The leaf signaled to Noah that land was near and life could go on. And God gave to people the rainbow as a sign that never again would God flood the earth with water.

Today we have NOAA to save the animals, fish, birds and everything from the bottom of the sea all the way to the sun. What a huge charge. And what huge powers turned over to Obama’s political appointees who run NOAA.

Note that NOAA operates under the Commerce Department.
According to the 1942 Supreme Court case of Wickard v Filburn, the Commerce Department can set quotas forbidding a farmer to grow wheat used for his own consumption.

It is that same Supreme Case – Wickard v Filburn — that President Obama will use to defend Obama-Care’s mandate that all individuals must purchase health insurance.

This is the Mission Statement listed on NOAA’s website:
“NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources.”

Below is information from the NOAA web site stating that NOAA has fined boat owners for exceeding 10 MPH rule NOAA imposed.

How best to rein in NOAA’s power? Cut off their funding. Re-write their Mission statement.

Santa Cruz and Monterey need a Citizen Patriot to replace Democrat Sam Farr. Who might be that citizen patriot? Send suggestions to: DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Information below is from the NOAA website.

Three vessels charged with violating Right Whale ship strike reduction rule pay penalties
Speed restrictions in seasonal management areas reduce risk of death to endangered whales
January 10, 2012

Right whales
Three large commercial vessels who were assessed civil penalties this fall for violating seasonal speed limits designed to protect one of the most endangered whale species in the world have paid their penalties in full. Cases against six other vessels for the same offense are still open.
The ship strike reduction rule, enacted in December 2008, restricts vessels of 65 feet or greater to speeds of 10 knots or less in seasonal management areas along the East Coast to reduce the chances of North Atlantic right whales being injured or killed by ships.
Notices of Violation and Assessment (NOVAs) were issued Nov. 21 by the NOAA Office of General Counsel’s enforcement section to owners and operators of vessels that allegedly traveled multiple times through the seasonal management areas at speeds well in excess of the 10 knots allowed under the regulations.
The alleged violations occurred between November 2009 and January 2011 outside of New York City; Charleston, S.C.; Brunswick, King’s Bay and Savannah, Ga.; and Mayport, Fla.
One vessel was charged with 16 counts of speeding. Vessels’ documented speeds ranged from 13 to 18 knots, and the vessels traveled these speeds for as many as 26 nautical miles.

Right whale and calf
Each count in the NOVAs was assessed at $5,750, resulting in total penalty assessments ranging from $11,500 to $92,000. None of the vessels receiving NOVAs had prior violations.
The owners and operators had 30 days to respond either by paying the penalty, seeking to have it modified, or requesting a hearing.
Compliance with this rule is critically important for preventing right whale extinction. Ship strikes are the leading source of human-caused mortality for right whales, and together with entanglements in nets, are slowing the recovery of this critically endangered species.
Biologists believe that there are as few as 396 right whales left in the North Atlantic Ocean. Right whales are protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. The death of even one whale can be devastating to the right whale population. NOAA estimates that a female right whale will need to give birth to four healthy calves over her lifetime to successfully replace herself within the population.
The mission of NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement is to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations enacted to conserve and protect our nation’s marine resources. To report a suspectedF violation, contact Enforcement’s national hotline at 1-800-853-1964.
For more information on the Right Whale Ship Strike Reduction Rule, including a compliance guide with maps of the seasonal management areas and dates they are in effect, visithttp://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/shipstrike/
NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.


Aptos Psychologist: NOAA & citizens — Govt overreaches and congressman Sam Farr from CA silent on NOAA fines for feeding whales and using jet skis in Monterey Bay

Federal agency NOAA presses criminal charges and levies huge fines to raise revenue for the agency and limit access to Monterey Bay by the public. Congressman Sam Farr refuses to comment or come on 1080 radio Sat. Jan. 14, 2012.


Sam Farr congressman has no comment re NOAA fines CA biologist & jet ski  use to save surfers
Sam Farr congresman from CA has no comment re NOAA fines for biologist and jet ski use to save surfers

Federal agency National Oceanographic & Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) recently pressed criminal charges and has levied huge fines against a nationally known biologist for feeding large fish.

Also, NOAA recently levied enormous fines — which keep going up — against two persons using jet skis to save surfers in Monterey Bay.

The overall issue is that a federal agency (NOAA) under Obama and with the blessing of local congressman Sam Farr now controls access of the public to use of Monterey Bay. Do you accept this control?

Because the jet ski users are contesting the charges, NOAA’s response has been to double and triple the fines. Per discussion by Dr. Bill on radio 1080, NOAA is acting as judge, jury and prosecutor and not allowing any defense.

Sam Farr, congressman for the Monterey and Santa Cruz, CA area, refused to come on a local radio show Saturday, Jan. 14 and discuss his views of NOAA and the legal charges against people using the Monterey Bay for work and play. Sam Farr’s office likewise did not contact the radio station. Farr’s offices were contacted repeatedly without success.

“Put a sign on your car, in your window and on a telephone pole telling Sam Farr what you want” says Dr. Bill on 1080 Radio. “Or just write, Sam Farr — Farr Out!”

NOAA’s senior positions are filled with political appointees who push for the political agenda of the current administration. Dr. Bill refers to NOAA as the “green Gestapo”.

Per the 1080 radio show Jan. 11, 2012 NOAA spent millions of Obama Stimulus money on a new building close to the beach at Asilomar CA state park in Monterey, CA. NOAA will not permit any non-native plants in the area and has built a building which, to put it mildly from the comments of listeners to the raido show, does not blend into the environment. Check out the NOAA building next time you drive along the Asilomar state beach beach in Monterey.

For more information on NOAA, congressman Sam Farr’s lack of response to air his views on NOAA and current fining of the biologist and jet ski users contact


Firenze Sage: Nothing is impossible for Obama…. [penalites for no biofuel available to add to gas]

huge $ penalities for not adding to gasoline X that's not available
huge $ penalities for not adding to gasoline X that's not available

When the companies that supply motor fuel close the books on 2011, they will pay about $6.8 million in penalties to the Treasury. This is because they failed to mix a special type of biofuel into their gasoline and diesel as required by law.

But there was no biofuel to be had. Outside a handful of laboratories and workshops, the ingredient, cellulosic biofuel, does not exist.

This is what passes for governance in Wonderland and Obamaville.

Read Shoveling Smoke or English Spoken Here, Obama by Firenze Sage


Firenze Sage: Wrong about Rev. Wright

anti-Semite & anti-White Rev. Wright and Obama
anti-Semite & anti-White Rev. Wright and Obama

Axelrod, a principal Obama advisor, described the news reports in 2008 on Obama’s long-time family pastor and mentor Rev. Wight as “ninety seconds of vitriol plucked from thirty years of sermons by some enterprising opposition researcher.”

Don’t forget that the quotes came from the Rev.’s own tapes.

Read Shoveling Smoke or English Spoken Here, Obama by Firenze Sage at



Firenze Sage: the girls in the neighborhood… [law firm supposedly maintains condo for prostitutes]

law firm has girls available
law firm has girls available

Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein said his downtown Fort Lauderdale law firm maintained a condo across the street where he and his law partners would have sex with prostitutes and then come back to work, according to transcripts of his testimony that were unsealed Wednesday.

The imprisoned fraudster said his law firm spent tens of thousands of dollars per month on escorts, offering the women’s services to friends, investors and business associates.

“There were probably times when we spent $50,000, $60,000 a month on escorts,” Rothstein said. “It just depends. When there were political things in town, more. Big functions, conventions, more. People in town to entertain, more money. But it was a lot of money just for the law partners that were using escorts. Some of them had fairly voracious escort habits.”

Word is the lawyers union is demanding prostitute breaks for all members.

The first ten (10) people to Comment on this post will receive a free copy of Firenze Sage’s ebook, Shoveling Smoke or English Spoken Here, Obama available at www.SmashedWords.com


Firenze Sage: A man’s castle is his home … [bow and arrow shot by husband kills wife’s boyfriend]

bow and arrow defense of home by man
bow and arrow defense of home by man

Castle Doctrine means no charges in bow-and-arrow killing

Somerset County District Attorney Jerry Spangler will not charge a man who fatally shot another man with a bow and arrow, saying today that changes in the state’s Castle Doctrine factored into his decision.

Mr. Spangler said the unidentified 38-year-old Center City man who confessed to shooting Tony L. Bittinger on Oct. 10 claimed he did so in self-defense.

Mr. Bittinger was found shot through the chest with an arrow near the front steps to the man’s house.

Trooper Joseph Drzal said Mr. Bittinger, who had been romantically involved with the man’s wife, made several threatening phone calls to the man before driving up to his home to confront him. There, he threatened the man with a heavy wooden club.The man told him to leave repeatedly. When Mr. Bittinger attempted to come up the stairs, the man shot him in the chest with an arrow. He died before first responders arrived.

Robin hood vs Cro-Magnon.

The first ten (10) to Comment on this post will receive a FREE copy of Firenze Sage’s book, “Shoveling Smoke or English Spoken Here, Obama” available on SmashedWords.com


Firenze Sage: Barkin barks…. [predawn arrests of OWS scofflaws]

Acress Ellen Barkin "barks" ..
Actress Ellen Barkin 'barks"..

Tony-winning actress Ellen Barkin rang in the new year in her typical brash style — uncorking a profanity-laced Twitter tirade against the NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg after watching the predawn arrests of suspected Occupy Wall Street scofflaws near her West Village townhouse.

“Just threatened on my street by NYPD, cop shoved me, both hands, onto sidewalk.”

A video shot by her hunky boyfriend — 20-something actor-screenwriter Sam Levinson, son of director Barry Levinson — tells a different story.

In the video, the young uniformed officer calmly says, “Miss, sidewalk,” as he uses both hands to guide her gently backward out of the street and onto the curb.

“Get your motherf–king hands off me,” Barkin tells him.

Without a script writer this actress is not exactly eloquent.



Firenze Sage: Support your local psychic … [new model for sustainable foods for the poor]

Jay Moriarty film helps poor and undernourished says local psychic
Jay Moriarty film helps poor and undernourished says local psychic

Elizabeth Good, a psychic in Aptos, said she sees an unexpected surge in tourism, partly the result of the surfing film about Jay Moriarty, which will bring in revenues.

“Health also will be in the spotlight here”, she said. “A Santa Cruz County resident will institute a new model of creating healthy, sustainable foods to the poor and underprivileged,” she said. “This model will rapidly be adopted worldwide, catalyzing a huge positive change for thousands of people.”

And here I thought Michelle Obama was the new model.



Firenze Sage: There’s gold in them thar hills …. [Canadian Jarmans family take over Ecuadorean gold mining firm]

There's gold in them thar hills...
There's gold in them thar hills...

Members of a Canadian family that run an offshore foundation which is under police investigation have taken over an Ecuadorean gold mining firm. It’s an attempt to prove their organization is not a Ponzi scheme and the family considers it a way to reimburse millions of dollars in missing investments, the Montreal Gazette reports.

About 1,000 Canadians, the majority from Quebec and Alberta, are unable to retrieve an estimated $65 million they invested on the advice of the Costa Ricabased Voyageur Foundation.

The organization – and many of the investment funds it flogged to Quebecers – are controlled by the Jarmans, a Canadian family originally from Port Alberni.

Attempts to have the Jarman family explain their backgrounds have been met with resistance, but biographical information online does not explain how these individuals developed the management expertise and formidable logistical skills required to manage 69 corporations and a $65-million “investment foundation.”

Voyageur founder Philip Jarman is a retired helicopter pilot; his daughter, Angela Jarman, is a former journalist with an undergraduate education degree and a certificate from a Baptist college, while Philip’s Toronto-based son, Jeff Jarman, worked as a helicopter mechanic.

And there is probably more gold in the Jarman’s teeth than in the “mine”.


Firenze Sage: Another Parable from Hugo the Wizard…. [Hugo Chazez of Venezuela re cause of cancer]

Hugo Chavez of Venezuela  blames U.S
Hugo Chavez of Venezuela blames U.S.

Hugo Chavez leader of Venezuela says that it is very strange that he and the leaders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay have struggled with cancer and that the US is responsible.

He said he wasn’t accusing the U.S. and that he doesn’t have any proof. But he asked, in his words, “Would it be strange if they had developed a technology to induce cancer and no one knew it?”

Is the non accusation stranger than the weirdo remark that nobody knows about the technology?

Calling Hugo: Announcements are not usually made about secret weapons.

