Aptos psychologist: Will Sam Farr tear up his socialist card?


Will  Rep. Sam Farr tear up his socialist card?
Will Rep. Sam Farr tear up his socialist card?


Sam Farr is one of seventy plus socialists elected to the United States Congress.  Below is a letter to Sam from a citizen in his district:

Sam, tear up your socialist card.  Our nation is at a crossroads.  The 2012 elections will be about ideology.   Will American slide further into socialism?     Or will America return to  the conservative values of our Founding Fathers and Mothers?

Socialists  typically  believes that government is the solution, that everything good comes from government and that all belongs to government who  dispenses it wisely. Socialists believe that government creates jobs and wealth.

Conservatives believes in limited government, that federalism rightly limits the powers of each branch of government,  and that under God individuals have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — with the least interference as possible from government.

Sam,  please support and vote for fiscal responsibility.

Just as families must live within their means, so too  must nations.  Look at Greece.

If a family overspends by $5,000 it cannot start next year’s budget with an increase of 5 K.  The same  goes  for nations.  Therefore Sam ,  please vote to stop all automatic government increases.

All families must live on a budget.  So must America.  Yet months and months go by and the Democrats refuse to make a budget.

Sam, Please  change your ways and support and vote for a balanced budget.

When a family’s income drops their expenses too must drop.  The same for nations.  Growth is flat.  We must cut government spending.   How?

Sam, please support and vote for substantial cuts and no increases in taxes.  How?  Read what Paul Ryan wrote as to how to make substantial fiscal changes.  They make sense.

Why wait for the Supreme Court to weigh in on Obama-Care.  De-fund it now. If the government has the power to require every citizen to purchase  X,  then there is no limit to  what the government can require.  That is precisely the path of socialism  that lies ahead.

So, again  I ask  Sam Farr:  Will you tear up your socialist card?  And, join a tea party or start one?  America is at a crossroads, right?  

 letter  to Sam Farr from  Cameron Jackson, Monterey Bay Forum, POB 1972, Aptos, CA 95001-1972

email address:   DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Firenze Sage: Obama’s tax on Christmas trees … so more people buy more trees


Obama tries to tax Christmas trees
Obama tries to tax Christmas trees

President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.

In the Federal Register of November 8, 2011, Acting Administrator of Agricultural Marketing David R. Shipman announced that the Secretary of Agriculture will appoint a Christmas Tree Promotion Board.  The purpose of the Board is to run a “program of promotion, research, evaluation, and information designed to strengthen the Christmas tree industry’s position in the marketplace; maintain and expend existing markets for Christmas trees; and to carry out programs, plans, and projects designed to provide maximum benefits to the Christmas tree industry” (7 CFR 1214.46(n)).  And the program of “information” is to include efforts to “enhance the image of Christmas trees and the Christmas tree industry in the United States” (7 CFR 1214.10).
This is the most perfect example extant of what governments do to waste our time and money.
” Gee ma I saw an ad about something called a Christmas tree. Can we get one…can we…can we…”

Late bulletin:  Cancelled for now. 




Firenze Sage: OWS schizophrenic about Wells Fargo

The Occupy Oakland protesters who picketed a downtown Wells Fargo Bank last week, breaking windows and spray painting messages, deposited $20,000 at another branch Wednesday.
Maybe they don’t know what a credit union is?


For more on this story


Aptos Psychologist: Obama bites holes in Bill of Rights. Especialy 10th. Citizens lose out.

Obama bites holes in Bill of Rights, especially Tenth
Obama bites holes in Bill of Rights, especially Tenth

How has Obama, who taught Constitutional Law, most harmed the U.S. Constitution and thereby weakened the rights of average American citizen?

Obama knows the Constitution — he taught it — and Obama has sought to weaken the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Think about the Bill of Rights.

Obama’s policies have harmed the First Amendment (speech) the Second Amendment (right to bear guns) and probably the greatest harm done has been to the 10th Amendment — that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved, respectively, to the states or the people. Think about that: All powers not granted to the federal government belong to the People — you and me. What a huge right.

Attack on the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms.

In the news today, Diane Feinstein, a Democratic Senator from California, and long time supporter of Obama’s policies, now supports much stricter gun control laws. [By the way, for years She carries a gun in her purse]

Why does Democrat Senator Feinstein now support stricter gun control? Because Senator Feinstein thinks that guns can get into the wrong hands too easily. That is true, especially if the U.S. government, under the auspices of Obama’s Justice Department, smooth the way to put guns into the hands of Mexican criminals.

Fast and Furious, under the purview of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, sold guns to Mexican criminals so they supposedly could trace the cartels to see where the guns went. That was the theory.

The Mexican drug cartel used the guns and the end result was a lot of people got killed.So now the Obama government, which sold the guns to the outlaws, wants to restrict the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms.

Obama, who thinks government is the answer to every problem, want control of guns to reside in the hands of government.

Restriction on freedom of speech:
In Obama’s State of the Union address — with the Supreme Court sitting front and center — President Obama castigated the Court for extending freedom of speech to include corporations and unions. Corporations no longer have to have PACs in place when they make a political contribution. Corporations and unions now have full political rights.

Obama first tries to get a law passesd, If that does not work then he uses regulations to get the same results. Overriding all is Obama’s faith that governmnet is the answer and that citizens need to be controlled.

In less than one year citizens have the right to choose: more of Obama’s version of Hope and Change or? What do you hope will change after the next election?

I hope that all the regulations put in place the last 3 years are put on HOLD. Let’s wind back the tape. What say you?



Do you trust your government [when SF tap water stinks]? asks Firenze Sage

Instead of smelly tap water in San Francisco, pass the...
Instead of smelly tap water

Just because your tap water stinks and tastes bad doesn’t mean it is dangerous to drink, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission says after dozens of people complained about a musty aroma and odd flavor.

There is blue-green algae in the water, but not enough to cause any health problems, according to Andrew DeGrace, the water quality division director for the commission.
Thanks Andrew, but pass the Perrier says FirenzeSage48@gmail.com


Firenze Sage: the [San Francisco] alzheimers bandit

alzheimer's defense by Plaid Bandit
alzheimer's defense by Plaid Bandit

The San Francisco man authorities believe to be the “Plaid Bandit” pleaded not guilty today to robbing several Financial District banks over the past few months.

Donald Gene Booth, 68, entered his pleas in San Francisco Superior Court to six counts of second-degree robbery and four counts of burglary.

Booth allegedly admitted to three of the four heists when he was arrested, said Assistant District Attorney Omid Talai.

However, he said he could not remember robbing the Bank of the West on Montgomery Street on June 10, Talai said.

And what do you suppose the defense will be?



Aptos Psychologist: More uncertainty as Obama continues Clinton’s low & no doc lending practices

More Uncertainty as Obama Continues Clinton's Low & No Document Mortgage Lending Practices
More uncertainty as Obama continues Clinton's low & no documents mortgage lending practices

Obama supports efforts to sue originators for robo-signing violations. The double whammy: Do what I tell you to do and when you do I will sue you to boot.

What Clinton started Obama continues — government mandate that Fannie and Freddie lend to people with little or no documentation. Hence the housing mess continues.

The Clinton administration required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to low income, minority borrowers. In early 2004 senior management of Fannie and Freddie realized that the only way to meet Clinton political mandates was to massively cut underwriting standards. Which they did.

Per “The Failure of Models that Predict Failure by Rajan, Seru Viz, more than half of the mortgage losses reflected the predictable consequences of low-doc and no-doc lending.

If the under-writing standards at Fannie and Freddie circa 2003 had remained in place, nothing like the magnitude of the sub prime crises would have occurred. Taxpayer losses at Fannie and Freddie alone may exceed $300 BILLION.

Obama has perpetuated the low underwriting standards that gave us the crises. Obama encourages the postponement of foreclosures by lending support to various states’ efforts to sue originators for robo-signing violations.

Now Obama wants to sue the originatiors who fulfilled the politically motivated demands of the goernment-sponsored agencies that drove the morgage crisis.

For more, read The Mortgage Crisis: Some Inside Views in The Wall Street Journal, by Charles W. Calommiris, October 27, 2011.



Firenze Sage: Humpty Dumpty [Mr. Biden] strikes again…

"Murder will continue to rise..." says Humpty Dumpty Mr. Biden
"Murder will continue to rise..." says Humpty Dumpty Mr. Biden

Mr. Biden insisted that “Murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise,” without the Obama Jobs bill.

The curious thing about this is that, at least in this country, violent crimes have been steadily decreasing since at least 1991 according to this table provided by the FBI.

With a few exceptions, like 2005-2006, Violent Crime, Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter, and Forcible Rape have gone down just about every year. Since 1991 the violent crime rate has declined from 758.2 per 100,000 population to 403.6 in 2010. The murder and non-negligent manslaughter rate has gone from 9.8 to 4.8, and the forcible rape rate has fallen from 42.3 to 27.5 in the twenty-year period.
When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”


Firenze Sage: Can’t get the [global warming] predictors right…

Prediction of colder weather this winter
Prediction of colder weather this winter...

Weather forecasters don’t know much about this winter yet, but they are sure about one thing: It’ll be colder than usual.

What is still unclear is whether it will be a wet one — like last year — or closer to normal.

Forecasters won’t have a good idea until wind and ocean currents settle in over the next few weeks.

Brought to you by the folks who want to control cars, bulbs, coal, oil and just about everything.

Global warmers are on the loose.

But for now, signs point to a wet November and December, said Mike Pechner, forecaster with Golden West Meteorology. Blame sunspots, which dim certain parts of the sun, leaving parts of the Earth’s atmosphere cooler than others.



Aptos psychologist: Buffett & Obama have it wrong…tax relief needed for job creation

Tax relief for 300,000 small business owners
Tax relief for 300,000 small business owners

Buffett changes his tune. Buffett now argues that because “the favored 400” highest income Americans only paid a 21.4% tax rate therefore everyone making over ONE million should pay higher taxes. Buffett wants what happens to 400 to apply to 391,000 persons.

The economy’s main job creators are precisely those that earned more than $1 million. Of the 391,000 taxpayers who reported income exceeding $1 million more than 300,000 (roughly 74%) of them met the Treasury Department’s definition of business owners.

What can the government do?

Get out of the way. Reduce regulations.Put all regulations by the EPA since 2008 on hold until the government can prove that the cost is worth the benefit. And let interest rates flucuate. Cheap money causes everyone to sit on cash. There is no “skin” for banks to loan to other banks or to small businesses.

America needs a reversal form the policies of Obama and Harvard type thinkers who have never managed a business or met a payroll.

