Two jewelers caught stealing their own jewelry with their camera! They go to jail. Jewelry still missing.
Jewelers caught stealing their own jewelry
Two jewelers were convicted in May of scripting and acting out an elaborate plan to steal their own baubles for the insurance money. Now they will spend between 20 months and 5 years in jail.
The biggest blunder was their inability to disarm their own security cameras. The failed attempt was, ironically, caught on tape. As cameras continued to defiantly roll, we see the pair removing the contents of the safe before the “burglars” even arrive, and then place the empty boxes back inside for the crooks to confiscate.
In the next scene the two hired accomplices — dressed as Hasidic Jews and armed with plastic guns — are buzzed in without even being asked, “Who’s there?” Spoiler alert: The stolen goods have not been recovered, and the costumed extras have.
When the sequel comes out you can bet they will have a better director. And you gotta love it-that the jewelry is missing.
What happens when you get your car washed in California over the Christmas holidays?
Just before Christmas I took our car, the inside full of German Shepard dog hair and the outside dirty, to the car wash in Capitola, CA. I bought the $25. Whole Enchilada (inside and out) selection.
A manager came over to say that, because the car has so much dog hair, that I needed to purchase a custom job which costs $70.
I replied, “No, the general manager has told me – and I have in writing – that I can come in any time and get this car vacuumed only for $7.00 Because I know that the car is dirty and I want the inside vinyl cleaned also, I want the $25. selection.”
The man then said, “Well, OK, but we have to charge you an extra $3 per mat….”
So what’s going on here? Haggle over the price. Get the customer in the door and then jack up the price and see if the customer caves. If they don’t cave then go with the listed prices. Having lived a number of years in Latin American countries this was was familiar territory. Price is a much more fluid thing in Mexico and elsewhere.
So, I said, “Look, you have prices listed up there on your signs. There is no sign that says someone is going to evaluate my car as to how hairy it is and then tell me what to pay. So, please just provide me the Whole Enchilada service. And yes, because I do what the inside very clean, I will pay an extra $6 for you to wash two mats.”
Next step: a smiling, very polite Hispanic man in his late 50’s — who only spoke Spanish — started to vacuum my car. As I speak Spanish I thanked him for his help. And, a number of times encouraged him to do a bit more saying in Spanish, “Oh, a little more work here….” As the cleaning of the inside is what I was most interested in so I hung around to make sure that the car was vacuumed to my satisfaction.
All I had to do was run my finger along the edges, pull out mounds of more hair and smile. The Hispanic Spanish speaking man, a hard worker, smiled back at me and kept on vacuuming.
Step three: The car, after going through an automatic washer, was rubbed down and wiped off by a team of three men. The three men doing this job spoke mostly Spanish and one spoke English to me. They were friendly, hard working and appeared to be age 30 to 45.
Listening to the cleaners talk amongst themselves I heard only Spanish spoken. The manager also spoke only Spanish to the workers.
My question:How likely is it that a locally born, White, 18 year kid looking for an entry level job who only speaks English will be offered a job at that car wash? Very unlikely. And, in all the times I have gotten my car cleaned at that car wash, the workers were all Hispanic, largely only Spanish speaking men of differing ages.
Think about the Big Issues: One is the huge cost of U.S. entitlement programs — including the cost of Social Security Disability. I know as a psychologist because I work with disabled persons that many people on SSI Disability could be employed for 3-5 hours a day with support to clean cars. We also have many U.S. citizens with low cognitive IQ abilities who also could do this work.
It’s time to put Americans to work doing what they can do. If a disabled American can do 2-5 hours work in an entry level job such as washing cars (with job supports in place) that is far better than a life looking at life through TV.
English should be the language spoken in the work place so that all American citizens can compete for beginning level jobs such as car washing.
Nancy Pelosi spends 10 K a day for Christmas vacation 2011 in Hawaii
The president and his family are vacationing with much fanfare, publicity, and controversy in Hawaii.
And the former Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, champion of the poor and the disenfranchised, “is once again spending her Christmas at the exotic Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu in Kona on the island of Hawaii.â€
The cost for Nancy Pelosi’s vacation? $10,000 per day.
In addition to the $10,000 per day cost that Nancy Pelosi will be spending, her stay will cost Hawaiians some cash: “Pelosi has been escorted by local police during her last two holiday visits to Hawaii Island at a cost of $34,000 to local taxpayers.â€
Can someone tell me why the 10k dump is worth ten times more than the 1k dump? And does she ever feel your pain?
The first ten (10) to Comment on this post will receive a FREE copy of Firenze Sages’ ebook, “Shoveling Smoke or English Spoken Here, Obama available at and through other e-book outlets.
BOSTON — A Peabody woman says a cupcake she tried to take on a flight with her sparked a potential security threat this week.
Rebecca Hains says she was going through security at the airport in Las Vegas when a TSA agent pulled her aside and said the cupcake frosting was “gel-like†enough to constitute a security risk.
She said she was able to pass through Logan International Airport security with two cupcakes, but she was stopped on the way back when she tried to return with one of them…
Can you imagine what a box of Twinkies would bring.
Robber threatens to kick woman’s dog if not given bag.
Robber threatens to kick dog if not give bag
An unknown man approached a 62-year-old woman as she was walking her dog just before 10 a.m. on the 100 block of Dakota, in Santa Cruz, CA.
The man demanded that the woman give him everything she had. He said that if she didn’t, he would kick her dog.
The woman handed him a bag and the suspect fled.
Unbeknownst to the suspect, the bag she gave him contained her dog’s feces.
The suspect is still on the loose.
Ten Commandments guide behavior versus 1500+ Rules for Obama-Care
In the Ten Commandments there are 10 or so Thou SHALT NOT ….[steal, murder, bear false witness, covet].
In Obama-Care — alias the Affordable Care Act — there are 1,563 “the Secretary SHALL”.
Think of that — 10 Rules for civilized behavior versus 1,500+ Rules to control medical decisions.
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University evaluated all major Obama-Care rules that cost over $100 million a year. All of the Obama-Care rules scored F’s — some lower but all F’s.
Messrs. Conover and Ellig conclude that regulators working on deadlines usually resort to “analytical shortcuts, leading to lower-quality decisions.” The Bush Admin. post 9-11 regulatory overload was no great shakes. But at lest there in the White house was working to protect national security rather than usher in a new social and economic order through the Federal Register.
Mr. Obama has made clear that the rules will keep coming, but at least his team could try to write good bad rules Probably too much to ask.
The above is based on information from The Wall Street Journal, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011 Badly Written Bad Rules.
(Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV)
1 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.
3 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
4 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
5 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6 “You shall not murder.
7 “You shall not commit adultery.
8 “You shall not steal.
9 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.†the Ten Commandments:
jailbird sues nameless lawyer for supposed incompetent performance by lawyer and stenographer.
A jailbird who was so outraged over what he felt was his lawyer’s shoddy representation of him in court sued the attorney — but he couldn’t remember the guy’s name.
So the fuming felon filed a federal suit against “I Don’t Know My Lawyer’s Name†for the truly astounding sum of “one houndred dollarys†in damages.
Some portions of Wilfredo Rodena’s self-filed suit against “I don’t know†are incomprehensible, but he filed the action as part of a civil-rights bid to overturn his 1989 conviction for kidnapping a young woman at knife point.
In his Manhattan federal court filing, Rodena claimed that “I don’t know†and he did “not fight for me at all. He did not said one word in my behelf.â€
The suit also names Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson — whose name Rodena spelled correctly — and says, “the stenographer is envoled to. But I don’t no her name.”
Instead of typing, Rodena said, “All she did was Smirk at me. And kept her fingers over the machine, and never typed one letter.”
After 20 plus years in the prison library, he gets his jailhouse degree.
Frozen Planet’s eight million devoted fans will not take kindly to being left out in the cold.
It emerged yesterday a key scene from the hit BBC series showing a polar bear tending her newborn cubs was filmed in a zoo using fake snow.
Mixing real Arctic shots with zoo scenes, documentary makers fooled the audience into believing the footage was gathered by intrepid cameramen in the brutal sub-zero wilderness.
It was actually filmed from the comfort of a wildlife park enclosure using bears in a man-made wood den.
Oh, so what. It’s ok to lie if it furthers your point. Just ask Al
The first ten (10) to Comment on this post will receive a FREE copy of Firenze Sages’ ebook, “Shoveling Smoke or English Spoken Here, Obama available at and through other e-book outlets.
Occupiers of Port of Oalnad take wages away from truckers
Occupy Wall Street protesters succeeded in shutting down overnight operations at California’s port of Oakland on Monday night after a day of similar protests in several other U.S. cities.
“I’m just barely getting on my feet again after two years, and now I gotta go a day without pay while somebody else has something to say that I’m not really sure is relevant to the cause,” trucker Chuck Baca told CNN affiliate KGO.
These are children out here, what do they know?” another truck driver fumed while young protesters displayed an Occupy banner on his truck. “I don’t even know what their movement is. All I know is, I’m losing a day’s wage.”
“What happened today is that they at the port didn’t lose any loads. They didn’t lose any money,” said Ron Coleman, 52, a trucker from Reno waiting to pick up an empty container and head east. “The only people who lost money was us.”
Two terminals were shut down at the Port of Portland during the morning, and the small Washington state port of Longview closed when roughly 100 protesters staged a dawn rally. There also were standoffs at ports such as Long Beach and San Diego, but all terminals at those facilities remained open.
Meaningless trespass and assault against working stiffs is really going to get the fat cats. But this is right out of the “How to be a meaningful person” tract.
The first ten (10) to Comment on this post will receive a FREE copy of Firenze Sages’ ebook, “Shoveling Smoke or English Spoken Here, Obama available at and through other e-book outlets.
Five MORE years for current leader Kabila of Democratic Republic of the Congo
After a tense wait, the official election commission announced Friday that incumbent Joseph Kabila had been elected for another five-year term as the Democratic Republic of Congo’s president, a result many fear will trigger violent protest.
Kabila has lost popularity in recent years, particularly in the capital, Kinshasa, because of his failure to improve the lives of DRC’s population. Nearly two-thirds of them live in dire poverty, even though the country has some of the richest mineral resources on Earth.
After 10 years of rule by Kabila, Congo ranked last of 187 countries in a U.N. index ranking of development, health, education, life expectancy and other factors. But the resources of incumbency and a divided opposition helped him win another five-year term.
As soon as you see Democratic Republic of the Congo, hide the goats and pig.