We’ve  recently learned from the Politico that Obama’s Department of Justice stalled Hezbollah investigation to secure his Nuclear Deal with Iran.
 The Wall Street Journal reports that  ObamaCare, by providing easy access to prescription opiods for all adults (via huge expansion of Medicaid) has an unforeseen result: the lowering of the life expectancy for he average American for the last two years in a row.
More of America’s poorest are dying of drug overdoses. More people are addicted to opiods.
Comment by Aptos Psychologist: Watch out every time you fill an opiod prescription. Be careful. Limit, reduce the use and get off those addictive medications.  What other ways can you deal effectively with pain?   written by psychologist Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.
Trump’s policy towards the Ukraine is a complete change in policy from Obama’s policy – as Obama would not help the Ukraine when it was annexed by Putin back in 2014.
From the Wall Street Journal, On Monday the White House released a new national security strategy that named Russia as a “revisionist†power seeking to upend global order. On Wednesday President Trump followed up by confirming he’d approved the sale of lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine as it resists Vladimir Putin’s aggression.
Mr. Putin invaded and then illegally annexed Crimea in 2014, and Ukrainians have been fighting since to stop the march of Moscow-backed separatists in their south and east. They’ve had little material support from the West. That’s about to change now that the Trump Administration has approved a $41.5 million sale of weapons that include the Model 107A1 Sniper Systems, ammunition and parts.
Comment by Aptos Psychologist: Actions speak louder than words. Trump’s rhetoric of ‘get along’ with Russia –  now has teeth with a bite. Other news: Russia’s top prosecutor’s son is now on the “bad list” and cannot enter the USA or access his financial assets.
Freedom … to make your own “dumb” decisions … such as ‘do I want health insurance?‘ Under the proposed tax plan, there’s no more requirement that you must purchase medical insurance. .Young people will no longer be saddled with paying for the health requirements of older, more sick individuals.
And freedom …. again to decide exactly what you want and don’t want from the Internet.
So, for example ATT offers no cost for streaming to customers who use their cellular services and purchase TV Direct. That was not considered ‘neutral’ and therefore illegal under Obama’s rules as other service providers did not offer the same ‘deal’.  Now you get to decide what ‘deal’ you can afford and want concerning Internet usage.
Another freedom: FBI agent Peter Strzok’s freedom to send thousands of texts his lover attorney Page concerning his intense dislike of Trump. Attorney Strzok sat in on the interviews with Hilary Clinton — interviews which were not taped. It was Strzok who changed the language describing Clinton’s behavior downgrading it  from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless”
Does he/ she rub your back OK? Is that what Mueller’s FBI agents say?
Does he rub your back OK?   What over diner do Mueller’s FBI agents Page and Strzok –involved in the Trump investigation – say to spouses? ‘Pass the peas?’
What do FBI agents Strzok and Page — both married to different people –  say to their spouses over dinner tonight (Dec. 13, 2017)  now that it comes out what they have been doing [having a sexual affair] and sending text communications back and forth about their dislike of Trump. And how to save the country from a possible President Trump.
Do Page and Strzok say, ‘Pass the peas?’ On Wed. FBI agent Page and her husband Barrow left their home to do what they do, i.e, get children where they have to go.
Clearly, Special Investigator Mueller did not check out the political bias of those he put on his crack team. Clearly Mueller did not do his homework. Now it’s unraveling … Why did Mueller put the lead FBI agent Stzok involved with the Clinton emails [he sat in on the interviews and recommended changing the language so more supportive of Clinton] also on the team investigating Trump? That was Mueller’s bad decision.
How does the Page/ Strzok sexual affair and their communications back and forth impact the image of the FBI and USA federal government. Both Strzok and Page were and are pro-Clinton and anti-Trump and have been so for a long time.
And – very importantly also — how does the publicity about all this impact their children and their families?
Yes – this info may impact the Mueller investigation of Trump.
Right now it is such good drool humor about the inner workings of the prior Obama administration …. please keep more of it coming. Please don’t kill this investigation. Somewhere it will surface that Obama had a hand in all this.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama, speaking at the Partnership for a Healthier America summit in Washington, D.C., didn’t hide her feelings about a recent decision by Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to give local school districts more flexibility in complying with nutrition requirements for school meal programs.
Michelle Obama: “We gotta make sure we don’t let anybody take us back, because the question is, where are we going back to? This is where you really have to look at motives. You really have to stop and think. Why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you?
“Think about why someone is okay with your kids eating crap? Why would you celebrate that? If somebody is doing that, they don’t care about your kid.”
 Obama, the great gas bag strikes again.  Barack Obama has agreed to a $400,000 fee for speaking to a prominent Wall Street firm, according to Charlie Gasparino of the Fox Business Network.
Former president Obama will speak to a health care conference sponsored by Cantor Fitzgerald in September, Gasparino reports.
The huge fee puts Obama at the top of the list of speaking fees for former government officials. Former Fed chair Ben Bernanke charges between $200,000 and $400,000, former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner charges $200,000, and former President George Bush charges around $150,000, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Hillary Clinton received over $200,000 apiece for each of her speaking engagements at Goldman Sachs. Those payments later were used against her by political rivals, who argued they were evidence that the former Secretary of State was too close to Wall Street.
Gasparino points out that Obama has been out of office for less than 100 days.
Firenze Sage: Â At least Hillary only went on for 20 minutes. The attendees here should bring lunch and dinner.
On Tuesday’s edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews and MSNBC political analyst/Mother Jones D.C. bureau chief David Corn were unglued over the Susan Rice “unmasking†controversy, suggesting that it was racist and sexist for these accusations to be leveled at the former National Security Adviser because she’s never done anything wrong.
Firenze Sage writes:  Remember,  this is the racism sexism victim who claimed Americans died in Libya because of  a video.
Un-masking Americans?  Remember  National Security Advisor Ms. Rice who told Americans that a video caused the Bengazi murders of Ambassador Stevens and other Americans?
And now we learn  that Ms. Rice ordered a spread sheet containing the names of Americans “un-masked” when American intelligence contacted various ‘bad actors’ who were in touch with the Trump transition team.
Aptos Psychologist:  To catch a rat she  sat on a mat with a bat — and whacked a bunch of plain old Americans?  Did former National Security Advisor  Rice do not so nice acts  to aide  former President Obama?  If so,  that may be a  felony.  “Un-masking” Americans is a ‘no-no’.
Former Ohio Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich defended President Donald Trump’s claims about being wiretapped by the Obama administration during the 2016 presidential election.
“It’s important because there are people who are saying about President Trump’s claim, ‘Oh, it could never happen.’ Well, frankly, it happened to me,” Kucinich told Fox News on Friday. Also on Friday, the former congressman penned an article on Fox News describing the incident — a phone call in his congressional office from a foreign leader had been tapped in 2011, and he listened to a recording of it in 2015.
“Members of Congress ought to be aware that my experience was that my phone wasn’t safe in a congressional office,” Kucinich, who served in the House of Representatives from 1997 to 2013, said. “Now, if they can do that to a member of Congress, they can certainly do it to a presidential candidate, and they can do it to private citizens as well.”
The former congressman learned that he had been wiretapped two years after leaving office, when he was approached by The Washington Times. “The newspaper’s investigative reporters called me, saying they had obtained a tape of a sensitive telephone conversation that they wanted me to verify,” Kucinich wrote. “When I met them at a Chinese restaurant in Washington, they played back audio of a call I had taken in my D.C. congressional office four years earlier.”Kucinich recalled that the call had been from Saif el-Islam Qaddafi, a high-ranking official in Libya’s government and a son of the country’s ruler, Moammar Qaddafi. “At the time I was leading efforts in the House to challenge the Obama administration’s war against Libya,” the former congressman recalled. “The Qaddafi government reached out to me because its appeals to the White House and the State Department to forestall the escalating aggression had gone unanswered.”
Firenze Sage: Â Well so much for the most transparent govt in history.