Aptos psychologist: freedom wins over protectionism [trade agreements with Korea, Panama & Columbia]

Congress passes free-trade agreements
Congress passes free-trade agreements

The recently passed trade agreements with Korea, Columbia and Panama never would have passed if Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats still ran the House.

It was because of Pelosi and her Democrats (she held a tight rein) that the trade agreements did not passs in Mr. Obama’s first two years.

Look at the numbers: The House approved the deals with South Korea 278 to 151, Columbia 262 to 167 and Panama 300 to 129. Respectively, 86%, 94% and 95% of the nay votes came from Democrats.

What America has in exceeding abundance is the genius of Steve Jobs to create new products that the world will come running for. It’s time to break down those (protectionist) walls and let freedom ring.



Firenze Sage: Let’s play bumper cars … [suspended licenses in Seattle]

Are all bad drivers created equal?

Not in Seattle they’re not, where the city attorney has made it his goal to reduce prosecutions of drivers caught driving with suspended licenses by 90 percent.

Protection from drivers with suspended licenses ...
Protection from drivers with suspended licenses ...

Apparently going after drivers with suspended licenses is racist “because blacks and other racial minorities are more likely to be poor than Whites and unable to pay their fines.”

Despite a study which showed that drivers with suspended licenses were 2.5 times more likely to get into accidents, Seattle’s city government continued pushing a “driver’s license optional” policy in the name of racial and economic justice. But where is the racial and economic justice when young black women like Kiana are killed because the authorities would rather pander than enforce the law and do their jobs?
Why have a license at all?



Firenze Sage: Lions 24 Christians 0 [massacre in Cairo]

President Obama has responded to the Egyptian military’s massacre of Coptic Christian protestors in Cairo Sunday with a pointedly even-handed statement that calls equally on Christians and the military to show restraint.

Obama is suggesting that Egypt’s increasingly persecuted Christian minority should show as much “restraint” as their tormentors and refrain from vigorously objecting to the growing abuse.

More than two dozen people, most of them Copts, were killed as security forces attacked demonstrators protesting the burning of a church.

Now, now, Christians… hush up and love your massahs.



Firenze Sage: Brown nixes tan [for CA minors]

No tanning beds for minors says Gov. Brown
No tanning beds for minors says Gov. Brown

California is the first state in the nation to ban minors from using tanning beds, legislators said.

Previously, California had banned minors under the age of 14 from using tanning beds, but allowed those between 14 and 18 years of age to use tanning beds with parental consent.

The bill was part of a cluster of legislation signed on Sunday designed to “improve the health and well-being of Calfornians,” according to a statement from the Governor’s office.
Brown bans tan. Orwell weeps.



Firenze Sage: Nuclear Free Nonsense [Berkeley, CA]

No more Berkeley, CA free nuclear zone?
No more Berkeley, CA free nuclear zone?

City Councilman Gordon Wozniak wants to repeal key portions, if not all, of that most hallowed of Berkeley legislation: the Nuclear Free Berkeley Act.

Wozniak is working on an ordinance to overturn the portion of the act that bans the city from investing in U.S. Treasury bonds, notes and bills. In a struggling economy, the city’s finance director should have more flexibility and options for investments, particularly conservative ones like Treasury bonds, Wozniak said.

I’ll fight this in the streets, at City Hall, anywhere it needs to be fought,” said Peace and Justice Commissioner Bob Meola. It “is total nonsense that the act is a relic left over from the Cold War. The threat of nuclear war is very real and, unfortunately, will continue to be so as long as nations and unknown players have possession of nuclear weapons.”

Do you get it? The government has nuclear stuff so do not invest in government bonds. Where does one go for nuclear medicine? Is any nuclear power used for developing anything Berkeley buys? FirenzeSage48@gmail.com


Firenze Sage: Fraud everywhere but here …[phony tax returns]

Watch out for Tax Scams ...
watch out for Tax Scams ...

The debit card incident is but one example of what some in law enforcement see as the inability of the IRS to stop the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars in fraudulent tax refunds from federal coffers into the pockets of Tampa-area criminals who are spending taxpayer money on expensive cars, jewelry and illegal drugs.

The fraud involves the filing of phony tax returns using Social Security numbers and other personal information stolen from living and dead people — and sometimes purchased from willing participants.

Here is the New York Times editorial take.

There is almost no voting fraud in America. And none of the lawmakers who claim there is have ever been able to document any but the most isolated cases. The only reason Republicans are passing these laws is to give themselves a political edge by suppressing Democratic votes.
The New York Times deigns not to remember the numerous Florida felons who just voted or the Chicago dead who routinely vote.



Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s re-election strategy to foment class warfare with help from ACORN, SEIU and Working Families Party

Obama's re-election strategy to foment class warfare may lead to riots?
Obama's re-election strategy to foment class warfare may lead to riots?

Will America in 2011 & 2012 see violence in the streets due to the re-election strategy of Obama which is to foment class warfare?

First step: Foment class warfare. Hence Obama’s speeches of late rail against the “billionaires and millionaires” who make more than 250 K. Though the top 5% of earners pay about 2/3 of all federal taxes, top earners “don’t pay their fair share” according to Obama.

Second step: Verbally support the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. Which Obama has publicly done.

Third step: get financial backing for demonstrators from supporters such as Soros and ACORN type groups such as Working Families Party. A recent Y-Tube video interviews a paid volunteer making $22. an hour protesting against Wall Street.



Firenze Sage: [Occupy Wall Street] Rage against corporate excesses …

It started as a gathering of furious youngsters, protesting about the supposed lack of opportunities for the average American.

Conspicuously living among the politically active in the makeshift village in Zuccotti Park are opportunistic junkies and homeless people – making the most of the free food on offer.

Also present and infuriating the hard core of activists are a number of teens looking to turn the gathering into an urban rave.

Among the banners and flags are now discarded packets of condoms, cigarettes and bottles of spirits, while naked youngsters happily get together with just sleeping bags covering their modesty.

A box of free condoms is kept in the main area where protesters are camping. In one shocking picture, a man can be seen defecating on a police car.

Oh the wisdom and integrity of them, or so says the New York Times.



Firenze Sage: Irrefrutable evidence again…. [ about Bigfoot & Global Warming]

Are Bigfoot and Global Warming Really Real?
Are Bigfoot and Global Warming Really Real?

Researchers are claiming they are 95 percent sure that the fabled Russian version of the Abominable Snowman or Bigfoot lives in the Kemerovo region of Siberia.

It didn’t take very long for them to issue a statement on the official Kemerovo website stating they had found “footprints, a probable den and various markers that Yetis mark their territory with.”

An English translation of the original Russian news report added that the conference researchers “collected irrefutable evidence of the existence of the Yeti in Mountainous Shoria” (the southern part of Kemerovo).

More or less irrefutable than global warming?



Firenze Sage: teacher of the truth, not… [ Boston teacher Baroz OK with Obama’s errors re facts]

Lying in the interest of a higher truth  is OK per Boston teacher and Obama
Lying in the interst of a higher truth is OK per Boston teacher and Obama

Thus spake President Obama: “I had a chance to meet a young man named Robert Baroz. He’s an English teacher in Boston … In the last few years, he’s received three pink slips because of budget cuts. Why wouldn’t we want to pass a bill that puts somebody like Robert back in the classroom teaching our kids?’

Mr. Baroz’s story, however, has a few problems. For one, we don’t need to put Mr. Baroz back in the classroom because he’s already in the classroom. He is currently working in the Curley School in Jamaica Plain.

When the Boston Herald pointed this out to teacehr Baroz, he responded with this argument to the Herald, “he doesn’t mind if the president — or his speechwriters — took some liberties with the facts. It was all in aid of a higher truth, said teacher Baroz.

Is that “hire truth”or higher truth?

